Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 150: One's own people betray one's own people (Part 2)

Seeing that the blasting Ice Spear was about to hit his head, at this critical moment, the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor, relying on his soul power that was one level higher than Shui Bing'er, forcibly broke free from the control of the Ice Soul Skill.

Like ordinary auxiliary soul skills, when a soul master uses control soul skills against an opponent with a higher soul power level than himself, the specific effect will inevitably be discounted.

In addition, after all, it was a cross-level battle, and Shui Bing'er could not defeat the opponent with a hundred-year soul skill alone.

With a "bang", a large handful of ice crystal powder burst out from the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor's body. After getting rid of the ice control, he immediately turned his head to avoid the attacking Ice Spear in time, and rushed towards Mu Yang and the others more than 30 meters away again.

However, before the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor rushed out again, he keenly sensed a sense of threat coming from behind, and without hesitation, the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor dodged to the side.

Perhaps due to the special nature of his profession, the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor reacted very quickly, but under the control of Shui Bing'er's mental power, the Extreme Ice Spear, which had turned its spearhead, was even faster.

As soon as the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor made a dodging move, the Extreme Ice Spear burst out. Although it failed to hit his back, it also landed on the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor's left arm.


The sound of a sharp object entering the body was heard, and the Extreme Ice Spear penetrated the protective soul power on the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor's arm. The sharp spearhead pierced into his left arm, and a bright red blood flower bloomed.

Immediately afterwards, the Extreme Ice Spear that had pierced into the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor's left arm exploded, and with a "bang--", blood, flesh, bones, and ice crystals splashed everywhere, and a broken arm with frost fell to the ground.


The pain of the broken arm rushed straight to his brain, and the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor couldn't help but wail.

In the final analysis, the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor was caught off guard.

Just like the Tang Sect's hidden weapons, which are not too threatening when they are launched openly, but can pose a fatal threat to many unprepared masters when they are launched secretly.

If he knew that the Ice Spear could be turned around under the control of the caster's mental power after it was shot out, he would definitely not be caught off guard by the Ice Spear with the turned spear head.

In addition, the most important thing is that the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor, who is a quick attacking soul master, only focuses on his own speed and attack, and selectively ignores the importance of defense. None of his six soul ring skills are defensive.

Otherwise, if he had a defensive soul skill, he would not have been directly stabbed in the arm by a spear and become a disabled person.

Of course, the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor is not unaware of his huge shortcomings in defense, but he lacks effective ways to make up for it.

As a quick attacking soul master, what defensive soul skills can he play?

His martial soul is not strong enough, and his talent is limited. Instead of becoming a hexagonal warrior who is good at everything, it is better to specialize in speed!

It is better to be good at something than to be bad at everything.

Not every soul master can be like Mu Yang, who is good at everything and becomes a hexagonal warrior. At the same time, he is not inferior to the best of the same level who specializes in one aspect, and even surpasses the genius of the same level who specializes in one aspect.

‘Bing’er, hold back, your strength is beyond the standard. ’

Seeing that Shui Bing’er succeeded in controlling the opponent with one move and severely injured the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor with the next move, Mu Yang couldn’t help but twitch his eyelids and hurriedly sent a voice message to remind him.

Since the enemy’s lineup is a Soul Emperor and two Soul Saints, there is no doubt that the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor is just the vanguard, and the two Seven-Ring Soul Saints in the back are the main force.

If the vanguard is killed, then the main force will be faced next. The two of them are only Five-Ring Soul Kings. They can hold on for a long time in the hands of two Soul Saints. In the eyes of others, it is absolutely incredible and seems a bit too high-profile.

And the assassins are divided into two waves. Mu Yang can understand this approach.

It was the time of the Soul Master Competition, and the official security control of the Tiandou Empire was stricter than usual. The assassin dared to commit a crime in Tiandou City, and the target of the assassination was someone with an extraordinary background like him and Shui Bing'er. Once the assassin made a move, there was a high probability that he would not be able to escape.

Training experts is not an easy task. Why use a seven-ring Soul Saint when you can replace them with a six-ring Soul Emperor?

The reason why these two seven-ring Soul Saints were sent out was probably to ensure that the assassination plan could proceed smoothly in case the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor failed.

Even the two seven-ring Soul Saints were not the only ones who covered the assassination plan, but also the burly woman of the eight-ring level who had been in the dark and had not appeared?

Thinking of this, Mu Yang couldn't help but feel a toothache. Are you playing with nesting dolls? ! One set after another, why don't you just use a Titled Douluo to kill?

Just when Mu Yang felt a toothache, the "Bawanghua" who was sent by Qian Renxue to follow Mu Yang secretly, ready to rescue Mu Yang and his partner at the critical moment and earn a life-saving grace directed and acted by herself, was also stunned.

Mu Yang could sense that there were two seven-ring soul saints hanging behind him, and the "Bawanghua" in the dark could naturally sense their existence.

After all, she was an eight-ring master. Even if she took the route of power-based strong attack and was not good at mental power, she still had this ability. It was impossible for her not to sense that there were two soul saints hiding in the dark.

'Young Master's plan seems to have gone wrong? '

The black-faced Bawanghua couldn't help thinking secretly.

There were two seven-ring soul saints who were beyond the scope of the plan, which was not a big deal.

With her strength as a leader among the eight-ring level, she was enough to ensure the safety of Mu Yang and his partner, successfully complete the young master's "life-saving grace" plan, and pave the way for the subsequent "repaying the favor".

But one thing is crucial, that is, these two Soul Saints cannot be from the Tiandou Martial Soul Temple.

Undoubtedly, any assassin who assassinated Mu Yang and the others today will definitely not be able to leave Tiandou City.

Unlike the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor assassin that His Majesty the Snake Spear secretly paid for, it is not difficult for the Tiandou Empire to find out the origins of these two Soul Saints when their spirits are exposed and their bodies are left behind.

If the two Soul Saints are really masters of the Tiandou Martial Soul Temple, then the Tiandou Martial Soul Temple will definitely be found out later.

In this way, Mu Yang will know that the mastermind behind today is the Martial Soul Temple.

And the identity of the young master will eventually be exposed one day. It is impossible for him to be Xue Qinghe forever. When Mu Yang thinks of what happened today, the young master will be very embarrassed.

Put yourself in their shoes. The Spirit Hall tried to assassinate you, but the young master of the Spirit Hall sent someone to save you at the critical moment. It would be fine if this matter was not exposed, but when it was exposed, could this life-saving grace still be a life-saving grace?

Although ‘Bawanghua’ secretly prayed that these two soul saints were not masters affiliated with the Spirit Hall, she knew in her heart that these two soul saints were most likely sent by Saras.

After all, there was a motive to kill the genius soul master of the Tiandou Empire, and they were not afraid of Tiandou’s revenge afterwards. Only their own Spirit Hall and Xingluo Empire could bear the consequences.

But now the Soul Master Competition has only started for a few days. Unless the Xingluo Empire had anticipated the existence of Mu Yang and others, even if it was ready to make a move, it would not be so fast.

Xingluo City is thousands of miles away from Tiandou City. It takes time to transmit the news back to Xingluo City, and it also takes time for the Xingluo Empire to send masters to carry out the assassination plan. From the perspective of time alone, the Xingluo Empire is too late to act, and basically can be ruled out of suspicion.

Since the suspicion of the Xingluo Empire has been ruled out, the one who made the move must be the Tiandou Wuhun Temple.

Well, their own people pitted their own people!

Thanks to my friends 20230910235, Qianqian123, 20220308222739900, 20170823195333905, V server 99, 20190810121800192 for their monthly tickets!

Thanks to my friends 20230910235, Star Fantasy Dream Dragon, Alienated Knot, 20220606163632572, Free and Easy in the Starry Sea, 20220308222739900, Ye*Shiyu, Alone in the Cangyu, Lian Yan, Large Size, Sakura Rain, Expecting Return, Star Fantasy Dream Dragon, 20220606163632572, Sakura Rain, V Service 99, Meiwenhua, Large Size, Hand-made Beef Balls, 20220606163632572, Alone in the Cangyu, Sakura Rain, Star Fantasy Dream Dragon, I Can’t Get Red on My Face When Eating Melons, *Xinghun*’s recommendation votes!

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