Douluo: Starts From Blowing Up the Spirit Ring

Chapter 63 Start with three meals a day


"No spirit ring? Then how did he get in here alone? I took a shot at him before, and his strength is not weak!"

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Er Ming was also surprised.

Daming didn't say a word, and Erming also knew about Su Xing's hands before.

Daming just looked at Xiao Wu, waiting for Xiao Wu's explanation.

"Awakening, he only absorbed one spirit ring, and he blew it up later. He said that he didn't need a spirit ring, and his dream was to become a Title Douluo without a spirit ring!"

Xiao Wu said.

The situation of awakening is really special, so even if she didn't care much about awakening before, she knows some of the conditions of awakening.

Although she has not had a good impression of awakening since Shrek Academy, she really appreciates the dream of awakening!

"You don't need to absorb the spirit ring, but you can always upgrade your powerful strength!"

"How did he do that?"

At this moment, Daming was really curious about awakening!

Soul masters in Douluo mainland will hunt soul beasts to get soul rings, so if the awakening method is applicable to other soul masters, wouldn’t the soul master world not need to hunt soul beasts to absorb soul rings to upgrade their level?

If not all, but only a part, it is a blessing for the soul beasts of Douluo Continent!

Daming really wanted to ask Su Xing directly, but after thinking about it, he held on to it, Su Xing wants to stay here, there are many opportunities!

In fact, the best person to ask is Sister Xiao Wu, but Daming also sees that Xiao Wu is currently very resistant to awakening, and it is not bad to be able to agree to awaken and stay.

It was impossible for Xiao Wu to take the initiative to ask these questions.

Xiao Wu shook her head to indicate that she didn't know either, so she said it might have something to do with the strange fruit that Su Xing once served!

When Daming heard the words, he did not refute, but he knew in his heart that it was impossible. The ability to continue to improve without a spirit ring must be due to other factors.

Xiao Wu then continued to talk about Su Xing, focusing on what Su Xing liked at first, Zhu Zhuqing, and pursued Zhu Zhuqing, then turned around and got on with Ye Lingling from Tian Dou Royal Academy.

"It turns out that what you said before, Xiao Wu, is true, it seems that the kid is a fickle boy!"

Erming muttered.

"Then you can't blame that kid. The little girl from Shrek Academy didn't agree to his pursuit. It's not wrong for him to pursue other girls!" Daming said a good word for Su Xing!

"I said Daming, how can you say good things for that kid? Isn't it because of that herb?"

Er Ming looked at Daming strangely, this was the first time he saw it.

"What do you know?" Daming snorted coldly, and without talking to Erming, he quickly said to Xiao Wu: "I almost forgot, Sister Xiao Wu, Erming and I are protecting you, you hurry up and send it to Xiao Wu. Zi Guanyin Lotus, eat it!"

"For you and the child in your stomach, the sooner you eat this fairy grass, the better!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Wu heard the words without hesitation, not thinking about herself, but also thinking about the baby in her womb!

Afterwards, under the protection of Daming Erming, Xiao Wu sat up in meditation and ate the Immortal Grass Sent Zi Guanyin Lotus that she had woken up to.

It melted in the mouth, and a milky white halo quickly revealed from Xiao Wu's body, and finally filled the entire body.

The rest is to wait for Xiao Wu to slowly absorb the medicinal power of the fairy grass!


After Su Xing left Xiao Wu's side, he didn't go far, just found a place to settle down a few hundred meters away.

If it is too far, it is not safe. This is the territory of Daming Erming, and other powerful soul beasts basically dare not invade!

Thinking that he might stay for a long time, Awakening built a tree house using the life domain transformed by the ice and fire domain.

Very simple operation, fix the growth direction of the tree, and then spawn, adjust, and spawn again, just like those potted plants of different shapes in the previous life.

In the end, a treehouse made up of dozens of giant tree branches interlaced was awakened and constructed!

In the end, all the branches at the top were intertwined to form a crown. From a distance, there seemed to be only one of the dozens of large trees.

After the tree house is built, Su Xing can only continue to practice!

After entering the Star Dou Great Forest, he failed to cultivate properly, so he always needed to pay attention to the movements around him.

When we arrived at Daming Erming's site, we finally didn't have to worry about the spirit beasts that suddenly attacked!

The next day, when I woke up, I went to see Xiao Wu, and even thoughtfully made breakfast and sent it over.

"Why are you here again?"

When Xiao Wu saw Su Xing, she couldn't help frowning, but she still resisted Su Xing and approached her!

Seeing Xiao Wu again, Xiao Wu's temperament has changed greatly, she is no longer haggard, her whole face is radiant, and at a glance, she knows that Xiao Wu has put down that immortal grass!

"I just came to see you, if you don't want to see me, I'll leave right away!"

"I'm relieved to see you look much better!"

"This is the breakfast I brought you. In the future, I will cover all your three meals. Seeing that you don't have any kitchen utensils here, you must be eating fruits. That's not good. The nutrition can't keep up!"

Su Xing knew that Xiao Wu was still resisting herself, so she didn't wait any longer, she put down the breakfast she made for Xiao Wu and left.


Seeing Su Xing and walking away, Xiao Wu didn't have time to refuse.

Thinking of what Su Xing had just said, her pretty face was also slightly red.

Found out that I can't cook anymore!


Smelling the fragrance, Xiao Wu's stomach also growled in time, but fortunately no one saw it.

"Just eat it, baby, I'm eating it for you, not what your mother wants to eat!"

After finding an excuse for herself, Xiao Wu picked up the breakfast sent by Wake up with peace of mind.

Now that breakfast is accepted, Xiao Wu also accepts lunch and dinner.

The main reason is that the awakening is more conspicuous, knowing that Xiao Wu might still resist or feel embarrassed, so he always leaves after sending it off, so that Xiao Wu will not be embarrassed or something.

Just like this, Su Xing stayed in the Great Star Dou Forest. In addition to taking care of Xiao Wu's three meals a day, he was exercising and studying spirit skills!

However, the speed of researching soul skills has slowed down a lot, and more time has been spent on researching how to capture the soul ring of the stored soul beast after death!

Of course, Su Xing will not study these under the eyes of Daming Erming, and he will put the steps to capture the soul ring after the death of the soul beast to the end!

First of all, awakening is to use his own soul power to research soul tools that can store soul power. The soul power of a soul master is no different from the soul ring of a soul beast. In other words, the soul ring of a soul beast should be more difficult to capture and store. Only the soul tool that stores its own soul power can proceed to the next step.

For the behavior of awakening, both Daming and Erming saw it, and Erming also began to feel that awakening was good.

"Er Ming, you go to Su Xing and tell him that he needs to cooperate with battle to improve quickly, and then you go to be his sparring partner!"

"By the way, let's see what his strength is!"

On this day, Daming suddenly instructed Erming.


The third one! Recommended ticket~(\u003e_\u003c)~

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