"Trade? What else do you have in mind?" Dugu Bo asked with interest.

He expected Amon to bring him some more inspiration.

But Amon shook his head, "This time, what I want to trade is not an idea, but a soul bone. Are you ready to give your granddaughter a soul bone?"

Speaking of this, Dugu Bo frowned. Soul bones are not so easy to get, even for him, a Titled Douluo.

And for Dugu Yan's future, it would be better to get her a ten thousand year soul bone, which is even more rare.

"Soul bone... do you have it?" Dugu Bo asked without much expectation.

"No." Amon answered directly, "But you can have it. Senior Dugu, you should know that the champion prize of this Soul Master Competition is three ten thousand year soul bones, right?

"I am confident that I can win the championship. I will use one of the soul bones and exchange it for another herb. How about it?"

"You? A Soul Sect? "Dugu Bo had a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Just now, Amon deliberately revealed a trace of soul power fluctuation, although his clone was only level 30, and it became even lower after splitting the Time Worm.

But the first soul ring can release the stored soul power "expressiveness" at the right time to create a false impression for others.

"Well... my team is very strong, senior, please give me a herb first, and I will give you the soul bone after we win the championship. To ensure that I will fulfill my promise.

"You can poison me, it will take effect in two years, and it will kill you without an antidote."

Amon's tone was calm, but his eyes deliberately revealed a hint of madness that only gamblers would have.

After a brief pause, he continued:

"Let's bet once, I will use my life to bet that my team can win the championship, and the senior will use the herb paid now to bet that he can harvest soul bones in the future."

In the eyes of those who don't know the true value of immortal grass, they are obviously far less precious than soul bones.

"Which academy are you from?"

"Northern Advanced Soul Master Academy."

When Dugu Bo heard about this unknown academy, he wanted to refuse. He knew how powerful the "golden generation" of the Spirit Hall was, but he changed his mind and agreed.

If he agreed to this deal, he could poison this kid legitimately. He would be controlled by me, so he would not easily reveal the matter of the medicine garden...

With this thought, Dugu Bo smiled:

"Okay, this is what you said, I will poison you...If you can't give me a soul bone, I don't want your life, you just need to help me study poisons later."

He took out a green pill and handed it to Amon, "This is the Seven Insects and Seven Stars Grass, which is made from a mixture of seven poisonous insects and seven poisonous grasses. You need to take the antidote once a year to delay the onset."

Amon took the pill without hesitation and swallowed it directly...As an Amon clone, he "voluntarily" sacrificed for Amon as a whole.

"Very good." Dugu Bo nodded with a smile, and handed another red pill to Amon:

"This is the antidote. If you take it when the poison attacks in one year, it will delay the time for one year. Two years later, you must come here to find me, otherwise you will die...

"Also, you must not tell anyone what you saw in my medicine garden after you go out, otherwise, you can't even think about getting the antidote."

The key to this transaction is not the soul bone, but Amon needs to give a reason to let himself be controlled by Dugu Bo, so that Dugu Bo can let him go with confidence and bring the fairy grass back to the original body.

As for the antidote or not...

As a clone, would I care about this? And whether I can exist for a year is a question...Amon's clone secretly complained.

"You can go and choose the herbs, and leave immediately after choosing, don't disturb me while I study the detoxification method. "Dugu Bo waved his hand with some disdain.

Amon walked to the Yin-Yang Eye of Fire and Ice, used the materialized soul power to transform into a pair of hands, and picked up the Earth Dragon Gourd, which was prepared for Yan Jin.

In fact, among the three "Fire Apricot Delicate Shu", "Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower", and "Earth Dragon Gourd", "Fire Apricot Delicate Shu" is the most suitable for Yan Jin.

The fire poison that is violent and fierce for ordinary people is actually an excellent tonic for Yan Jin who has a magma martial spirit.

Among the latter two, "Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower" is too mild in medicinal properties, and is not as thick and fierce as "Earth Dragon Gourd".

Yan Jin's fighting style has a tendency to work hard to create miracles, and "Earth Dragon Gourd" is more suitable.

As for why he didn't give her "Fire Apricot Delicate Shu", it was naturally because it was to be left for Tang San.

In "Secret", Amon's god-making ceremony requires replacing the position of that person in the god-making ceremony of others.

Although Amon is still unclear Will he have such ability in the future, and whether this method is applicable in Douluo, but this does not prevent him from preparing for a rainy day and making such preparations now.

There are currently three targets available for selection, namely Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, and Tang San.

Among them, Bibi Dong has grown up and is the contemporary pope of the Spirit Hall. A powerful person at the level of Titled Douluo, whose level is likely to be close to level 99, is not a target that can be easily planned.

Qian Renxue disguised as Prince Xue Qinghe, with two Titled Douluo guarding by his side, Ci Xue and She Long, many soul masters under him, and Qian Daoliu, a near-god strongman behind him, is not a good choice either.

Only Tang San in the early stage has a clear growth trajectory and is still weak. Although he has a Tang Hao guarding him, Tang Hao is only one person after all, and it is impossible for him to watch him all the time, so he is the easiest to control.

And as long as he gets the Hanhai Qiankun Cover, he can delay or promote his progress in becoming a god.

On the whole, Tang San is the most ideal ritual material for Amon.

Amon can't leave the ready-made materials unused and go to the trouble of cultivating himself.

Therefore, it is necessary to try to keep Tang San's growth trajectory in the original work.

If there is a problem in any link, it will be a troublesome thing for Amon.

However, Amon will also properly control Tang San's growth progress. If he feels that he grows too fast and is too strong, he will suppress him.

If he grows too slowly, he will give him a certain "motivation", including but not limited to his lover being seriously injured and dying, being hunted, his friends being killed, etc. ... and some "opportunities" that can improve his strength.

Tang San is only about level 30 now, and Amon doesn't need to be vigilant and suppressed.

Of course, focusing on Tang San does not mean completely giving up the other two options. There is a possibility of mistakes in the plan and the possibility of failure in the ritual. The more opportunities to try, the better.

Amon used a soul shield to cover the earth dragon gourd to prevent the smell of the medicine from attracting soul beasts. Then, he wrapped the big gourd with a piece of cloth and threw it over his shoulder.

"Senior Dugu, I'm leaving first." Amon informed.

"Let's go, don't bother me."

Amon raised his hand and stroked his monocle. With a satisfied smile on his face, he stepped on the soul pedal condensed in the air and jumped out of the valley.

Before leaving, he looked back and stared at the valley for a moment, "Hehe, it's time to come... You must take this gift of fate well."

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