Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 93 Qian Renxue's intention to recruit

At this time, She Long continued to report: "Young Master, there is another point worth noting.

According to the information we have found, Mu Yang's hair color was originally red, but now it is blue.

And at that time, the subordinates used their mental power to see clearly in the forest that his martial soul was a ginseng with red and blue leaves and a main body like jade, with the attributes of ice and fire.

But according to the information we have found, his original martial soul was no different from ordinary ginseng, and it should be that the martial soul has undergone a metamorphosis and evolution."

"Martial soul evolution?"

Qian Renxue frowned. Although it is not absolutely impossible for martial souls to metamorphose and evolve, she has never heard of such a big change that even the attributes have changed.

And examples like martial soul metamorphosis and evolution will not appear in low-level soul masters. Basically, they will appear after soul masters enter the nine-ring titled Douluo.

It is precisely because after the soul master advances to the nine-ring titled Douluo, his martial soul will undergo a very considerable qualitative change, which makes the martial souls of titled Douluo all belong to the top martial souls.

Because of the qualitative change brought about by the advancement to the Nine-ring Titled Douluo, plus the accumulation gained from the previous eight advancements, it is enough to make any quality of martial soul sublimate to the top martial soul.

"Tianshui College does not recruit male students, do you know why he can go to Tianshui College?"

Putting aside the strangeness of Mu Yang's martial soul transformation for the time being, Qian Renxue asked She Long.

"This... According to the information we have found, Shui Yanyu's niece Shui Bing'er and Mu Yang are in a relationship. Perhaps it is because of this relationship, coupled with the innate full soul power, that Shui Yanyu broke the convention?"

She Long said a little uncertainly.

"., at such a young age, you know how to talk about love, it seems that it's just like this."

When she heard that even a ten-year-old child had a girlfriend, Qian Renxue, who had just been urged to get married yesterday, suddenly couldn't hold it back and couldn't help but say something sour.

At the age of twenty, Qian Renxue, who had already passed her girlhood unknowingly, had fantasized about this before.

It's a pity that she is Qian Renxue and Xue Qinghe of the Tiandou Empire. As early as when she came to the Tiandou Empire to start the plan of usurping the country, Qian Renxue already understood that love and the like had nothing to do with her.

Even if she can restore her daughter's body one day, she will have ascended to the throne of Tiandou by then, and it is impossible for her to have a sweet love, right?

No, no, who am I? I am the young master of the Spirit Hall, the only heir of the Angel Family, and I am responsible for spreading the glory of angels throughout the continent. How can I think about love?

Love? Don't even talk about it! Everything must be based on the great plan of the Spirit Hall!

While complaining, Qian Renxue said: "Uncle Shelong, send someone to keep a close eye on Mu Yang in the future."

In Qian Renxue's eyes, Blazing Academy is not a force with deep foundation.

Mu Yang's parents died long ago, and he is only the nephew of Huo Lie, the dean of Blazing Academy, not even his own son. It is already very good to get a high-quality soul bone, and it is basically impossible to get more high-quality soul bones.

In other words, Mu Yang, who is more than half of his ten years old, can have a soul power level of the fourth ring level. Even if the soul power increase obtained by refining soul bones is excluded, his soul power cultivation speed is still beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In addition, in Qian Renxue's view, ordinary combat soul masters with full innate soul power are really not as valuable as food-type soul masters with full innate soul power.

After all, who of the worship elders in the worship hall is not full innate soul power?

The Wuhun Hall has a deep foundation. It is painful to lose a worship elder, but adding another worship elder cannot make a qualitative change in the overall strength of the Wuhun Hall.

But the auxiliary, healing and food-type Titled Douluo are different. Perhaps this type of Titled Douluo itself is just a "weak chicken", but it can make great changes in teammates who are also Titled Douluo.

With a healing Titled Douluo as a teammate, he can fight to the death. As long as he is not killed on the spot, there is almost no situation where he cannot be saved.

With an auxiliary Titled Douluo as a teammate, the strength of the six worship elders in the Worship Hall, except for his grandfather, can be improved by at least one level. This will bring more improvement to the strength of the Spirit Hall than adding a 96-level worship elder.

As for the food Titled Douluo, he may not be as good as the healing Titled Douluo in terms of treatment, nor as good as the auxiliary Titled Douluo in terms of assistance, but the ability of the food Titled Douluo is more comprehensive, and the food soul master does not need to directly participate in the battle, and the safety is higher than that of treatment and assistance.

Even because the soul power food produced by the high-year food soul skills can be stored without time limit, as long as the quantity produced is large enough, the numerous titled elders in the Spirit Hall can benefit.

If a small soul master force is asked to choose between a combat-type Titled Douluo and a food-type Titled Douluo, it will definitely choose a combat-type Titled Douluo.

But for the Spirit Hall, the dominant force in the soul master world, a food-type Titled Douluo is much more valuable than a combat-type Titled Douluo. It may be difficult to choose a 99-level combat-type peerless Douluo for a food-type Titled Douluo.

But if it is only a 98-level Titled Douluo, from the perspective of profit alone, it must be more cost-effective to choose a food-type Titled Douluo.

If there is a food-type Titled Douluo willing to join the Spirit Hall, Qian Renxue feels that it is not too much to give him the position of a worship elder, even if his soul power is only a 91-level Titled Douluo.

There is no other reason. Regardless of whether it is a level 91 or 99 food-type Title Douluo, the effect of the soul power food produced is the same, and it can be effective on other Title Douluo of any level without discount.

The only difference is that the level is higher, and the amount of soul power food produced can be greater.

Therefore, Mu Yang, a food-type soul master with full innate soul power and extraordinary cultivation speed, has a very high value of winning over in Qian Renxue's eyes.

The sources of soul masters under the Spirit Hall are complicated. As long as they are not evil soul masters, the Spirit Hall will accept them, and at most the treatment will be different.

In the case of opening the door and having no previous grudges, Qian Renxue naturally wants to recruit Mu Yang to serve the Spirit Hall.

"Young Master, don't you recruit him directly? My Spirit Hall is the strongest force in the soul master world. I think it shouldn't be rejected, right?"

She Long asked.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue rolled her eyes and said, "Just keep an eye on it. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Shui Yanyu's attitude at the time had already reflected from the side that Mu Yang had no intention of joining the Spirit Hall. Otherwise, if he really wanted to join, why would he hide it from her?

Of course, if her grandfather personally invited her, it would definitely not be a problem.

Not many people in the world can refuse the "goodwill" from the strongest people on the continent, nor dare to refuse.

Thanks to my friends Ma Ling, Gu Ying Can Dao, Tang Zhengxi, 20201123115757048 for their monthly tickets! ! !

Thanks to my friends 20210301106582630634, 20220606163632572, Xiao Xiangfeng, Xing Huan Meng Long, Si Ye Xing Chen, 20210301106582630634 for their recommendation tickets! ! !

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