A seemingly ordinary, even useless skill, combined with "air bullets" can make most soul masters helpless.

In the past, Yan Jin fought against Amon and was defeated by this move every time.

Vidal smiled confidently, "Although it is difficult, I just have the means to deal with it."

He rushed towards Amon again.

The first soul ring lit up, and a gem-shaped, pale pink, beautiful shield appeared in front of him, moving as he moved.

The air bullets hit the shield, making a series of explosions.

Vidal frowned. This was different from what he imagined. His first soul skill, the Gem Shield, could dispel energy attacks, and it could also resist physical attacks, but he had to bear the impact himself.

He originally thought that Amon's invisible soul skill was some kind of pure energy condensation, but he didn't expect it to have an entity!

"Haha, it seems that your method is not that easy to use." Amon smiled, "The air bullet is a trick that uses soul power to gather air, and then wraps it and launches it. It is not pure soul power, so even if your The gem shield dissipates the soul power on the surface of the air bullet, and the blasted air will still have impact."

Amon increased his soul power output, stretched out his right hand, and spread his five fingers.

A vortex seemed to appear in the palm of his hand, and the surrounding air continued to rush toward the center of the vortex.

"Air-refining bomb!"

With a sound like breaking glass, the shield in front of Vidal shattered into pieces, and then turned into energy and dissipated.

At this time, Vidal had already rushed to Amon.


Such a thought flashed through his mind.

Anyone who looks at Amon's attire and his fighting style will think of him as a long-range soul master who is not good at melee combat.

When his fist was about to touch Amon, it was blocked by a white palm.

Before he could react, he felt dizzy.

Amon grabbed his wrist, threw him in front of him, and then kicked him in the chest, sending him flying.

The physical control brought by the first soul skill, and the ability to predict the opponent's movements brought by the third soul skill, make Amon invincible in close combat.

Vidal fell to the ground, his expression still a little dazed.

Amon's movement just now was so fast that even after he was kicked away, he still didn't know how he did it. He just felt a black shadow flash, and then he lay on the ground inexplicably.

"I never said I could only attack from a distance."

Amon's plain voice made Vidal come back to his senses. He knew that he had lost, but he was still a little unwilling.

"I was careless just now, try again, let you see my third soul skill!"

Vidal put his hands on the ground and did a backflip to get up. Before he could stand still, he was hit on the knee by an "air bullet" and he half-knelt down.

"Don't tell your opponent your intentions. We are still fighting."

Vidal was a little annoyed at first when Amon interrupted his handsome appearance. After hearing this, he calmed down, nodded and said: "I have learned a lesson."

The third purple soul ring lit up, and a layer of cyan light appeared around Vidal. The light turned into spiraling blades, spinning around him.

"Be careful, this is my third soul skill, the Roar of the Wind King!"

However, before he could take any further action, he saw a scene that stunned him.

An "air-refining bomb" with a diameter of more than two meters has gathered in front of Amon, and the surging soul power brings a huge sense of oppression.

With just one glance, he understood that if he was hit by that head-on attack, he would definitely die. Even the aftermath of the explosion was not something he could easily take.

He shook his head helplessly, dispersed the wind blades around him, raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Okay, okay, no more fighting, you win."

Amon waved his hand and dispersed the air-refining bomb. This understatement made Vidal feel that he was unfathomable.

Amon pinched his monocle and said, "Then I am the captain."

"Well, there is no doubt about your strength." Vidal said with conviction.

In fact, Amon's "air bomb" just now was just a fake. Even he couldn't gather such a large air bomb in a short time.

He just deliberately created such a large vortex in the air, and then returned part of the "expressive power" of the soul power collected by "stealing" the first soul ring, creating the illusion of great momentum.

If it is his real attack, it is often completed quietly.

Yan Jin glanced at Amon suspiciously. She relied on her intuition and understanding of Amon to realize that there was something fishy about the move just now, but she couldn't explain why and scratched her head.

In the meeting hall of the Pope's Palace, a woman with fair skin and perfect appearance stood in the center, wearing a luxurious black robe with gold patterns, a nine-curved purple gold crown on her head, and holding a two-meter-long scepter inlaid with countless gems. She looked quietly at the old man half-kneeling in front of her.

Behind her is a colorful and lifelike mural of angels. The seraphs spread their wings and cast countless rays of light. Below, all living beings worshiped and all species surrendered.

The angel is right above the woman, adding a bit of mystery and nobility to her.

This noble and elegant woman is none other than the contemporary Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong.

"Are you saying that a hundred thousand year soul beast appeared in the Iron Heart Mountains?" Bibi Dong's soft voice was filled with excitement.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's a big red snake... The information coming from the Tiexin City Palace should be correct." The old man replied respectfully.

"Elder Ju, Elder Gui..."

As she called out, two figures, one black and one white, appeared behind her.

"Go organize the people, and don't take those below level 70."

"Yes." Yue Guan and Gui Mei bowed slightly.

When Bibi Dong gathered a large group of people and prepared to leave Wuhun City and go to Tiexin Mountain Range, a voice suddenly sounded beside her ear.

"Wait here for a while, I have something to do." After saying that, she walked towards the Elder Hall.

A tall, burly old man was quietly waiting at the door of the Elder Hall.

"What do you want to see me for? Qian Daoliu." Bibi Dong said indifferently.

"You want to go to Tiexin Mountain Range?"

"So what? Do you want to stop me?"

Qian Daoliu's expression did not change, and he said calmly: "It's better not to go... When Ji'er broke through to level 90, I also took him to Tiexin Mountain Range, hoping to give him the best."

"Don't mention that person in front of me..." Bibi Dong gritted her teeth and whispered.

Ignoring her anger, Qian Daoliu tore open his sleeves and exposed his shoulders, "This is the result at that time."

Bibi Dong's pupils shrank.

There were large burn marks on that shoulder.

Although she hated Qian Xunji's family, she had to admit that the old man in front of her was indeed the strongest person in the Douluo Continent today, a peerless Douluo at level 99!

What kind of terrible soul beast could leave such scars on him?

"'Iron Mountain Lord' Red Lotus Snake... In that environment where the fire element is extremely active, even I have to be a little bit afraid... I don't want Xue'er to lose her mother again."

After saying that, Qian Daoliu turned around and walked into the hall

Looking at his leaving back, Bibi Dong fell silent.

She sent a message to Yue Guan and Gui Mei, "The plan is cancelled, let's all go..."

"This..." Yue Guan and Gui Mei looked at each other.

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