The next day, when Amon and others came to Beidi College again, the dean of students, Zhu Youzhi, had a completely different face.

“Oh my, aren’t these the three classmates from before?

"I'm sorry, it was my mistake before. I excluded you because of some baseless rumors.

"Now it has been found out that it was completely untrue. I apologize to you." Zhu Youzhi bowed deeply to them and kept his posture very low.

"Haha... damn fat man, your attitude has changed quite quickly."

Yan Jin also wanted to taunt her, but Amon stopped her with his hand in front of her, interrupting her.

"Director Zhu, we are also responsible for causing such a misunderstanding. I'm sorry for wasting your time... Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, shouldn't we also enter the normal admission process?"

"Okay, Mr. Amon, it's great that you are so sensible. Your admission materials have been reviewed and approved. Do you have any other requirements for the three of you? I can make the decision and let the three of you go to the class you want to go to."

Seeing that Amon was so easy to talk to, Zhu Youzhi was obviously relieved and said with a bit of flattery.

The Northland Advanced Soul Master Academy is divided into three grades. Those who have just entered the school for less than a year or whose soul power does not exceed level 20 are in the first grade. Those who have been enrolled for more than one year and whose soul power is between 20 and 30 are in the second grade. Grade, those whose soul power exceeds level 30 are third grade.

The maximum age of students is twenty-five. If they are over twenty-five, if their soul power does not reach level 30, they will be dissuaded and will not be issued a completion certificate.

On the contrary, as long as the soul power reaches level 30, you can choose to graduate at any time.

Most people who are over level 30 will not choose to graduate immediately, but will still study in the academy for a period of time until they are close to the age of twenty-five.

Firstly, there are strong teaching staff in the academy, and secondly, for the continent-wide senior soul master elite competition, in addition, you can get to know more talented students and expand your network.

"Put us all in the third grade, in the same class as Vidal." Amon said.

Zhu Youzhi rubbed his hands, looking a little embarrassed.

"Is there any problem?" Amon wondered.

"It's like this. According to the college regulations, you have to stay in the first grade for one year. It doesn't matter if you want to go to any first grade class, but Vidal has been promoted to the third grade this year. The third grade is not my responsibility. Within the scope, Director Yu’s consent is required.

"I think this is a bit difficult. Director Yu is quite rigid. She hates students who get special treatment through personal relationships.

"According to the information I received, you are already in your thirties. Even if you haven't stayed for a full year, it shouldn't be a big problem to go to the third grade. But Yan Jin and Lei Yin... their soul power levels have not reached the requirements. She may Don’t want to let go.”

"The surname is Yu? Is it the 'Yu' I know?" Amon raised his eyebrows.

Zhu Youzhi nodded and said: "Yes, Director Yu's full name is Yu Xinxue, and she is a branch member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, so she doesn't have to look at the faces of most people, and even the principal has little restraint on her.

"Although there was a precedent for someone who entered the third grade without soul power, that person passed a relatively rigorous test and was recognized by Director Yu."

"Test?" Yan Jin raised an eyebrow, "Isn't it you who wants to make things difficult for us again?"

She now resents the word.

Zhu Youzhi smiled and said, "How is it possible? The master told me to give you as much convenience as possible in the academy. How could I dare to disobey it?"

"Huh... the old man's reputation is pretty good." Yan Jin doesn't have much respect for Walter at the moment, but Amon's analysis made her understand that there is a hint of coercion in accepting a disciple this time.

But she didn't hate it either, after all, Walter was really generous to her, and even though she didn't like studying, she seemed to fall in love with the class.

Walter's teaching ability was unanimously recognized by Amon, Yan Jin, and Lei Yin.

"What test?" Lei Yin asked.

They came to Northland College mainly to obtain the qualifications to participate in the Advanced Soul Master College Elite Competition. Of course, it would be more convenient to enter the third grade as early as possible.

"Defeat a third-year soul master level student." Zhu Youzhi replied, "Well, this is not without room for maneuver. We hinted that the student participating in the assessment should be more cautious."

To his surprise, Lei Yin and Yan Jin didn't look worried at all.

"That's it?" Yan Jin crossed his arms in front of his chest with a nonchalant look on his face.

Lei Yin smiled, "The difficulty seems to be lower than I thought, as long as you are not a soul master like Mr. Amon."

"It seems that you two are very confident, and you are worthy of being cared for by that adult." Seeing that the two of them were so confident, Zhu Youzhi also had a relaxed look on his face.

Just arranging an assessment, Yu Xinxue would not give him even this little face.

"Amon, Yan Jin, Lei Yin... what are you..." Bidar, who was passing by, saw the four of them and came over to say hello.

"Oh, Golden Retriever, our matters have been settled, the admission procedures have been completed, and there is only one assessment left before I can go to your class." Yan Jin chuckled.

Vidal looked surprised, "Come to our class?"

"Yes, I will apply to Director Yu for a special promotion assessment for these three students, and they will be classmates by then." Zhu Youzhi said with a smile.

"Um..." Vidal felt that something was not right about the situation. Why did Zhu Youzhi refuse to let them enter school the day before, and now he started to get in trouble?

He could detect Zhu Youzhi's friendly attitude towards them, even a little respectful.

He didn't dwell on it, and he didn't intend to delve into it. He said enthusiastically:

"Come to our class, that's great... I just got promoted to the third grade this year. Our class teacher is the third grade teaching director, Teacher Yu, who is a great beauty. And there are only two Soul Emperor-level teachers in our academy, and she is one of them."

"Have you ever fought with other people in your class? How strong are they?" Yan Jin asked the question that she was most interested in.

"I said, I just got promoted to the third grade. Although I have been in contact with them for the team formation of the academy selection competition, I rarely fought head-on."

Vidal was worried that Yan Jin would be careless during the assessment, and added:

"Don't underestimate others. When I fought with you before, we were both great soul masters. Now you may not be able to beat me.

"The academy regularly organizes personnel every year to help students who meet the requirements to hunt soul rings, so the third soul ring of third-year students is basically at the millennium level, which can greatly enhance combat effectiveness.

"Don't treat them as those Soul Masters who have reached the end of their potential. Those who can come here to study have good talents.

"When I was a great soul master, I could beat some Soul Masters outside. But if it were the third-year students in the Northland College, even those with lower strength, it would be difficult to remain undefeated."

"Oh... so, I think you are getting cocky because you have one more soul ring? Do you want to fight?" Yan Jin directly invited him to fight.

Vidal shook his head and refused, "You should focus all your energy on the upcoming assessment."

Seeing that they were in a harmonious atmosphere, Zhu Youzhi said goodbye: "I'm going to find Director Yu first, you two should get along well."

"Okay, okay." Yan Jin waved her hand. She was still a little unhappy with the fat man.

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