Yan Jin was walking on the forest path in the academy when a young man with a purple killer haircut and a punk-style coat studded with metal rings stopped in front of her.

"Are you... Seaweed Head?" Yan Jin raised an eyebrow, "I'm too busy these days and I don't have time to come to you, so you came to my door instead."

"Little miss, I don't mean any harm. Speaking of which, maybe we will become your companions in the future.

"Don't you happen to be short of a defense-type soul master? Mr. Amon invited me." Romil said quickly before Yan Jin could attack.

"Oh... Amon said that, let's have a fight first. Vidal also fought with me." Fire came out of Yan Jin's hand.

"Wait, wait, I admit defeat... Anyone who knows me knows that I don't have any offensive power, so in the end, I will lose." Romil raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Tch, it's boring." Yan Jin was not interested.

"What do you want from me?"

"Mr. Amon said that your knowledge and theoretical level of soul beasts, soul rings and soul skills are very solid. Let me ask you about the hunting target for my fourth soul ring." Romil complimented.

"Ah? Me?" Yan Jin pointed at himself with his index finger, looking confused.

Although she was happy to be praised for her solid theoretical knowledge, she still had some idea of ​​her level.

Romil explained his situation:

"Well, my martial soul is a barrier. Mr. Amon showed me another way to use the barrier. He used the substantial soul power to make a sword.

"This inspired me, if I change the shape of my spirit and make it look like a sword, I can also gain attack power!

"If it can be made into a sword, it can also be made into armor. Protect yourself from all sides, not just one side.

"For me, this is the best soul skill."

"Oh, I understand." Speaking of this, Yan Jin gained confidence. She was the most familiar with changing the spirit form.

Yan Jin nodded clearly, put his hands behind his back, and said seriously and solemnly:

"You need to hunt a slime!"

"Slime?" Romil looked confused, "What's the use of that useless soul beast?"

"Lei Yin's and I's two soul rings were obtained by hunting slimes, because it... well, you won't understand even if I tell you the details. In short, just kill the slimes."

It’s because you don’t understand! Romil complained secretly in his heart.

He resisted saying the offending words and asked again with some suspicion: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure. What attribute does your martial spirit have? Barrier, it should be a defensive attribute. You need to hunt down a slime with a defensive attribute." Yan Jin's little face was full of seriousness.

What a fucking defensive slime. Is there a slime with this kind of attribute? The corners of Romil's mouth twitched.

He held his chin and began to seriously think about the feasibility of this idea.

The most common impression given by slimes is that they can change their body shape at will, which seems to suit their own needs!

"But... slimes' bodies are all soft, right? Whether it's a normal water slime, a slime of other elements, or even an earth slime, won't this affect me? Is the martial soul’s defense powerful?” Romil asked.

"Hey, you don't know much about this, right?"

It's rare to be able to surpass others in terms of knowledge. Yan Jin is very dedicated. This gives her a greater sense of accomplishment than defeating a difficult opponent!

"I have seen a kind of slime that is all black, but once it is attacked, a layer of diamonds can form on the surface of the body! Amon calls it carbon slime, and it is a very special variant of earth-type slime." Yan Jin said confidently.

She had encountered this kind of slime before, and when she was helping Lei Yin hunt for soul rings, she had burned one with one punch.

Amon sat on the railing on the roof of the teaching building. He held the railing with his left hand and the lower edge of his monocle with his right hand, staring into the distance.

The wind blew his robes, and the hem of his black robes flapped in the wind like a flag.

"Tsk... interesting. Vidal said you have any intention of disbanding the team and joining us?" The corners of Amon's mouth tilted up slightly, forming a smile.

"Yes, classmate Amon, I am very optimistic about your team and want to make progress together with you."

Aaliya came over and got close to Amon, exuding a faint fragrance.

"Why should I accept you? What can you bring to me?"

For this woman who had tested him as soon as they met and had a very realistic style of doing things, Amon did not hide it and directly asked the most critical question.

Aaliya showed a sweet smile and answered with a silver bell-like voice:

“The academy’s teams are basically composed of nobles, and the team captains are often the heirs of great nobles.

“No matter how talented civilian soul masters are, there will never be more than two in a team.

"And the number of nobles in your team seems to be low... The weight of Vidal, the son of an earl, is not enough.

"You need to improve the number of nobles in your team so that you will not cause dissatisfaction among the school directors.

"If you don't want to eliminate the already confirmed civilian teammates, then you can only choose to increase the weight of the noble teammates and choose the heirs of the great nobles to join as much as possible.

"And I, the daughter of Marquis Fecris, although the power I can mobilize is limited, in terms of status, I am noble enough."

At the end, Aaliyah raised her voice slightly, seeming to be proud of her identity.

After a pause, she continued:

"Secondly, my talent is not weak, so I won't become a burden to you in the Soul Master Competition.

"Finally, there are many civilian soul masters in the team, right? They shouldn't be able to afford the cost of the best mimicry training. Let me pay for it... If anyone wants to hunt soul rings in the future, I can also hire people to provide it. help."

Amon straightened his glasses, clapped his hands, touched his palms and praised:

"It's a very good offer and it can save me a lot of trouble. If that's the case, what reason do I have to refuse?

"Welcome to join us, classmate Alia."

Aaliya smiled and said, "Then, please give me more advice, Captain Amon."

"By the way, I heard that Marquis Fecris is a staunch supporter of the royal family, right?"

Amon suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

Aaliya suddenly became alert, and even the smile on her face stopped slightly. Soon, she returned to normal and answered very naturally:

"Every noble in the North is bathed in the glory of Emperor Xueye, is grateful for his kindness, and is the most loyal and steadfast subject."

"Really?" Amon stroked his glasses and did not continue the topic.

After confirming the intention to cooperate, Aaliya said goodbye and left.

She returned to her residence, took off her gorgeous aristocratic clothes, put on an ordinary black outfit, and then put a round hat on her head.

Under the gaze of Amon one by one, Aaliya walked around in a large circle and came to the small door behind the Wuhun Hall.

An ordinary-looking middle-aged man came out and led her into the Spirit Hall.

The images seen by the clones were transmitted to Amon's mind through relay transmission.

He put his hand on the bottom edge of his monocle and sketched a smile:


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