Regarding the lava coming towards him, Walter just smiled and stretched out his hand, with his fingers spread wide. He inserted his fingers into the magma and blew lightly. The originally hot lava cooled down and turned into a black, steaming stone. .

Yan Jin's pupils shrank and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Child, you should learn to respect the strong."

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying pressure swept over him.

This soul pressure is so terrifying and violent, like a landslide or a tsunami.

Yan Jin and Lei Yin were half-kneeling on the ground under oppression, with cold sweat breaking out on their foreheads. They wanted to resist, but they couldn't control their bodies at all. Their legs were shaking uncontrollably. Even standing up was a luxury, their hands were weak and their fists were clenched. Not tight.

Yan Jin's face was full of shock. She originally thought that she was a little master, but she didn't expect that she was not even qualified to stand in front of a real strong person.

This pressure crushed her pride and complacency to pieces.

She gritted her teeth and her lips drew blood.

Walter looked at Amon who was still calm and calm in surprise, and asked: "You don't seem to be affected?"

Powerful soul power can oppress a person's spirit and body. This oppression is also a manifestation of the "expressive power" of soul power.

When such "expressive power" acts on Amon, it becomes the target of his first soul skill. Theoretically, Amon can not be affected by any soul master's aura.

In fact, the insects of time parasitic in the bodies of Yan Jin and Lei Yin can also "steal" the host's soul power expression, but Amon intended to let Yan Jin learn a lesson, so he did not help relieve the pressure they were under.

Yan Jin was too reckless, and this punch made him feel nervous.

"I have special coping skills." Amon replied with a smile.

Walter had no intention of exploring, and whispered to Yan Jin: "Remember, don't rush to attack a soul master who is much more powerful than yourself, it will cost you your life."

Yan Jin curled his lips and remained silent.

"Sorry, I apologize to you for my sister's recklessness." Lei Yin bowed deeply.

Amon pinched his monocle, said "tsk", and asked:

"Then let's get back to the topic, Lord Walter, a big shot like you shouldn't be bored and embarrass us, right?"

Walter stroked his beard gently, looked at Yan Jin and said: "Of course not, this is tempering and testing... I have been paying attention to your growth.

"You are a very good child. You rejected me back then, but you also showed your character of valuing friendship.

"But everyone needs to bear the price of their own choices. Since you chose to refuse at that time, I will not provide you with resources or help you grow.

"What makes me happy is that even without the help of others, you still live up to your talent and still shine.

"Mi Zonglan reported your situation to me, so I set up this test.

"The robbers on your road were all arranged by me. They were 'operating' in other places, but I caught them. I told them that if I could kill you, I would spare their lives.

"Your performance is satisfactory, no, it can be said to be amazing!"

He touched his palms and praised, "Yan Jin, now I ask you again, are you willing to be my apprentice?"

Yan Jin looked at Amon, opened her mouth, but said nothing. After a long silence, she said weakly: "If I don't become your disciple, Beidi College will not accept us, and Ma Wen will too." Is it bad for my brothers and sisters?”

Walter shook his head and said: “No, how can anyone force others to be their apprentice?

"I want to find a successor, not to cultivate an enemy!

"Even if you refuse now, Northland College will still welcome you to enroll, and the Icethorn Chamber of Commerce will restore friendly relations with you... I will not interfere with you anymore.

"What happened today is just to remind you that without any background, even if you have talent and ability, you may not be able to stand out.

"You need a supporter. Just like you asked Ma Wen to 'invest' in you in the past, you can also try to make me your backer now."

Yan Jin said a little stubbornly: "I already have a master, it's Amon... Thanks to his constant care, I can get to where I am today."

Walter looked at Amon, who smiled faintly.

Even if Walter didn't find them, he would find a similar person. Now, Ma Wen can no longer help them, so Amon needs a new "Ma Wen".

As for whether the new "Ma Wen" needs to recruit disciples, trade, or anything else, Amon will not refuse. He is still weak, and obtaining enough resources and growing faster is his pursuit at the current stage.

Walter's ability to take the initiative to come was exactly in line with Amon's expectations.

First of all, this solved a hidden danger. He no longer had to consider the potential threat of Contra who once wanted to take Yan Jin as his disciple but was rejected.

Secondly, the energy of a Contra is large enough, attached to its wings, and there will be no need to change its master for a long time in the future.

However, this seems to cause a little emotional harm to Yan Jin... This is not unacceptable.

Practically speaking, becoming Walter's apprentice would do no harm to Rock Ember himself. Yan Jin's interests and Amon's interests are bound to a certain extent.

Amon pinched his monocle and said:

"Yan Jin, I am just your mentor in the academy, an ordinary teacher-student relationship, not the kind of master-disciple relationship where one inherits a mantle.

"Although I admit that I am your teacher, I have never admitted that you are my disciple, right? At most, I have said that you are half of my disciple...

"The disciples that Walter said can pass on the path and continue the will... Do you think I need you to continue my way of being a soul master?"

"But...but..." Yan Jin's nose felt sore and his eyes were a little red.

She really regards Amon as her teacher and the person she respects the most. Although she usually shouts Amon without any respect at all, deep down in her heart, she is very dependent on him. he.

Ignoring Yan Jin who was about to cry, Amon looked at Walter:

"Mr. Walter, the master chooses the apprentice, and the apprentice chooses the master. This is a two-way process.

"Are you really ready to teach Yan Jin? Do you have an idea about her future development direction? Do you understand the characteristics of her martial spirit?

"You must know that a master cannot impart his own power to his disciples. What is more important is the teaching of knowledge."

Walter pondered for a moment, nodded and said:

"I have my own teaching theory... I am not a research-oriented soul master, nor do I have profound knowledge. To be honest, I am not very good at teaching in the traditional sense.

"However, although the master's power cannot be directly imparted to the apprentice, it can bring resources, and then use the resources in exchange for this power to promote the apprentice's growth. This can be regarded as imparting power in disguise."

Amon raised his eyebrows. This old man had something special. He used honorifics in his address:

"A very advanced theory, you must also be a very good educator... Yan Jin, I think under the training of Lord Walter, you can become a great soul master better and faster."

When he said the second half of the sentence, he turned to look at Yan Jin.

Yan Jin was still immersed in the loss of not being recognized by Amon. After hearing what he said, he looked at him with pitiful eyes and said in despair:

"If that's your decision, I'm willing to accept it."

Walter saw that Yan Jin was still a little reluctant, but he didn't care. He was thinking about how to make her identify with him as soon as possible and willingly admit that he was his master.

After all, there are not many good young talents who can be compared to the "golden generation".

Yan Jin followed the ancient tradition, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed three times to Walter.

Walter smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, okay, since you have become my apprentice, now, accept my first lesson."

Lei Yin looked at his sister distressedly. He knew how uncomfortable Yan Jin felt, but Walter was so eager to act like a teacher, which made him a little angry.

Maybe I didn't explain clearly in these chapters, which caused some readers to misunderstand.

Walter didn't directly threaten her with Yan Jin's family. He just made others dare not show kindness to Yan Jin, cut off her friendship from others, and made her feel helpless without a backer or background.

Yan Jin entrusted his younger brothers and sisters to Ma Wen, not only to ask her to help take care of them, but also to show his sincerity in cooperation. Originally, even if she couldn't fulfill her initial agreement and couldn't participate in the Soul Master Competition, Ma Wen wouldn't force her. Because Yan Jin is already powerful enough, forcing her to work under him may not be a good thing for Ma Wen. Ma Wen will still treat her "friendly".

But because of Walter's pressure, Ma Wen could no longer treat her kindly, so when Yan Jin couldn't enroll in school and couldn't pay the promised rewards, he followed the agreement and "reminded" Yan Jin to come to work. The safety of her family is Yan Jin's leverage and the guarantee for her to fulfill her promise obediently. In fact, Yan Jin and Ma Wen knew this from the beginning. As long as Yan Jin doesn't break the agreement first and return to Frostleaf City to work for Ma Wen, her family will still be safe.

Therefore, what Walter vaguely threatened Yan Jin was not the lives of her family, but the bright future she might get, the life opportunity to stand out from the Soul Master Competition, and this did not step on the bottom line.

Moreover, this also strengthened the truth that Walter wanted Yan Jin to understand, that is: with a good master, your future will be brighter.

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