Although the changes are subtle, they do exist.

Amon's clones have become more independent and autonomous. Some of them have even begun to think about breaking away from the main body and mastering true "freedom".

This is a dangerous signal, and it is proof that the main body's control over the clones has declined.

This problem actually exists in Amon in the mysterious world. He can split out a clone of Sequence One, but that will cause instability, so he generally does not do so.

In the Douluo world, Amon could not resist the rules when he was weak, and after he became strong, he used the power of "fate" to tightly connect all the clones and the main body together, so there has been basically no such situation.

In the world of Doupo, the "regularity" of the world is not reflected much, so when the will of the clone and the main body is too different, the underlying logic, or the biggest goal, will appear.

So that Amon's convergence has declined, and he looks more like an independent individual.

For the whole "Amon", the will of all Amon, that is, the will of the main body, in addition to survival, the improvement of the level of self-life is always the first priority.

His most original and essential goal, in simple terms, is to become stronger.

But when it comes to a single Amon, they may not be so consistent.

The original Amon will not do anything that is harmful to himself because of his bad taste or curiosity.

The clone Amon is more "funny". They will do things that may harm the overall situation because of their own interests and hobbies...

They become more emotional, not so rational all the time, and become more like a "human".

Of course, even so, they still cannot break away from the original body. Because Amon is the "only" one, this is an iron law that cannot be violated since he was born into this world.

Just as the Douqi Continent cannot give birth to the second "Void Devouring Flame" and "Pure Lotus Demon Fire", the entire Douqi Universe cannot give birth to the second "Amon".

Unless "Amon" and the Douqi Universe agree to the appearance of the second Amon, this will never change.

After a conversation with Yunmeng, even though he knew that the other party was a little bit off, Amon did not mean to correct it.

After learning about Xiao Yan's recent situation and the main areas where Amon was distributed, he left the Monster Mountain Range.

Amon did not go to Wutan City. Xun'er's guardian was still too threatening to him, and it was not suitable for him to go there.

Shortly after Yunmeng left, a mental wave spread out from Amon to the surrounding area.

The monsters suddenly stopped their original movements, and their bodies stiffened slightly. Then, the same wave spread to a farther distance with them as the center.

In this way, through the continuous spread of relay, the mental wave was transmitted to all the monsters in this area that could receive and identify it.

All the first and second-level monsters began to gather towards the center, and finally stopped in front of Amon's cave.

Stardust-like light emerged from the bodies of the monsters and converged towards Amon in the center. The starlight sank into his body and disappeared.

After a short period of stagnation, the eyes of those monsters gradually became clear.

They looked at the surrounding monsters with bewildered expressions...

Among these monsters, some were hunters and prey, some were competitors, and some were mutually beneficial...

They didn't know why they were here, nor did they realize that they had been parasitized. When Amon's spiritual will disappeared in their souls, chaos inevitably occurred.

Some took a vigilant posture and slowly retreated to the edge of the herd; some howled excitedly and began to hunt; some ran away, hoping to escape the scene before the predator noticed.

The chaos stopped only when a huge tiger roar sounded. This was a huge white tiger, full of murderous intent.

This was one of the three overlords nearby, the fifth-level monster "Cloud Tiger".

The herd was quiet at first, and then fled in all directions, because the Cloud Tiger made a driving threat, and staying would be a provocation to this fifth-level overlord.

Soon after, two more similar auras arrived, a black and white "Moon Wolf" with wise eyes, and a red-eyed "Corpse Crow" with a black body.

Above their right eyes, there was a layer of different-colored circles.

Amon's combat power was very weak. His frontal combat power was at the bottom of the same level. His innate abilities were all strange means, which had little to do with frontal combat.

He had to ask Yunshan to come over before he could successfully control them... Therefore, he needed to bring these three guys with him to fight.

Amon turned into a stream of light and sank into the body of the Corpse Crow. The size of the Moon Wolf and the Cloud Tiger also shrank rapidly, and they all jumped onto the back of the Corpse Crow.

The huge crow flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

Its wingspan was about two feet, which was still a big gap compared to many large monsters, but its smaller size gave it a higher speed. Driven by the fighting spirit, the Corpse Crow quickly rushed into the distance.

Amon did not take all the spirit insects away. He left a few behind and let them move on their own, as a surveillance of the area.

In the vast desert, the slowly undulating sand dunes are like the spine of a giant dragon.

The blazing sun in the sky exudes endless light and heat, and the air is filled with a hot breath.

The wind is also hot, and waves of heat are blowing in his face. Even if he hides in the body of the Corpse Dance Crow, he can feel the heat outside.

A city with a layer of yellow sand on the city wall slowly appeared in the Corpse Dance Crow's field of vision. That was Amon's first stop on this trip, a small city on the outskirts of the Tagor Desert, Mocheng.

About a thousand meters away from the city, in order to avoid causing unrest, the Corpse Dance Crow slowly descended and stopped on the ground.

A stream of light flew out of the Corpse Dance Crow's body and turned into a worm vortex. The vortex changed rapidly and finally transformed into a thin young man wearing a black classical robe.

When the spirit worms that made up the body were no longer restless and tended to stabilize, he used his thumb to touch the ring on the index finger of his right hand, and immediately a monocle appeared in his hand.

He inserted the monocle into the eye socket of his right eye, slightly adjusted the position, and put it at the most comfortable angle for himself. He walked towards the city at a leisurely pace.

The body of the Corpse Dance Crow shrank rapidly, becoming the size of an ordinary crow. It flapped its wings and jumped onto Amon's left shoulder.

Cloud Tiger and Moon Wolf followed him with short legs like kittens and puppies.

Due to the terrain, the air in the Tagor Desert is filled with earth and fire energy, and the rest of the energy accounts for a very low proportion.

For those who practice fire and earth techniques, this is definitely a good place to practice.

Amon didn't like this environment very much. He frowned slightly and lowered the brim of his hat.

The wind was blowing, and fine sand and dust mixed into the wind. If you don't pay attention, the mouth and nose will be filled with sand.

A layer of fighting spirit slowly dissipated, forming an invisible shield around Amon's body, blocking all the sand blown by the wind.

"Puh...Puh..." The active Moon Wolf took a mouthful of sand and made an uncomfortable whimper.

The wind was still blowing, and the sand kept pouring in. The Moon Wolf stuck out his tongue, trying to clean the sand in his mouth and nose, but the more he cleaned, the more sand he cleared.

It suddenly had an idea and stuck its head into the sand... so it wouldn't breathe the sand in the air.

Yunhu took an elegant cat step, glanced at the wise companion, and shook his head.

Amon walked farther and farther away, and Yuelang finally found something wrong. It pulled its head out of the sand, looked at Amon who was already dozens of meters away, and took small steps to catch up.

"Wow... what a cute puppy." A passing woman saw Yuelang and picked it up by its two front legs.

This was a young woman wearing a tight leather jacket, which only covered her chest and the lower part, revealing her slender waist. Her slender and tight thighs were also wrapped in tight shorts, revealing a large area of ​​wheat-colored skin.

... This is the general dress of women in the Tagor Desert.

"Liu Ye, you'd better not touch other people's pets casually. I've told you many times not to rush up when you see cute things..." A male voice sounded behind her.

"But it's really cute!" Liu Ye took out a piece of gauze and carefully covered the mouth and nose of the Moon Wolf to block the blowing sand.

"Really, what's wrong with its owner? How can this puppy, which is not native to the desert, be so careless and leave it alone?" She muttered with some dissatisfaction.

The strong man with bare arms and wearing beige linen clothes behind him smiled helplessly. He stepped forward quickly and arched his hands to Amon:

"Sorry, little brother, I'm Liu Yan, a member of the Sand Mercenary Group. This is my sister Liu Ye... She has been like this since she was a child and has no resistance to cute animals."

Amon glanced at the Moon Wolf who was enjoying Liu Ye's arms, and smiled and said: "It doesn't matter... Are you locals in Mocheng?"

"No, the headquarters of the Sand Mercenary Group is in Shimo City, which is deeper in the desert. We stayed in Mocheng because of a guard mission."

"Shimo City... Maybe I will entrust you with a mission at that time." Amon pinched his monocle and chuckled.

"Then I will introduce our leader to you." Liu Yan's attitude became more enthusiastic. Amon's calmness and unique dress made him feel that this man was not simple.

Several people walked together towards Mocheng.

Yuelang glanced at Yunhu, with complacency and ridicule on his dog face.

Yunhu ignored it, turned his head, and followed Amon step by step.

During this period, Liu Ye also thought about holding Yunhu in his arms, but the latter avoided it. Although she was a little disappointed, she did not force it.

The journey was not long, and they soon arrived at the city gate. With the blockage of the city wall, the wind and sand were much smaller.

Amon looked up at the two big characters "Mocheng" on the plaque hanging above the city gate, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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