Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 211 Tactical Waiver

After all the people who had fallen to the ground stood up, Bibi Dong smiled and looked from left to right, sweeping over all the 21 young soul masters who participated in the top three finals.

Especially when she looked at Hu Liena, Bibi Dong's eyes were full of satisfaction.

This precious disciple of hers not only has a good talent for cultivation and works hard, but also has the best luck. It can be foreseen that the future is definitely bright.

"I see hope in you. In front of the Pope's Palace, I hope to see all your talents and strengths. And the final winner will get the biggest reward from the Spirit Hall."

As she spoke, Bibi Dong waved the gemstone scepter in her hand, and three points of light instantly enlarged in front of her and floated in the air.

These three light points were not other objects, but three soul bones, one head soul bone, one right arm soul bone, and one left leg soul bone, flashing with light blue, fiery red and dark green halos respectively.

The moment the three soul bones appeared, they attracted countless greedy eyes, especially the head soul bone in the middle with a light blue halo, which was the most tempting.

If this was not in front of the Pope's Palace, if there were not several Titled Douluo as a deterrent, I am afraid that someone would have rushed up to grab it out of greed.

'The dog owner is really generous! '

His eyes automatically passed over the two right arm soul bones and left leg soul bones, and looking at the head soul bone with an extremely extraordinary appearance, Mu Yang couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

If nothing unexpected happens, this light blue head soul bone should be the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration with a year of up to 60,000 years in the original book.

And because of the preciousness of the head soul bone, in terms of value alone, this soul bone is second only to the soul bones of the limbs that are 100,000 years old, and is even higher than the inherited soul bones that are regarded as treasures by all forces on the continent.

Knowing that the other college teams were not bad and the Spirit Hall team might not necessarily win the championship, the Spirit Hall still took out this wisdom skull of spiritual concentration as one of the championship rewards, which shows that the Spirit Hall is indeed a big dog.

You know, this is a public place with many witnesses.

Since Bibi Dong, as the Pope, has spoken, the Spirit Hall must not go back on her word.

Once the Spirit Hall team fails to win the championship, these three soul bones must be given out, otherwise the reputation of the Spirit Hall will plummet.

In view of the imminent reunification, there must be no stain on the reputation. Therefore, let alone a 60,000-year-old head soul bone plus two limb soul bones of decent value, even if a 100,000-year-old soul bone is promised, the Spirit Hall must give it.

Of course, after the plan to encircle and kill Tang Hao failed, the Spirit Hall still took out the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration as one of the championship rewards, and that was not without reason.

If possible, the Spirit Hall does not want to lose this precious head soul bone.

But there is no way. The right to host the finals of this Soul Master Competition was obtained by the Spirit Hall from the Xingluo Empire.

The Xingluo Empire agreed to this because the Spirit Hall stated that it would give out three soul bones as rewards, and it had already determined which three soul bones these three soul bones were, and they could not be changed later.

Otherwise, if the Spirit Hall did not want Bilian, and it was not the Spirit Hall team that won the championship, what would it do if it just took out three thousand-year or even hundred-year soul bones of not too much value to deal with the matter?

After all, Tang Hao had done a big deal in the Tiandou Empire not long ago. The purpose of the Spirit Hall asking for the right to host the finals was obvious. If you want to get what you want, how can you do it without paying a price?

For the Xingluo Empire, no matter who the soul bones will end up with, as long as it can bleed the Spirit Hall as a potential opponent, it will be a good thing!

At this time, a charming voice sounded: "These three soul bones are all from soul beasts that are more than ten thousand years old. They are the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration, the right arm bone of explosive burning flames, and the left leg bone of chasing the wind.

Among them, the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration is from a soul beast that is more than 50,000 years old. It was killed by the previous pope himself. It is definitely the best among soul bones, second only to external soul bones and top soul bones produced by 100,000-year soul beasts."

The one who introduced these three soul bones was Ju Douluo Yue Guan.

After Yueguan finished speaking, Bibi Dong spoke again: "There is always only one winner, and the same is true for the champion.

Therefore, these three soul bones will all belong to the final champion team. I hope that your team that enters the top three can go all out and win this honor.

This morning, it will be an individual elimination match for seven people from each of your three teams. The winning team will take the lead and directly enter the championship battle tomorrow. The two losing teams will compete for another place in the final in the afternoon.

Now, you can send the first player to draw lots."

The first game of the fifth round of the finals is an individual elimination match like the promotion match, but three teams will participate together.

Although this is not the final championship battle, it is equally important. Being able to win not only means entering the top two, but also means being able to rest and better deal with tomorrow's final battle.

A row of gilded chairs was placed in front of the Pope's Palace. At Bibi Dong's signal, she sat in the middle, with Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Huo Lie sitting on the left, and Yueguan, Guimei and Lingyuan sitting on the right.

Seven people took their seats, and the three teams of Chihuo, Tianshui and Wuhundian sent their first players to draw lots.

The Wuhundian team did not directly send three players from the golden generation to the field. The starting player was a tall woman with short hair.

Unlike the Spirit Hall team, the first players to play in the Blazing Fire Team and the Tianshui Team were not the relatively weaker players in the team, but Mu Yang and Shui Bing'er, the team captains.

Before the game officially started, the starting players of the three teams had to draw lots to determine the order of the three teams' appearances.

And the team that ranked last in the order of appearance would undoubtedly have a certain advantage.

Soon, the results of the draw came out.

Mu Yang was unlucky and was the first to play, the Spirit Hall team was second, and the Tianshui team was last.

But at this moment, Shui Bing'er turned to Bibi Dong who was sitting in front of the Pope's Hall, bowed slightly, and said: "Your Holiness, I will give up this game on behalf of the Tianshui College team and directly enter the loser group in the afternoon."

This was agreed upon in advance by the two teams. In the individual elimination match of the three teams in the morning, whichever team played first, the other team would directly give up and enter the loser group in the afternoon.

Anyway, with Mu Yang and Shui Bing'er as their respective team's trump cards, whether it's Chihuo or Tianshui, they will definitely win the individual elimination match against the Spirit Hall team. (End of this chapter)

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