Douluo: This Tang San is different

Chapter 270 When do we start?

Huo Wu put his hands on his waist, thoughtfully: "The Titan Fire Ape, the Light Crystal Beast, the Light Flame Cloud Smoke Bird, all sound suitable for the light and fire attributes of my Sun Goddess."

"Of course I won't choose a spirit beast that doesn't meet the basic attributes of your martial spirit." Tang San smiled confidently, "Although gravity and the like are experiments, even if these three spirit beasts can't help your gravity cultivation, they can Maximize your fire attribute or light attribute."

"First of all, there is the Titan Fiery Ape. This kind of soul beast lives in the lava volcanic zone in the extreme south of Douluo Continent. The Titan Great Ape has a variant that controls the power of lava. The Titan Great Ape itself controls gravity, and its variants must also have this. Ability, if you obtain its soul ring, your martial soul may also control gravity, which will have a miraculous effect on your future development of gravity."

"The only problem is that it is unknown whether this kind of soul beast still exists."

As a variant of the Titan ape, the Titan Fire Ape is also extremely rare and may even be extinct.

After all, there is only one Titan ape in the Star Forest.

Moreover, the Titan Ape is extremely powerful, not to mention that its mutant Titan Fire Ape also controls the power of lava. In addition, it exists in a place like a lava volcano, and is blessed by the environment, making it even more powerful.

This spirit beast is relatively difficult to hunt.

Of course, with Tang San's strength, hunting a Titan Fire Ape was not a problem, but it was uncertain whether this spirit beast still existed on the Douluo Continent.

According to the records of the Wuhun Palace, the last record of the appearance of the Titan Fire Ape was that a thousand years ago, its cultivation level was 50,000 years old, and it was hunted by a quasi-titled Douluo whose martial spirit was the Flame Ape. Obtained its soul ring and soul bone, and its related skills are——

Soul Skill: Lava Eruption.

According to its description: shattering the earth, controlling lava, and erupting volcanoes, Tang San estimated that the essence of the spirit ring was not only to control fire elements, earth elements, but also gravity. Otherwise, it would be impossible to pull the lava underground to the surface with just the power of the spirit. .

Soul Bone Skill: Gravity Control.

This doesn't take much, it is the ability of the soul beast itself. As a variant of the Titan ape, it has the ability to control gravity, but it is reasonable.

"This is a good choice." Huo Wu was moved. After all, this is a variant of the Titan ape. Even if the attributes of the martial spirit do not match, as long as it can be hunted, most soul masters will not reject it. The benefits it brings to the soul master The bonus is enough to ignore the mismatch between it and the soul master's martial soul.

"It can be used as an alternative. After all, I don't know if it exists."

Tang San talked about the second type of soul beast, "The Bright Crystal Beast, this is a light attribute soul beast that lives in the Storm Canyon. Its body is like crystal and has the property of floating. It is said that even if it dies, it will levitate." on the ground without falling to the ground.”

"Also, they like the sound of storms and thunder, and will appear in large numbers during storms..."

""Where Are the Magical Soul Beasts", a book that is different from the "Encyclopedia of Soul Beasts", records: The bright crystal beast has a gentle temperament and likes thunderstorms. It wants to use the storm to completely break away from the shackles of the earth and fly up to the sky. The sky, into the sun... Perhaps due to limited thinking, the descriptions of soul beasts in this book have a touch of fantasy, and I have never actually seen a light crystal beast, so I can't judge. Does this so-called levitation control gravity, or is it the effect of some kind of magnetic field?"

It's no wonder that Tang San guessed like this, after all, "liking thunderstorms" made Tang San from modern times instinctively think of the light crystal beast's levitation ability as "magnetic levitation".

But after all, I have to find a light crystal beast to study in person. If it is not suitable, give up.

"Is this so?" Huo Wu looked thoughtful, "The light crystal beast at least has the attribute of light, right?"

"Well, the light attribute must exist. The ancestors must be able to feel the light element of this kind of soul beast, but it is hard to say whether the light element is truly pure." Tang San looked deeply. After all, according to the records in the book, the light crystal Except for the impenetrable core in the body, the body of the beast is like a real crystal...

Crystal can transmit light, scatter light, and focus light.

Perhaps, this kind of soul beast only relies on its soul power to use external light, and thus acquires light attributes over the years.

If the above speculation is true, then even if a soul master with a light attribute martial soul obtains the soul ring of a light crystal beast, he will not be able to obtain its true original ability.

"The next third type is the Glory Flame Cloud Smoke Bird." Tang San continued, "This kind of soul beast, as you can tell by the word 'Glory Flame', has the attributes of light and fire, which is the same as your Sun Goddess. It fits very well, and the word "cloud and smoke" means that this bird is like the combination of light and fire elements. Its body surface is always burning with flames and flowing light, just like clouds and smoke. Moreover, after its death, it never touches the ground, bringing with it Has a floating quality.”

"That's good." Huo Wu's eyes lit up, "Is floating also a force of gravity?"

"Not sure, but even if it isn't, it doesn't matter. This soul beast feeds on lava, and can also directly absorb the power of light to increase its cultivation."

Tang San shook his head, then his eyes flashed, and he said, "Even if you can't inherit its floating characteristics, you can definitely make your martial soul's ability to absorb the two elements of light and fire stronger."

"Furthermore, the concept that you cannot inherit its floating property is extremely low. After all, your Sun Goddess already has the floating property."

Both the Light Flame Cloud Smoke Bird and the Sun Goddess have the characteristics of light, fire, and floating. Even in terms of "floating", Tang San is not sure yet about the floating principle of the Light Flame Cloud Smoke Bird, but it is most likely related to gravity.

After all, the Flame Cloud Smoke Bird, like the Titan Fire Ape, lives in lava volcanoes where the magnetic field is chaotic, and there are no relevant records indicating that this type of soul beast will fly into the smoke clouds with traces of electric arcs when volcanoes erupt.

However, this kind of soul beast is also a super soul beast. It can be defeated for thousands of years. In addition, it can fly. It may take a lot of time to hunt it. It may even take several months just to find it.

Fortunately, Tang San came out this time and took half a year's leave.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived in front of the cloud tree.

Three years ago, this cloud tree had blood-red branches and leaves, exuding a terrifying aura, but now the blood color has faded, and the nine-layered cloud crown has turned into snow-white color again, and even appears silver-blue under the sunlight. The halo is dazzling.

"It's so beautiful!" Huo Wu couldn't help but marvel, "Compared with the past, this cloud tree is completely reborn, making this area look like a fairyland."


The cloud tree trembled, the energy of heaven and earth gathered, and a cute little girl emerged, with a pair of gold-like eyes, and a head of silver-white hair hanging on the back of her head that was nearly twice as long as her entire body, "You come here Pick me up! Do you know I've been waiting for a long time! I miss dad every day and long to be one with dad!"

"Speaking human words! A hundred thousand year spirit beast!" Huo Wu was shocked. He didn't expect that Yunshu would become a hundred thousand year spirit beast within three years. Little did he know that this was Tang San injecting a little golden ancient tree into Yunshu. The aura allowed her to accept the gift of the ancient golden tree.

"Of course, this baby is very powerful!" The little girl transformed from Yunshu jumped into Tang San's arms, looked at Huo Wu with her golden eyes, and confirmed her identity - one of the humans who helped her three years ago. , then showed a proud smile, and then said to Tang San: "Dad, when do we start?"

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