Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 346 Xiao Ning is devastated

Xiao Ning hesitated for a long time, but decided to give it a try. Although he knew that he had little chance of winning, and knew that even if he won, Xiao Meng would not change her mind, and knew that he would probably be beaten and embarrassed after going on stage...

But he was unwilling to give up!

Even if there were so many reasons that prevented him from going on stage to challenge Xiao Yan, he didn't want to regret it for the rest of his life because of his momentary cowardice. Even if the chance was slim, he had to try!

In addition...he had promised his sister before that he would teach Xiao Yan a lesson to vent her anger.

How could a man not keep his word? He had to fulfill the promise he made even if he had to kneel down...Whether he could do it or not was a question of ability, but whether he did it or not was a question of attitude!

Looking at the stubborn Xiao Ning, Xiao Yu felt helpless. He rummaged in his pocket, hesitated for a moment, took out a green pill, touched it reluctantly, and then stuffed it into Xiao Ning's hand without leaving a trace.

"This is the second-grade elixir 'Qi Enhancement Powder', which can give you the fighting power of a fighter in a short period of time, but it will make you weak for a month, so don't use it carelessly."

This is the thing she exchanged for in the academy to save her life at critical moments, but now seeing her brother is so persistent, she has to help him.

Young boys and girls don't think too much when considering problems, and it is also common to do things without considering the consequences for a moment of arrogance.

Xiao Ning suddenly showed a look of surprise. At this moment, he only wanted to defeat Xiao Yan. He didn't think about what this elixir meant to his sister, nor did he think about the gains and losses of relying on elixir... He just wanted to defeat Xiao Yan, nothing more!

"With this thing, I will definitely teach him a lesson." Xiao Ning said firmly.

Xiao Yu still had some rationality and reminded softly: "Stop it, just give him a little color. After all, it's at the adult ceremony now, and he is our clan after all... If you beat him seriously, grandpa can't protect you."

"I know my limits." Xiao Ning nodded heavily.

Xiao Yu showed a worried look on her face. Xiao Ning didn't look like he had a sense of propriety now. She was a little worried that he couldn't control the surge of power and would cause trouble.

With the pill as a backing, Xiao Ning immediately went on stage with full confidence: "I'll do it!"

The second elder subconsciously looked at the first elder in the VIP seat. Seeing that the other party looked ugly, he couldn't help but ask one more question:

"Are you sure you want to challenge Xiao Yan?"

"Of course!" Xiao Ning didn't understand the second elder's persuasion and cast a confident look at him.

The second elder shook his head helplessly. There was no way, he couldn't save him... He continued the procedure and asked Xiao Yan: "Do you accept the challenge?"

"You won't refuse, right? Xiao Meng is watching!" Xiao Ning challenged.

Seeing this, the second elder hesitated and shook his head even more.

Idiot... Xiao Yan rolled his eyes in his heart and nodded gently: "Accept."

The second elder stepped back, and the atmosphere on the wooden stage immediately became tense... The battle began.

Xiao Zhan frowned, a trace of worry on his face. Although Xiao Yan's Dou Qi cultivation has caught up, it is not just Dou Qi cultivation that affects the outcome of the battle.

Dou skills are also a crucial factor.

In the Dou Qi Continent, Dou skills are divided into four major levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang. Each level is divided into primary, intermediate, and advanced. The highest level is the Heaven level, and the lowest level is the Huang level.

As far as Xiao Zhan knows, the grandson of the elder, Xiao Ning, is a frequent visitor to the Dou Skill Hall and has mastered no less than three Huang level intermediate Dou skills and one Huang level advanced Dou skill.

When Xiao Yan was lonely, the old guy used this to show off in front of him, so Xiao Zhan knew this quite well.

On the other hand, although Xiao Yan's talent has returned and his Dou Qi cultivation has caught up, he has never heard of him going to the Dou Skill Hall. I think he will be at a great disadvantage in terms of Dou skills.

On the stand where the VIPs were, Ya Fei smiled charmingly: "I wonder why Chief Xiao looks a little worried?"

"Alas... Yan'er is not very proficient in Dou Qi, and has only recently entered the eighth stage of Dou Qi. I'm afraid he doesn't have much chance of winning against Xiao Ning, who has been at this level for a year." Xiao Zhan did not shy away and expressed his concerns.

"Hehe, in other words, Xiao Ning has not made any progress in Dou Qi cultivation in the past year?" Ya Fei said with a smile.

The elder's face on the side suddenly turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Xiao Zhan was also stunned by her strange angle, and then smiled: "Miss Ya Fei is really a wonderful person, and her way of looking at problems is so different."

"Master Xiao Yan, come on!" Xiao Meng seemed to have no idea what worry was, and had full confidence in Xiao Yan, shouting loudly on the side.

"Humph, you have confidence in that waste." Xiao Yu snorted coldly.

"Of course I have confidence in Master Xiao Yan, he is a man with the appearance of a great emperor!"

Xiao Yan himself was a little embarrassed by Xiao Meng's flattery. He touched his nose and whispered to Xiao Meng: "Xiao Meng, stop it. I'm not that powerful..."

"In Xiao Meng's heart, Master Xiao Yan is the most powerful!" Xiao Meng showed a sly smile.

Anyway, it's not me who is flattered and embarrassed, so I'll just flatter him as much as I can... And she didn't say anything nonsense. Xiao Yan, he really has the appearance of a great emperor.

Such a scene made Xiao Ning envious and jealous, his expression was distorted a little, he gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Yan, are you ready to die?"

"Nervous..." Xiao Yan spit out a word from his mouth, and I don't know what Xiao Ning is talking about.

Xiao Ning clenched his fists, and his Dou Qi quickly flowed through his body.

The flowing Dou Qi gave him a sense of strength and confidence.

He stomped his right foot on the ground, and his right hand changed from a fist to a claw, with a little cold light on his nails.

"Yellow-level intermediate fighting skill, split claw attack!"

Xiao Yan had long been unhappy with the brother and sister who had repeatedly made things difficult for him, so he did not indulge him. He stretched out his right hand and clenched his five fingers slightly:

"Suction palm."

Xiao Ning's face changed, and he only felt an invisible force pulling him closer to Xiao Yan.

His thoughts flowed, and he quickly calmed down. As the leader of the younger generation of the Xiao family after Xiao Yan's silence, he naturally had some skills. He made a judgment and decided to take advantage of this pulling force to get closer to Xiao Yan.

He spit out his Dou Qi backwards, and his speed increased a bit.

"Heh, you little bastard, you're still too young."

"Really?" Xiao Yan had a faint smile on his face, and the way his Dou Qi was running suddenly changed:

"Blowing Fire Palm!"

A repulsive force suddenly burst out from Xiao Yan's palm, and Xiao Ning felt that there was a wall of air crashing towards him.

The thrust of his own Dou Qi, the suction of the suction palm, and the repulsive force of the blowing fire palm instantly burst out on him, and the powerful force shook his internal organs.

Xiao Ning vomited blood and fell to the ground limply.

Seeing Xiao Ning lose so quickly, the whole audience was silent.

Afterwards, they all took a breath of cold air.

"This boy's talent is so terrifying!"

"Not only is he a genius in Dou Qi cultivation, he seems to be a genius in Dou Skill cultivation."

Xiao Zhan scratched his chin, wondering: This is not a family Dou Skill, was it taught to him by someone else?

He subconsciously looked at Xun'er.

"Young Master Xiao Yan is indeed extraordinary. In the future, our two families should have more exchanges. What do you think, Clan Leader Xiao Zhan?" Ya Fei still had a charming smile on her face.

Xiao Zhan showed a hint of surprise on his face. This was the first time that Mitel Auction House showed a tendency to deepen cooperation with one of the three major families in Wutan City: "I'm happy to do so!"

The other representatives of forces who came to the ceremony at the invitation of the Xiao family and had a good relationship with the Xiao family were also thinking in their hearts that they must deepen cooperation with the Xiao family in the future.

The elder who had been complaining about Xiao Yan for injuring Xiao Ning immediately disappeared and praised him:

"The young clan leader is really a young hero. I have said long ago that he must be extraordinary."

The elder could naturally guess the reason for Ya Fei's change in attitude, and he naturally praised Xiao Yan for causing her change.

Before he grew up, he could bring tangible benefits to the Xiao family. How could he not like such a clan member?

Hehe... Xiao Zhan didn't like this old guy who was good at changing his attitude, but he didn't say anything, just rolled his eyes.

Xiao Meng's voice sounded in time as always:

"Master Xiao Yan is awesome! Master Xiao Yan is invincible!

"Little Xiao Ning, a country boy!"

Xiao Ning was still immersed in the disappointment of being defeated so easily, and then he heard his grandfather turned around and praised Xiao Yan...

Then the goddess he had admired for a long time also praised Xiao Yan, and stepped on him...

He suddenly felt that he was abandoned by the whole world, and the whole world became dark... He vomited blood again and fainted... He didn't even have time to take the Qi-enhancing powder in his pocket.

"Brother! "Xiao Yu jumped onto the stage in a panic and checked his injuries.

While Xiao Ning was fuzzy, he vaguely heard Xiao Yu's voice... Oh, I still have a sister...

Xiao Yu hurriedly took out the healing pill and stuffed it into Xiao Ning's mouth.

This pill was also a second-grade pill, which she had finally exchanged for. It was originally intended to save lives when encountering danger during training, but at this moment she didn't care so much, just wanted Xiao Ning to recover quickly.

Xiao Ning still didn't wake up after taking the pill, but his breath was much more stable.

She stared at Xiao Yan with red eyes and said viciously: "Little bastard, do you dare to fight me? "

Xiao Yan touched his nose. He felt that he should have held back. Why did Xiao Ning vomit blood again?

This was different from the original novel where Xiao Ning took the Qi-boosting powder and launched a sneak attack after being defeated. Xiao Yan injured the opponent so badly in a normal competition, so he felt a little guilty.

As the one who made Xiao Ning vomit blood for the second time, Xiao Meng stood between Xiao Yan and Xiao Yu without knowing it:

"It's obviously your brother who is too useless. He can't even take a single move from Master Xiao Yan. If you want to fight, I'll fight with you!"

Xiao Ning, who had taken the elixir, was slowly waking up. When he heard this, he fainted again.

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