Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 125 The Strongest Blazing Team Ever

Two months later, at the gate of Chihuo Academy.

Looking at the ten energetic young people in front of him, Mu Xiyue nodded with satisfaction.

"Do you have confidence?"

Mu Xiyue asked loudly with a smile on her face.

"We will win!"

Mu Yang and the ten people spoke in unison, full of confidence.

"Very good, let's go!"

With a wave of her hand, Mu Xiyue led the ten people to the three large carriages parked at the gate of the academy.

This year's Chihuo team is definitely the strongest since the establishment of Chihuo Academy. Not only Mu Yang and his team, but Mu Xiyue also has strong confidence in the Chihuo team's victory.

This is not overflowing self-confidence, but the strength of the Chihuo team is indeed strong enough.

Captain Mu Yang, martial soul: Ice Fire Fairy Jade Ginseng (second martial soul: Ice Flame Holy Shadow), soul ring: yellow purple purple black black (yellow purple black black black), 58-level food-type soul king.

Vice Captain Huo Wu, Martial Soul: Phoenix Fire Shadow, Soul Ring: Yellow, Purple, Black, Level 58 Control (Strong Attack?) Soul King.

Huo Wushuang, Martial Soul: Red Flame Crystal Dragon, Soul Ring: Yellow, Purple, Black, Level 58 Strong Attack War Soul King.

Huoyun, Martial Soul: Fire Crane, Soul Ring: Yellow, Purple, Level 43 Agility Attack War Soul Sect.

Huoyu, Martial Soul: Fire Crane, Soul Ring: Yellow, Purple, Level 43 Agility Attack War Soul Sect.

Huochui, Martial Soul: Mars, Soul Ring: Yellow, Purple, Level 42 Auxiliary War Soul Sect.

Huojun, Martial Soul: Mars, Soul Ring: Yellow, Purple, Level 42 Auxiliary War Soul Sect.

Substitute Huolie, Martial Soul: Fire Leopard, Soul Ring: Yellow, Purple, Level 42 Strong Attack War Soul Sect.

Substitute Huoyu, Martial Soul: Flame Demon Rhino, Soul Ring: Yellow, Purple, Level 38 Defense Soul Master.

Substitute Huo Lin, martial soul: Fiery Lily Orchid, soul ring: yellow, yellow and purple, level 35 healing soul master.

After two months of training, except for Mu Yang and Huo Wu, who had just reached level 58 soul king, the rest of the Blazing Fire Team have improved more or less.

Huo Wushuang, Huo Yun and Huo Yu have each improved their soul power by one level, while Huo Chui and Huo Jun, who are level 39, have been promoted to four-ring soul masters, and because their fourth soul rings are also over the limit, their levels have reached level 42 soul masters.

So far, all seven main players of the Blazing Fire Team have reached level 40 or above.

In addition to the seven main players of the team, there are three substitute players participating in the competition.

Substitutes are indispensable, and they have two functions.

One is to let the substitutes play, which can hide the strength of the main players.

The second is that if the main players are not suitable for playing due to various unexpected conditions, the substitutes can replace the main players to avoid the team battle due to lack of manpower and facing the situation of fighting with fewer people.

It should be said that even among the substitutes there is a four-ring soul master, the Blazing Fire Academy is quite arrogant.

In the past, only the Wuhun Academy affiliated with the Wuhun Hall could always be so arrogant to let the four-ring soul master be the substitute.

Even the royal academies of the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo dare not guarantee that they can gather seven four-ring level students in every soul master competition, let alone let the four-ring level students be substitutes.

Among the three substitutes, the one that Mu Yang pays the most attention to is not Huo Lie, who has the same name as his uncle, but Huo Lin, who is a healing soul master.

Although the proportion of healing soul masters in the mainland is relatively low among the soul master group, second only to food soul masters, it is not too rare.

But the healing martial spirit of fire attribute is really very rare.

It is precisely because fire attribute healing soul masters are very rare, and the entire academy has only one healing system seedling, that Huo Lin was able to become a member of the Blazing Fire Team.

Otherwise, if we only look at the level, there are still many students in the academy who have reached or even exceeded level 35 soul masters.

Of course, the fact that Huo Lin, a healing department, can become a member of the Blazing Fire Team is also related to Mu Yang's intention to hide his shortcomings.

In the Soul Master Competition, there are two things that Mu Yang must not expose.

Needless to say, the first one is the second martial soul: Ice Flame Holy Shadow.

And the other one is naturally the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone.

In the original work, Tang Hao was able to rescue Tang San and Xiao Wu in time at the end of the Soul Master Competition, which shows that Tang Hao has been secretly paying attention to the Soul Master Competition.

If he uses the healing soul bone skill of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone in the competition: Wildfire cannot be extinguished, spring breeze blows and it grows again, he may be recognized by Tang Hao, and then he will be finished.

Although his uncle Huo Lie is not bad, and can definitely compete with the 96th-level Titled Douluo such as Qianjun and Jiangmo of the Spirit Hall, and even win the battle, Mu Yang does not think Huo Lie can withstand the furious Tang Hao.

However, compared with Mu Xiyue, the changes of the Blazing Fire Team in the past two months seem insignificant.

That's right, Mu Xiyue, who is currently leading the Blazing Fire Team to compete in Tiandou City, is already a rare Titled Douluo in the mainland soul master world.

As early as a month ago, Mu Xiyue hunted a 90,000-year-old flaming fire lion in the Xingdou Great Forest and officially advanced to the Nine-Ring Titled Douluo, titled: Blazing Fire.

After completing the advancement, Mu Xiyue rushed back to the Blazing Fire Academy first.

As for Huo Lie, he went to the Far North with Shui Yanyu to hunt souls.

Perhaps there are 90,000-year-old ice-attributed flying soul beasts in the Xingdou Great Forest, but their number is definitely extremely rare, and most of them are even impossible to find. In order for Shui Yanyu to advance her soul hunting title, she has to go to the Far North, which is covered with ice and snow all year round.

Although the icy and snowy environment of the Far North is not conducive to the performance of Huo Lie, a soul master with both fire and earth attributes, with the combat power that is comparable to that of a 96-level Titled Douluo, even if his strength is limited to a certain extent, it is enough to crush an ordinary 90,000-year soul beast.

That is to say, he did not encounter a 100,000-year soul beast in the Xingdou Great Forest, otherwise Huo Lie would really be ready to try the rumored 100,000-year beast king quality!

Xiao Wu after transformation: Don't come over! (Shivering)

Titan Giant Ape Er Ming: Stupid human, you should be glad that you didn't meet me!

Azure Bull Python Daming: Soul power level 95, with level 96 strength? Weak chicken!

Blazing Academy is not too far from Tiandou City. At dusk on the third day, everyone in the carriage arrived at Tiandou City.

At the entrance of Tiandou Hotel, before they officially entered, a hurried footsteps sounded, and everyone saw a blue-haired girl trotting out of the hotel to greet them.

Seeing this, Mu Yang opened his arms and embraced the girl.

Long before this, Mu Yang knew that the Tianshui College team had arrived in Tiandou City.

It was not that Mu Yang had invented a communication soul guide, but that on the middle fingers of their right hands, both wore an exquisite ring made of the spirit-forged mithril after the other's blood sacrifice.

After the metal blood sacrifice, there is a special connection between the person who recognizes the master and the blood sacrifice metal.

If the distance is too far, you can only vaguely perceive the approximate direction of the blood sacrifice metal, but if the distance is relatively close, it is no different from a navigation without a specific route but with an accurate destination.

It was because Shui Bing'er sensed Mu Yang's arrival through the blood sacrifice mithril ring that she hurried down to greet him.

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