"You knew it long ago, didn't you? Long before you became her disciple! Even earlier!!

Why!! Why! Why didn't you tell me!!"

Qianshui smiled bitterly, "You were so young back then... and then that incident happened..."

"Enough!! You all have your reasons! You all have your reasons! What about me? I have hated her for so many years, and now you tell me! There is a reason for this! It's not her fault at all!

All the mistakes are because of my birth!"

As a woman, she could hardly imagine what Bibi Dong had experienced back then, but if she thought in the same position, how much could she do?

If the child in her belly was not Qianshui's, but someone else forced it on her, what would she do?

"It's all my fault! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have come to this world! I shouldn't have..."

Hearing this, Qianshui was angry. She didn't want to blame Qianxunji, blame her father, and attribute everything to her birth, which was obviously an escape and self-denial.

Stepping forward, grabbing Qian Renxue who was trying to escape, Qian Renshui shouted:

"Qian Renxue! People in this world can decide anything for themselves! Be it strength or death! But there is only one thing! No one can decide their own birth!

No one is born a mistake! Do you understand?"

"The person who committed the sin has been backfired by his mistakes, and he deserves it! But what about you?

You want to attribute all the mistakes to yourself, and use this to prove that he did nothing wrong?!!"


"Why should I tell you? Why? Because after peeling off the layers of fog, I must Return the cruel truth to you! Only in this way, you will have the power to choose your destiny again! "

Holding Qian Renxue, he turned around and pointed at Tang Hao, "His sins and punishments have nothing to do with you. Now this is enough! You can't bear more sins!"

"But what should I do? How should I face it? How should I face my grandfather? How should I face her? Wuwuwu... Xiaoshui... Why are you so cruel..." Qian Renxue buried her head in Qianshui's chest, her fists hitting Qianshui's heart over and over again, questioning, questioning the man who said he would return the truth to her.

Yes, she knew the truth, but what about after that?

"As long as people are alive, they will make mistakes and be hurt. We may not be able to forgive sinners or blame victims, but no matter what others do, sin and pain will only be faced by those who choose to live, and it takes courage to bear these!

Xiaoxue, you have always been strong, strong enough to support such a large country, but at this moment, don't you even have the courage to live and face these?"

"You don't have to think about how to face it, because even if you don't want to, people always have to face reality, whether it is good or bad, or cruel.

When people die, the lights go out. The death of the former pope has already paid off everything, whether it is for your mother or for Tang Hao.

Whether this person still has the desire for revenge, it doesn't matter after today. What should really be cared about is the crazy person sitting on the throne of the pope!"


As for Tang Hao, Qianshui will not let him go. He does things without measure. What hatred does he have now? Destroy the spirit hall and kill innocent people?

He summoned She Long and Ci Xue, who were just there to help, and assigned them to work.

"Take him to the Yin-Yang Eye of Fire and Ice, and imprison him. I will take care of the rest."


At this time, Tang Hao's soul power had been sucked dry, and all his meridians were blocked, making him no different from an ordinary person.

Qian Renxue was still sobbing in Qianshui's arms, but couldn't help asking, "Why not send him to Wuhun City?"

Before Qianshui came back, she asked herself again, "Yes, if she sends him back to Wuhun City, she will definitely kill Tang Hao as a sacrifice, which will add another sin to her..."

"But you, why do you have to bear all this?"

Touching Qian Renxue's golden hair, Qianshui said softly, "Silly, you and I are one, your business is my business, this is not a burden, but a solution. But

I don't have time to take care of Tang Hao now, I can only imprison him temporarily, and we'll talk about it later."

"Well. Xiaoshui, you will never leave me, right?"

Looking up at Qianshui, Qian Renxue looked very sad. At this moment, she was like grabbing the only straw, afraid that she would fall into the abyss.

"Do you want me to leave you?"

Shaking her head, she buried her head in the man's chest again, but this time she hugged him tighter.

Chapter 180 Appearance

The forest in the middle of the night was not peaceful, but due to the strong aftermath of the battle, everything returned to silence.

Holding Qian Renxue's hand, the two strolled in the dark mountains.

Fortunately, the soul power of both of them was high enough, and the night could not stop them.

"Let's go back later. There will be no trouble if we leave for some time."

"Of course, some things have to be solved, the key is that dead rabbit!"

"And your disciples?"

"Alas, it's a headache to talk about this. It's a pity that it's now, it's too late to do it later!"

Qian Shuishui's problem has obviously been around for a long time, but you can't expect the rabbit to solve it.

Level 35 is just the late stage of Qi training. If it is close to level 40, it may be hopeless.

The method of cultivating immortals requires experiencing thunder tribulation. Killing sins is the best catalyst for thunder tribulation. If you pass it, you pass it.

But what if? What if it is a disaster! You can follow the direction of the light and forget her!


"Huohuo! You...you are still alive!"

Qian Shui took Qian Renxue back to Shrek Academy. Naturally, he was waiting for the girls to get up.

In fact, Qian Renxue was asked to turn into Ning Huahua to call people. Time was tight and the task was heavy. It would be too late to go back later. They say they are gone, but in fact the two souls and two bodies are one, and they have always been together, except for the body.

While Qian Shui was teasing Tang San, the girls finally finished, and the first one to come over was Xiao Wu, who was holding Qian Shui Shui's hand.

Just seeing the rabbit Qian Shui got angry. When everyone was confused, Qian Shui hammered the rabbit's heavenly cap with his fist. Then, under the shocked eyes of everyone, he took out the rope with quick hands and feet, The rabbit was tied up very smoothly, and a rope was stretched out to hang her on the beam. After a few back and forth, the rabbit could only whine on the beam. His technique was very experienced! .

Because of Qian Shui's explosive performance during Zhao Wuji's assessment the day before, what Qian Shui did was to 'hurt Xiao Wu' again, Tang San's heart was in his throat.

What's strange is that the little girl didn't move at all, she just stared at Qian Shui without blinking.

After coming back to his senses, Qian Shui also walked towards the little girl, knelt down and touched her head, "Long time no see!"


‘Qianshui! You've been here for so long, I thought you were dead! As a result, I tied up your little dance sister again! you! go! ’

The hoisted rabbit had an unusual feeling about this familiar feeling, which reminded her of the extreme fear and aggrievement she felt when she was caught by Qian Shui.

And Ning Rongrong, who had been lying in bed, causing Qian Shui to wait for a long time, couldn't help it anymore.

Her face turned red and she quickly ran towards Qianshui with her long white legs.

"You...you, you, are you the 'singer'?!"

Unexpectedly, Ning Rongrong would react like this, but Qian Shui's social phobia broke out. He subconsciously looked at Qian Renxue who had transformed into Ning Huahua, only to find that she had been in a daze.

"Yes...I'm from Qianshui..."

Ning Rongrong's question and Qian Shui's affirmation made Zhu Zhuqing, who came with him, look sideways and subconsciously take two steps forward. Tang San was once again shocked by the experience.

"Me! My name...my name is Ning Rongrong! I'm...from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect! Look at the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower! A level 26 great soul master!"

"oh oh…"

"And! And! I am your fan! Many people across the continent are your super fans! Lord Singer! What are you now? Soul Saint? Or Contra!! And! Where have you been over the years? Where is it? Also! Do you have a girlfriend?"

‘Uh… doesn’t she like Xue Qinghe? This girl is really amazing for her young age! ’

"Why is it so noisy? What are you little guys doing so early in the morning?"

While they were talking, Zhao Wuji's voice came from very far away, and then he and a middle-aged man walked over from the direction of the residential area.

The person following Zhao Wuji, with his hands behind his back, looked to be about fifty years old, with a strong build, a long and distinctive face, a slightly protruding chin, wide cheekbones, a flat face, and a bit He has a hooked nose, and his face is a bit like the sole of a shoe. He wears a pair of black-rimmed crystal glasses, but the frames are a rigid square shape.

There were several young figures behind them, obviously the blond Dai Mubai, Oscar who was yawning and looking like he hadn't woken up, and a little chubby guy.

"Your Excellency?"

Zhao Wuji was not surprised by the appearance of Qian Shui. He was just confused as to why so many girls were surrounding a young man who didn't know what he was doing so early in the morning!

For no reason, Ning Rongrong pointed at Qian Shui and said with wide eyes, "He is the 'Singer'!"

After saying this, she seemed to realize that she had overstepped her bounds, and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"What 'singer'? A singer?"

Obviously, Zhao Wuji did not subconsciously associate the 'singer' with Qian Shui.

Hearing the conversation between the two people, someone with black lines on his face pointed at Ning Huahua and Qian Shuishui, and introduced himself: "My name is Qian Shui, they are my disciples, they happened to be passing by, come and take a look."

"Oh~ Disciple...ah?!!"

Zhao Wuji already knew from what happened yesterday that they were Qian Shui's disciples, but now he was quite surprised. He looked at Shoehorn who was also surprised and followed behind him, but the other party spread his hands.

There is not much information about Qian Shui in the mainland, that is, what Ning Rongrong said, there has been no news in recent years.

There is no Qian Shui in the soul master world, but there are legends of Qian Shui everywhere. For example, her teammate is a food-based soul master taught by the legendary Wuhun Palace and whose soul power has reached the soul saint level.

Qian Shui's soul power was very high back then, but after so many years, there was no reason why the teammates he brought out, the auxiliary soul masters, would have higher soul power than him.

This made Qian Shui at least equal to him in Zhao Wuji's eyes.

"Flanders, you are the dean, come and tell me!"

Glancing at Zhao Wuji, Flanders, the dean of Shrek Academy, finally spoke, "My name is Flanders, dean of Shrek Academy, martial spirit cat eagle, level 78 agility attack type battle spirit saint!"

"Your Excellency is extremely talented. I didn't know you would be here today..."

As a middle-aged man with a mature mind and judging from his own experience, Qian Shui's words are probably only half credible.

He had disappeared for many years, so why did he come to their little Shrek temple as soon as he appeared?

Qianshui was also straightforward in the face of social people, but at his current level, he no longer needed to pretend and put on a mask.

"My purpose here is not so simple, but it seems that their purpose is very simple, and there is no other intention. I will leave soon, so there is no need to bother to test.

Oh, I have to take this guy away."

Pointing at the rabbit hanging on the beam, Qianshui was as relaxed as ever.

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