Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 101 Welcome Shrek’s defeat (4k)

The moment the Seven Elements Holy Glory Spear was thrown by Yu Nanyuan, all the spectators in the Tianhai Stadium felt their eyes go dark. The entire competition stage was instantly plunged into darkness, as if all light had been lost.

Except for Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, no one knew what happened on the competition stage. Even Xu Xiaoyan, who was not far behind the two of them, and Yu Yaoye, who was facing the pressure of the Seven Elements Holy Glory Spear.

An indescribable feeling of palpitations suddenly rose in Yu Yaoye's heart. He subconsciously activated the power of his battle armor with all his strength and crossed his arms in front of him for protection. With the increase of five pieces of one-word battle armor, his whole body shone with a strong blue-purple light.

But at the moment when the competition stage fell into darkness, these blue-purple thunder lights suddenly went out as if they had lost all sources of power.

Then Yu Yaoye was engulfed by a terrifying wave of colorful energy.

From the perspective of the outside audience, the game shrouded in darkness once again bloomed with dazzling and colorful lights. The soul guidance shield around the competition stage seemed to have withstood the impact of seven different energy attributes in succession. Seven colors of light alternately shone on the soul guidance shield, and finally shattered in a violent roar.

The seven-colored light on the competition stage slowly dissipated, and with the previous ravine as the dividing line, the small part of the competition ground where Yu Yaoye was located had long since disappeared. Most of the solid granite floor shattered and melted away, revealing a deeper metal foundation.

Yu Yaoye knelt on one knee, his arms still crossed in front of him. His body sank deeply into the metal foundation, and there were fine cracks on the armor on his arms, shoulders, and chest, and it seemed that it would break at any time.

"Hoo, ho..." Yu Yaoye breathed hard, raised his head tremblingly and glanced at Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue opposite him, before losing consciousness and falling down. Before he became unconscious, his eyes were full of bitterness and loneliness.

All his confidence and arrogance no longer existed at this time. In the end, he failed to protect anything and was a complete loser.

After a brief silence, the entire competition stage instantly boiled. Witnessing this historic moment with their own eyes, the entire audience cheered and shouted with red faces, and the momentum reached into the sky.

Shrek's undefeated myth that lasted for tens of thousands of years was completely broken today!

Shrek Academy lost, defeated at the hands of the Class 0 representative team of Donghai Academy. Moreover, the Class Zero representative team of Donghai College was at a disadvantage in terms of age and cultivation, and created a miracle by defeating the strong with the weak.

This is not only an honor that belongs to Yu Nanyuan and Donghai Academy, but also an honor that belongs to the entire Tianhai Alliance!

The Phantom Gun returned to Yu Nanyuan's hands at some point. He inserted the tip of the gun into the ground and supported his body with the handle of the gun. The Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake has long been integrated into his body, and the negative impact of forcibly improving his soul power cultivation through the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake's innate soul skill Void Vientiane has also been reflected.

Previously, the soul power was running overload in the body. Yu Nanyuan's meridians all over his body felt a kind of swelling and pain, and his body was also a little weak.

However, these are all within the range that his body can bear, and he can fully recover as long as he cultivates for a period of time, so it will not be said to leave any hidden dangers.

During this period of time, the Void Chains had been subtly devouring the Golden Dragon King's blood aura escaping from Tang Wulin's body. His body strength and meridians' toughness had been significantly improved compared to before. This was far from his limit.

Yu Nanyuan was actually fully prepared when he decided to use the Silver Winged Void-Breaking Snake's innate soul skill for a decisive battle with Shrek Academy. He even calculated that Yu Yaoye would be able to use the battle armor. In fact, even without Gu Yue's intervention, he still has the power to fight.

After all, although Yu Yaoye had the boost of the battle armor, he had suffered serious backlash due to his soul being destroyed before, and the soul power in his body was consumed hugely. On the other hand, Yu Nanyuan, although he would fall into a period of weakness later on, the soul power in his body was able to continuously recover during the period when the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake used the innate soul skill Void Vientiane.

But if this is the case, Yu Nanyuan won't be able to win as easily as he does now. As this game continues, there will definitely be a very tragic situation.

Gu Yue saw through this and decisively completed the contract with Yu Nanyuan again. Yu Yaoye was defeated by the Seven Elements Holy Glory's gun.

The entire Tianhai Stadium has turned into a sea of ​​cheers, noisy and noisy.

But compared to these endless cheers, what Yu Nanyuan felt more deeply at this time was the soft embrace behind him.

Gu Yue stretched out her hands tightly and hugged Yu Nanyuan's waist, pressing her face against his back. Even with the barrier of clothes, Yu Nanyuan could feel the warm breath in Gu Yue's breath, and her breathing was also rapid.

While Yu Nanyuan was feeling this in detail, Gu Yue suddenly stiffened, and then quickly let go of her hands. Unsteady, she tried to retreat in a panic, almost falling down.

Yu Nanyuan turned around in time and put a hand on Gu Yue's shoulder to help him stabilize his figure.

And Gu Yue was also pulled by Yu Nanyuan's power, and she collided directly with Yu Nanyuan. From the perspective of others, Yu Nanyuan seemed to have directly hugged Gu Yue into his arms.

Perhaps because the effect of the Void Contract has not completely disappeared, the two bodies touched again, and Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue could clearly feel the thoughts in each other's hearts. This feeling of connectedness is amazing.

Although Gu Yue is tall and slender, she is half a head shorter than Yu Nanyuan. The body was so close that her smooth and white chin rested on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder, her face was like a cherry blossom and her heart was trembling slightly.

All sounds from the outside world seemed to be cut off, and they could only hear each other's heartbeats.

Yu Nanyuan frowned slightly and asked softly with a complicated expression: "Why?"

His question was not just about Yu Gu Yue taking the initiative to complete the void contract with him this time.

"I just don't want to see them look so proud." Gu Yue's expression returned to its previous indifferent look, and a cold voice sounded in Yu Nanyuan's ears, without any emotion.

A slight smile appeared in Yu Nanyuan's eyes.

"you are lying."

"I didn't." Gu Yue replied with a normal expression.

"Also, let go of me."

Before Yu Nanyuan could respond, Gu Yue broke away from Yu Nanyuan's hand. The feeling of connectedness disappeared instantly. Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue's eyes met, and all he saw was a pair of Gu Jing Wubo's deep black eyes.

The smile on Yu Nanyuan's face did not diminish, and he did not ask any more questions.

Originally, he thought that Gu Yue's initiative to approach him was only related to his martial spirit, but the facts seemed to be somewhat different from what he expected.

Was she worried about me just now?

Yu Nanyuan continued to look at Gu Yue absentmindedly, and the complex emotions deep in his eyes couldn't help but get a little more intense.


Such a doubt still remained in his mind.

Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue both had their own thoughts and completely ignored Xu Xiaoyan standing behind them.

Xu Xiaoyan acted like an outsider from the beginning to the end. He just lowered his head and held the star staff in his hand tightly, and remained silent for a long time. No one knows what she is thinking now, and no one can see the expression on her face.

At the same time, the referee quickly stepped forward to check Yu Yaoye's situation. If any accident happened to the students of Shrek Academy in this game, as the referee, he would definitely be blamed.

He originally wanted to take action before, but the martial soul fusion skills performed between Gu Yue and Yu Nanyuan were too abrupt. When he reacted, he felt empty around him again, and it was a feeling of powerlessness. For these reasons, he missed the opportunity to take action in time.

Fortunately, although Yu Yaoye's body was seriously injured, there was no danger to his life.

This is naturally because Yu Nanyuan held back in the end, otherwise the Phantom Spear would have penetrated Yu Yaoye's body long ago.

The essence of the Seven Elements Holy Spear is to strip away the seven elemental energies in a space, and then integrate these energies into the Phantom Spear for your own use. The seven elemental energies integrated into the Phantom Gun will explode instantly, resulting in an extremely terrifying energy impact.

The source of all energy in the Douluo plane is a combination of changes in the seven elements of water, fire, wind, earth, light, darkness, and space. After the seven elements were stripped away, this space became a different kind of vacuum, which was similar to Yu Nanyuan's absolute vacuum realm.

The absolute vacuum field repels seven elemental energies through the control of the power of space.

There is not much difference in the essential principles between the two, and they can also have the effect of restricting the opponent's actions and martial soul attributes.

At this moment, two figures walked towards the main competition stage in the center of Tianhai Stadium from the inspection area.

For this afternoon’s game, Tianhai League officials deliberately suspended all other games. The entire Tianhai Stadium center was empty, and the appearance of these two figures seemed particularly abrupt.

One of them was young and handsome in fluttering white clothes, but his whole body exuded an indescribable chill.

The other person is a beautiful woman with strange long white hair, wearing a slim-fitting dark green sportswear.

It was Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi. Behind the two of them were four other people from Class 0 of Donghai Academy and other members of Team Shrek. But after entering the center of Tianhai Stadium, everyone's eyes invariably focused on Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue.

The eyes of everyone in Class Zero were full of burning passion and excitement, while Team Shrek's expressions were changing, and their eyes were filled with awe and complicated expressions. In particular, the little fat man Xu Lizhi quickly came to the lost Ye Xinglan's side.

"Sister Xinglan."

He never wanted to see Ye Xinglan, who had a perfect image in his mind, behave like this, nor did he want Ye Xinglan to be expelled from Shrek Academy. But he was just a food-type soul master and couldn't help Ye Xinglan in the battle. And even if he is a battle soul master, can he do better than Yu Yaoye when facing Yu Nanyuan?

For the first time, Xu Lizhi realized his powerlessness and incompetence, and clenched his fat hands with grief and anger.

"Why am I such a waste?! Why can't I help Sister Xinglan?! Why?!"

Although Wu Rui was also hit hard, he was still able to control his emotions.

During this period, Shen Yi had already boarded the competition stage to check on Yu Yaoye's situation. After making sure there was nothing serious, she asked other members of the Shrek team to take Yu Yaoye off the competition stage.

Shen Yi stood up again, looked up at Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue, his eyes paused on the two of them for a long time, and then he smiled sweetly and said to Wu Changkong: "Changkong, you have taught two good apprentices this time. "

Before Wu Zhangkong said anything, Yu Nanyuan showed Shen Yi a harmless smile.

"The title of apprentice is probably not very accurate. I have not formally accepted the dance teacher as my disciple. I should only be called a student now."

"I already have a teacher." Gu Yue glanced at Shen Yi coldly, even more directly.

Yu Nanyuan probably guessed the reason why Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi appeared in the center of Tianhai Stadium in such a high profile. This was probably Shen Yi's idea, in order to minimize the impact of Shrek Academy's loss of the game.

Wu Zhangkong once came from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. If they were given the title of Wu Zhangkong's disciples, the nature of this competition would change. You can even work it out and give them a default identity as students of Shrek Academy.

Wu Zhangkong has deep feelings for Shrek Academy, and Shen Yi is his junior sister. Due to these friendships, it is naturally difficult to refuse.

However, Wu Zhangkong was more upright than Yu Nanyuan imagined. He nodded calmly and said, "They are right. The term disciple is indeed not accurate. They can only be regarded as my students."

The expression on Shen Yi's face obviously became a little unnatural, but she still kept smiling.

"These have no impact. Since these children are your students, they should know the origin between us."

"My name is Shen Yi. Like our dance teacher, we both come from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. Your dance teacher was also my senior brother." As he spoke, Shen Yi looked around at everyone in Class Zero with a smile on his face. He restrained himself a lot and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If it wasn't a matter of great importance, involving the glory of Shrek Academy, she wouldn't be willing to mention these past events in front of everyone.

Wu Zhangkong remained silent on the sidelines. Shen Yi actually mentioned these things with his tacit consent. He owes too much to the college and teachers. As long as you can give something back to the college, it doesn't matter what you mentioned about the past.

"You are all excellent. You are welcome to apply for the academy in the future." After saying this, Shen Yi turned around and left with everyone in the Shrek team.

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