Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 49: Unbreakable Defense

Amon's clone is his back-up to prevent the death of his real body, and it is also his main means of gathering intelligence and finding out the news.

Everywhere he goes, he spreads his time clones.

Since he currently does not have the ability to forcibly parasitize and control others, his clone can only walk around in the outside world with the same appearance as him.

He didn't want others to know his biggest trump card, so the disguise of the clone was necessary.

Amon's clones need to wear different styles of clothes and have different hairstyles...

Some people who move around the main body and have a lot of contact with the main body's acquaintances even have to deliberately slap themselves in the face a few times to minimize the risk of being recognized.

Of course, these are nothing. For the clone, the biggest sacrifice is having to change his habits and not be able to wear monocles!

This is simply against Amon's nature!

Amon, dressed as a businessman, silently watched the two confronting each other. Yan Jin can always get into fights with all kinds of people for various reasons.

Amon was not surprised at all that she would start a conflict with others just when she went out to eat.

In other words, he will be surprised if there is no accident one day.

"Romil, level 40 defense-type war soul master."

Romil showed his martial spirit, which was a thin purple, translucent light curtain.

"Level 40?" Yan Jin was stunned.

"What, are you surprised? Among the students in the academy who are qualified to participate in the next Soul Master Competition, my soul power level is the highest."

Romil took the initiative to report his soul power level, hoping that Yan Jin would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

"What's the point of high soul power? You have to fight to know it." Yan Jin is a practical fighter and never looks at superficial data.

"Big fire-breathing!"

Romil's smile remained unchanged, the index and middle fingers of his right hand came together, a purple halo flowed, and a thin light curtain appeared on the fingertips.

This light curtain was like an insurmountable wall, firmly blocking Yan Jin's attacks.

Yan Jin frowned. She felt that this was somewhat similar to Amon's soul power materializing, but the condensed material was tougher.

"I don't believe it anymore..." She increased her soul power output.

More magma gushes out from her arms, causing ripples on the light screen.

Seeing this, Romil's second soul ring flickered, and the light screen returned to stability.

He just kept one hand stretched out and the other in his pocket, allowing Yan Jing to attack.

"What's wrong? Is that all? You haven't had enough to eat, right... I'll give you a hand."

He picked his nose with his free left hand and looked down at the rock embers that were only at the height of her chest.

Yan Jin began to think about countermeasures after a flurry of hammering to no avail.

Putting away the magma, she rushed forward.

She threw a tentative punch, and a huge force came from the barrier, causing her arm to hurt.

"It's useless. So far, no soul master with a lower soul power level than mine has been able to break through my defense." Romil said calmly.

Apart from Amon, this was the first time that Yan Jin was crushed in the hands of a young man. She said angrily:

"Which class are you in?"

Romil picked his ears and said disdainfully: "You guess."

Yan Jin snorted coldly, "I can find it even if you don't tell me. When I find a way to deal with you..."

After Yan Jin left, Romil breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and muttered:

"Where did that little monster come from? It's no worse than that ice cube from Class 1."

In the library, Amon placed the open book on the table, leaned back slightly, raised his hand to touch the bottom of his glasses, and whispered softly: "A very interesting ability."

Within a certain range, Amon's clone can directly transmit information to the main body or other clones through spirit.

He also extended this distance very far through the continuous transmission of time clones, similar to a signal base station.

Seeing the battle between Yan Jin and Romil through the clone's perspective, he became somewhat interested in this young man who looked to be in his twenties.

Not far in front of him, Vidal was holding a pen and a notebook, sorting out information on noteworthy students in the academy and analyzing which ones were competitors and which ones could be wooed.

Vidal suddenly stopped writing and asked:

"Amon, have you considered the composition of the team? The Soul Master Competition is mainly about team battles, and requires Soul Masters with different tendencies to cooperate in the battle.

"I'm not worried about the academy competition. With the strength shown by you, Yan Jin, and Lei Yin, as long as the other members are not too bad, it won't be difficult to win.

"But since you said that your future goal is to win the championship in the Soul Master Competition, then the remaining team members must seriously consider it.

"You are an auxiliary soul master, Yan Jin is a powerful attack soul master, Lei Yin and I are agility attack soul masters...

"According to a reasonable team composition, we should also need a soul master with healing ability, a control soul master, and a defense soul master.

"I have met some talented students before, but according to your conception, they don't quite meet the requirements."

Amon smiled and shook his head, "Vidal, don't think so much now, wait until two years later, we will see the result naturally... Just set the general direction.

"There is still a long time, and a small accident may overturn the original detailed plan, so there is no need to think too detailed before the matter is really close.

"Do you know a person named Romil? He should be in the third grade. Wuhun is a kind of light screen with defensive properties."

"Romil? You mean that 'bad Romil'?" Vidal blurted out.

"It seems you know. Can you tell me in detail?" Amon asked with interest.

"Romil...he is not from a noble family, but he is very talented, and his martial arts spirit also belongs to a very special category. Brady, Alia, Hussein, and Franco are all interested in recruiting him, but at present There is no result yet." Vidal answered naturally without thinking much.

"There is no result, that is to say, there is neither agreement nor clear rejection... Is he waiting for a price?" Amon made this judgment subconsciously.

"You can say that, but I think he is more hesitant." Vidal said in a low voice.


Vidal nodded:

"Yes, Romir's ability is very powerful, and there are almost no attacks that he can't block. Well, of course, I mean within the same level.

“His martial soul is a ‘barrier’, and the effects of the first, second, and third soul rings are also to increase the defensive power of the barrier.

“But the flaw is also obvious. His barrier cannot leave his body and can only respond to attacks from one direction.

"Romir doesn't have the ability to entangle his opponents. He can only ensure that he is not defeated. If other teams know his abilities in advance, it will be easy to target them.

“So when Brady and others invited him, although they promised generous remuneration, they hoped that his choice of the fourth soul ring would be more beneficial to the team.

"And that goes against Romil's intentions."

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