In the dark forest, three people walked slowly.

One of them wore white clothes with gold patterns, one was all red, and the other wore a pointed soft hat and a black classical robe.

"It's been half a month, and we haven't found that guy called Flame King Dragon. Could it have flown away?" Yan Jin asked.

The intelligence of the Spirit Hall showed that there was a Flame King Dragon in the Sunset Forest, but only a rough idea was known, and the location of its nest was not locked.

The Flame King Dragon is a winged, flying soul beast with a very wide range of activities. Even the entire Sunset Forest may be its hunting ground, so it is not easy to find it.

The three of them have been wandering in the forest for half a month. Except for a pile of fresh feces suspected to be discharged by the Flame King Dragon found by Amon by the river, there are no other clues.

"It's unlikely. Although the Flame King Dragon can fly, they prefer to build nests and settle in a suitable place rather than migrate around. The concentration of fire elements in the Sunset Forest is very high, and the food is abundant, which is the environment that the Flame King Dragon likes." Walter explained.

"Be patient. It took me a long time to find a beast. It's normal not to meet a soul beast like the Flame King Dragon that can move at high speed and has a wide range of activities for one or two months." Amon said with a smile.

"Oh..." Yan Jin nodded.

Her first and second soul rings hunted slimes, which had a limited range of activities and could be found without much effort.

The third soul ring of the Flowing Flame Lizard was tracked by Correa 24 hours a day until she reached level 30 and hunted immediately after she came out of retreat, so her impression of hunting soul rings was a bit biased and she underestimated the difficulty of finding a soul beast that fits perfectly.

The one accompanying Yan Jin and Walter was not Amon's original body, but a clone with a similar personality.

There are many soul beasts of high age in the Sunset Forest, which is not safe. There are also moody guys like Dugu Bo. It's not that he wants to hunt soul rings himself. Amon will naturally not take risks unless it is necessary... even if the risk is small.

His original body is in a small town dozens of kilometers away from the forest. Through the transmission of mental connections of his clones, he closely monitors the progress in the forest.

In addition to the clones that accompanied Walter and Yan Jin, there were a large number of Amons scattered throughout the forest, searching for traces of the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire.

The original book pointed out that the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire were in a valley in the Sunset Forest. The valley was blocked by Dugu Bo's poison formation, and there were soul beasts of at least thousand years in the periphery.

The area of ​​the Sunset Forest was not very large, and there would not be too many ten-thousand-year soul beasts. The thousand-year soul beasts were already at the top of the food chain.

Therefore, Amon's clones placed the main search location in the area near the center of the forest.

An Amon saw an area surrounded by a faint dark green poison barrier. After he passed the message to others, the Amons quickly discussed and communicated, and finally made a decision-let the Amon who discovered the poison barrier go in and take a look.

If he is not dead, he will carefully explore the situation inside. If he is dead, the Amons will remember his contribution to all Amons.

Amon raised his right hand, stroked his monocle, and said "tsk", and walked towards the poison barrier area reluctantly.

He activated his soul power to condense into a sphere that covered his entire body as a defense against the poison barrier.

When he came into contact with the light green poison barrier, Amon found that the speed of his soul power consumption increased slightly, indicating that the poison barrier had an erosive effect on the materialized soul power.

The road ahead was getting steeper and steeper. Amon condensed his soul power at the bottom of his feet and climbed up at a constant speed.

When he reached the top of the mountain, he found that there was an inverted cone-shaped valley in front of him, and the top of the mountain where he was was the edge of the valley.

At this moment, the consumption of the soul power shield had become normal, indicating that there was no poison gas around. Amon dispersed the shield and stared ahead.

Hot air rose from the bottom of the valley, with a bit of sulfur smell.

Everything was in line with the description of the original book, and Amon was basically sure that this was the valley where the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire was located.

"Heh... Good luck." He jumped down.

Every few distances, a pedal formed by the condensation of materialized soul power would be generated under his feet, and he walked from the top of the mountain to the bottom as if he was stepping on air.

He looked around like a thief, looking for the fairy grass and checking whether the original owner was at home.

A terrifying soul pressure suddenly descended, and Amon's body sank and quickly returned to normal. He turned around and looked at the source of soul power.

Tsk... I knew it wouldn't be so smooth. It seems that the idea of ​​stealing the fairy grass and running away has failed... Amon muttered in his heart.

Not far behind him, an old man with green hair, green pupils, and green nails, who looked a little unkempt, was staring at him, his eyes cold and evil like a venomous snake.

Amon looked normal, took off his hat and pressed it on his chest, and bent down slightly: "Good day, Your Majesty the Poison Douluo."

Seeing that Amon was completely unmoved by his Titled Douluo's momentum, Dugu Bo's eyes condensed slightly, and asked in a cold tone with a hint of murderous intent: "Who are you?"

"My name is Amon, I'm a student, and I'm here to make a deal with you." Amon chuckled and said.

"Trade? Haha, what kind of deal can a little kid make with me?" Dugu Bo smiled coldly.

Amon didn't argue much, just uttered one sentence:

"You are poisoned."

Dugu Bo laughed: "It's really ridiculous, I am poisoned? Do you really understand the meaning of the title of Poison Douluo?"

Amon still had a faint smile on his face, "Did I say anything wrong? Don't you know it yourself?

"Are the pains you suffered on rainy days fake?

"Do you really have no guesses in your heart?

"Or do you have a deduction, but you just can't accept it in your heart and deceive yourself?"

Amon didn't remember the specific description of Dugu Bo's poisoning symptoms in the original book. He just vaguely remembered that it seemed to occur on rainy days, similar to some arthritis, so what he said was a bit vague.

Dugu Bo's face changed. The secret of his poor health was revealed. He was murderous and his eyes became colder. He considered whether to kill and silence him.

Amon adjusted the height of the brim of his hat and continued:

"You want to kill me? Can you be sure that if you kill me, no one else will know your secret?

"Will I come to you directly without any preparation?

"Are you sure that after I die, the back-up I arranged will not spread your secret?

"Don't you have any enemies? After they know the secret, won't they take advantage of your poor condition to kill you?

"Would you like to listen to me first, the purpose of my coming here, wait until I finish and then make a decision, it won't take you much time."

"Then just tell me, what are you here for?" Dugu Bo heard the hidden threat from Amon, and his eyes became colder.

Amon curled the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint smile, as long as he was willing to listen to him, the passive effect of "Swindler" would work.

This is a very obscure mental influence, which only makes people feel that his words are more credible, and will not change the way others think.

Just like a good face, decent clothes, and polite behavior, it increases others' subconscious favorability towards him, and even Amon himself cannot be sure whether it is effective.

So even the Titled Douluo whose strength far exceeds that of Amon now can hardly escape its influence.

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