Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 152 I am not strong yet, but when I grow strong, things will change! (Part 2)

“., I will definitely convey His Majesty’s intention. Goodbye.”

Glancing at the two Soul Saints who were suppressed by the soul power, the Queen of Flowers, feeling inexplicably, bowed to Huo Lie and the others and turned away.

What a sin~!

It was not enough that the plan failed to be successfully completed, but the Spirit Hall also lost two Seven-Ring Soul Saints.

And most importantly, if these two people were not careful and their origins were revealed after being tortured, then Mu Yang and Blazing Fire Academy would definitely not have any good feelings towards the Spirit Hall.

Afterwards, seeing that there was no one around, Mu Yang walked to the front of the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor who was severely injured and disabled and was also pressed to the ground by the soul power.

The soul-stealing secret technique was activated, and the invisible and intangible spiritual power invaded the mind of the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor. In an instant, the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor became Mu Yang’s temporary spiritual slave.

Mu Yang asked, "Who sent you here?"

"I don't know. I am one of the gold medal killers of the assassin organization Dark Soul. Killers at all levels in the organization do not contact customers directly, and all are completed through the organization.

Customers do not need to leave their identities when issuing assassination missions. They only need to state the assassination target and leave enough bounty."

The Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor explained honestly.

Hearing this, Mu Yang couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

You are the only one who is still a gold medal killer? It seems that this Dark Soul Organization is just a third-rate killer organization.

Of course, as long as this Dark Soul Organization does not exist next time, Mu Yang is not interested in trouble with it.

It is just a killer organization that works for money. Finding the mastermind behind the scenes is the key. Otherwise, if there is no Dark Soul Organization, there are other killer organizations such as Light Soul and Shadow.

Unable to ask anything, this Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor lost his value in Mu Yang's eyes. With a flick of his fingertips, an ice-blue flame rose and fell on the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor.

The ice-blue flames spread and burned quickly. In a blink of an eye, the figure of the Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor disappeared. Only the white ash and bloodstains on the ground proved that he had existed.

Then, Mu Yang's eyes fell on the two Soul Saints, one tall and one short.

"Aunt, what level are these two people?"

Mu Yang asked Mu Xiyue.

The other party's soul power level is not low, and he himself has no qualitative advantage in mental power. Mu Yang is a little unsure about the specific soul power level of the two. In order to avoid mental backlash, he did not directly activate the soul-stealing secret technique to ask questions.

"The tall one is level 76, and the short one is level 73."

Mu Xiyue glanced at the two and said.

'Level 73? It's fixed! '

The martial soul of the short and thin Soul Saint is the Thunder Jackal of the strong attack system. He is not good at mental power. As long as he fails to refine the head soul bone to improve his mental power, he can't stop the soul-stealing secret technique he activated.

The next second, invisible and intangible mental power surged out and descended on the consciousness sea of ​​the Thunder Jackal Soul Saint.

After a mental battle, Mu Yang successfully controlled the mind of Lei Chai Soul Saint.

Without Mu Yang asking, Lei Chai Soul Saint took the initiative to confess: "Great Master, the mastermind behind the scenes is Saras. Half an hour ago, he asked the two of us to come and assassinate you and Miss Bing'er."


As soon as Lei Chai Soul Saint finished speaking, Huo Lie and the other two beside him changed their expressions.

Saras is the master of the Tiandou Martial Soul Temple, representing the face of the martial soul. Things are a bit tricky.

Unlike Huo Lie and the other two, Mu Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the two had received instructions from Saras.

It's Saras, not Qian Renxue.

The power that Saras can mobilize is at most the Tiandou Martial Soul Temple.

And in the Tiandou Martial Soul Temple, there is absolutely no Titled Douluo. After all, Saras, the platinum bishop, is not as good as the titled elder of the Elder Hall in terms of identity and status.

But Qian Renxue is different. If she wants to eliminate him, let alone the titled elders of the Elder Hall, even the worship elders in the Worship Hall will not be a problem.

Combining the known information, Mu Yang roughly guessed what happened today.

It should be that Qian Renxue used the name of inviting him to a banquet to get him out of the sight of the big boss and planned to kill him together. The Ghost Wolf Soul Emperor was hired by Qian Renxue.

While planning this kill, she also arranged her own eight-ring level guards to follow secretly and rescue him at the critical moment, so as to earn a favor and pave the way for subsequent recruitment.

Others are "stabbing brothers in the ribs", while Qian Renxue, this plastic brother, is "stabbing brothers in the ribs several times", and the abacus beads are broken on his face!

As for the two Soul Saints, it should be Saras who had been sending people to monitor his whereabouts. When he received the news that there was no expert to protect him, he arranged two Soul Saints to take advantage of the situation so as to eliminate the uncertain factors that would threaten the future for the Spirit Hall.

Mu Yang: It is indeed the evil Saras!

It is a pity that both Qian Renxue and Saras underestimated the strength of himself and Shui Bing'er.

The assassins hired by Qian Renxue, who directed and acted by herself, were not strong enough and could not even beat Shui Bing'er.

As for the two Soul Saint assassins sent by Saras, let alone that he secretly notified Huo Lie and Mu Xiyue, even if there was no such notification method, the two seven-ring Soul Saints could not do anything to him.

Well, there is one thing Mu Yang saw, that is, Qian Renxue did not communicate with Saras about this assassination plan.

Otherwise, if he did not secretly inform Huo Lie and Mu Xiyue, Saras sent two Soul Saint assassins to kill him, which was equivalent to destroying Qian Renxue's self-directed and self-acted plan.

You know, the burly woman just now is an eight-ringed Soul Douluo. With her protection, the two Soul Saints who are not too high in level theoretically cannot escape. At the very least, they can leave behind the Thunder Jackal Soul Saint who is not a flying soul master.

And the seven-ringed Soul Saint is not just anyone. His martial soul has been exposed, and he has left behind. Regardless of whether he is a living person or a corpse, it is not difficult to trace his identity later.

From Qian Renxue's perspective, since she chose to recruit him and took the trouble to formulate a self-directed and self-acted script, she would definitely not leave him with the impression that the Spirit Hall is a bad guy.

After all, she, the young master of the Spirit Hall, represents the Spirit Hall.

If he is recruited, when her identity is exposed in the future, Qian Renxue will definitely be embarrassed.

'Salas, right? Wait for me, you will suffer tomorrow! '

For Salas who dared to send someone to assassinate him, Mu Yang did not have any good feelings, and he was determined to give Salas a ruthless blow tomorrow.

Even if he failed to kill Sarath, he would have to learn a lesson.

Of course, even if this didn't happen, Sarath would have to learn a lesson. Can we say that he was wrong?

As for Qian Renxue who plotted against him?

Well, she is the strongest second generation in the continent and has an invincible grandfather. He dare not move. For the time being, he will record it in his little notebook.

Mu Yang: I am not strong yet. When I grow strong, I will change!

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