Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 131 Weakening the opponent is equivalent to improving yourself

You should know that the original finals venue of the Soul Master Competition in the original book was not in Wuhun City, but was temporarily changed by the Spirit Hall.

The main reason for changing the finals venue was that Bibi Dong was going to reward Hu Liena and the other two with soul bones, but was opposed by the Elder Hall. After that, the two sides compromised and the three soul bones were used as rewards for the champion team of the Soul Master Competition.

Bibi Dong was able to have this confidence because according to the information collected by the Spirit Hall, there was not even a five-ring soul king in this Soul Master Competition except for the Spirit Hall team.

On the other hand, the Spirit Hall team had three five-ring soul kings, and Xie Yue and Hu Liena could even use the spirit fusion skill: Demon Charm. With such a trump card in hand, the championship was definitely stable.

Placing the finals venue in Wuhun City and offering three soul bones as champion rewards can undoubtedly well reflect the strength of the Spirit Hall, which can be regarded as the last wave of publicity before the Spirit Hall launched the war of unification of the continent.

But the current situation is different from the original work. Not to mention the other college teams, the Blazing Fire Team has three soul kings, the Tianshui Team has two soul kings, and the Kamikaze Team has one soul king. The Spirit Hall team is not without the possibility of being defeated.

The Spirit Hall team has the spirit fusion skill as a trump card?

Ha~, who can guarantee that the Blazing Fire Team and the Tianshui Team do not have the spirit fusion skill?

Except for the Nether White Tiger, the probability of the spirit fusion skill appearing is very low.

But this probability is very low, from the perspective of the entire soul master world. The participating students of the Blazing Fire College and the Tianshui College are not ordinary soul masters, but the elites of the younger generation of the soul master world. The probability of possessing the spirit fusion skill is much higher than that of ordinary soul masters.

And the soul bones are very valuable, especially the head soul bone of the 60,000-year spiritual condensation. In the case of certain risks, the Spirit Hall may not be willing to take it out.

If three soul bones are not taken out as rewards, then there is no need for the Spirit Hall to temporarily change the venue of the finals to the Spirit City.

If the finals are not held in Wuhun City, then no matter where it is held, there will definitely not be as many strong people watching the game as in the original novel.

At least, as the Pope of Wuhun Hall, Bibi Dong is unlikely to come to watch the game in person. At most, she will send elders like Ju and Gui to lead the team.

There are fewer strong people watching the finals, and except for Tang Hao in the dark and Chen Xin who is mostly present, there are no other heavyweight strong people coming. With this special method of restraining her own breath, Xiao Wu's identity as a transformed soul beast may not be exposed?

Similarly, if the finals are not held in Wuhun City, even if Tang San reveals the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, the people of Wuhun Hall who are present will not dare to shout and kill him.

The first spirit is Blue Silver Grass, the second spirit is Clear Sky Hammer, and who are Tang San's parents? All the elders of Wuhun Hall should know it.

The former Pope Qianxunji was hammered to death by Tang Hao. Many elders of Wuhun Hall must have paid attention to the general cause and effect of this matter, and it is impossible that they don't know.

Behind Tang San stood the famous Haotian Douluo Tang Hao. Unless his side had a large number of people, many elders were present, or there were elders who offered sacrifices to support him, ordinary elders of the Spirit Hall would not dare to shout, otherwise they would just give away their heads for nothing.

‘It would be better if there were fewer twists and turns. It would be better if Tang San could be an ordinary innate full soul power. ’

Mu Yang thought to himself.

For most ordinary people, suffering is always suffering, and setbacks are always setbacks, which are pains that cannot be forgotten in a lifetime.

But geniuses are different. As long as they are not dead, suffering and setbacks will often only become the driving force for geniuses to become stronger.

This is even more true for Tang San, who has the template of the protagonist and is blessed with luck.

If Tang San has been practicing in a plain and uneventful way, his growth rate will definitely be slower than that of experiencing suffering and setbacks.

Sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. In Mu Yang’s view, attacking and weakening potential opponents in all directions is also equivalent to improving himself in disguise.

When his fists become stronger in the future, Tang San will not have grown up yet. As long as he can beat Tang Hao, who is seriously injured, then Buddha Tang can get a box lunch and leave.

Amidst the cheers, Mu Yang and his group squeezed into the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

Although everyone is a stranger and has no reputation, the influence of the uniforms representing their own academies is no less than that of the famous stars in Mu Yang's previous life.

And this is just the beginning. If you can have a wonderful performance on the field, it will not be too easy to gain fans.

That is to say, there is no Internet in Douluo Continent, and only a few people can watch the game in person. Otherwise, after the Soul Master Competition is over, the winning team will immediately become the first-line team in the whole continent.

And most importantly, the worship based on one's own strength, unless it is done something that is hated by both humans and gods, such as falling into an evil soul master, there is basically no possibility of collapse.

Even if they are defeated by stronger opponents, loyal fans will comfort themselves: It's not that my brother/sister is not strong enough, but that the enemy who does not follow martial ethics is too strong!

After entering the big fighting soul arena, the three teams went straight to the rest area specially provided for the participating college teams in the main arena.

The rest area is very wide, with thousands of seats, divided into areas, so as to provide rest and waiting for the teams of various soul master colleges.

The arrival of the three teams immediately became the focus of the scene, and the rest area, which was originally a little noisy, almost instantly quieted down.

The participating players from various colleges who arrived first all cast solemn eyes.

The teachers who led the teams from various colleges to participate in the competition were inquiring.

Since they are here to participate in the Soul Master Competition, they certainly hope that their own academy can achieve good results.

Looking back at the previous Soul Master Competitions, among the 28 participating teams in the Tiandou Division qualifiers, except for the Xiangjia Academy team, which occasionally falls behind due to its obvious shortcomings, the Thunder, Divine Wind, Blazing Fire and Tianshui Academy teams have secured four of the five qualifying places in the qualifiers.

The Tiandou Division qualifiers seem to have five qualifying places, but in fact, it can be said that one is chosen from twenty-four. Twenty-three high-level soul master academies, including the Tiandou Royal Academy (deputy team), compete with Xiangjia Academy for the last qualifying place.

However, no academy can always be strong. Even the strongest Wuhun Hall Academy on the continent can also stumble.

For example, in the championship battle of the previous Soul Master Competition, the Wuhun Hall team clearly had two of the only five-ring soul kings in that Soul Master Competition, but they were overturned by the Xingluo Royal Academy team, whose members all had four rings, with the soul fusion skill: Nether White Tiger.

Of course, the White Tiger Spirit Master who activated the Nether White Tiger was not a prince of the Xingluo Empire, but a member of the Dai family, a branch of the royal family.

As the second most recognized beast spirit family on the continent, the White Tiger Family has more than just one emperor and a few princes, otherwise the Xingluo Empire would collapse if they used a decapitation tactic.

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