Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 380 Yunzhi, wait for me

"Human woman, you bastard, you dare to come back." The Amethyst Winged Lion King looked at Yun Yun, who was exuding Ling Ran's aura in the sky, and let out a huge roar.

"Until I get the Purple Spirit Crystal, I naturally can't leave. The matter is at this point. It's useless to talk more. Let me learn the Lion King's clever tricks again." Yun Yun said in a cold voice.

" are looking for death!" The huge amethyst-winged lion king flapped its pair of dark purple wings, and its whole body was filled with flames.

There were flames on its four claws, and it ran towards Yun Yun through the void. Every time it took a step, the atmosphere trembled.

Feeling the power of the powerful Dou Huang from a closer distance, Xiao Yan's mind wavered.

He felt unreal when he thought that Yunzhi, who was as dazzling as a Valkyrie in the sky, was still the little bird in his arms.

"Hey, are you more motivated? If you don't hurry up and become stronger, the good times during this period may become forever memories, and that girl Yunzhi will also become the bright moon in the sky and the water in the water. Phantom." Yao Chen said with a smile.

"Don't provoke me, I know exactly what to do." Xiao Yan was not provoked by the medicine dust this time, but responded very calmly.

"Well, that's good. Your mentality has grown again and you have become a real man."

Xiao Yan looked embarrassed, Yaochen could always find a point to break his defense.

"You gossipy old man, now think about how we can steal the Purple Spirit Crystal." He rolled his eyes angrily.

In the Gu Yan Ring space that Xiao Yan could not see, Yao Chen raised his right hand, touched the bottom edge of the monocle on his right eye with the knuckle of his index finger, and said with a chuckle:

"Don't worry, I will help you to find out the truth. Go boldly!"

Yun Yun did not engage in a head-on battle with the Amethyst Winged Lion King. After a feint shot, her cyan wings vibrated and she rushed downwards with lightning speed.

"Wind kills Gangang!"

The blue long sword shadows fell quickly, summoning the Amethyst Winged Lion King to guard the cave, to protect the little Amethyst Winged Lion King's third and fourth level monsters and kill them one by one.

Yun Yun quickly rose into the air again, avoiding the overwhelming purple flames coming from behind.

The terrible high temperature caused the earth to be burned and crystallized, and there was a fiery breath in the air.

The death of his men made the Amethyst Winged Lion King even more angry, and the purple flames on his body surged a bit.

Although Yun Yun killed several monsters with one move, there was still a wolf-shaped monster dozens of meters in front of the cave entrance, crawling on the ground and trembling while watching the battle in the sky.

Looking at the white circle on its right eye, Xiao Yan immediately recognized that it was the monster that was attracted by the smell of Yun Yun's bath and chased him and severely injured him.

Looking at its prostrate and defenseless appearance, Xiao Yan licked his lips and asked in his heart:

"Teacher, do you think I can use the fighting spirit given by Yunzhi to kill it in a sneak attack?"

Yao Chen chuckled: "I don't know if I can kill it, but I know it will definitely attract the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

"Although it is currently focusing most of its attention on Yunzhi, if you want to use the Flame Separating Wave Devouring Ruler, there is no way it will not notice it."

"Forget it, you're lucky." Xiao Yan glared at the wolf-shaped monster fiercely. After smearing odor-eliminating powder on his body, he took a detour and climbed to the top of the cave, turned over and slipped into the cave.

The wolf-shaped monster rubbed the socket of its right eye with the back of its right paw. Its real purpose here was to protect Xiao Yan's actions.

If Xiao Yan can't find a chance to enter the cave, it will create chaos among the monsters to create an opportunity for him.

Xiao Yan's action was extremely smooth. At the end of a bifurcated passage, he discovered the source of the associated amethyst and the purple spirit crystal that could cut open the source of the associated amethyst.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King naturally knows that the Purple Spirit Crystal can cut open the source of the accompanying Amethyst, so in order to avoid accidents, it usually stores the two separately in different cave passages.

"Haha, you are really lucky. Basically no Amethyst Winged Lion King would put them together so carelessly. It is probably the work of a playful little Amethyst Winged Lion King. This saves the trouble. We’re in a lot of trouble.”

Yao Chen reminded aloud: "But you should move faster. Since there is an associated amethyst source, there must be a small amethyst winged lion king, and it may come at any time."

"Humph, isn't it just a little brat? I won't kill it with a single stroke." Xiao Yanhao said angrily.

"Oh, really." Yao Chen said noncommittally when he saw Xiao Yan showing such an arrogant attitude.

A huge shadow slowly approached from behind.

Xiao Yan turned around and saw the huge little Amethyst Winged Lion King, his expression froze.

"Come on, let me show you how you can kill it with one foot." Yao Chen looked like he was gloating at his misfortune.

"Teacher, save me!"

Xiao Yan shouted in his heart.

"I said, I won't take action unless absolutely necessary. This is also part of the experience." Yao Chen stroked his monocle with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yan keenly noticed that there was also a white circle on the right eye of the little Amethyst Winged Lion King.

He was used to it, it seemed to be a normal phenomenon.

"Ouch..." The little Amethyst Winged Lion King roared angrily at Xiao Yan, seemingly very angry.

It raised its paw high and slapped it down with one palm.

Xiao Yan took advantage of the fighting spirit left by Yun Yun, and like the wind, a sliding shovel passed under the abdomen of the Little Amethyst Winged Lion King.

The movements of the little purple crystal winged lion king were a little slow, giving people a dull feeling. It turned around and chased Xiao Yan.

A period of escape and killing began. The little purple crystal winged lion king looked very dull, but his attack was very fierce. Xiao Yan quickly consumed the fighting spirit that Yun Yun left for him.

In order to get rid of the big guy behind him, Xiao Yan took the risk of swallowing part of the companion purple crystal source, and with the temporary surge of power in his body, he slashed at the opponent fiercely.

At the same time, he also suffered a claw attack from the little purple crystal winged lion king and flew backwards.

Sensing the movement below, Yun Yun and the purple crystal winged lion king almost rushed to the entrance of the cave at the same time.

Yun Yun slashed the little purple crystal winged lion king with a sword, and the latter burst into tears.

The purple crystal winged lion king didn't care about anything else and hurried to check the injury of the little lion king.

Yun Yun took the opportunity to take the unconscious Xiao Yan away.

"Asshole, you stole my treasure and hurt my son, I will never forgive you!" The Purple Crystal Winged Lion King felt the energy of the accompanying purple crystal source emanating from Xiao Yan's body, and roared angrily and helplessly.

It licked the wound of the tearful little lion king, and found that the injury was very minor. It slapped its head with one claw, and said angrily:

"Stupid, how could you let such a weak human rob you of your treasure... and why are you crying for such a small injury?"

The little purple crystal winged lion king rolled over and looked at the purple crystal winged lion king with its big eyes.

The latter saw its heartless appearance, sighed, and began to worry about its future.

Originally, the little lion king could become a fifth-level monster in an instant after swallowing the accompanying purple crystal source at the fourth level, and could also occupy a place in this huge monster mountain range.

But now, without the accompanying purple crystal source, its future will be filled with unknown risks.

Yun Yun dissolved the violent energy in Xiao Yan's body and put him in a safe place. She took out a high-level Xuan-level fire-attribute technique and a mid-level Xuan-level body fighting technique from the ring, and gently placed the two scrolls next to Xiao Yan.

She looked at Xiao Yan's handsome face, and her soft lips were imprinted on the latter's lips.

She looked at him reluctantly for the last time, and whispered: "I'm waiting for you to come to Yunlan Sect to propose marriage, come on. Teacher is not so easy to convince."

Then, Dou Qi wings condensed behind her, soared into the sky, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

After a while, Xiao Yan woke up slowly, touched his lips, and the soft touch seemed to still exist.

Putting the two scrolls with a faint fragrance into the ring, Xiao Yan stared into the distance.

The setting sun cast a golden afterglow, the sunset glow was like fire, and the sky seemed to be burning.

He looked at this gorgeous scenery, and was fascinated.

After a long time, he whispered softly:

"Wait for me, Yunzhi."

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