Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 158 Don’t lose your class

The speeches of Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi shocked the participating college teams.

Yesterday, Mu Yang was assassinated. The two Soul Saint-level assassins were quickly suppressed by Huo Lie and the others, so it did not cause much noise. The participating teams that did not pay much attention naturally did not know that someone had attacked the participating students yesterday.

Now that Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi revealed this incident, everyone immediately felt nervous.

Assassinating participating students is too despicable. The teachers who think their students are also geniuses have raised their vigilance to the highest level to avoid being taken advantage of by thieves.

"Brother, who did you say was assassinated? Who is the mastermind behind this?"

In the stands, Xiao Wu blinked and asked Tang San with a curious look on her face.

"It should be from Blazing Fire College or Tianshui College, right? As for the mastermind behind the scenes, if nothing unexpected happens, it is Saras who is sitting next to Emperor Xue Ye."

Tang San said in a low voice after glancing at Mu Yang.

‘A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind’, Tang San still understands this principle.

Mu Yang, Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu, Shui Bing’er, and Shui Yue’er showed such strong talents that it was normal for them to be attacked by assassins sent by other forces.

As for the mastermind behind the scenes, this can be seen from the fact that Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi glanced at Sarath when they gave warning speeches, and the master of the Heaven Dou Holy Temple had a gloomy face and did not speak.

Not to mention, Tang San, who had eaten the melon at this moment, could not help but feel a little gloating.

Mu Yang and others were not related to him, and they were more outstanding than himself. When they encountered bad luck, although he did not have a big banquet to celebrate, he could not help eating some melons and feeling happy.

The game was over, the melon was eaten, and the audience began to leave.

There is only one passage to leave the Great Fighting Spirit Arena, and there are many spectators leaving. It is expected that the entrance of the Great Fighting Spirit Arena will be very crowded at this time, so the participating college teams did not leave immediately, and planned to leave when it is not so crowded later.

After all, there are many girls in the participating college teams, and it is not suitable to squeeze with people.

At this time, Flanders called the Shrek people in front of him and gave a lecture: "You just heard that there was an assassin assassinating the participating students.

Although there is a reason that others are too good, you have to be on guard.

Therefore, during the next competition, except in the college, you'd better not leave the sight of me, Erlong or Teacher Zhao, so as not to give others a chance to take advantage of it."

As soon as Flanders finished speaking, Ma Hongjun became anxious.

Others can stay honestly, but he is different! With the evil fire in his body, he still has to help the young ladies escape from the sea of ​​suffering!

As we all know, these young ladies who are hungry and full usually have gambling fathers, sick mothers, and school-going brothers at home. If he doesn't help them, who else will help them?

But before Ma Hongjun could speak, Flanders said again: "Little Fatty, bear it, but if you really can't bear it, tell me, and I'll take you there."


Suddenly, everyone in Shrek, who knew what kind of person Ma Hongjun was, immediately gave him a contemptuous look.

Well, it's not only for Ma Hongjun, but also for Flanders.

They are not innocent, they all know a little bit, but they don't believe that Flanders took Ma Hongjun to that place, and Flanders, who has been single for decades, can bear it.

At this time, Dai Mubai stepped forward and patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder, saying: "Fatty, listen to my advice, don't go to the brothel in the future, go to the club! Even if you don't do it for yourself, you have to consider Dean Flanders, don't lose your class."

Ma Hongjun: "."

Flanders: "."

Is this a question of class or not?

After a long time, seeing that the audience in the Great Fighting Soul Arena had almost left, a group of participating college teams left one after another.

On the roadside not far from the entrance of the Great Fighting Soul Arena, two cardinals from the Heaven Fighting Spirit Temple inconspicuously examined the people leaving the Great Fighting Soul Arena, looking for the traces of the target.

Not long after, the Shrek people walked out of the Great Fighting Soul Arena.

Immediately, the two cardinals' eyes lit up, looked at each other, and then the two talked and laughed, pretending to be indifferent, ready to attack Tang San at any time.

At this time, Tang San was completely unaware that the danger had come.

It had been a while since the end of the competition, and there were not too many people at the entrance of the Great Soul Fighting Arena. As soon as they walked out of the gate, the Shrek people saw two red-robed cardinals from the Spirit Hall standing on the roadside not far ahead.

But the Shrek people didn't care. The Spirit Hall was the co-organizer of the Soul Master Competition. In addition, the Soul Master Competition was lively, so it was normal for the cardinals to come to watch the competition.

Thirty meters. Twenty meters. Ten meters

When the Shrek people walking in the middle of the street were less than ten meters away from the two people standing on the roadside, the two cardinals from the Heaven Dou Holy Temple moved.

"Black Shadow Leopard, Possession! Fourth Soul Skill, Leopard Shadow Assault!"

"Earth Barbarian Bear, Possession! Fourth Soul Skill, Barbarian Bear Giant Claw!"

In an instant, the two cardinals' spirits possessed and used the fourth soul skill to attack the defenseless Tang San with lightning speed.

For attack-type soul skills, if the user's strength remains unchanged, the higher the age, the stronger the power.

However, the higher the age of the soul skill, the slower the activation speed compared to the lower age soul skills. Therefore, the two chose to activate the fourth soul skill.

With the strength of a seven-ring soul saint, even without any amplification soul skills, the fourth attack soul skill of the best year alone is enough to kill a soul master who has just entered the fourth ring, not to mention that the two are sneak attacks.

The sudden change scared the Shrek people.


"How dare you!"

"Damn it!"

Flanders, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji, who are also seven-ring soul saints, reacted the fastest. At the moment when the two cardinals' martial spirits were possessed and launched a sneak attack, they released their martial spirits while shouting.

But because the distance was too close, and the three of them were not standing in front of the two people's sneak attack target: Tang San, it was obviously too late to make an effective response.

However, just when the black leopard shadow and the khaki claw shadow were about to fall on Tang San, Xiao Wu, who was beside Tang San, moved.

Xiao Wu's reaction speed was also very fast. After all, the long life of a beast was not in vain, and the rabbit was one of the soul beasts with a relatively fast reaction speed.

When the two cardinals' spirits possessed her, she noticed something was wrong. When the two used their fourth spirit skills to attack Tang San, Xiao Wu had already completed the spirit possession.

When the two fourth spirit skills were about to fall on Tang San, Xiao Wu's fourth spirit ring had already lit up, and a golden light flashed around her. She took a step forward and blocked Tang San and the two attacking spirit skills.

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