Douluo: Take the First Poseidon’s Nine Tests

Chapter 9 Seeing, Seeing, Coloring and Distinguishing People's Hearts!

"Now, after six years of hard training, I already have some self-protection power. But it's not enough! Why don't I take the time to go to Poseidon Island to take a god test and strengthen my strength." Hemingway, who was standing on the bow, looked away. Distant, far-sighted. I was thinking about other things in my mind.

"With my martial soul aptitude, no matter what, I can get a black-level assessment, or even a red-level assessment, right?" He was very confident in his own qualifications. As for obtaining the Seagod's Nine Tests, inheriting the Seagod's position. He didn't even think about it. Because according to the original book, there is one thing that is absolutely indispensable in order to obtain the Sea God's Nine Tests.

That is the heart of the sea god!

And this so-called Seagod's Heart has long been out of the world, and now it has become the treasure of the Heaven Dou Imperial Family - the Vast Sea Universe Cover!

In such a situation, it was impossible for Hemingway to obtain the Vast Sea Universe Cover. Because this thing is the treasure of the country, where can I give it to you casually?

Even if Xue Ye, the current emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, was his mother's half-brother, and considered his uncle in terms of seniority, it was absolutely impossible to give him the Vast Sea Universe like this.

Unless Hemingway himself has the absolute strength, so strong that Xue Ye has to win over him and give away the treasure of the town. Or in the event of a crisis of annihilation, using him as the last straw... just like Tang San in the original book.

So in summary.

Vast Sea Universe Cover, he doesn't need delusions now.

Absolutely impossible to get!

Taking a step back, even if he got the Vast Sea Universe Cover. It is also not necessarily able to obtain the approval of the Vast Sea Universe Cover, and then obtain the Seagod's Nine Tests.

Because first of all, I want to get the Seagod Nine Tests. It must be recognized by the Seagod's Heart, that is, the Vast Sea Universe Cover, or the recognition of the Seagod's remnants inside.

But in order to get the recognition of the Vast Sea Universe Cover, first of all, your physique must be able to withstand the power of Vast Sea!

What is the power of the sea?

To put it bluntly, it is the power of the Sea God!

But how could the power of the Sea God be so easy to bear? Those countless people who had obtained the Vast Sea Universe Cover before the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, wanted to drop their blood to recognize their master, but couldn't bear the power of Vast Sea and died, were the lessons learned.

Hemingway felt that his current self was much worse than Tang San in the original novel in all aspects, even if he could obtain the Vast Sea Universe Cover, he would rashly shed his blood to recognize the master, and he would use the Seagod's power in the Vast Sea Universe Cover into his body. It's definitely a dead end!

There is no second possibility.

After all, Tang San was able to gain the approval of the Seagod's Heart in the original book, and that was because the protagonist's halo was a combination of many factors. For example, he is carrying the Tang Sect supreme master Xuan Tiangong in his previous life, as well as the talent of twin martial arts. He still has a 100,000-year spirit ring and a 100,000-year spirit bone in his body, coupled with the ice and fire eyes to quench his body, and eating several immortal grasses to improve his aptitude... The combination of so many factors made him extremely extreme. Terrifying qualifications!

But what about him?

What does Hemingway have now?

In addition to the twin martial arts upgraded by the martial arts upgrade card, only the gravity bracelet has been exercised for six years.

His talent is very high, but what does this have to do with whether he can afford the power of the vast sea?

With this little capital, it is simply wishful thinking to endure the power of the Sea God!

Hemingway felt that when he was able to withstand fifty times the gravity, the strength of his physique might be able to try to identify himself as a master with a drop of blood, to see if he could bear the power of the Sea God and gain the approval of the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

Before that, even if you can get the Vast Sea Universe Cover, don't try it rashly.

After all, there is only one life!


"The main mission of the system is to make me the only true king of the Douluo world! This refers to the world, not a simple continent. It also means that the sea is also within the scope of conquest. In this case,

I will start recruiting my subordinates from this sea and form a force. Wait until the wings are full, and then go back to the mainland! Hemingway's eyes flashed, thinking about his future plans.

And when it comes to building a force, since he obtained the meat ball fruit, his confidence has been unprecedentedly strong!


Hemingway turned his head slightly and looked at the few pirates who were watching in the direction not far behind, silently running the ability of the meat ball fruit. Immediately, these people became a colorful aggregate of colors in his eyes.

"Martial soul!"

He recited a sentence in his heart, and then a certain feeling in the dark led him to find the color that belongs to the martial soul in the complex colors of the human body!

Hemingway intuition that he can use the ability of the meat ball fruit. Pop out other people's martial spirits and transplant them into other people's bodies. Artificially created twin martial spirits!

And the effect of this ability doesn't stop there. If someone is not satisfied with his martial arts, he can use the meat ball fruit to pop out his martial arts and find a better martial arts to replace!

That said, just think about it. Hemingway can artificially create all kinds of geniuses at any time, not to mention twin spirits, three spirits, four spirits! There are as many martial arts as you want! The premise is that you will not die due to the conflict of martial arts.

And even something like innate soul power can be transplanted! A man-made genius full of soul power!

How terrifying!

With this ability in place, it is simply too simple to form a force.

Because what is the most important thing about a power?



No, those two things, though important, are not the most important.


For a force, talent is the most important thing!

But now, because he has the ability of flesh ball fruit, he can use this ability to artificially create genius. What kind of foul kind of thing is this?

Once other people know that Hemingway has this ability, I am afraid that he will be greeted by a group attack!

Everyone will come against him!

Because this ability is too terrifying in this world!

It can be said that as long as Hemingway can survive, he will develop silently. Sooner or later you will be able to become the master of the world!

"To form a force, you must start by recruiting your subordinates." Hemingway looked at the pirates and shook his head slightly. These pirates knew at a glance that they were extremely cunning, and in the sense of domineering and domineering they saw, their minds were even more vicious and vicious! Something with no loyalty like this is definitely not a good candidate for a subordinate.

Even if he has decided to become a sea king first, he does not collect all kinds of garbage.

After possessing the ability of the meat ball fruit, Hemingway will recruit his subordinates in the future, and talent is no longer a necessary condition. The first and foremost must be character and loyalty!

After all, even if his talent is not good, he can replace it with the ability of the meat ball fruit, but if his character is not good and his loyalty is not enough, even if he has the meat ball fruit, it is useless. On the contrary, you may injure yourself! Let these subordinates cause you a lot of trouble.

Once the ability of the flesh ball fruit is leaked out before his wings, then the world is so big that there is absolutely no place for him!

Therefore, if you want to recruit subordinates, it is best to be some wandering orphans, because such people are young and have little mind and are easy to cultivate. The orphan's rough life experience is not hindered at all. Knowing that the happy life is not easy to come by, he is loyal to his benefactor and can serve him wholeheartedly!

"I'm arrogant and arrogant right now. Although I can't read the mind and foresee the future, I can sense other people's minds and emotional changes, and can distinguish between good and evil! This ability is simply born to screen loyal subordinates. Born!" Hemingway was a little surprised when he counted his few abilities. He found that the things rewarded by the system novice gift package seemed to be exactly what he needed to achieve his goals. It's just too sweet.

"So, the top priority right now is not to go to Seagod Island to gain strength. It is to find a populated island. Then adopt some orphans there, and start to cultivate your own power... Slowly grow and develop!" Hemingway began Imagine your bright future, the more you think about it, the more you feel that you can't lose at all!

Once he has passed the developmental period, he will lead a bunch of subordinates of the twin spirits, and they will sweep the universe as soon as they appear on the stage!

Who in this world can stop him? !

Who else? !

Just ask who else! ! !

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