Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 3: Don’t waste time on developing yourself

"The ninth soul ring of a hundred thousand years? You Mu Yang, forget it if you don't want to thank me. Why are you opening a short gold coin card? Do you think I am just like you, with innate soul power?"

Huo Wu rolled his eyes again.

Not to mention whether her little cousin can get her a hundred thousand year soul ring in the future, it is basically impossible for her to cultivate to a level 90 quasi-titled Douluo.

Without innate full soul power or innate level 9 soul power, who dares to say that he has the talent to become a titled Douluo?

Looking at the entire continent, it is true that Huo Wu can be regarded as a genius soul master, but when it comes to achieving a nine-ring titled Douluo, with her innate seventh-level soul power, she is undoubtedly still a little bit behind, and her hope is slim. I can only say that she is not. It's absolutely impossible.

After pondering for a moment, Mu Yang raised his head and said, "Have you ever heard that when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven?"

It’s not like Douluo Continent doesn’t have the opportunity to change one’s destiny, and given one’s status and background, it’s not like there’s no chance to get it.

Hearing this, Huo Wu was stunned for a moment, and then his face became furious. He spread his teeth and pulled up Mu Yang's hair: "You say I am a chicken or a dog, right? OK, OK, I want to see who is the chicken or dog among us today." !”

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble!"

After stopping the fight between the two, Mu Xiyue said: "Xiaoyang, I'm really happy that you can awaken your innate soul power. In the future, as long as you add a suitable soul ring, you will definitely become one of the tens of thousands of people on the mainland." Your Majesty the Titled Douluo you admire, in this way, my aunt will not have the shame to face your parents who died long ago.

However, you must remember that from now on, you can only add a soul ring to one martial spirit, and never add a soul ring to another martial spirit.

You know, you are not the only one in the history of the mainland who has awakened his twin martial souls, but they all died when they attached a soul ring to the second martial soul.

Xiaoyang, now tell your aunt, which martial spirit are you going to practice?

My aunt recommends that you practice the Hokage Martial Spirit. Although being the first food-type titled Douluo in the mainland is a great honor and can be recorded in the annals of history, the soul master world is based on strength. No matter how high the honor is, it cannot compare with one's own powerful strength. .

Of course, this is just my aunt's suggestion. It's up to you to decide how to choose. "

"Then you can't cultivate two martial souls?"

Mu Yang asked.

It's not that Mu Yang doesn't understand this, but no one has mentioned the twin martial souls to him in the past, so he can't keep it secret.

Seeing that Mu Yang had not given up the idea of ​​cultivating two martial spirits, Mu Xiyue was about to persuade her again when Huo Lie beside her spoke: "Xiaoyang, a twin martial soul soul master can theoretically cultivate two martial spirits. However, this theory has not been empirically tested, and no one is sure whether it is actually feasible.

Our Blazing Fire Academy has a long history. It has always been the top-ranked academy for advanced soul masters in the Tiandou Empire. Many scholars who studied martial spirits and soul beasts have been born. As a special case, twin martial spirits have also been proposed by some scholars. Live a theory.

That is, after the twin martial soul soul masters have cultivated into a nine-ring titled Douluo, they can then add a soul ring to the second martial soul.

As we all know, the stronger the soul master's body, the stronger his ability to withstand soul rings.

Titled Douluo's ability to withstand soul rings is far greater than that of low-level soul masters, and soul bones can also help improve a soul master's ability to withstand soul rings.

Theoretically, if six hundred-thousand-year-old soul bones can be refined, perhaps a twin martial soul soul master can add nine hundred-thousand-year-old soul rings to his second martial soul.

Unfortunately, twin martial souls are rare, high-quality soul bones are difficult to find, and a hundred thousand year soul ring is also difficult to find. This theory has not been truly verified. "

As he said that, Huo Lie couldn't help but shook his head.

If there was really someone in the world who could verify this theory, how powerful would it be?

A complete set of one hundred thousand year soul bones and nine one hundred thousand year soul rings. As long as the legendary gods do not show up, even if the soul power cannot be cultivated into a level 99 peerless Douluo, no one on the mainland can be its opponent, right?

‘No, it has been verified, but the soul ring configuration is a bit off. ’

Mu Yang thought to himself.

Unbeknownst to most people in the world, Bibi Dong, the current Pope of Wuhun Temple, has successfully verified the most correct way to cultivate twin martial souls.

It's a pity that Bibi Dong didn't have the protagonist's life, and the second martial soul couldn't achieve a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Although this is the case, it does not affect the fact that at this point in time, Bibi Dong has become one of the few powerful people in the mainland.

"I will become a food-based soul master first!"

Long before this, Mu Yang had planned his future cultivation path.

If only the Hokage martial spirit is awakened, then it goes without saying that he can just be a strong attack or control spirit master.

If he could awaken the food-type ginseng martial soul, he would first become a food-type soul master, regardless of whether it was a twin martial soul.

However, the difference between the two is that if he simply awakens the food martial spirit, he will leave a soul ring slot for the mirror beast to try out whether his ginseng martial spirit can be like Oscar's sausage martial arts in the original work. Like the soul, create soul food that can temporarily replicate the martial souls of other soul masters.

As for the problem of having a strong body to cultivate the twin martial souls to perfection, this can be solved by using the deduction ability to create unique body-refining techniques, and by refining old soul bones.

Now that the road to the sky has been paved, the next thing to do is not to waste time on development. A beautiful tomorrow is waving to him.

"Practice the ginseng martial spirit first? That's fine!"

After thinking for a while, Mu Xiyue nodded, and then reminded: "But Xiaoyang, even if you can become a food-type Titled Douluo in the future, you must do your best with the second martial soul.

You don't have to pursue nine soul rings. With the soul food you made yourself, even if the Hokage martial soul only has four or five high-year soul rings, the strength will definitely exceed that of the Titled Douluo of the same level. The continent is destined to be unstable in the future, and it will be enough to deal with the turbulent situation at that time."

"Mom? What's unstable? Is the Empire going to fight Xingluo again?"

Huo Wu asked puzzledly.

"You are all still children, don't ask too much about these things, just remember to practice hard in the future."

Mu Xiyue didn't say much after reaching out to touch Huo Wu's head.

"We are not children anymore!"

Huo Wu pouted, a little dissatisfied.

Huo Wushuang beside him also nodded, obviously agreeing with his sister's words. He has passed his twelfth birthday and is no longer a child!

"Okay, okay, you are no longer children. Now mom will give you two a task."

Mu Xiyue smiled and didn't care. She continued: "Xiaoyang has just awakened his martial soul. Although he has learned the meditation method before, he has never tried formal practice. You can help him get familiar with it.

Xiaoyang, you should first get familiar with the meditation method with Xiaowu and Wushuang. Tomorrow morning, your uncle will take you to the Soul Beast Forest to add soul rings."


Muyang nodded.

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