Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 172 Emperor Xue Ye: Good mood, never

At this time, seeing that all ten people were present, the host said again: "Next, your majesty and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect's Ning Sect Master, Jian Douluo, Bilin Douluo, and Tyrannosaurus Douluo will personally present the qualification certificates and bonuses to the five teams that entered the promotion match."

Emperor Xue Ye was in the middle, Ning Fengzhi and Dugu Bo sat on the left and right sides of Emperor Xue Ye, Chen Xin and Huo Lie were next to Ning Fengzhi and Dugu Bo, and the five people just presented awards to one team each.

The Blazing Fire Team ranked second in the record, and it was Ning Fengzhi who presented the award to the Blazing Fire Team.

After bowing slightly to thank him, Mu Yang took the qualification certificate for promotion and a gold coin card as a reward from Ning Fengzhi, who was smiling and elegant and easy-going.

The qualification certificate for promotion is actually a note, which is not very useful. It is like the little red flower awarded by kindergarten teachers, with more symbolic significance than practical significance.

After all, which five teams will qualify in the preliminaries, how can the organizers not know?

As for the prize money, it was paid by the Tiandou Empire, or more precisely, by the royal family. It had no other meaning, but to encourage outstanding students.

"One hundred thousand gold soul coins?!"

Looking at the face value of one hundred thousand gold soul coins on the gold coin card in his hand, Mu Yang was stunned.

Although he was not a participant in the last Soul Master Competition, he also came to watch the competition.

If he remembered correctly, the five teams that qualified from the preliminaries, whether first or first, seemed to have only 10,000 gold soul coins, right?

How come it became 100,000 gold soul coins this time? Could it be that Emperor Xue Ye picked up some money when he went out today?

"Haha~, Your Majesty is happy, all five of your teams have it."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and explained a little.

Suddenly, Mu Yang understood.

Sarath, the disgusting troublemaker, is out of the game. Tang Hao has removed the thorn in the side of the Heaven Dou Spirit Temple. Emperor Xue Ye must be too happy. Since that night, he has always been smiling and walking like the wind.

Emperor Xue Ye: Good mood, starting from Sarath and the Heaven Dou Temple.

The emperor is happy. Let's not talk about amnesty for the time being. It's common for him to miss a chance.

Anyway, even if the prize is 100,000 gold soul coins, the five teams only get 500,000 gold soul coins. For Emperor Xue Ye who is in charge of the Heaven Dou Empire, it can only be regarded as a drizzle.

'Tsk~, you all have to thank me! '

Looking around, Mu Yang said to the other contestants of the five teams in his heart.

Without his plan to kill with a borrowed knife, Tang Hao would not have hammered the Dou Wu Soul Temple. Without Tang Hao hammering the Dou Wu Soul Temple, Emperor Xue Ye would not be so happy. If Emperor Xue Ye was not so happy, then the bonuses of the five qualified teams would probably only be equivalent to the guaranteed level of previous years.

Of course, Mu Yang also knows the principle of "doing good things without leaving a name", so it's better not to mention this small favor, so as not to get hammered.

After the awards for the five teams were awarded, the host handed the right to speak to Emperor Xue Ye.

Slowly getting up from his seat, Emperor Xue Ye's eyes swept over the representatives of the five academy teams in front of him, and especially stayed for a few seconds on Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, Mu Yang, Huo Wu, Feng Xiaotian and Tang San who had cultivated to the five-ring soul king realm, and then smiled and said: "First of all, elites of the empire, I want to congratulate you.

You have successfully obtained the qualification to advance to this session of the All-Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. As the supreme ruler of the Tiandou Empire, I am proud of you. You are all the hope of the empire's future!

And as the legitimate masters of each team , Vice Captain, your strength also played the most important role in the competition.

Therefore, I decided to confer the title of Viscount on the ten of you, and the title of Baron on the other participating students of your five teams. After you graduate, the door of the imperial family will be open to you at any time, and your fiefdoms will be uniformly distributed after you graduate. "

The baron and viscount titles offered by Emperor Xue Ye this time are different from the honorary titles that soul masters of three rings and above can obtain by joining the Tiandou Empire and being willing to serve the empire. They are real titles with fiefdoms attached.

Generally speaking, the fiefdom of a real baron is a small town and its subordinate villages, but when it comes to the viscount title, the fiefdom is a small city and its subordinate villages.

For example, the remote small town of Notting City, plus the Holy Soul Village and other villages and towns around Notting City, are the title fiefdoms of a certain city lord father named Xiao.

After Emperor Xue Ye finished speaking, Mu Yang and others did not directly express their opinions.

After all, those who can stand here are the elites among the young elites in the contemporary soul master world, and they all have a bright future. Although the noble title is attractive, it is not necessarily what they pursue.

Fortunately, Emperor Xue Ye can roughly guess what everyone is thinking, and he did not mean to ask everyone to express their opinions immediately. He continued: "Here, I have to make you a promise.

If any of your teams can win the final game and win the championship of this soul master competition, the team's title will be promoted by one level, and the academy will enjoy strong financial support from the empire."

The title will be promoted by one level again, that is, if anyone among the five teams can win the championship, the captain and vice captain of the winning team will enjoy the title of earl, and all the team members, even if they are just substitutes, can enjoy the title of viscount.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world, and the title of the Tiandou Empire is not so easy to get.

If you don't choose to join the Tiandou Empire in the end, this noble title will be retained indefinitely and will only be given to you if someone comes. Otherwise, the Tiandou Empire will be emptied sooner or later.

After talking about the rewards and treatment, Emperor Xueye briefly talked about matters related to the promotion competition: "The next promotion competition will still be held in the empire, but the venue will be changed from the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Field to the Royal Hunting Ground.

At that time, the ten teams from the five kingdoms and principalities under the empire that have passed the qualifiers will come to compete with you in the promotion round.

I hope that all five of your colleges will be at the top of the promotion round and take the lead in the finals.

The promotion competition is also the best stage to reflect your personal strength. For the top three students who have won the most games in the promotion competition, the empire will provide you with the soul beasts you need for the next promotion of your title. You can choose the type of soul beast by yourself. The empire can guarantee all soul beasts with a cultivation level of less than 30,000 years."

After an impassioned speech, Emperor Xue Ye finally came to an end: "The promotion competition will be held in one month. I hope you can make breakthroughs and achieve better results within this month. Victory will definitely belong to Tiandou." empire!"

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

A sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami sounded from the audience seats, resounding throughout the entire Great Spirit Fighting Arena.

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