When he came, Su Xing had already spoken about how he knew that Xiao Wu was a soul beast and that her family was in the Great Star Dou Forest.

It is said that Xiao Wu said it on the night she was addicted to the drug.

The truth is also true. During the process of that night, Xiao Wu did reveal her identity as a soul beast.

It's just that Da Ming and Er Ming were not mentioned, nor that she used to live in the Great Star Dou Forest!

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Su Xing knew that Xiao Wu had to believe it, because apart from what she told Su Xing, Su Xing had no other possibility to know these secrets!


The voice of awakening fell, and there was a thunderous roar in the distance.

Then, a formidable spirit power coercion came over!


A hill-like figure rose into the sky from a hiding place, crossed the high mountains and forests, and smashed directly towards Su Xing.


The mountain-like body smashed down, and a strong wind raged.

When I woke up, I felt like I was almost blown away!

Damn, it's Erming!

Su Xing smiled bitterly in his heart, Er Ming was rather stupid, could not speak, and was more impulsive, Su Xing was afraid that he would do it without saying a word!

"You're Senior Erming, right? Don't do anything, I'm here to find Xiao Wu!" Su Xing didn't have the arrogance just now, and directly confessed his intentions!

Of course, the Lei Dun armor is also on at this time of awakening, ready to respond at any time!


Hearing Su Xing's words, Er Ming's eyes flashed, and he heard it right.

Moreover, Su Xing actually called out the names of it and Daming, that could only be what Sister Xiao Wu told him, it could not be wrong!

Even if it is wrong, take it back and ask Miss Wu.

Thinking like this, Er Ming stretched out his big hand and grabbed towards Su Xing.


Just wake up, how dare Erming catch it, that's too dangerous.

However, he also saw that Erming was not trying to attack him, and said quickly, "Senior Erming, you lead the way, I'll just follow!"


Erming was furious, and clearly realized that Su Xing did not trust it.


Then Er Ming slapped it down with a slap, wanting to slap the wake up and take it away.

"The field of ice and fire!"

Immediately after waking up, he displayed the field of ice and fire, trying to restrict Er Ming's movements.

However, before awakening, the ice and fire field, which was invincible, had no effect on Erming, who was rough-skinned and fleshy, and could not stop Erming's actions at all.

Awakening can only use speed to dodge!


Er Ming dared to hide when he saw that he was awakened, and he was also avoided, and suddenly became a little angry, his soul power erupted, and he was about to do it.


It's just that before Er Ming could make his move, a shocking humming sound came from farther away, and Er Ming's movements stopped.

Then Er Ming looked at Su Xing angrily, turned around and left!


"The sense of oppression is just so strong, far surpassing that of Dugu Bo!"

Su woke up and took a breath, then quickly followed Er Ming's figure.


At this time, where Xiao Wu and the others were, Daming looked at Xiao Wu with serious eyes: "Sister Xiao Wu, have you told others about your identity? He even knows the names of me and Erming!"

Xiao Wu was dumbfounded when she heard the voice just now, but she also felt that the voice was a little familiar!

"...It's him!" Soon Xiao Wu's eyes widened in disbelief. She never thought that Su Xing would actually find this place.

As for how Su Xing knew her identity, she also vaguely remembered that she had mistaken Su Xing for Tang San, and seemed to have told Su Xing her identity that night.

It's just that she had always resisted recalling the scattered memories of that night, so she never thought of it.

"who is it?"

Daming hurriedly asked!

"Yes... it's the father of the child in my womb!" Xiao Wu hesitated for a while, but said it anyway.

"Is it him? Did you find it here?"

"You even told him your identity and here, and you said you don't like him?"

When Daming heard this, he felt even more that Xiao Wu's previous words were lying to him!

"No, I thought of him as the third brother before, so I said my identity!" Xiao Wu quickly denied that she didn't like waking up.

"This is not important. I only know that he is the father of the child. I would like to know, what is he doing here?"

"Give you back to him? Wouldn't he think that we didn't let you leave the Star Dou Forest? That's why you came here? You're not too brave!"

Daming said this, his tone was a little unkind, and he actually said that it and Erming had imprisoned Xiao Wu!

"It's not really..." Seeing that Daming had stopped paying attention to the question of who she really likes, Xiao Wu did not continue to explain.

For the arrival of Su Xing, she was hesitating whether to hide. She didn't want to see Su Xing, let alone let Su Xing know that she was pregnant.

Even if it wasn't for Su Xing's identity as a child's father, she wanted Daming Erming to kill Su Xing directly.

"Sister Wu, just stay here and see what he wants to do! You can also make it clear!"

Daming seemed to have guessed what Sister Xiao Wu was thinking, and suggested that Sister Wu not hide.

"All right!"

Xiao Wu thought about it for a while, and then reluctantly agreed.



After a while, Er Ming's figure arrived first.


The figure of the awakening followed closely, and then he saw the even larger body of Da Ming.

Only then did I notice Xiao Wu, and after seeing that Xiao Wu's belly was obviously slightly bigger, Su Xing was relieved!

Fortunately, I guessed right!

If this guess is wrong, if Xiao Wu is not pregnant, he will be in danger. It is really hard to say whether Xiao Wu will let him go.

However, in that case, there is also a record for awakening, but fortunately, it is not used now!

"Little dance!"

"I finally found you!"

Su Xing looked at Xiao Wu and smiled.

"What are you doing to me? I already told you that that day didn't happen!"

"Furthermore, I'm still a soul beast transformed for a hundred thousand years!"

Xiao Wu looked at Su Xing coldly, but didn't give Su Xing a good wink.

This bastard not only ruined her innocence, but also enlarged her belly and forced her to leave Tang San by Tang Hao. It's not bad that she didn't let Daming Erming kill Su Xing!

"I already knew it, you said it that night!"

"I promised you that nothing happened, but you're pregnant? Right?"

"Then I can't pretend that nothing happened!"

Su Xing replied with a serious look.

"How did you know?"

Xiao Wu touched her stomach, she didn't understand why Su Xing knew!

Did the third brother's father tell him?

What is he trying to do?


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