A gloomy look flashed in Hai Bodong's eyes. He was hunted by Queen Medusa for this incomplete map, and his cultivation was sealed for this. He had to hide his identity in the desert for decades.

He deliberately put the incomplete map in the old map, and also had the idea of ​​fishing, hoping to figure out its function one day, but he didn't expect to catch a big shark directly, and his life was threatened.

But if he was asked to give up the incomplete map directly, he would not be willing... At the very least, he had to get back some of the losses, at least to break the seal of Queen Medusa.

So he restrained his icy fighting spirit and laughed a few times: "Haha, it's true that heroes emerge from youth. I, Hai Bodong, admit defeat today... You can take the incomplete map, but you have to agree to one condition of mine."

Amon's face remained smiling:

"Now it's not a matter of whether the map is incomplete or not. Isn't it in my hands? Now it's a matter of your life."

Hearing him say this, Hai Bodong's face flashed a trace of frustration, and he said with a bit of anger: "I am indeed not your opponent now, but do you think that the incomplete map in your hand is everything?

"I'm not afraid to tell you that after I took great pains to get this incomplete map in the desert, I relied on my many years of map-making experience, It was perfectly divided into two parts, one is the one you just took away, and the other... hehe...

"Don't even think of threatening me with death. I've lived for so long, what storms have I not experienced? When I was roaming the Gama Empire, you weren't even born yet."

Amon clicked his tongue, pinched his monocle, and smiled:

"You overlooked one point, that is, the value of this fragment to me is actually not that great... It's best to get it, but it doesn't matter if you can't get it. Anyway, the location of this strange fire is not a secret among those big forces.

"There are only a few people in this world who are qualified to have an eye on this strange fire.

"Besides, I don't believe you will put the other fragment too far away. I guess you should carry it with you...

"Even if you hide it, it won't be too far away. It should be in your shop or in your residence in Yumo City. "

Hai Bodong's face changed, and his face twitched unnaturally, because Amon was right, he really didn't hide the other piece of the map... Now the map is lying in his ring!

For someone like him who trusts his own strength, it is safest to put things under his nose. This is also the thinking mode of most strong people in this world.

Hai Bodong quickly took out the other half of the map from the ring, and his whole body of fighting spirit rushed to his right hand holding the map, shouting fiercely:

"Don't come over, keep your magic beast away from me, otherwise I will destroy this map... so that you will never get it, don't doubt my determination!

"Don't doubt my ability! I said, I am a professional cartographer. Since I can split it, of course I can destroy it!"

Seeing that Amon seemed to know this map very well, he was worried that the other party knew the almost indestructible nature of the incomplete map, so he deliberately emphasized that he had split it.

Amon put his hands flat on both sides of his head and said nervously: "Okay, okay... Don't get excited, we can discuss it."

Hai Bodong saw that he had frightened the other party, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

A black shadow suddenly flashed and instantly pierced Hai Bodong's chest. He lowered his head in a daze, looking at the empty hole in his chest...

Until the pain came from the wound, he saw clearly that the one who attacked him was the crow that had been staying on Amon's shoulder...

Another fifth-level monster!

Yes, the other party's two beast pets are both fifth-level monsters, so how can the remaining one be ordinary?

It's a pity that the Moon Wolf and Cloud Tiger brought too much pressure to him, so he ignored the others...Hai Bodong showed a bitter smile on his face.

He covered his chest and asked with an incredible look:

"Why? Aren't you worried that I really destroyed it?"

After stabbing Hai Bodong through the heart, the crow circled and picked up the remaining map of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire that fell on the ground with its claws, flew into the air, and kept circling, staring at the old man whose breath was rapidly weakening with blood-red pupils.

Amon stroked his monocle with a mocking smile on his face:

"If this remaining map can be destroyed by you, a sealed Dou Huang, then its creator, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint at the peak of the Nine-Star Dou Sheng, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

Hai Bodong's pupils shook violently. He could never have imagined that the remaining map he had snatched would actually involve such a legendary figure... Although he had never heard of the name of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, the pre-qualifier given by Amon was "Nine-Star Dou Sheng Peak"... That was the peak powerhouse second only to the Dou Emperor!

"You can split it because it can be split at that place. It was set when the map was drawn.

"Of course, the most important point is that it is really not that important to me. It is a dispensable thing...

"It is not that the more precious the thing, the better it is. Only things that really play a role have actual value. Maybe it is not as valuable as you in my growth process."

Hai Bodong suddenly sighed and said softly: "I didn't expect that I would be able to touch this level of items one day. Haha, it seems not unfair to be sealed by Queen Medusa for so long for it... However, even if I am so poor, if you want to snatch something from me, you have to leave a piece of meat!"

He suddenly rose up and displayed the fastest and most difficult fighting skills:

"Xuan Bing Finger!"

A condensed, cold finger force shot out and hit Amon's chest.

Amon raised his right hand and gathered his fighting spirit. He suddenly waved his right hand and slapped his fingers away.

After taking a look at the bleeding wound, the worms that made up the body squirmed, and the wound recovered as before.

No matter how low his combat power is, he is still a fifth-level monster comparable to the Fighting King... Although he has no martial arts, no fighting skills, and no innate skills for fighting tendencies, he is still a Fighting King.

It was still possible to block a severely injured Dou Ling's greatly reduced attack.

Fighting King... No, fifth-level monster?

After Amon took action, Haibodong also noticed his background, with a look of shock in his eyes... How did a fifth-level monster turn into a human form? Transformation Pill?

Then, his vision went dark and he fainted.

Yunhu retracted his extended paw and licked it with a lazy expression.

Amon walked to Haibodong, and several spiritual insects wormed their way into his wounds.

Although there is still a big gap between him and the peak Dou Huang like Yunshan who has half-stepped into the realm of Dou Zong, and his power has also been sealed, his soul is still as strong as Dou Huang. If Amon wants to parasitize him, he still needs to free up a large "body share".

A large number of spirit insects emerged from Amon's body and continued to merge into Hai Bodong's body. Hai Bodong had lost consciousness and had no resistance. When the total number of spirit insects integrated into his body exceeded Hai Bodong's, he easily Parasitism completed.

In the process of the spirit insect integrating into his body, Amon got a glimpse of the situation inside his body. A layer of lavender energy locked all the energy channels in his body, preventing him from displaying his full strength.

Amon parasitized Haibodong, not only hoping to have a fixed-point NPC in his hand to guide Xiao Yan, but if possible, he would of course maximize Haibodong's value.

Many monsters have unique innate abilities and can create seals. The Amethyst Winged Lion King and Queen Medusa both have such abilities.

The abilities that Amon had before entering the Doupo universe were transformed into explicit or implicit talents that fit the characteristics of this universe. The authority of the "door" he holds has transformed into more than just "space affinity". "Sealing" and "breaking seals" have also become his hidden talents.

After he broke through to the fifth level, this hidden talent was transformed into explicit, and he could create seals and break seals.

Queen Medusa's seal was relatively strong, but it was not so strong that Amon could do nothing. He felt the strength of the seal and roughly estimated that he could wear it down in about a month.

The spirit insects in Haibodong's body immediately started working to break the seal.

In the inner view, the illusive and transparent spirit insects are attacking the purple energy network over and over again. This network that hinders the flow of fighting energy in Hai Bodong's body is under the impact of the spirit insects. Flashing and fading.

The movements of the spirit bugs in the body did not affect the main spirit bug controlling Hai Bodong. He controlled the body and took out the contents of the ring.

He first swallowed a healing elixir, then rummaged around for a while, took out the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire Map drawn by Hai Bodong, and threw it to Amon.

Amon took the map, spread it out and looked at it roughly, with a smile in his eyes.

Compared with the out-of-reach Pure Lotus Demon Fire, the current Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire has greater practical significance to him.

This map is extremely detailed, not only accurately marking the places where water sources exist in the desert, but also marking the locations of most of the snake tribes.

He set his sights on the three places with flame marks on the map in the east, west and north. These were the places where Hai Bodong judged that there might be strange fires in the Tagor Desert.

Amon found the relevant plot description in his memory: east of Stone Desert City, slightly south.

The location of the strange fire is a bit vague. Even if combined with the map drawn by Hai Bodong, it is still a large area.

He pressed the knuckles of his right hand against his monocle and muttered:

"Tsk, it's the most troublesome to find something like this without obvious markings... But there seems to be a two-headed fire spirit snake living around the Qinglian Earth Core Fire... You can go find it first. If a fourth-level monster survives, there will always be something left. The next thing is easier to find than the strange fire that remains motionless deep in the magma.

"But we have to be wary of Queen Medusa who is also looking for the strange fire... I am no match for her now. I hope Koga can move faster."

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