In the Warcraft Mountains, Xiao Yan and the Little Fairy Doctor were chased and intercepted by the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, scurrying around the mountains and forests like headless flies.

"Why are you dragging me along? You are obviously the one Mu Li wants to deal with!" The little medical fairy lay on Xiao Yan's back, looking quite helpless.

"Ha, what do you think will happen to you if I don't take you away at this time? Mu Lidu clearly wants you, and he can't refuse." Xiao Yan sneered.

"He's not like that... He's always behaved before."

Intuition told the little medical fairy that Mu Li had no interest in her at all.

"Hmph, if you don't believe it, you can go back and try. Anyway, I don't want to bring you as a burden." Xiao Yan snorted coldly, feeling depressed about this unreasonable disaster.

Isn't it just because he is familiar with medicinal herbs that he has a little more communication with the Little Medical Fairy...

Isn’t it just that his conversation is quite humorous and he often makes the little doctor laugh during the communication...

Wasn't it just that during a monster attack, a hero came to save the beauty before Mu Li...

He and the Little Medical Fairy were really just ordinary friends, so why did they pursue him so violently?

A trace of panic flashed in the little medical fairy's eyes: "You took me away, but you can't leave me alone now."

If she could still have a fight with Mu Lixu before being dragged away by Xiao Yan, but now that the other party has taken off his mask, going back will really be a trap.

The two were chased and fled to the cliff above the cave.

At this time, the Wolf Head Mercenary Group has not yet locked the location of the two men, but is constantly shrinking the encirclement.

Listening to the approaching voice, a trace of cruelty flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes: "Damn it, let's fight."

At this moment, Yao Chen said: "Haha, you are so lucky. There is a cave directly below. You may be able to go down and hide."

"Really? Teacher?" Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with joy.

"Come down." He said to the little medical fairy behind him.

"Ah, it's over, it's a dead end." The little medical fairy thought about whether to jump directly from here and die.

At least this can avoid the bad luck of being ravaged by others.

After the little medical fairy got off Xiao Yan's back, Xiao Yan suddenly hugged her waist.

The willow waist that Yingying held was very soft, but Xiao Yan was not in the mood to feel this charm at the moment.

There are many raised rocks, vines, and trees on the cliff that can be used for strength, but it is still a big challenge for him to lead a person down.

"Ah? Let's dance together?" The little medical fairy was stunned.

I was worried that I would suffer unspeakable humiliation after being captured alive, so I thought of jumping off a cliff. You, a grown man, don’t have to worry about this. Don’t you have the courage to fight to the death?

She didn't say this out loud, but she felt a little more contempt for Xiao Yan in her heart.

"Stupid woman, shut up and hurry up." Xiao Yan cursed in a low voice.

Then he jumped.

A crow with a white circle on its right eye watched this scene and transmitted the picture to Mu Li through spiritual connection.

Mu Li pinched his monocle, a look of relief appeared on his face.

He whispered to himself: "Phew...but we finally drove him to the designated location. It was not easy."

Xiao Yan led the little medical fairy down the stone wall.

Feeling the emptiness under her feet, the little medical fairy couldn't help but scream.

"Shut up, do you want us both to fall and die?"

The little medical fairy closed her mouth and held Xiao Yan's hands tighter.

It wasn't until she felt the ground beneath her feet that she realized that Xiao Yan didn't want to commit suicide, but found a way to survive.

The two of them walked towards the cave together.

Xiao Yan harvested an Ice Spirit Flame Grass, a flying fighting skill "Eagle Wings", and a Xuan-level advanced fighting skill "Crazy Lion's Roar".

There is also a map that looks very new, even the ink has only recently dried.

This is a map of Tagore Desert. Not far from Stone Desert City, there is a lotus-shaped icon.

The entire map is neat and clear, but a few large characters ruin the seriousness of the map.

But these big characters are what Xiao Yan cannot ignore the most.

I saw the five characters "Qinglian Earth Core Fire" written on it, and then pointed an arrow at the flame icon to the east of Stone Desert City.

Xiao Yan's pupils shrank and he asked in his heart: "Teacher... this is..."

Yao Chen gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, this is a map indicating the location of the strange fire. But..."

His tone seemed a little tangled.

"This doesn't look like a serious legacy from our predecessors, it feels more like a prank."

Xiao Yan suddenly said: "Teacher, there are words on the back."

He turned the map over and saw the writing on the back:

Young man who is pursuing the strange fire, I took away the original remnant picture of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire. That strange fire is too strong and you cannot control it. This is the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire that I don’t want anymore. I put it there. If you want it, go and take it away.


There is also an avatar sketched with a simple pen at the back.

The avatar is wearing a pointed soft hat, a monocle on the right eye, the mouth is wide open, and the smile is unusually cheerful.

The monocle on the simple drawing made Xiao Yan's pupils shrink. He chewed the name "Amon" in his heart and engraved it deeply in his heart.

He had a hunch that the ubiquitous "monocle" seemed to be related to this mysterious figure named "Amon".

"Tsk... It looks more like a prank, but maybe it's an old monster from the game world." Yao Chen said with a hint of speculation in his tone.

"Teacher, haven't you noticed?" Xiao Yan said in a low tone.

"Did you notice anything?" Yao Chen was stunned.

"Monocle, this guy has a monocle..." Xiao Yan said with some urgency.

Yao Chen was silent for a long time, and then asked with some confusion: "What's wrong with the monocle?"

A chill suddenly rose from his spine and went straight to Xiao Yan's forehead:

"Teacher, didn't you say before that you didn't have the habit of wearing a monocle before? Did you wear it after encountering the influence of some strange creature?

"Have you noticed that you are becoming less and less sensitive to the monocle thing, and you have even become accustomed to it."

"Well, it seems like this... Reason tells me that there are some problems here, but I will subconsciously and instinctively ignore it... I... seem to have become a little unlike me." Yao Chen sighed faintly. tone.

The little medical fairy came back from the cave entrance and interrupted the exchange between the two:

"It's still a little unsafe here. I've asked Xiao Lan to pick us up. Let's leave together. Huh? What's wrong with you?"

She noticed that Xiao Yan's face looked a little ugly.

"Nothing, let's go." Xiao Yan said perfunctorily.

When he reached the entrance of the cave, he saw a huge blue eagle, and his body suddenly froze.

The blue eagle is using its right eye with a white circle, tilting its head to look at itself sideways.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked the little medical fairy: "Does your blue eagle originally have a white circle on your right eye?"

The little medical fairy was stunned by the question he asked, and responded: "I didn't pay much attention to it, but it should be there. It was there when I first rescued it a few years ago."

"That's it..."

Xiao Yan eliminated in his mind the speculation that the "Monocle" force was secretly monitoring him... After all, it would not have been monitoring him since a few years ago in Qingshan Town... At that time, even he didn't know that he was Will I ever go to Qingshan Town in this life?

...but what the hell is this thing?

The purpose is unknown, the source is unknown, and the identity is unknown... He even doubts that he is too sensitive. These "monocles" are just a coincidence, and the mysterious existence behind them is his own imagination...

Could it be that this is a normal phenomenon in Douqi Continent, and the strange creatures the teacher mentioned were playing tricks on me?

Xiao Yan began to doubt himself and Yaochen...

Amon used spiritual insects to parasitize the strange fire.

He discovered that this parasitism was different from previous parasitisms. Previous parasitisms did not involve the origin of the soul, but this time, this parasitism blended the soul origin of the spirit insect with the soul origin of the alien fire.

The soul of Qinglian Earth Heart Fire is innate and contains almost no self-awareness. After being mixed with the spirit insect, it has minimal impact on the spirit insect's consciousness.

This spiritual worm became the spirit of strange fire!

Amon raised his right hand and touched the bottom edge of his monocle with his index finger. He looked at the spirit insect that had almost completely merged with Qinglian's inner fire with interest, and the corners of his mouth slowly tilted back. Get up and outline your smile:

"Well, this is really interesting. Let's call you try to see if you can practice Fen Jue."

Qing Meng nodded, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to practice Fen Jue.

Amon knew how to complete Burn Jue. During the years when Yao Chen was sleeping, he had already taken out almost all the knowledge in the Bone Flame Ring.

Qingmeng was a strange fire, so he naturally had no obstacles in practicing Fenjue. After a while, he succeeded in practicing it.

He did not stop and continued to operate the technique. It took about an hour before he stopped.

Amon waited patiently.

Qingmeng shook his head at him: "No, I can use my skills to draw and refine the energy of the world, but this can only be used to replenish consumption, but cannot improve my cultivation."

"That's it..." Amon pinched his monocle and was not disappointed. After all, this kind of restriction from the rules of heaven and earth is not so easy to bypass.

Qingmeng suddenly said: "But this is normal practice. If it is a special situation, it should not be within the limits of this rule.

"Just like the aggregation of spiritual insects can improve the strength of the spiritual insects parasitizing in the host body, I use Fen Jue to absorb the rest of the strange fire, and there is a high probability that it can directly improve the cultivation level...

"This can also be regarded as a kind of 'aggregation', but what is aggregated is not spiritual insects, but strange fire.

"Furthermore, it might be possible to bypass the restriction that the clone's body cannot exceed one-tenth of the original body... because it is not the spirit insect that is being aggregated. The body of the spirit insect has not changed, it is the host that has changed."

"Ha... interesting." Amon's eyes were slightly condensed.

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