Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 185: Success or Failure

Soon, the game started, and Mu Yang, who was watching from the sidelines, perked up.

He wanted to see what Tang San, who was taking the control route and whose Blue Silver Grass spirit had lost its fire immunity ability and whose spirit power level was 17 levels lower, would do to deal with Huo Wushuang.

‘Will he take out the big hammer? ’

Mu Yang couldn’t help but think to himself.

He really couldn’t think of any other means that Tang San, who was forbidden to use hidden weapons in the arena, could use to threaten Huo Wushuang, except for taking out the Clear Sky Hammer and performing the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique.

Of course, this possibility was not great.

After all, Tang Hao had done something big not long ago, not only killing the Platinum Bishop Salas, but also destroying the Heaven Dou Holy Temple, which represented the Spirit Hall. If Tang San exposed the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, it would be too hateful.

“Come on~!”

Huo Wushuang hooked his claws at Tang San.

Taking a deep breath, Tang San stepped forward and used his secret skill: Ghost Shadow. With afterimages left behind, he rushed towards Huo Wushuang like a ghost.

Huo Wushuang, who was showing his ‘master style’, only activated his second soul skill: Red Flame Crystal Cover, and then crossed his arms across his chest, quietly watching whether Tang San could perform well.

“First soul skill, entangle!”

In a blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was shortened to more than ten meters. Tang San’s expression condensed, and the first soul ring around him shone. The blue silver grass on his right palm instantly grew several blue silver vines like spirit pythons, sweeping towards Huo Wushuang.

Tang San: Eat my mother, entangle!

Seeing that Tang San’s first soul skill of a hundred years was lit up, instead of using any trump card, Huo Wushuang suddenly felt bored.

Sure enough, trump cards are not something that any opponent has. They are just young people, so it is normal that they don’t hide trump cards.

However, just as Huo Wushuang was about to kill Tang San, a sudden and violent soul power fluctuation came out, and a brilliant khaki glow appeared on Tang San's left arm.

"Soul Bone Skill: Earth Dragon Roar!"

Accompanied by the consumption of a large amount of soul power, a khaki earth dragon phantom with short forelimbs, thick hind limbs, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex-like appearance suddenly appeared in the air behind Tang San, and then the huge dragon mouth opened, and the roaring sound waves that distorted the air instantly spread.

60,000-year-old earth dragon left arm soul bone soul bone skill: Earth Dragon Roar, a control soul bone skill, which forcibly stuns all opponents within the effect range of the soul bone skill. The specific duration of the stun effect depends on the strength of the mental power of both parties.


Accompanied by a deafening beast roar, the roaring sound wave instantly enveloped an area of ​​more than 70 meters with Tang San as the center. Huo Wushuang, who was caught off guard, and even the spectators who were closer to the stadium, instantly had a blank mind and were stunned in place.

At the same time, the blue silver vines derived from the entanglement spirit skill released earlier just happened to entangle Huo Wushuang, giving the audience a rope art performance.

The next moment, Tang San stepped on the ground, twisted his body, used his legs to lead his waist, used his waist to lead his arms, and swung his right arm violently, like a meteor hammer, throwing Huo Wushuang, who was bound by the other end of the blue silver vine, out of the arena.

From the two previous matches between Huo Wushuang and Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai, Tang San could see that Huo Wushuang did not have the habit of killing his opponent instantly at the beginning, perhaps because he felt that he had a sure win.

And this habit of Huo Wushuang gave him the basis for his unique tactics.

Tang San's tactics were very simple, closing the distance between the two sides at the beginning and releasing the first spirit skill: entanglement.

With Huo Wushuang's five-ring strength and the fact that he is a fire attribute soul master, this soul skill itself does not pose any threat. Huo Wushuang will most likely not set fire to the blue silver vines the moment he releases his soul skill, but will wait until he is about to be attacked, or simply release the flame to burn the blue silver vines after being bound.

As long as Huo Wushuang does not burn the vines the moment he releases his soul skill, he will stun Huo Wushuang with the 60,000-year-old Earth Dragon Roaring Soul Bone Skill, and then take advantage of this opportunity to use the blue silver vines as the rope of the "human meteor hammer" to throw Huo Wushuang, who is temporarily in a dazed state, out of the arena.

In this way, he can accomplish something that is almost impossible: with his own strength as a level 42 Blue Silver Grass Soul Sect, he can defeat Huo Wushuang, who has a strong martial soul and a high level of five rings, on the field!

As for why he didn't use the Earth Dragon Roaring Soul Bone Skill first, and then release the Entangling Soul Skill?

Tang San considered that Huo Wushuang's soul power level was much higher than his own, and his fourth soul ring was also ten thousand years old, so his mental power was probably higher than his own.

And because Earth Dragon Roar was a large-scale control soul bone skill, the stun effect on a single target was not too strong. Tang San was worried that he could not control Huo Wushuang, who had a good mental power, for how long, so he adjusted the release order of the two skills to try to achieve seamless connection.

Facts have proved that his tactics are feasible and not whimsical.

Although this tactic is basically only effective for the first use, he will definitely not be able to use it a second time when the Blazing Fire Team sends Huo Wu to the field, but it doesn't matter.

Looking at the dozen teams in the promotion match, which team can beat the Blazing Fire Team to the last person left? Except for the Tianshui Team, which has two soul kings in the team, Tang San doesn't think other teams have this possibility.

No matter if his tactics were dirty or not, no matter if the Blazing Fire Team let up in the beginning, a win is a win, a loss is a loss, the results of the competition are all real.

Being able to defeat the fifth-ring high-level Huo Wushuang with the strength of a beginner in the fourth ring, and in less than ten seconds, he, Tang San, is definitely the most handsome guy in the promotion match of the Tiandou Division of this Soul Master Competition!

Tang Hufa: Hehehe——

However, did Tang San's tactics really succeed?

The tactics were indeed successfully implemented, but at the same time, this tactic did not meet Tang San's expectations.

Just as he was about to be thrown out of the competition field, Huo Wushuang got rid of the dizzy state in time and regained consciousness.

Before being forced to be dizzy by the Earth Dragon Roaring Soul Bone Skill, Huo Wushuang witnessed the appearance of the Earth Dragon Shadow with his own eyes, knowing that this must be Tang San's hidden trump card.

Therefore, after getting rid of the dizziness control, Huo Wushuang immediately realized his current unfavorable situation.

"Third Soul Skill, Scarlet Flame Dragon Transformation!"

Without hesitation, Huo Wushuang's third soul ring flashed, his muscles swelled, and his momentum soared. At the same time, a pair of dragon wings covered with fine red crystal scales suddenly condensed behind him.

Then the dragon wings behind him fluttered, and seeing that he would be eliminated in the next second, Huo Wushuang, who was less than two meters away from the ground outside the competition field, rushed into the air and flew back to the competition field.


Looking at Huo Wushuang who had returned to the arena, Tang San widened his eyes and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"How did you get rid of control so quickly?"

After a while, Tang San came to his senses and asked bitterly. (End of this chapter)

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