On the edge of the Tagor Desert, there is a hidden cave not far from the top of the mountain where Yunshan refines the strange fire.

The green vines almost cover the entrance of the cave, and Yunhu and Yuelang guard the two sides of the cave.

A thin young man wearing a black classical robe and a pointed soft hat sat cross-legged on a smooth rock in the cave.

The ring on his right index finger flashed a faint light, and a fist-sized jade box appeared in his hand.

Slightly opening the jade box, a strong medicinal fragrance suddenly spread out. If he hadn't used his fighting spirit to seal the cave long ago, this medicinal fragrance would probably drive all the monsters crazy.

This is the transformation pill taken from the Dan King Guhe.

Generally speaking, the autonomous transformation of monsters requires them to reach the seventh level, but this pill has the effect of seizing the fortune of heaven and earth, which can give monsters this ability in advance.

Amon used his fingernails to scrape off a little powder from the pill and let a spirit worm eat it. Then he closed his eyes and carefully connected with the spirit worm to experience its effect.

It was not that he doubted that there was something wrong with the pill, but even if it was the same pill, it would have different effects on different creatures.

For some universal pills, most monsters and humans would have similar effects after eating them, but there were some very few exceptions.

Amon was a clan of his own. It was unknown what effect different herbs and pills would have on him, because there was no experience for him to refer to.

He had to eat it himself to know the result!

However, he could not get a second copy of such a high-value pill at present, so he had to try some powder first to vaguely judge whether it had a good or bad effect on him.

After initially confirming that the effect was biased towards the favorable side, Amon decided to take it.

His body cracked open, and his skin began to roll up, turning into a series of translucent worms with twelve rings and star-like colors.

The worms scattered, making room for the main body.

Soon, only the spirit worm with the strongest aura was left on the smooth rock.

It arched and arched like a caterpillar, crawling onto the pill the size of a longan, and wrapped around it like a python, and began to refine it.

The translucent worm rolled into a ball, and a small black dot in the center was faintly visible.

A dark gray mist emerged from the worm, and the small black dot wrapped by it became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

A powerful medicinal power flowed through Amon's limbs and bones. This medicinal power rushed through his meridians like a big river, and flowed through every cell of his body like a trickle.

The pure light lit up, and Amon's original spirit worm continued to grow in size, growing a human head and limbs.

The head was just a smooth round ball without facial features, and the limbs were just simple lines with only an outline.

As time went on, these lines became more complicated, facial features grew on the head, and fingers and toes appeared on the limbs.

The flesh and blood kept squirming, collapsing, and deforming, and finally turned into a young man with black eyes, black hair, a wide forehead, thin lips, and a thin face.

Amon successfully transformed!

Unlike the previous human appearance formed by the spirit worms, this time it was not just the appearance that changed. When it was transformed into a human form, the meridians in the body were also human.

Unlike the general Warcraft that only had one image after transformation, Amon's human form appearance can be changed at will. This is the ability brought by the blood-red nine-headed bat king soul bone in the original Douluo. Because it fits the rules of the Doupo world, it is retained as a hidden talent.

This should be the ability that Amon will awaken with "transformation" after he reaches the seventh level. Because of the effect of the transformation pill, he now has it in advance.

Taking out a set of classical black robes from the ring and putting them on, Amon looked at his palm. He was a little uncomfortable with such a structure after not having a human body for a long time.

This unfamiliarity lasted only a few seconds and disappeared.

He tried to use the human body to breathe and refine the energy of heaven and earth, and found that it was several times faster than the previous monster body.

This is still without any skills!

Amon pinched his monocle and whispered to himself:

"Well, I finally got through this uncomfortable stage. It's not convenient without a human body.

"Not only does the main body have the ability to transform and reorganize flesh and blood, but the newly separated spirit worm also has it.

"But the spirit worms that were split off before don't have this ability. They have to gather a new spirit worm and "upgrade" it."

He walked out of the cave, and the corpse dance crow flew over and landed on his shoulder.

When passing by the cloud tiger and the moon wolf, Amon stretched out his right hand and dug out the magic core from their heads.

Two starlights wrapped the souls of the two monsters and sank into his body.


Monster Mountain Range

Xiao Yan's recent days have been very fulfilling. He got the low-level earth-level fighting skill "Flame Devouring Wave Ruler" from Yao Chen, and stood under the waterfall every day, using the power of the water to practice hard.

On this day, Xiao Yan, who was preparing to practice under the waterfall as usual, suddenly stopped.

A white ape suddenly appeared in front of him, raised the stick in his hand, and made a "ha hu hu hu" sound at him.

"Senior, are you inviting me to practice?" Xiao Yan asked.

The ape didn't answer, and used the stick as a sword to attack Xiao Yan directly.

After dodging a stab, the latter took out a black ancient ruler from his ring and fought back.

He smiled and said, "Since the senior is so elegant, I will definitely accompany you."

"Ha hu hu hu..." The ape king screamed and approached Xiao Yan with a very strange pace.

It jumped left and right, sometimes moving forward, sometimes retreating, making it difficult to figure out its intentions.

Xiao Yan's ruler method was open and closed, and the offense and defense were quite close.

However, his combat experience was still a little lacking, and the white ape could always find flaws in the connection of some movements in his ruler method.

After his weapon was knocked off several times, Xiao Yan gradually discovered his shortcomings and continued to improve.

He grew rapidly in such competitions, and his progress was so fast that even Yao Chen was surprised.

"This kid is really a genius, not only in fighting spirit training, but also in combat..." Yao Chen sighed.

After Xiao Yan was exhausted, the ape king left quietly.

Xiao Yan lay on the ground with a sincere smile on his face. Although he could not hold out for a few moves in front of the powerful Ape Lord, he could clearly feel that he was more confident in his actions.

"Hehe, a Douling-level sparring partner, this is the first time I have one in the Jiama Empire." Xiao Yan smiled foolishly.

Yao Chen's figure emerged and said with a smile, "Well, that ape is really good as your sparring partner. It gives you just the right amount of pressure. Even in Zhongzhou, some big families who are responsible for teaching the next generation don't have such a level."

"Hmm?" Xiao Yan showed a look of surprise, "Ape Lord... is he that powerful?"

"Although his strength is not strong, at least in terms of teaching, he is really powerful." Yao Chen responded with a serious expression.

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