When Qianshui was mentioned, Yinjin still looked frightened and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Teacher, he has been missing for six years, I'm afraid he is already dead..."

"Tch~ He's really going to be haunted if he's going to die... The problem is that I'm afraid he'll suddenly show up!

You do not understand! ! He's already here, so let's fight! But it never showed up, and this meal has been lingering on my forehead, and I can’t eat it well! Can't sleep well! "


"Oh...it's just Xiaofeng..."

"Feng Jingyi?"

"The city of killing..."

"King of Slaughter, I have only one question, has the 'Devil Singer' ever walked out of the Slaughter City!" Feng Jingyi asked the King of Slaughter standing on the killing field of hell where he had won hundreds of victories.

Ever since she entered the Killing City, what she has been looking for is the whereabouts of Qian Shui. Qian Shui has a great reputation, but she only knows that she ended up going to hell.

Until she found this point, Feng Jingyi was a little uneasy. At least one year before she entered the killing city, Qian Shui had already broken through Yum Sheng. Logically speaking, she should have gone out long ago. However, she did not get any information from the outside world. So, There is only one possibility...

"He did choose to take the road to hell. Whether he passed it or not, I don't know!"

The King of Slaughter knew that the birth of the new God of Killing would never go unnoticed, not to mention that Qian Shui had directly killed ten blazing sun snakes, but what obligation did he have to tell Feng Jingyi?

"Is that so?"

Feng Jingyi's heart sank to the bottom, and what she didn't want to believe might become more real.

"I choose to take the road to hell!"

"Hmph! In that case, you have to bear the unreasonable price of the 'Wind Witch'!!"

Chapter 154 Chance Encounter

"Mingdu...how to start?"

Lying and floating around in the air, Qian Shui was thinking about how to get one or two soul masters to pack up and take them away, but he didn't want to appear holy in front of others.

"Oh, it's so troublesome! Huh?"

The spiritual power covers the entire Mingdu and the surrounding areas. Qian Shui cannot only focus on those with strong soul power. Naturally, there are also young ladies coming and going~

"I'm going, I still want a hero to save the beauty, Soul Saint!"

There were some very common scenes of teasing women on the trails outside Mingdu. It was just a fantasy, and without any ideas or strength, it would be easy to overturn.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're a pretty young lady with long silver hair. Her blue eyes turn into red ones when she turns on her martial soul, just like Sister Feng..."

When Qian Shui saw the scene of Jie Se, he naturally flew over subconsciously, but before he arrived, everyone dispersed. After all, the young lady in the black dress was a high-level soul master, and the soul ring was generally the best match. , looks very strong.

"Since Your Excellency is here, why bother leaving in such a hurry!"


Qian Shui maintains his own strong force, and his special state is that he is not open, but looks like a Qingyi trail, carrying a wrapped Poseidon Trident on his back, standing on the top of a big tree on the roadside.

"Let me tell you in advance, I am not the same as those people! And I am a crooked nut!"

In fact, there was a language barrier, but Qian Shui's mental power was strong enough to directly read the other party's meaning. He also spoke in Douluo language, but he translated directly through his mental power.

The exposure of this hand made the opponent a little panicked. After all, not everyone has such strong mental power. The Sun and Moon Continent is not the Douluo Continent. Titled Douluo strong men are extremely rare. Generally, those who have reached the peak of Contra are already strong.

"It turns out to be the senior master! I'm Huan Hongchen, this is my disciple Ji Jiaojiao, and this is my son Mu Hongchen! Jiaojiao, Mu Mu, quickly salute the senior!"

'disciple? son! ’

The young lady in Qian Shui's eyes collapsed!

'hateful! Turns out to be a young woman! It’s such a beautiful girl’s voice! ! ’

‘Oh no! ’

"Red dust?"

‘Ancestor of the Hongchen family? Such a coincidence? ’

"Yes, senior, Hongchen is my surname. It's not a big surname, it's just a small surname from a border village."

"No, how old are you?"

Although he was a little concerned, Qian Shui's focus was wrong, but the person who understood it didn't think of anything else.

"Oh! I am 43 years old, my martial soul is Zhu Qing Bingchan, and Tian is a level 71 soul saint!"

‘I didn’t check your household registration! But in the fantasy world, you really can’t judge a book by its cover! Woohoo!

No, no! Think about Xiaoxue! Think about Xiaoxue! Think about Xiaoxue!

ah! I love Xiaoxue! Calm down! ’

Huan Hongchen had no idea what Qian Shui was going through, so he just motioned to his disciple to introduce himself.

"Ji Jiaojiao, martial soul sword, level 35 soul master."

"This kid is 18, but he still looks deserted. Don't blame me, senior."

"This child Mu Mu has just awakened his martial soul this year. He has a three-legged golden toad and an innate soul power of level 6. He has inherited his father's talent..."

When his son was introduced, Huan Hongchen was a little proud, but also a little sad.

'Single parent family...'

"I don't know, senior... Oh! I'm just curious! No offense intended..."

Seeing Huan Hongchen bowing repeatedly, Qian Shui also felt a little emotional.

"This cautious attitude is what makes a mother strong..."

Qian Shui naturally knew that she wanted to test her and pretend to be a senior to deceive others. This kind of thing probably happened, but she couldn't really offend a real senior.

'Just misunderstand me... Anyway, I only need soul guide talents, and I am not boss Cao~ But I can cover it up with the soul ring~'

It's okay for Qian Shui to change the color of the soul ring: 'Reflect it~' In an instant, nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black appeared around Qian Shui one by one, and a powerful momentum poured out, and he stood up. Qian Shui tightened his waist and tightened his abdomen, and said in a deep voice: "My surname is Wang, and I happened to be passing by."

"It turns out to be His Majesty the Emperor!"

After confirming that Qian Shui was indeed a senior expert, Huan Hongchen felt relieved.

"I wonder what Senior is talking about in the Ming Dynasty?"

We are all going to Mingdu, so naturally we are traveling together.

The master, apprentice, mother and daughter were all dressed in black. They were not all gorgeous, but just clean and tidy. Qian Shui judged from their clothes that they were not nobles.

"I have some ideas, but I'm not a soul engineer. When I came to Mingdu, I wanted to find some free soul engineers and hire them to work with me. The conditions are favorable, but I want to be employed for life, but it's a little harder to find them."

Huan Hongchen frowned and asked with some confusion: "Why lifelong employment?"

"I'm Waiguoren~ If you hire me, you will be taken back to your country! It's a long journey, so I won't talk about it. Some things involve secrets, so naturally I can't let you go!

how? You are interested in? If it were such a coincidence, there would be no need to go to Mingdu, the price would be whatever you want, and you would be given a lifetime soul ring and soul bone to guide your cultivation! "


Huan Hongchen naturally looked embarrassed, Qian Shui's price was naturally extremely high, and the title Douluo's promise was naturally extremely credible, but this was like a pie falling from the sky, making people wonder if there was something wrong with it. .

"No, this is what I want!"

He took out a sketch and handed it to Huan Hongchen, but Huan Hongchen only saw an oval-shaped object, and the drawing was not detailed. Qian Shui also added a mental explanation to it.

"Ah this..."

"Senior, isn't this just an ordinary dragon boat? Generally speaking, the soul guidance device market in seaside cities will sell such relatively low-level soul guidance devices!"

"Low low low?"

‘This is a submarine! ’

"How deep can you dive? Is 10,000 meters okay?"

Qian Shui is not convinced. What he wants is at least Nautilus level!


Now it was Huan Hongchen's turn to be confused. Although she was a soul master and was very used to discussing data, this old man talked about ten thousand meters. Did he really know what the concept was?

"No, senior. Although I have never made this type of soul guide, the best record of a dragon boat so far is only a one-thousand-meter-deep dive. But then again, is there really a ten-thousand-meter sea depth?"

"There should be..."

In fact, Qian Shui is not sure, 'I remember that the Mariana Trench in Blue Star is more than ten kilometers deep. There should be deeper ones in the fantasy world...'

"Oh no, no matter how good you are, if you can't do it, it's just you. I don't have much time!"

He only had five years to wander around, hunt for souls, replenish souls, and exchange soul bones, and return to Douluo Continent. If he couldn't make arrangements for his funeral, he had to hurry up.


Huan Hongchen was still fine, but her disciple and son looked unkind.

‘Zhuo, let’s stop translating for her...it’s unnecessary! ’

"Don't look at me like that. You can't beat me... The key point is... You are so tired that you can't even ride in a carriage. Not only are you dressed in ordinary clothes, but you still understand people and are a single-parent family. You are not a wealthy person at first glance. Looks like a professional.

Although I don’t know why you, a soul saint, have such a miserable life, but every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite, so I won’t ask too many questions. Anyway, why should we meet before? We are quite destined, how about hanging out with me? "

Huan Hongchen had a complicated look on his face, but he stopped. There was a reason why she, a Soul Saint, had reached this level, but she never expected that Qian Shui could see her profession so clearly.

"Senior, was what I said earlier just for the count?"

"Easy to say~"

Seeing that Huan Hongchen was shaken, Qian Shui naturally kept up his efforts, pointed his fingers at her forehead, and showed her some pictures.

"I still want something like this. If you have the ability to make it, I'll cover both the 100,000-year soul ring and the 100,000-year soul bone you want!"

"Humanoid soul guide?!!!!!!"

Chapter 155 Tips

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