"Okay, that's it for this lesson, Feng Jingyi!"


"Bring in the new classmates!"


Chapter 24 Enrollment and Fighting

Qian Shui ran away as soon as get out of class was over. He didn't want to be surrounded by questions.

And he was planning to skip class. Training was so fun, but it would be even more fun to fight in a big spirit fighting arena.

"Hey~ that little guy over there!"

There was a clear female voice calling Qian Shui. It seemed to be the one the teacher called after class. Out of politeness, Qian Shui stopped.

‘Good guy! ’

He saw a girl with white hair and red eyes, short hair parted in the middle and slightly curled, wearing a small twist decoration and a short white silk skirt, trotting towards him. Under Douluo's generally mature style, his body shape is obviously on the smaller side!

‘My mother, the DNA has moved! ’

That's right, the girl running towards him is the flower-growing family's special attack type! And it’s the one that pokes Qianshui the most!

"Hey, hello~" As a result, Qian Shui suddenly became a pig!

"Hello, junior~" I saw this girl waving to Qian Shui~

"Xiao Feng~wait for me~"

Suddenly, another slightly hoarse female voice appeared. Turning around, I saw a tall lady with a great figure! With a high ponytail, she looks very sassy.


"Hello, junior fellow student, I am the monitor of Class 1, Grade 3. My name is Feng Jingyi, and this is Chensha~"

"Hello, junior~"

The composition of Wuhun Academy is simple, with grades divided by soul master levels.

"Hello everyone, what can I do?"

Qian Shui was very anxious. He wanted to skip class, but he didn't want to be discovered by Bibi Dong just yet.

"It's like this. The teacher arranged for me to take you to familiarize yourself with the academy. I have never seen you before or heard about you. You said you are level 30, so you must have just enrolled in the academy~"

Generally, children with outstanding talents who belong to the Wuhun Palace will enter the Wuhun Academy after obtaining the first ring.

"That's right, I haven't been in Wuhun City since my martial soul awakened."

"No wonder~ By the way, junior, are you the disciple of that saint?"

"Bibi Dong? Really~"

"Why do you call him by his first name~"

"She's not here~"

"You're not afraid of being heard!"

"Uh...I'm really scared~"

This Feng Jingyi was obviously a familiar person with an out-of-the-box personality. She pulled Qian Shui along to chat until class was about to start, and they walked back to the classroom while chatting.

"Oh no, I have to go~"

"Brother, where are you going? To the bathroom?" Obviously Feng Jingyi did not let Qian Shui's escape plan go smoothly.

"Oh, I don't want to go to the bathroom, I want to skip class!" Qian Shui's attitude towards Feng Jingyi was very good, after all, appearance was the first plus point.

"What? Are you going to skip class?" Feng Jingyi's voice obviously increased a few times, and everyone's eyes were focused here.

‘It’s over! ’ Qian Shui’s eyes seemed dead. If he ran away secretly, with his excellent stealth ability, he might still be able to play. With such a shout, everyone would know, and anyone who notified Bibi Dong would be finished!

It was so miserable that Qian Shui could only attend class for one day!

Feng Jingyi was also aware of her own problem, but she had never seen anyone skip class, or didn't dare, or didn't want to.

After all, most of the soul masters in Wuhun Academy are outstanding soul masters discovered among the common people. Being able to go to school is simply the easiest way to change their fate against the odds. And those from big families simply didn’t dare.

There are so many masters in Wuhun Palace, not to mention that they are all over the place with titles, at least there are as many soul saints as a dog, and there are even more soul Douluo. With such a lineup, where to go?

Therefore, this was the first time Qian Shui's rebellious words appeared in Wuhundian Academy, so Feng Jingyi was really surprised.

This junior is a disciple of Saint Bibi Dong, and he is a talented guy. Feng Jingyi originally judged this way, but after talking, she found that Qian Shui was an eclectic person and quite rebellious.

I did nothing but sleep all afternoon, and didn't care about my schoolwork at all.

Fortunately, time is in a hurry, and it’s time for school to end in a blink of an eye. The students were either going to eat or have fun in small groups, and some would also go to the mimicry training ground to practice.

"Junior, why didn't you take class seriously and slept all afternoon? Your attitude will make your theory fail!"

Feng Jingyi walked beside Qian Shui and reminded him.

Qian Shui, on the other hand, didn't take it seriously, "That's just what the teacher said. It's boring. Some of it is not rigorous enough, and it can easily mislead people."

Qian Shui follows a dialectical methodology and knows that nothing is absolute, but this is not the case for Douluo people.

"How is that possible? The teachers at Wuhun Academy are all strong, how could it be wrong~ Humph, I think you just don't want to learn, right?"

After staying up all afternoon, Qian Shui didn't want to talk too much with Feng Jingyi, who had an excellent impression, and simply admitted, "Indeed, I don't want to learn at all!"


At this moment, they walked out of the academy gate. I saw a golden figure flashing past.

"Xiao Shui!~"

Qian Renxue heard that Qian Shui was back and was attending classes at Wuhun Academy. After finishing her afternoon homework, she ran over happily.

Qian Renxue will not go to school with ordinary children. She receives a top elite education and one-on-one tutoring from famous teachers. As for cultivation, there is no more suitable teacher in this world than her grandfather, Sendo Liu!

Besides, her talent is extraordinary and she is the absolute trump card of the next generation of Wuhun Palace, and she will never let it be revealed.

"Xiaoxue, why are you here?"

"Can't I come?"

"Not really, shouldn't you be in trouble? And can your grandfather let you go?..."

Feng Jingyi watched Qianshui and Qian Renxue leave. She had never seen these two people before.

Although Qianshui had a bald head and was very rebellious, he was indeed very easy-going. He was not arrogant because he was a 9-year-old 30-level genius. Instead, he was a little silly.

The girl who came to see Qianshui was even more beautiful. At least Feng Jingyi had never seen anyone of the same age who was more beautiful than Qian Renxue. To be honest, she couldn't compare. Perhaps only the face of the saint could be equal.

"Xiaofeng, who do you think Qianshui is?" Chen Sha took her best friend's arm and said softly.

"I don't know, but he's a good person. Although he's a little silly, I like his style!" Feng Jingyi recalled this strange junior, looked at the direction he left, touched her chin, and thought.

"A bit rebellious? But it seems so. You always say you want freedom, but it's just talk~ Qianshui really dared to skip class today!" Chensha covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Humph! It's impossible in my hands. He will never have the chance to skip class!" Feng Jingyi clenched her fists and vowed to defend her dignity as the class monitor!


At this time, Qianshui and Qian Renxue also returned to the residence next to the Elders' Hall. Qianshui sat down on the chair in the living room.

"Xiaoshui, are you hungry? I'll ask someone to send some food over."

"Xiaoxue, I find that you are becoming more and more like my mother! You worry about stomach problems as soon as you get home~" Qianshui said with a teasing look on his face.

"What? How can I have a son as old and ugly as you? He shaves his head all day long!"

"Hey~ What's wrong with a bald head? You don't even need to wash your hair. It's so convenient!"

"It's just ugly!"

"Impossible. I'm born handsome. I've seen it before. I can definitely support this hairstyle! And haven't you seen that the big guys have this hairstyle? It's obviously the hairstyle of the strong! Why can't I cut it!"

"They are all ugly! You're ugly too!"

The two of them started to fight as soon as they met, and put their hands on each other's hips. Qianshui was full of disdain, and Qian Renxue couldn't argue with him, and her little face was red with anger!

"You don't know, even fighting spirits have advantages to being bald! You won't be grabbed by the hair!"

"Then it's fighting spirits!!" Qian Renxue couldn't bear it anymore. When Qianshui mentioned being grabbed by the hair, she had a sense of the picture!


"I said fighting spirit!"

"Are you kidding?"

"Fighting spirit! Fight! You dare not?!"

Although he lamented how the Douluo people were always thinking about fighting, Qianshui knew that his soul power level was not as good as Qian Renxue, but if he didn't fight, he would be admitting defeat!

"Huh? Impossible!" If he didn't fight, he wouldn't be a flower-growing family!

Besides, have I practiced for nothing all these years? !

Chapter 25 The Third Soul Ring

The battle ended quickly, and Qianshui lost miserably!

Qianshui understood that fighting was basically to leave no effort and kill with one blow, and fighting spirit competition was obviously something he had never considered at all.

"Can I really fight?" Qianshui rubbed his cheeks with dark circles under his eyes.

At this time, Qian Renxue was already a level 38 strong attack system battle soul master. With the angel martial soul, Qianshui had no power to fight back, not to mention that she also had air combat capabilities.

It was a unilateral beating by Qian Renxue, and then an unequal treaty was signed!

"If you shave your head again, I'll beat you up every time I see you!" Qian Renxue put one hand on her waist and pointed at Qian Shui with the other hand, commanding from a high position.

"I won't bother with a young lady like you~" she whispered.

Qian Shui's skill points are all on breaking through the surface with a point, which emphasizes wandering, finding flaws, attacking weaknesses, and killing with one strike! She's fighting an assassin.

However, Dou Hun obviously can't break through the surface with a point, he can't really fight Qian Renxue in hand-to-hand combat, let alone use weapons, and he doesn't want to kill her.

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