Bang bang bang...

There was a knock on the door of an office on the second floor of Wuhun Hall, which was Walter's office.

The corner of Vargas' mouth twitched slightly as he passed by. If anyone else dared to act so recklessly in the Spirit Hall, he would have punished him long ago.

But looking at the girl in red clothes and red hair, he sighed, shook his head and pretended not to see it.

"Old man, old man, are you there? I'm coming!" Yan Jin was impatient, and after knocking a few times, he opened the door and went in.

Walter looked at his precious apprentice rather helplessly and rubbed his forehead.

"Close the door...I want to tell you something very important today."

"Oh...ok." Yan Jin obediently closed the door.

Although Yan Jin was vulgar, impolite, reckless, aggressive, and broke things from time to time, what pleased Walter was that she was more obedient.

Of course, obedience does not include asking her to change the above habits.

"You have to keep what I'm going to say today a secret...including from your elder brother and younger brother. Can you do it?" Walter said with a serious face.

This was the first time Yan Jin saw Walter so solemn. She opened the door, exited the room, and said: "Wait for me, I'm going to get ready."

She ran downstairs and whispered into the air: "Amon..."

"I understand." A stream of light flew out from between her eyebrows and stopped on the stone pillar on one side.

"This is the old man's secret..." Yan Jin explained.

"Well... I understand that I put my martial spirit on your side, just because I am worried that you will be in danger, or to stop you before you cause unsolvable trouble... Everyone has their own privacy, and who will be affected by excessive exploration? It’s no good.”

Amon's voice rang in Yan Jin's ears, and the sound was concentrated into a line. Naturally, he knew this little skill of using soul power.

"Yeah." Yan Jin nodded and ran back to Walter's office without saying a word, "Old man, I'm ready! I will never tell anyone!"

Walter's eyes narrowed slightly and he frowned. He had seen Amon's martial spirit and knew how to use some insects.

After thinking for a moment, he guessed that Amon probably had some means of eavesdropping on Yan Jin, but since Yan Jin himself knew about it and was willing, he didn't take any more care.

At the same time, he was also somewhat relieved that Yan Jin did not deal with him, which proved that he, as a teacher, still had some weight in Yan Jin's heart.

Walter's soul power circulated, and the threads covered the entire room. The densely intertwined threads isolated the inside and outside of the room, ensuring that no sound could be heard.

Then, he took out a jade box that exuded a faint chill from the space ring, opened the box, and an astonishing cold air spread.

"This is a ten-thousand-year-old snow lotus from the far north. It has the function of strengthening your foundation and improving your talent. Although it is not very consistent with your martial soul attributes and its effectiveness will be somewhat reduced, it is still a rare treasure. ”

"Old...Old man, you..." Although he had some guesses when he saw Walter taking out the snow lotus, Yan Jin still felt unbelievable.

Even if she didn't know much, she knew that this was definitely a priceless item, and it was not at the same level as the medicinal materials given to her before.

Even for Contra, this is probably extremely precious.

A faint smile appeared on Walter's face, "I can give it to you, but you have to do something for me. You should know that when I accepted you as my disciple, I had some purpose."

Yan Jin's face was full of seriousness, "What's the matter?"

"Kill someone for me!" A trace of hatred appeared on Walter's face.

"Okay...I agree." A smile appeared on Yan Jin's face.

This was right, Walter was so kind to her that it made her feel uneasy, so it was only normal for her to help him with something.

She solemnly said: "As long as it's not Amon, Lei Yin, or my brothers and sisters, no matter who it is, I will kill him!"

"Why don't you ask who it is?" Walter tried his best to calm down.

Yan Jin shook his head and said seriously:

"It doesn't matter who it is, Master... I will always remember your kindness to me. Without your help, I wouldn't be so successful.

"Maybe you have some purpose, maybe you have your own demands, but it doesn't matter. You really helped me a lot, and that's enough.

"Amon told me that all the gifts of fate have already been marked with a price secretly... I am also ready to pay the price. It's just killing someone, I have guessed it a long time ago, I am not stupid!

"Xuelian, just keep it for yourself, I will kill you... This is not a deal, it is my reward for you!"

This was the first time Walter heard Yan Jin call him master so sincerely, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad. He pushed Xue Lian in front of Yan Jin and barely smiled:

"The effect of this thing on me is not that obvious. If I could have taken it ten years earlier, I would have taken it myself, reached the realm of Titled Douluo, and taken revenge myself. But now, I am already old...

"Don't refuse. I give it to you so that you can have enough power to avenge me achieve my purpose faster...what I want you to do is not that easy to do."

"I'm already old" just five words impacted Yan Jin's mind.

Yan Jin stared at him blankly and did not pick him up. This was the first time she discovered that the powerful old man, the old man in the Soul Douluo realm, the old man who controlled the wind and rain in the Wuhun Palace... was so old.

His hair was gray and dull, his skin was saggy and wrinkled, his eyes were cloudy and slightly depressed, he looked old man.

Walter took a deep breath and continued:

"Do you know why I spared no effort to train you? The resources I spent on you over the years almost consumed half of my savings."

Yan Jin guessed, "To get revenge faster?"

"That's only part of the reason. The real key is that they are no longer important. The people who should have inherited them are no longer here..."

Walter's tone was filled with unconcealed sadness:

"My wife is dead, and my son is also dead. They died in the attack thirteen years ago at the hands of that damn bastard! Without a son who can inherit the property, what's the use of more wealth for an old man like me?"

Walter closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there seemed to be a flame burning in his eyes, a blazing fire of revenge that could not be extinguished.

He didn't look at Yan Jin to avoid scaring her with his eyes.

"I think you should have guessed what kind of strength the person I want you to kill will have."

Yan Jin nodded and said in a solemn tone, word by word: "Title, Dou, Luo!"

She adjusted her mentality, the magma in her hand surged, raised her right forearm, spread her five fingers covered with magma, and let the lava flow on her hand.

Yan Jin said with a somewhat flamboyant and arrogant demeanor: "So, who is the old man? I will burn him to ashes!"

Seeing Yan Jin's appearance, Walter finally smiled, and he replied solemnly:

"My enemy, title - Haotian!"

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