Fortunately, Qianshui will not be constrained. After all, Chinese people are inclusive and always want to have it all.

So when facing the powerful attack-type Super Douluo Qian Shui, he cheered up and immediately gained a lot of respect for him.

Sea Dragon Douluo's arms are exceptionally thick, and the sharp dragon claws look like five short spears condensed together.

Judging from the energy fluctuations of the martial spirits, the quality of the Sea Dragon Spirit possessed by Sea Dragon Douluo is by no means inferior to that of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Spirit possessed by the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

It's just that his power is water, not lightning.

After activating his martial spirit, Sea Dragon Douluo took the lead and attacked Qian Shui without showing any airs as a senior.

However, Qian Shui disappeared before his eyes. Although Sea Dragon Douluo could feel that Qian Shui was definitely around, he just didn't know where he was.

"Qian Huan."

"Qianshui, among the Seven Sacred Pillar Guardian Douluo of Poseidon, only Haihuan and I have domains. I know that you have two domains, which I have never heard of or seen. However, in front of me, regardless of your domain No matter how many, they are all useless, because my domain is called Demon Breaking, and it has only one effect, that is, it destroys all domain abilities."

As he spoke, a strange blue ripple spread out from the eye-like blue crystal on his chest.

"Field? If reality can be considered a realm, then it is."

Sea Dragon Douluo thought wrong. His Demon Breaking Domain had no effect at all, and only Qian Shui's disembodied voice came from all directions.

"It seems like this is a realm, but it's just the projection of my martial spirit, the superposition of light and shadow. If you can see it, it seems like it might exist!"

As Qian Shui's words fell, one Qian Shui appeared one after another. As he said, in Sea Dragon Douluo's perception, all Qian Shui seemed to be real, but also seemed to be illusory and non-existent.

The light in Sea Dragon Douluo's eyes suddenly shined, "It's magical, but not enough! Be careful! The seventh soul skill, Sea Dragon's true form!"

The blue sea dragon is full of streamlined beauty, but also full of explosive power. Qian Shui's fantasy clone was instantly deflected by the violent energy, and the war was about to break out.

"Become a god!"

Quietly activating the Divine Transformation Realm, the first, second, and third soul skills were activated one after another, and they blasted straight towards Sea Dragon Douluo. The moment he launched the attack, Sea Dragon Douluo discovered Qian Shui's location.

The two sides struck a blow head-on, and Qian Shui immediately chose to wander away temporarily, "You are indeed a dragon spirit. This defense and attack power are really abnormal." ’

If Qian Shui has cultivated his physical fitness to an extremely strong level through constant training, then Sea Dragon Douluo has cultivated his body more comprehensively based on his natural strength.

Whether it is speed or attack and defense, they are all excellent in all aspects. It can be said that the comprehensive and comprehensive power of the attack system is displayed in him without reservation.

"But control and recovery are still missing!"

Sea Dragon Douluo was not without injuries after being hit by Qian Shui. Purely looking at the physical attack, Qian Shui was already extremely strong. Yuanshen's coordinated attack was an all-round attack on the soul, spirit, and body. The target exists, and all attack combos are activated, but the result of the attack is a shock to the spirit and soul. Simply put, it is a stun effect, and every hit has it.

But these alone are not enough. Sea Dragon Douluo has a tough soul and equally strong mental power. Such an attack will cause some lag at most, but it is not enough to cause actual damage.

Without giving Qian Shui too much time, Sea Dragon Douluo's violent attack came. Although in Qian Shui's eyes, he was not omnipotent enough, his combat experience could make up for it. Two huge dragon claws waved, almost blocking Qian Shui. Shui's retreat, it can be said that since Qian Shui came to Douluo Continent, this is the first time besides Bibi Dong that he has seen such a powerful being with close combat awareness.

At this moment, Qian Shui desperately wanted to take out Wen Xin, but Wen Xin's strength was no longer enough to support such an intense battle, and he was afraid that it would break under Sea Dragon Douluo's dragon claws in just a few blows.

"Dark Gold Terrorclaw!"

But this kind of battle finally made Qian Shui excited. In the past, he had to hold back his strength in fights for fear of accidentally killing someone. For example, the right palm bone of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear was always hidden in the snow, and its attack power was too strong. , it can only be used as a one-hit kill method, and cannot be used in sparring.

"External soul bones?" Sea Dragon Douluo asked in surprise.

Sea Dragon Douluo was too interested in Qian Shui, so Qian Huan didn't want to maintain it anymore. As Qian Shui's strength grew, the external soul bone that evolved into a ten-thousand-year soul bone finally appeared in the world openly. Dragon Claws vs. Terror Claws, crazy. Attacking each other, two sharp auras of different attributes swept around.

Chapter 146 New Challenges

"Dragon claws destroy the army! Dark gold terror claws!"

Qian Shui's third soul skill and the attached soul bone come from the same soul beast. They complement each other. The huge claw energy is invisible, but it makes the sea water surge. The different and strong aura of the two drums seems to be boiling. The sea has set off huge waves.

The continuous and relentless attack represents Qian Shui's fighting method. At this time, he has no sword in his hand but also has a sword in his heart. He carries the sword with his claws at an extremely fast and violent pace, overwhelming others with force.

Sea Dragon Douluo doesn't have that many skills, or rich combat experience, and combat qualities are what he relies on for offense and defense. What's more, he attacks with both claws, which makes him even more airtight.

At this time, the two of them had no room to release any soul skills, because there was no gap to divert their attention. This is why Qianshui never paid attention to soul skills. After all, the duel between masters is only a matter of millimeters. Whoever slacks off will face a fatal claw attacking the vulnerable part of the body. At this time, the fancy skills are useless. They can only show off when the chickens peck at each other.

The violent attack never stopped, but it had to stop eventually. I don’t know when, the two finally separated after a claw attack

The claw-to-claw attack is very effective. Five claw marks deep enough to see the bone were left on the chest of Sea Dragon Douluo. The scales covering his body were flipped open with blood, and the stun effect attached to the soul began to work. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Qianshui was no less vulnerable. He didn't have dragon scales, so the defense of soul power alone was not enough. His gray-green robe was torn to pieces, revealing a body full of muscle lines, but not particularly strong, as bright as jade.

But there were deep scratches all over his body, and blood was flowing all over his body. Almost no one was good, which formed a sharp contrast with some exposed but uninjured parts.

The intensity of the fight between the two can be seen from the wounds alone, and the scars on his neck tell of danger.

Qianshui usually dodges monsters. The reason why he dares to play like this is because although Hailong Douluo is not comprehensive, he is!

Just a short pause, he has a chance, "Fifth soul skill, endless life!"

The ocean is a place full of life, and the energy conversion here is even smoother than in the forest.

In Hailong Douluo's bitter smile, the scars on Qianshui's body are visibly repairing. He has understood that if both sides don't use killer moves, he will definitely lose if they just fight a war of attrition.

If he only used killing moves, could he really defeat Qianshui?

At least according to the information he got from other holy pillars, Qianshui killed the evil demon killer whale king, a super 100,000-year soul beast, in a very short time. Once the killer Qianshui must have a way to kill him instantly, and it is very likely to ignore defense, just like the mental and soul attacks attached to Qianshui's moves.

In addition to using his own mental power and soul to resist, he has no means to resist, and the dragon scales that seem to have strong defense will only be a decoration like psychological comfort.

As for competing in speed and wandering, don't even think about it, Qianshui is much better than him in this regard.

After all, it's not a life-and-death battle. After thinking it through, Hailong Douluo gave up and continued, "You won!"


In fact, Hailong Douluo still has many advanced soul skills that he hasn't used. He also retains the sixth and eighth soul skills. The battle can at least continue for a long time.

Sea Dragon Douluo said nothing more. Qianshui hadn't figured it out yet, but he looked up at the golden light ball in the air, raised his hand and slapped the Sea Dragon Holy Pillar. In an instant, the giant dragon carved on the Sea Dragon Holy Pillar seemed to come alive. The golden dragon-shaped energy swirled out with the dragon's roar, directly hitting Qianshui and penetrating through his chest.

This also symbolized the end of the fifth test, "Challenge, Titled Douluo, Sea Dragon Holy Pillar, passed."

Then, the trident brand on Qianshui's forehead shone with dazzling brilliance after the golden dragon-shaped energy was injected. The injury that had been incessant and not completely healed was instantly healed, and the soul power was restored to its best state.

A majestic and deep voice sounded. "The fifth test, challenge, Title Douluo, all tests passed. Defeat all Title Douluo with absolute strength, and get the recognition of all seven sacred pillars Guardian Douluo. Therefore, the reward is increased, and only the basic reward can be obtained, the affinity of the Sea God is 10%. The test takes three and a half hours to complete, and the reward is doubled. The affinity of the Sea God increases by 10%, and the total affinity is 50%."

Anyway, the God test has passed, Qianshui is no longer entangled, he releases the fifth soul skill again, and he treats the Sea Dragon Douluo.

The tough man is also not vague, nodded and sat cross-legged to recover.

During the treatment, Qianshui was a little crazy because the content of the sixth test came out.

"Hold on for half an hour under the joint attack of the Sea God and the Seven Sacred Pillars Douluo."

Life is not easy Qianshui sighed, this test seems simple, but it is actually too difficult for him.

He can't kill people. Under this condition, except for the Sea Dragon Douluo, all killing moves are not available, because there is no sacred pillar to catch it. He completed the God test and used it to improve his strength. This is not the City of Killing!

‘Why did I remember to fight Poseidon! It’s so easy to fight one person! How can I fight seven! ’

The seven sacred pillars must cooperate tacitly. Three of them play mental control, one plays physical control, and three play strong attacks. How can he fight?

At least he has to listen to the Sea Witch’s Sea-suppressing Divine Song. How can he open the vacuum protection to face six Titled Douluos?

But if he only faces Poseidon Douluo, the Sea God, then he has some room. After all, there is only one person, and he can still escape.

“You are so strong, but you are afraid of the next sixth test?”

After a period of recovery, Sea Dragon Douluo also got some state.

“I suddenly regret treating you…”

Qianshui now not only regrets treating Sea Dragon Douluo, but also regrets why he had held back before. Wouldn’t it be better to beat them all seriously?

Hearing Qianshui’s complaints, Sea Dragon Douluo also smiled. Although this kid is strong, he is not a person who puts on airs. It seems that he always has this carefree character.

Only when you reach a certain level, you will understand some things. You will understand that this is the performance of maintaining an unshakable will no matter how the external things change. It's just that the performance of the young man in front of you is so nonchalant.

Similarly, Qianshui, who is worried about the sixth test, deserves a higher evaluation from Hailong Douluo.

From the perspective of fighting alone, no matter how exquisite the cooperation of the seven sacred pillars is, Qianshui's external soul bone skills can easily solve several weak Title Douluos in a short time, because except for Hailong Douluo who can barely keep up with Qianshui's extreme speed, the other sacred pillars can only stand and be beaten.

So Hailong Douluo knows very well that if this is true, it is said that Qianshui will hold on for half an hour under the joint efforts of the seven sacred pillars, but in fact it is whether the seven sacred pillars can survive for half an hour under Qianshui's hands!

Then there is only one possibility for Qianshui's worry, and it is precisely because of this possibility that Hailong Douluo respects Qianshui more and more.

"You don't plan to use this soul bone skill on other holy pillars, right?"

The one who responded to him was Qianshui's Sima face, "If I dare to kill one, can you, the great priest, let me walk out of the Sea God Island alive?"

Hailong Douluo naturally knew that this was a joke, but he really laughed, "Hahaha, you are a kind person, and you are indeed worthy of the coming of the Sea God's Nine Tests!"

(Kindness? Kindness is bullshit! - Qianshui Douluo)

"You can knock him out..."

Hailong Douluo looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

'He fell to death! '

Chapter 147 Waiting

Ning Rongrong, who was determined to live in the Prince's Mansion, made Qian Renxue's hair. She was no longer the little girl who was pointed at by Qianshui and said she was stupid.

At this time, she was the de facto speaker of a country. The politics came from her, so her vision was naturally higher. How could she not see Ning Rongrong's special feelings?

But it was fruitless after all. She regretted it now. She regretted that she shouldn't have practiced some of the things that Qianshui did to her when she was a child on Ning Rongrong.

'Xiaoshui, Xiaoshui, did you trick me into your hands, or did I hold you back? '

Recalling the past, she missed her big boy more and more.

'Rongrong, Rongrong, what should I do with you and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? '

Qian Renxue had to admire Qianshui's decision back then. At that time, she was a little careless and just felt that blood for blood was refreshing.

But when this huge empire began to integrate and operate under her hands, she realized how much money it cost to build a country.

And the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, which was trapped by Qianshui, was almost completely tied to the car of the Tiandou Empire and willingly became the treasury.

“Uncle Gu, maybe I shouldn’t have provoked that ‘singer’ back then…”

In the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi was calculating the bills that he would report to the Spirit Hall this year, and he had a headache.

“Why do you say that? The sect has been thriving over the years, and we’ve made more money than ever before!”

Bone Douluo’s skeleton was unusually large, and it looked a little scary in the dim room.

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