Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 38 Dugu Bo's Enthusiasm

"By the way, uncle, what is your current soul power level?"

Mu Yang asked Huo Lie.

He only knew that Huo Lie was an eight-ring soul douluo, but he didn't know his exact soul power level.

"88, almost 89, what's wrong?"

Huo Lie didn't mean to hide anything and said directly.

"Nothing, just asking."

Mu Yang waved his hand.

A soul douluo with a soul power level close to level 89 can most likely reach level 90 quasi-titled douluo after taking the earth dragon golden melon.

Add the ninth soul ring later, tsk~, and be titled His Majesty!

Then he went to Bai He with the strength of a nine-ring titled douluo to ask for the crystal blood dragon ginseng. If Bai He gave him face, he would exchange it with the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product, which had no effect of improving strength after taking it.

The even more useless Snow Swan Kiss?

This thing can't be given to Bai He, otherwise if someone gets it and then throws it into the blood river of the hell road in the Slaughter City, it will be a big deal.

In Mu Yang's opinion, the reason why the evil soul masters in the soul master world of the future continent are so rampant is that in addition to the lack of the Wuhun Hall that severely cracks down on evil soul masters in the future continent, the biggest factor is that there is no "scum treatment center" in the Slaughter City, which can be said to be in and out.

That is, this matter is not known to the world, and in the original work, Tang San ascended to the throne of God, and the sea god oracle was issued, and all living beings dared not disobey, otherwise they would be infamous for thousands of years.

As for Bai He not giving face?

In the case that he is not a titled Douluo, the face of the titled crown must not be given, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although Bai He's brain is a bit stubborn, I don't think he will be so unwise.

Of course, it's okay not to trade with the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product. Isn't the Min family poor? It's okay to buy it with gold soul coins.

That morning, Huo Lie arranged the affairs of the academy and took Mu Yang on a carriage to Tiandou City.

Since Dugu Bo didn't know what he was talking about, there was no need to do such a small trick.

After all, Huo Lie was also a person of status, and it was not appropriate for him to be a thief. He could just use the favor Dugu Bo owed him to pay off his debt.

Chihuo City was not too far from Tiandou City. On the evening of the third day, the two arrived in Tiandou City.

After checking in at Tiandou Hotel, Huo Lie wrote a visiting card and asked the hotel waiter to send it to Dugu Mansion.

"Xiaoyang, Bilin Douluo is at the mansion. We will visit him tomorrow morning."

That night, after receiving Dugu Bo's reply, Huo Lie said to Mu Yang.


Mu Yang nodded.

The next morning, outside Dugu Mansion.

When Mu Yang and Huo Lie got off the carriage, they saw Dugu Bo standing at the door of the mansion at first sight, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

'? ? ? ’

Seeing Dugu Bo’s figure, Mu Yang couldn’t help showing surprise in his eyes.

If his uncle Huo Lie was a nine-ringed Titled Douluo, then Mu Yang could understand why Dugu Bo would go out to greet him.

After all, they were both Titled Douluo, and it was a courtesy for the host to go out to greet a powerful person who came to visit.

But the problem was that Huo Lie was not a Titled Douluo!

In terms of status, even if Huo Lie was the dean of Blazing Fire Academy and his soul power level was an eight-ringed Soul Douluo, he was still far behind Dugu Bo.

Could it be that there were other guests of unusual status in Dugu Mansion today?

At this time, seeing Huo Lie and Mu Yang get off the carriage, Dugu Bo smiled and greeted them enthusiastically.

Huo Lie bowed and said, "I'm sorry for coming here."

Mu Yang bowed and said, "Hello, senior."

"Haha~, I missed you so much since we met in Sunset Forest. Brother Huo, welcome, welcome, let's go and chat in the mansion!"

Dugu Bo smiled and waved his hand, inviting the two into the mansion.

Seeing this, Mu Yang couldn't help but feel even more confused.

What's going on? This Dugu Bo is probably fake, right?

Even if Dugu Yan attached a super-limit soul ring and confirmed the effect of whale glue, it wouldn't make Dugu Bo behave like this, right?

Not long after, in the living room of Dugu Mansion.

After asking the maid to serve tea, Dugu Bo chatted with Huo Lie.

While chatting, Dugu Bo glanced at Mu Yang from time to time.

Mu Yang: "."

What's going on? I always feel that this old man is plotting against me.

After a long time, when Mu Yang was a little restless, Dugu Bo's face became serious, dismissed the maids waiting in the hall, and turned to look at Mu Yang.

"Little friend, what's your name?"

Dugu Bo asked Mu Yang.

"Senior, my name is Mu Yang."

Mu Yang replied.

"Little friend Mu Yang, I remember your martial soul is a food-related martial soul, right?"

As he said that, Dugu Bo looked at Mu Yang with shining eyes.

The last time he met Mu Yang in the Sunset Forest, he forgot one important point.

When he realized it, he had already left the Sunset Forest with his granddaughter.

Originally, Dugu Bo was planning to go to Blazing Academy in a while, but unexpectedly, Mu Yang came to him by himself.

"It's a food-related martial soul."

Mu Yang nodded, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing Dugu Bo care about his martial soul, Mu Yang roughly guessed why Dugu Bo was so enthusiastic.

The key point lies in his ginseng martial soul and his innate talent of full soul power.

Dugu Bo has a fatal weakness, that is, he is bitten by snake venom.

This snake venom is not given to him by others, but comes from his own Jade Phosphorus Snake King martial soul.

Jade Phosphorus Snake King martial soul is a beast martial soul. Beast martial souls are different from weapon martial souls and need to be attached to a body to use.

However, Dugu Bo's control over his own soul power has not reached an absolutely perfect level, which means that every time he uses his martial soul, he will be more or less contaminated with some of the Green Phosphorus Snake King poison.

If Dugu Bo is just a low-level soul master, there are many soul masters on the continent who can detoxify him.

Find an auxiliary soul master with detoxification soul skills, or a food soul master who can produce soul food with detoxification effect.

But unfortunately, when a low-level soul master uses soul skills on a high-level soul master, except for a few special martial souls, the actual effect of the soul skills will be greatly reduced, or even completely ineffective.

Dugu Bo is a nine-ring titled Douluo, and he is unlucky. There is no food titled Douluo on the continent, nor is there an auxiliary titled Douluo with detoxification soul skills.

In other words, Dugu Bo cannot solve the problem of his own snake venom backbiting through detoxification soul skills.

But now it is different. Dugu Bo has met me, and I also know that I am a food soul master with innate full soul power.

A person with full innate soul power will become a Title Douluo. Although there is no Title Douluo of the Food System in the mainland soul master world, if even a food-type soul master with full innate soul power cannot become a Title Douluo of the Food System, then the Title Douluo of the Food System will become an impossible term.

So, the reason why Dugu Expo is so enthusiastic today is probably because he is the future Title Douluo of the Food System, and as long as he chooses the right soul skill effect, he can detoxify him and Dugu Yan in the future?

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