Monnoz knew that he couldn't give the soul-stealing ghosts enough time, otherwise the probability of his high-level soul skills being stolen would continue to increase... As long as he tried enough, even the smallest probability would happen.

He looked at Scarface, and a longbow appeared in his hand, accompanied by a yellowish halo, and the sixth soul ring lit up.

After seeing his action, Scarface's head slightly back, his face slightly tilted, squinting at him, revealing a disdainful smile.

It stretched out its hand and grabbed forward, five fingers clenched, and the dark red light on its hand flowed.

Monnoz's soul ring dimmed, turned gray, and without light, he was horrified to find that his sixth soul skill had disappeared!

"Be careful, this guy took my sixth soul skill!" He reminded loudly.

"Ha hu!" "Ha hu!"

The surrounding soul-stealing ghosts howled excitedly and beat the ground with their hands, as if to cheer for the leader of their tribe.

Scarface did not attack immediately, but spread his palm forward and made an inviting gesture to Amon.

This made Walter, who wanted to take action, look interested and quietly watched the show.

Seeing that Amon was unmoved, Scarface pointed at him, patted his left arm first, and then patted his right arm.

Then he pointed at a female Dementor in the tribe and waved his hand proudly.

Walter smiled strangely and said to Amon: "Left and right it trying to recruit you?"

"I think so." Amon raised his right hand, paused slightly, and then pinched his eye sockets before putting it down.

He probably guessed what was going on.

Monoz said that he was able to escape from the encirclement of Dementors because his sixth soul skill was still usable, which means that the previous Dementors could not easily steal his sixth soul skill.

But Scarface's performance just now showed that he could do this easily.

If Scarface had not deliberately let Monoz escape before, then something had strengthened Scarface's stealing ability!

Amon knew that there were two main factors for the Soul Hunter to steal soul skills. One was the age of the Soul Hunter itself, and the other was the level and strength of the target soul skills.

He speculated that there was another hidden factor, which was the Soul Hunter's understanding of the target soul skills!

Amon guessed in his heart: "The reason why Scarface was able to easily steal Monnoz's sixth soul skill was probably because it stole my third soul skill, 'Decryption Scholar'.

"This allowed it to predict Monnoz's soul skills in advance and understand some of its effects and loopholes... so the possibility of successful theft was greatly increased.

"It realized the importance of my soul skill to it and was unwilling to let it go, but because the stolen skills were time-limited, it couldn't kill me, so it wanted me to be its subordinate."

"Heh... really interesting." Amon's mouth drew a smile.

Seeing that Amon was unmoved, Scarface, who failed to lure, turned to coercion. It roared at Amon, revealing its sharp fangs, and its already ferocious face became even more ferocious.

"Mr. Walter, are you going to just watch like this?" Amon asked.

Walter had a smirk on his face: "I'm just waiting for your choice, aren't I?"

Amon shrugged, "Which do you think I would choose, a 30,000-year soul ring or a subordinate of an orangutan?"

Scarface felt Amon's contempt for him, and his eyes were burning with anger. He looked at Walter, knowing that he was the strongest of the four people on the opposite side, and his murderous intent was overflowing.

He threw a "fraud" at Walter and kept "insight" turned on. Then, he stretched out his hand in the direction of Walter, but stole nothing.

This made Scarface a little confused. He looked at his palm blankly, and for a moment he didn't understand why his innate skills that were always successful would fail.

Even if the target of the theft was a human who was stronger than himself, he should be able to steal some low-level soul skills. It was the first time that he stole nothing like now.

Walter made a move, with a white halo in his hand, and silk threads gathered and quickly passed forward.

Scarface jumped back swiftly and dodged the attack. Where he was standing, a deep mark appeared on the ground, as if it had been cut by a blade.

After several attempts, Scarface, who realized that he could not steal Walter's soul skills anyway, took off the bone whip wrapped around his body, shook it twice, and looked at his opponent vigilantly.

Walter chuckled, and endless silk threads flowed out from behind him, gathering into sixteen sharp spider-like spears.

The spears twisted and twisted like poisonous snakes, and then shot at Scarface one after another.

After dodging several attacks, it suddenly found in horror that it could not move. Countless dense silk threads wrapped around it, restricting its movements.

Then, three spears made of silk threads pierced its body, and as blood was lost, Scarface's consciousness gradually blurred.

Amon's stolen soul skill returned. He immediately materialized his soul power, condensed a bullet, and then used the "air bomb" to push the bullet towards Scarface's head.

This is a trick that combines the materialization of soul power with the "air bullet". With a real bullet, it is more lethal than a simple "air bullet".

However, the attack distance is limited, because once the materialized soul power leaves Amon's body, it will turn back into ordinary soul power in a short time and lose its "substantial" nature.

Scarface's head exploded like a watermelon, with red blood and white jelly splashing everywhere.

Seeing the death of their leader, the rest of the Dementors howled in fear and fled in panic.

Walter's body suddenly disintegrated into strands of silk and then disappeared.

The one who acted with Amon and the others was just a silk puppet of Walter from beginning to end. His real body was still a kilometer away!

This is why Scarface's use of "fraud" and "stealing" had no effect.

After all, silk puppets have no thoughts that can be delayed, and no soul skills that can be stolen.

It even chose the wrong target, so it naturally couldn't work.

After killing the leader of the Dementors, Walter's body rushed over at a very fast speed and nodded to Amon with a smile.

A black soul ring slowly emerged from Scarface's body. The black halo was not dazzling, but it was so dazzling that the black-clothed youth and Monnoz who led the way could not take their eyes away.

A trace of envy and desire flashed in their eyes. A 30,000-year soul ring, even the Soul Emperor Monnoz didn't have it!

Seeing their inner desire, Walter smiled and said, "Do a good job and accumulate enough merits, and I can also help you."

"Thank you, sir." The black-clothed young man and Monnoz said in unison.

Looking at the soul ring that had a vague connection with him, Amon smiled.

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