Among the seven people in Class 0 of the first grade, Yu Nanyuan's ability is undoubtedly the most versatile. In Wu Changkong's view, Yu Nanyuan's almighty power was even greater than that of Gu Yue.

Whether it's speed, defense, control, attack power, or the attack distance of his martial spirit, Yu Nanyuan far exceeds the limit that a soul master of the same level can achieve. In the past, the only thing he lacked might be the single-target explosive soul skill, but since fusing the century-old dark gold Dreadclaw Bear right metacarpal bone, he has completely made up for this only shortcoming.

Moreover, on the basis of the original Dark Gold Terror Claw soul skill, he also combined it with his own martial soul ability to create an astonishingly lethal slash like Duan Kong.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a self-created soul skill.

The Dark Gold Terror Claw has a wider attack range, while Duan Kong focuses on a line, pursuing the ultimate destructive power.

However, such an explosion would almost consume more than 40% of Yu Nanyuan's soul power. In the past, he had never used this ability when entering the Spirit Ascension Platform. After all, just by using soul skills and martial soul abilities, he is enough to deal with most of the soul beasts in this elementary spiritual ascension platform.

Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin came to their senses as if they were just waking up from a dream, their eyes fixed on Yu Nanyuan's back.


From the promotion match in the first grade, they had all witnessed the amazing strength displayed by Yu Nanyuan. But Yu Nanyuan's performance of instantly killing the King of Earth who had cultivated for two thousand years with one strike still deeply shocked their hearts.

The two male students from Class 1, Grade 5 behind Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin couldn't help but swallow in horror.

The fact that Yu Nanyuan is Yu Zhen's only grandson has long been spread in Donghai College, so they naturally know Yu Nanyuan. But they really couldn't imagine that Yu Nanyuan, who was less than ten years old, had such terrifying strength.

Facing the King of Earth with two thousand years of cultivation, even a soul master at the peak of the third ring would not dare to say that he can win for sure. Unless it is the kind of three-ring soul master with a relatively powerful innate martial soul, the chance of winning may be greater.

In comparison, they, who had always regarded themselves as top students in the intermediate division of Donghai College, were simply trash.

Rich spiritual power gathered from above the Earth King's body, and then enveloped the five people present.

Yu Nanyuan withdrew his martial spirit and turned around, looking at Ouyang Zixin and Mu Xi with a gentle smile.

"Sister Zixin, sister Mu Xi, are you okay?"

"Nanyuan, you kept your promise." Ouyang Zixin stepped forward with a smile and hugged Yu Nanyuan's neck.

Unexpectedly, what she said unintentionally three years ago would become reality today. Yu Nanyuan did keep his promise and protected her well.

Yu Nanyuan is now almost the same height as Ouyang Zixin, and the two people's close behavior seems a bit ambiguous. However, Ouyang Zixin herself didn't think it was a problem. She had taken care of the young Yu Nanyuan when she was a child.

Looking at Yu Nanyuan, Mu Xi's expression softened a lot, and she gave Yu Nanyuan a touching smile. Mu Xi actually looks pretty when she smiles, but she is habitually cold-faced in front of outsiders, and has always been the image of a cold goddess.

"Nanyuan, it's really thanks to you this time."

"It's nothing, Sister Mu Xi."

Being hugged by Ouyang Zixin, Yu Nanyuan nodded to Mu Xi with a normal expression.

At this moment, six other people from Grade 1 Class Zero finally arrived.

"Senior sister, senior sister -" Tang Wulin stepped forward quickly, but just as he finished calling Mu Xi, he happened to see the intimate movements between Ouyang Zixin and Yu Nanyuan, and Mu Xi smiling at Yu Nanyuan. One scene. His whole body was stunned in place for a moment.

Tang Wulin seemed to understand something and lowered his head sadly.

For Ouyang Zixin and Mu Xi, perhaps Yu Nanyuan is a special existence. And he is just a dispensable person.

Noticing Tang Wulin and several other first-year Class 0 students behind him, Ouyang Zixin greeted them with a smile as usual.

"Junior brother, I didn't expect you to be here. It seems that you are treated very well in Class 0, Grade 1."

If it were in the past, Tang Wulin would definitely have a blushing and expectant conversation with Ouyang Zixin, but his current mood is too low.

In contrast, Mu Xi's attitude was much colder, the smile on her face faded, and she just nodded lightly towards Tang Wulin.


Not only that, but when she looked at the lonely yellow soul ring next to Tang Wulin, a look of pride appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Mu Chen had been praising Tang Wulin's forging talent in front of her, and Mu Xi had long been disgusted with him. She was almost ten years old and was still only a first-level soul master. She was certain that with Tang Wulin's training speed, when he entered the spiritual training stage in the future, his soul power cultivation would inevitably become a drag on him.

You know, without enough soul power support, it is impossible to complete spiritual training.

On the road of forging, Mu Xi felt that sooner or later she would leave Tang Wulin behind.

"Senior sister?" Upon hearing Tang Wulin's address to Mu Xi, Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie suddenly showed surprise and shock on their faces.

It turns out that this senior Mu Xi is still Wulin’s senior sister? No wonder Wulin had such a big reaction that day!

However, sensing Tang Wulin's low mood, the two of them made a tacit agreement not to make fun of him at this time.

"Sister Zixin, sister Mu Xi, and two seniors. You need to recover your soul power first, and leave the vigilance work to us for the time being." Yu Nanyuan reminded Mu Xi and others while returning to the people in Class Zero.

Although Wang Jinxi is usually dull, he grew up in a big family and has a very strong ability to observe people's emotions. He was silent and didn't say anything.

Gu Yue's expression was as indifferent as ever, while Xu Xiaoyan pouted and turned around, leaving Yu Nanyuan with a beautiful back.

After hearing Yu Nanyuan's reminder, Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin did not shirk. They and the other two flattered male students immediately sat cross-legged and began to meditate. Their original intention of entering the riot stage to ascend the spiritual platform this time was to hunt down as many soul beasts as possible to obtain spiritual power, thereby improving the quality of their own souls.

The two male students who teamed up with Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin were named He Junming and Ji Yongkang. He Junming is the control system soul master of Guiteng Wuhun, and Ji Yongkang is the auxiliary system soul master. Wuhun is a silver plate of attributes.

The two of them spent the least amount of money in the previous battle and were the first to finish their meditation practice. When they opened their eyes one after another, a large number of soul beast corpses had fallen around them.

Although there are no millennium-level soul beasts among these soul beast corpses, there are quite a few century-old soul beasts. You don't need to think about it to know that this is the result of everyone in Grade 0 Class 0.

"These juniors and juniors are amazing." He Junming praised from the bottom of his heart: "No wonder the dean would spend all kinds of resources to set up a zero class for you."

"These are all trivial matters." Zhang Yangzi crossed his arms across his chest with a look of pride on his face.

The martial arts abilities of He Junming and Ji Yongkang are suitable for any team. With the two joining in, everyone became more and more calm in dealing with attacks from other soul beasts. In particular, the amplifying effect of Ji Yongkang's Silver Plate Spirit allowed everyone to experience for the first time how much an auxiliary spirit master could improve the entire team.

Not long after, the soul power in Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin's bodies was completely restored to its peak state. At Mu Xi's strong request, the two teams separated.

The reason why Mu Xi was so determined was that she didn't want to mix with Tang Wulin. Furthermore, her strong self-esteem did not allow her to continue to take advantage of the spiritual power obtained by everyone in Class Zero after hunting the soul beasts.

After they separated, Yu Nanyuan and the others easily completed the goal set by Wu Zhangkong and successfully persisted in the Spirit Ascension Platform for three hours during the riot period. Moreover, Xu Xiaoyan, who is physically weak, and Wang Jinxi, who is mentally weak, have absorbed too much spiritual power, and have even reached their limit.

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