"Mermaids? Sea soul beasts?" Walter frowned. He had never heard of this kind of existence. Judging from the word "fish", it should be a soul beast in the water, and he guessed it was related to the sea.

"The mermaids are a kind of half-human and half-soul beast, similar to wolf thieves. Some mermaids can practice like humans. When they break through the level, they need to hunt soul rings, while others are like soul beasts." Amon explained to Walter.

"Half-human and half-soul beast? Can you get a soul ring if you kill it?" Walter asked with some interest. It was also the first time he heard of such a strange existence.

Amon replied: "It depends on the concentration of soul beast blood in their bodies. If the blood concentration is high, it is more inclined to soul beasts, so soul rings will be produced. If the blood concentration is low, it is more inclined to humans, so their cultivation will be close to humans."

"If this is the case, then they are likely to be similar to humans, forming settlements similar to villages and towns... You want me to hunt a social creature with soul douluo strength and human wisdom?"

Walter is also a top-level soul douluo. Even special 50,000-year soul beasts can be hunted, but Amon's request is really a bit outrageous. Even a titled douluo may not be able to do it.

"Sometimes, having human wisdom and emotions may be the biggest flaw. Mr. Walter should understand this."

Amon pinched his glasses and smiled, "I will select the right target... Leave the intelligence work and early arrangements to me this time. You just need to help me hunt at the right time."

"Okay." Walter nodded in agreement.

In the special training ground for the participating teams of Beidi College, Yan Jin leaned against the wall of the ring with his arms around his chest.

The light shone diagonally, casting a large shadow on the ten-meter-high ring.

Sun Boyuan came over with three people. He looked at the participating teams, did not see the captain Amon, and did not ask much. He introduced to the other seven people:

"These are the top three in the college's individual competition. They will join your team as substitutes. I hope you can get along well."

They were all familiar faces, Brady, Yang Feipeng, Gong Chengyun. There were only a few strong students in the college. Vidal and Alia basically knew them all.

"You, introduce yourselves." Sun Boyuan said to the three people.

"Brady, level 38 Strong Attack War Soul Master, Martial Soul Flame Lion."

"Yang Feipeng, level 36 Agility Attack War Soul Master, Martial Soul Golden Winged Eagle."

"Gong Chengyun, level 37 Strong Attack War Soul Master, Martial Soul Sword Tail Dragon."

"Hey... new companion." Yan Jin walked closer, showing an excited look:

"There is a rule in our team that new companions need to fight with the original members to test their strength."

Romil picked his nose and said, "There is no such rule at all. She added it now."

Yan Jin used his elbow to hit his stomach, but was blocked by a barrier.

Watching the interaction between the two, Brady smiled knowingly:

"Well, since Yan Jin is so interested, we will accompany you."

"Very good!" Yan Jin clenched his fists and jumped onto the ring with a backflip, "Let's try it, the three of you come together."

Brady jumped up without hesitation.

The other two hesitated a little and followed the ring, but they had a hint of anger in their hearts.

After all, they were the top three in the individual competition of the internal competition of the academy. Wanting to fight one against three, who are they looking down on?

"One against three? Is she a little too arrogant?" Alia sat on the edge of another arena of the same height, supporting her chin with both hands, and asked in a voice like a silver bell.

"Arrogant? Not necessarily." Vidal recalled the battle between Yan Jin and Amon a few days ago, with a smile on his face.

Although that battle ended with Yan Jin being beaten unilaterally, it didn't mean anything. After all, in Vidal's heart, Amon has always been mysterious and powerful.

The surging soul power emanated from Yan Jin, emitting a powerful pressure.

She also informed the other party of her level and type according to the tradition of soul masters fighting:

"Yan Jin, 49-level strong attack system fighting soul sect."

Even though he was prepared, Vidal fell into silence when he heard her level.

Romil looked as if he had seen a ghost, "What's going on? Wasn't she level 40 before? Even if she got the spirit ring, she shouldn't have jumped so much at once, right?"

Bing Lan's cold face was full of astonishment, and there was a trace of unwillingness in her eyes.

Two years ago, she could fight back and forth with Yan Jin on the ring. Only two years have passed, and now there is a gap between them like a chasm.

Sun Boyuan opened his mouth and silently lowered his posture again. According to Yan Jin's previous performance, it didn't seem to be too much pressure for a level 49 spirit power level to beat him, a level 54 spirit king... He seemed to be a very low-profile instructor.

Standing opposite Yan Jin, Brady, Yang Feipeng, and Gong Chengyun looked solemn. It was the first time for them to feel such a strong and direct sense of oppression from opponents of this age group.

Brady secretly compared Yan Jin and Amon in his heart, and felt that the two of them gave people completely different feelings.

The former was as violent as a volcano, flamboyant and passionate, and he could feel the heavy pressure coming at him as soon as he stood opposite her.

When facing Amon, you won’t feel how strong he is at first, but when the fight really starts, you will feel a deep sense of powerlessness, a deep and restrained pressure.

Yang Feipeng no longer hesitated, and the slight anger in his heart caused by being despised gradually dissipated, leaving only a strong desire to fight.

In a golden halo, his hands turned into wings and flew into the sky.

Gong Chengyun's hands turned into claws, his knee joints turned over and bent forward, and his tailbone continued to extend, forming a tail with a bone sword at the end.

He quickly ran behind Yan Jin, staring at her with dark yellow pupils.

Yan Jin looked at Brady, who had some lion features in front of him, and laughed: "Haha, it's a bit like the big cat before."

Her hands were covered with magma, and as her martial spirit appeared, the two yellow, one purple and one black soul ring configuration was also revealed to everyone.

"Black...soul ring?"

The fourth soul ring absorbed a ten thousand year soul ring, and this extraordinary fact once again provoked their nerves.

The battle ended very quickly, and Brady and Gong Chengyun were almost knocked off the ring by Yan Jin's all-out "Big Fire Breathing" as soon as they met.

Yang Feipeng, who had the ability to fly, circled in the air for a long time, and was finally knocked down by a "volcanic bomb".

"Hehehe..." Yan Jin proudly put her hands on her hips and smiled on the ring.

She jumped off the ring, walked to Lei Yin, and said, "In case there are any more idiots who make Amon unhappy, I will beat them all first."

Lei Yin looked at his sister in surprise, not expecting that there was such a deep meaning behind her behavior.

"She actually has a brain?" Romil said Lei Yin's thoughts without hesitation.

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