Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 129: Fire, Ice, Water, and Wind

The teachers and students of Chihuo Academy need a simulated training ground with fire attribute, the teachers and students of Tianshui Academy need simulated training grounds with water and ice attributes, and the teachers and students of Shenfeng Academy need simulated training grounds with wind attribute.

Since it is one academy, there is absolutely no reason to separate the three places.

Is there a natural treasure land on the continent that satisfies all four elements at the same time, with fire, water, ice, and wind?

If it is just "fire, water, and ice", then Mu Yang can think of a treasure land.

It is none other than the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire.

The Yang spring of the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire is hot, the Yin spring is extremely cold, and both the Yin and Yang springs are liquid water, which meets the requirements of fire, water, and ice.

However, the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire is located in the center of the Sunset Forest. That place can serve as a place for the three types of masters to practice in seclusion, but it is not suitable for building a soul master academy, and the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire also lacks the element of "wind".

But if the mimicry training ground does not take advantage of natural terrain, but is simply built by humans, and it is not a large-scale mimicry training ground limited to a few people, then the cost of maintenance in the later stage will be huge.

From scratch, the large-scale mimicry training ground built purely by humans may only be built by the two empires, the Wuhun Hall, the Qibao Liuli Sect, and the Haotian Sect in its heyday.

The rest, including the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, do not have the financial resources. Even if there is a large-scale mimicry training ground, it is slightly transformed with the help of the original natural terrain.

For example, the lava mimicry training ground of the Blazing Academy was transformed from a dead volcano that was not completely extinguished inside. Once built, there is no need to spend money on deliberate maintenance in the future.

Suddenly, Mu Yang thought of a key point.

As long as the altitude of the mountain is high enough, the top will be covered with ice and snow. And judging from the geographical environment in the Tiandou Empire, the further north you go, the lower the temperature. In the northern part of the empire, there are not too many mountains with snow and ice on the top all year round.

Find a dead volcano with its top covered by ice and snow all year round, then the elements of ice and fire will be complete.

If the dead volcano is on the coast, or a large artificial lake is dug at the foot of the mountain to connect the underground water veins, the water element can also be obtained.

As for the wind element, the canyon terrain and high altitude areas are windy, and an artificial passage with large ends and small in the middle is dug near the top of the dead volcano to form a giant wind hole, and a meditation practice room can be built along the wind hole.

In this way, it seems that the "fire, ice, water and wind" are satisfied?

Well, I have to talk to Huo Lie about this idea in the future.

The streets leading to the Great Fighting Spirit Arena were crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder, and the thirty participating students from the three academy teams lined up in three rows.

On the left were the boys of the Blazing Fire Team, and on the right were the boys of the Kamikaze Team, protecting the Tianshui Team, which was full of girls, and the girls of their own team in the middle.

Tiandou Hotel is not far from the Great Soul Arena. Not long after walking forward, Mu Yang, as the captain, who was walking in front of the team, saw the tall and magnificent Tiandou Great Soul Arena from afar.

It should be said that the technology of Douluo Continent is a bit magical, at least there is indeed black technology in the construction.

The Tiandou Great Soul Arena is more than 180 meters high and covers a huge area. Even if it is placed in the modern society of Mu Yang's previous life, it is definitely a big project.

In the current era of Douluo Continent, such a tall soul arena cannot be built without some black technology, not to mention that there is a large area without pillars in the huge main soul arena.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Mu Yang saw a relatively alternative participating team in front.

The teams participating in the Soul Master Competition have special uniforms. The uniforms of the Blazing Fire Team are golden red, representing the fire element; the uniforms of the Tianshui Academy are mainly blue, representing the water element and the ice element; the uniforms of the Divine Wind Academy are mainly cyan, representing the wind element.

The team in front of them was wearing a shit green uniform between yellow and green, which inevitably reminded people of something indescribable.

What's even more bizarre is that behind each member of this team, there are six bright big characters embroidered with red silk thread: Sincerely looking for sponsorship advertising.

There is also a line of small characters below these six big characters: Please consult Mr. Flanders, the dean of Shrek Academy, for advertising fees.

That's right, this weird team is the Shrek team that won the final championship of this Soul Master Competition in the original book.

Perhaps it's because his little butterfly's wings are not strong enough, and he didn't bring much influence to the characters he had never met. The Shrek Seven Devils in the original book are still gathered together.

However, compared with the same period in the original book, the overall strength of the Shrek Seven Devils is undoubtedly much worse.

Dai Mubai, who has the highest soul power level, has cultivated to the 43rd level of Soul Sect, Tang San and Xiao Wu are the 42nd level of Soul Sect, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar are the 35th level of Soul Master, and Ma Hongjun is the 34th level of Soul Master.

‘It seems that Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing have eaten a lot of whale glue! ’

Mu Yang couldn’t help thinking to himself.

I vaguely remember that in the original work, the Shrek Seven Devils who participated in the Soul Master Competition, except for Dai Mubai who cultivated to level 44 and Xiao Wu who did not enter the fourth ring, the other five people added the fourth soul ring shortly before the start of the competition, and the soul power level was 41st level soul master.

Xiao Wu is a 100,000-year-old soft bone rabbit, which is a special case. It is normal that her cultivation pace can keep up with Tang San who has not yet started to cheat.

Without taking the strange chrysanthemum, Dai Mubai can cultivate to level 43. It can be seen that Dai Mubai has either worked hard in the past few years, or his third and fourth soul rings have exceeded the limit. The two soul rings have brought him more soul power than the original work.

However, Dai Mubai was born in the Xingluo royal family, and the time when the secret of whale glue was exposed seemed to be before Dai Mubai ran away to Shrek to be a coward in the original novel, so it was normal for him to have eaten whale glue.

And even if he missed this time point, the Dai Shao who ran away was also a rich man, and he could still afford it by looking through his trouser pockets.

As for Tang San, the Ice and Fire Immortal Grass does not directly improve the soul power. Compared with the original novel, the progress of cultivation in the short term is not necessarily much different.

At present, his soul power level has surpassed the original novel. Perhaps it was the inexplicable ambush incident in the blacksmith shop that year that made Tang San yearn for strength more and become more diligent in cultivation than in the original novel?

Well, this may be part of the reason, but I think there is also the factor of whale glue.

Ning Rongrong has gone to Shrek. Unless she does not release her martial soul and soul bone, Tang San and Tang Hao will definitely know the secret of whale glue.

There is no need to say much about the importance of a strong physique to a twin martial soul soul master. Tang Hao will definitely arrange it for Tang San.

No money in your pocket?

This is not a problem for the great Haotian Douluo. He can just go to any city with the Haotian Hammer and do something with the local Wuhun Hall.

The world is so big. Apart from Wuhun City, where can Haotian Douluo go?

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