Yunshan sat cross-legged on the stone bed, making a mysterious gesture with his hands.

An invisible force spread out, and his robe moved without wind.

The whole stone room was filled with the power of the soul, which was released by his secret method, causing some damage to his own soul.

Many skills and secret methods of the Soul Palace have such characteristics, with strange effects and great power, but also causing considerable damage to oneself.

"Soul Separation Method!" Yunshan whispered in his heart.

The connection between his soul and body became less close.

As time passed, a transparent and illusory figure separated from his body.

Yunshan, in the state of soul body, looked at his silent and motionless body and felt a little strange.

He did not waste time, and after a few glances, he focused on the business.

He took out the soul enhancement pill, swallowed it in one gulp, and then began to refine it.

When the guardian Wu refined this soul-enhancing pill, he did not use the traditional method of refining medicine. He was not an alchemist. He just forcibly mixed the harvested souls together and added some special materials obtained from the Soul Palace with merit.

Therefore, without being roasted by the flame, most of the mixed souls inside are still alive and self-aware!

There are a lot of soul insects mixed in it!

Amon also vacated the "volume share" and let the soul insects mixed into the soul-enhancing pill by the guardian Wu use it.

So they quickly split and proliferated, and under the effect of the "soul-eating" talent, they grew rapidly by devouring other souls.

So those souls that were not originally Amon also became part of Amon.

In this soul-enhancing pill, the content of Amon is as high as 100%!

Amon also gambled in doing this. If he wants to parasitize a person with a physical body, he needs to parasitize his physical body first before he can further parasitize his soul.

So if the Soul-Enhancing Pill is taken directly, then this time it is useless.

During the period when the Spirit Worm parasitized Yao Chen, it also wrote down some of his books and volumes and shared them with the clones in the outside world. And sent the clones as postmen to deliver them to the main body.

Therefore, Amon knows some knowledge of alchemy, at least he knows the general principle.

Although the Soul-Enhancing Pill is not in Yao Lao's collection, he initially judged that this kind of pure soul pill should be absorbed by the soul body.

He has no doubt that the Soul Palace has a secret method to separate the soul from the body. If there is no such secret method, their Soul Palace is not worthy of making trouble everywhere.

Since the Soul Palace guardian has refined such a pill, in order to exert its due effect, it is thought that there is also a secret method to match it.

According to the trajectory of the original work, the person who is most likely to become his trading partner and take this pill is Yunshan.

Amon's action this time is very uncertain, but if it fails, the loss will not be too great. He can recover in one or two months.

If he wins the bet, he can directly parasitize Yunshan and control him. With such a puppet at the peak level of Douhuang, his next actions will be much more convenient.

The result seems to be quite lucky, and all the trajectories are not much different from what Amon guessed.

The guardian Wu traded the soul-enhancing pill to Yunshan, and Yunshan took the pill in the state of soul body.

Yunshan felt something was wrong, and the pill seemed to split into countless small insects and spread to all parts of his soul.

However, he did feel that as the energy in the pill was integrated, his own soul was rapidly strengthened.

He guessed that this pill might have been tampered with... but he had no choice but to go all the way to the end.

This soul-enhancing pill contains a large amount of soul energy, which is equivalent to dozens of times that of Amon's body. Compared with Yunshan, a peak Douhuang strongman, the soul is more than a little bit more.

Since the size of a single spirit worm cannot exceed one-tenth of Amon's body, this power is scattered, and it is still difficult to forcibly control Yunshan's soul.

But Yunshan mistakenly thought that the discomfort caused by the spirit worms parasitizing and integrating into his soul was a phenomenon that should occur after taking the soul-enhancing pill.

He also thought that the uneasiness caused by that little intuition was caused by the tampering of the Wu protector on the pill, so he did not resist.

He felt that his mind was gradually blurred, and his consciousness seemed to be suppressed by something.

This is the second side effect that Wu protector mentioned. Could the spiritual imprint in the pill make him lose his consciousness... Yunshan thought to himself.

He tried his best to resist, but he still inevitably and unexpectedly sank into darkness.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something entwining his soul like a python.

That thing... is a person!

He has hands and feet, wears a pointed soft hat, wears a classical robe, and the monocle on his right eye is particularly eye-catching...

What the hell is this?

This is definitely not a scattered spiritual imprint!

The guardian Wu harmed me!

Yunshan suddenly woke up at the moment before his consciousness completely fell silent.

Yunshan's soul was stagnant for a while, and then recovered.

He used his soul power to condense a monocle, put it on his right eye, and slowly raised the corner of his mouth, outlining a smile. He glanced at the body sitting cross-legged on the stone bed, and turned into a stream of light and sank into it.

After completing the deep parasitism of the soul, the shallow parasitism of the body is dispensable, so the spiritual insect that controls Yunshan is only the soul, and it will not have any impact.

One after another, illusory spirit worms emerged from Yunshan's body, and then turned into wisps of green smoke and dissipated in the air.

This is Amon reducing his "volume share" and giving it back to the clones in other places.

East of the Monster Mountain Range.

After realizing that the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth disappeared, a spirit worm emerged from the body of the Ape King.

It ate the body of the spirit worm that committed suicide to free up its share, and then began to practice.

This can greatly shorten its recovery time.

Wutan City, Mittel Auction House.

Wumeng played with the body of a spirit worm in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and did not eat it.

He did not need too much strength here, and leaving the "share" to the clones in other places was a better choice for the overall situation.

Deep in Yunlan Mountain, behind a simple hut.

Yunshan walked out of the secret room in the mountain wall. He condensed a pair of monocles with his fighting spirit. After wearing it for a while, he dispersed it with some regret.

Some identities are not suitable to be shown too obviously.

He pinched his eye sockets and looked at a young man wearing the clothes of a Yunlan Sect disciple who was walking slowly from the path.

"Hehe... Yunmeng... you reacted quickly." Yunshan chuckled.

Yunmeng is the name given by the spirit insects to Amen, the regional head of Yunlan Sect.

Yunmeng pinched the monocle on his right eye and responded with a smile:

"After all, the main body has had similar ideas for a long time, and the spirit insects have also discovered the Jiejie monster floating in the sky.

"Plus, the main body is active in the northwest of the Magic Beast Mountain Range, not far from Yunlan Mountain, so of course I will have similar guesses.

"Since you control Yunshan, then the name 'Yunmeng' will be given to you?"

Yunshan shook his head: "In order to control Yunshan, I devoured a large number of magic beast souls. Although I eliminated some overly extreme spirits by separating the spirit insects, the deviation between my thinking mode and the main body is still a bit large.

"You are still responsible for the Yunlan Sect area, and the main body will probably assign me another task.

"After all, in order to control Yunshan, the volume occupied is too large, and it even affects the cultivation speed of the main body.

"If the combat power of this peak Douhuang is not utilized, it will be a loss-making business for 'Amon'."

After a pause, Yunshan asked: "Where is Yun Yun now?"

Yunmeng's eyebrows moved, guessed the other party's thoughts, and replied: "In the sect."

"Very good, let's go." Yunshan grabbed Yunmeng's shoulders, Dou Qi turned into wings, and flew towards the main area of ​​Yunlan Sect.

In front of the main hall of Yunlan Sect, a beautiful woman stood quietly.

She was wearing a plain skirt, her black hair was tied into a phoenix hair ornament, her face was calm and peaceful, revealing a bit of grace and nobility.

This moving woman is the current master of Yunlan Sect, Yun Yun, who has Douhuang strength.

She looked into the depths of Yunlan Mountain, and suddenly showed a slightly surprised expression: "Teacher..."

"Teacher...what's wrong? "Beside the elegant and beautiful woman, there stood an equally beautiful girl, Nalan Yanran, who had gone to the Xiao family to break off the engagement that day.

"Yanran, your master is here, be prepared to welcome him." Yun Yun replied.

"Master?" Nalan Yanran looked surprised.

When Yun Yun accepted her as a disciple, he was already the leader of the Yunlan Sect. Yunshan retreated to the depths of Yunlan Mountain to practice in seclusion, ignoring the affairs of the sect. Therefore, even her granddaughter had only met Yun Yun once after she became his disciple.

Not long after, Yunshan landed at the door of the main hall.

Yun Yun hurriedly took Nalan Yanran forward to salute:

"Hello, teacher."

"Hello, master."

Yun Yun saw that there was another disciple of the Yunlan Sect next to Yunshan, and a trace of doubt appeared on her face: "Teacher... what are you doing..."

"Yun'er, this is my new disciple, named Yunmeng. He will be handed over to you to train in the future. Please pay more attention." Yunshan smiled.

"Ah? "Oh..." Yun Yun was stunned at first, then reacted and agreed immediately.

"Meng'er, why don't you come over to meet your senior sister." Yunshan said to Yun Meng.

Yun Meng walked to Yun Yun with a warm smile on his face, bowed respectfully and said, "Hello, senior sister."

Then, he looked at Nalan Yanran again: "Junior nephew Yanran, you are here too..."

Nalan Yanran's mouth twitched. She had some impression of this young man. He joined the Yunlan Sect about three or four years ago.

He was a guy with a little talent, who loved to scheme and play tricks... Unexpectedly, he turned around and became her uncle.

I don't know what the master saw in him... She muttered in her heart.

"Yanran, why don't you greet your uncle." Yun Yun saw Nalan Yanran standing there in a daze, and couldn't help reminding her.

"Uh...Hello, uncle."

Only then did she react and couldn't lose her manners in front of the master.

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