Thousands of years have passed since the Sun and Moon Empire unified the Douluo Continent and later changed its name to the Sun and Moon Federation. Without internal disputes, the technology of the human world will naturally enter a stage of rapid development.

The ascent of the technology tree has made the overall strength of human beings achieve a huge leap. With advanced soul guidance technology, the soul beast tribe can no longer compete with humans. Even the once prosperous Star Dou Forest has declined in line with the tide of the times in these ten thousand years. Due to continuous logging by humans, only less than one percent of the original area of ​​the Star Dou Forest is left.

Even so, humans have never stopped demanding various resources from Douluo Planet. With the support of soul guidance technology, humans gradually began to target the ocean. The threat to various powerful human warships from the Sea Soul Beast tribe living in offshore waters has long been very limited.

Donghai City, located on the east coast of the Sun-Moon Federation, has developed rapidly over the past few thousand years relying on its rich marine resources, and has become one of the largest cities in the entire eastern region of the Sun-Moon Federation.

However, due to geographical location and natural climate, although Donghai City's business is extremely developed, it has always been in a corner. The most important one is because of typhoons.

Donghai City is adjacent to the seaside, so it is common to be hit by typhoons. And this time the typhoon seems to be more violent than before.

The sky seemed to have collapsed, dark and oppressive clouds were rolling in the howling wind, and heavy rain fell with the strong wind. The waves, rendered the same color as the sky, crashed against the shore, making a low roar. The coast feels like it can't bear the impact of the waves and is crumbling. Occasionally, rock masses slip and are swallowed up invisible by the waves.

If in ancient times, human beings could only choose to take refuge and temporarily escape from this area if they encountered such a super-large typhoon that was like a natural disaster. But things are different now.

Donghai City, a new generation city built with advanced soul guidance technology, already has the capital to compete with the power of nature. Amid the storm, the buildings in the city stood firm. For example, the outer layers of several high-rise buildings with a height of more than 500 meters in the center of Donghai City are shining with a faint bright white light. That was the soul shield covering the entire building. The soul power accumulated from absorbing sunlight is prepared for this time.

The top floor of the third building is an independent large flat floor. The area of ​​this large flat floor is at least 500 square meters, and many places are made of some kind of transparent special material, like transparent blue crystal.

An old man who looked to be in his sixties was sitting quietly in the spacious study. The wind and rain were blowing outside the crystal floor-to-ceiling window behind him, and the interior of the study was warm and comfortable. Separated by a window, it seems like there are two completely different worlds.

The old man was of medium build and looked unremarkable. He had gray hair, wore glasses, and had a somewhat bookish air. But his eyes were extremely bright and calm, without that kind of condescending scrutiny, more like he was calm after experiencing many things.

All signs indicate that the old man's identity is unusual.

In fact, this is also true. As the dean of Donghai College, Yu Zhen almost has a status no less than that of the chief executive of Donghai City.

Donghai College has intermediate and advanced college qualifications. Although it can only be ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the entire continent, it has also taught many outstanding students over the years. Some of these students choose to continue their studies in other high-end colleges, and some choose to join the army or enter politics.

After decades of accumulation, the network of contacts is extremely amazing.

It's just that Yu Zhen usually behaves very low-key and doesn't show off his abilities. It wasn't until something happened recently that the high-ranking officials in Donghai City realized how terrifying the connections the president of Donghai College actually had.

Not long ago, Yu Zhen's only grandson suddenly fell into a coma without any warning. In just a few days, several top healing soul masters rushed to Donghai City from all over the mainland. It even includes three healing soul masters with Soul Saint cultivation level or above.

It is no exaggeration to say that a healing soul master of this level will receive absolute courtesy wherever he goes on the mainland. Even top forces like the Spirit Transferring Pagoda and Shrek Academy, which are outside the rules of the Sun and Moon Federation, are also eager for such talents.

After the treatment of these healing soul masters, Yu Zhen's only grandson's condition stabilized before the typhoon landed. This is also something that makes Yu Zhen feel extremely lucky.

And just when he breathed a sigh of relief, a figure quietly appeared in the study where he was.

Yu Zhen's rich experience and calm attitude allowed him to remain calm at this time. He sat behind the simple and elegant rosewood desk and looked up at the middle-aged man standing in front of him.

The middle-aged man has a slender figure without any particularly strong muscles. He has a handsome appearance and extremely angular facial lines. The snow-white military uniform is straight and wrinkle-free, which further highlights his cold and calm temperament. On the shoulders of the middle-aged people, each carries a general star.

"Major General?" His eyes fell on the middle-aged man's shoulders, and the expression on Yu Zhen's face finally changed.


Although the Sun-Moon Federation has never restricted ordinary people from joining the army, there is no doubt that soul masters have innate advantages over ordinary people. And the officers of the Sun-Moon Federation who are major generals and above are all powerful soul masters. At least he has the cultivation level of a Titled Douluo or above, and is even very likely to be the most powerful armor master among soul masters.

Yu Zhen couldn't help but frown slightly, thinking of something, and there was a vague feeling of depression in his heart.

Seeing the changes in Yu Zhen's expression, the middle-aged man clenched his fists involuntarily, with a hint of shame and sorrow deep in his eyes. After pondering for a moment, he straightened his back, suppressed his emotions, and solemnly gave a military salute to Yu Zhen.

"Long Tianwu, deputy commander of the Blood God Legion."

After doing this, Long Tianwu took out two blood-red documents from his arms. Under the soft soul-guided light, the bright blood-red color was so dazzling.

The first page of the certificate contains the owner’s information:

Yu Heng, Chief of Staff of the Blood God Legion Headquarters.

Nan Xi, the staff officer of the Blood God Legion.

This is not just a document that simply proves identity, it also means that the owner of the document has died in the line of duty.

The downpour outside the window continued, mixed with lightning and thunder.

Yu Zhen sat on the chair in a daze, his eyes were dim and his pupils were dilated, as if he had aged a lot in an instant, he lowered his head and muttered to himself aimlessly.

"The Blood God Legion..."

Long Tianwu took a deep breath, his expression was filled with sorrow and seemed to be bathed in endless glory.

"Yu Lao, because of the special and top-secret nature of the Blood God Legion, it is impossible for Yu Heng and Nan Xi to reveal any information about the Blood God Legion to you. But I must tell you that everything they have done over the years is for Of all the creatures on Douluo Continent, no one can erase their contribution to the continent and even Douluo Planet."

Yu Zhen slowly raised his head and glanced at the room to the south through the door of the study. His eyes regained some brightness and warmth, and his voice was calm, but it obviously had a desolate meaning.

"If you can, tell me about him and Xiao Xi..."

Yu Zhen's calm reaction surprised Long Tianwu, as if he knew something in advance. However, he felt guilty and didn't ask any more questions. He just recounted some of Yu Heng and Nan Xi's experiences in the Blood God Legion, and how they died in the battle with the Abyss.

After all, Long Tianwu was ready to confess to Yu Zhen from the beginning. As a father who lost his son and daughter-in-law, Yu Zhen is qualified to know this anyway.

This was his only insistence on breaking the top-secret rules of the Blood God Legion.

Of course, Long Tianwu's behavior was unanimously approved by the top brass of the Blood God Legion.

I don't know how much time passed, but Long Tianwu's figure disappeared again, as if he had never appeared before.

And Yu Zhen had already arrived in the master bedroom on the south side of the flat floor. The decoration in the room is not too luxurious, but the materials used in every place are of extraordinary quality. Even the curtains are made of silk from century-old ice silkworms. This kind of material was extremely rare in an era when soul beasts were almost extinct.

It is also thanks to the fact that the Ice Silkworms live in a restricted human area such as the Far North that the clan has been able to continue to this day.

Long Tianwu's own martial soul coincided with the properties of ice silk. Because of the fluctuations in soul power left behind when he left, the soft bright white curtains were emitting a faint fluorescence, like the stars in the sky.

Yu Zhen slowly withdrew his gaze and looked at a little boy who was sleeping on the bed with a gentle expression.

In fact, he had already guessed what his son and daughter-in-law were doing, ever since they handed Yu Nanyuan to him shortly after he was born.

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