"The spirit of the martial soul attacks both the spirit and soul! And your set of moves is enough to kill the unprepared soul saint instantly, and ordinary soul emperors can hardly defend it head-on! Unfortunately, the disadvantage is too big, the charging time is too long, and the attack is easy to dodge!"

Yes, the way of falling from the sky is still a single attack, and the hit rate is very touching. No one will stand there and passively take the hit! When you are in the air, I can even attack the air, and I can also calculate the landing point to dodge in advance.

'I understand the principle of ballistic missiles, and I won't be so stupid and rigid to only use this set of combos! But Bibi Dong is really not a fake, with very strong combat experience and eyesight, and I can see it at once! '

Qianshui has already developed a series of uses for the first three skills, and the only thing missing is the attack power.

He doesn't have to use falling from the sky, he can also rush forward, or sneak attack from behind, or walk around like a kite! The important thing is to be able to deal damage, otherwise all the moves are empty talk!

The results of Bibi Dong's test also made Qianshui very satisfied. The key is that the attack effect of the Yuanshen Wuhun was tested!

The attack of his Yuanshen Wuhun is possessed by the spirit and soul at the same time, which means that Qianshui's attack is a trinity of spirit, energy and spirit!

If he has a faster speed and uses it properly, or has another soul skill of expanding damage or strong control and locking, it can almost be a first kill!

Strong control can achieve pseudo-locking, and other methods are to rely on skills or mental power to improve the hit rate, which is the part that can be worked on later.

"I understand teacher, I will strengthen my actual combat training!"

"Yes! That's right." Bibi Dong agreed.

Seeing that Bibi Dong is in a better mood now, Qianshui is going to make some requests!

"Teacher, I want to go to the Great Soul Fighting Arena to participate in the soul fighting! So as to achieve the purpose of practicing actual combat! However, there is no Great Soul Fighting Arena in Wuhun City. I want to go to the nearby Silves Kingdom!"

"Okay, but you can only go on weekends!"

"What weekends?"

"The weekends of Wuhun Academy!"

"Ah~!! Still need to go to school?"

Qianshui obviously didn't want to go to school. How could Bibi Dong not see it? Of course, she couldn't let him do it.

"Teacher, can I not go to school? Classes are completely useless to me! I have already seen what the teachers said. What else can I do in class except sleeping?"

"Because of the All-Continental High-level Soul Master Elite Competition!"

"What does this have to do with me?"

Qianshui was very confused. He didn't plan to participate in this competition. His cultivation was not suitable for playing in the competition. If he accidentally chopped off a few people, it would be a sin.

"There will be a competition in Xingluo City this year, and the one five years later, you must participate in this one! So you need teammates!"

Qianshui understood now. Bibi Dong didn't know what kind of madness was going on to ask him to play in a professional competition! But his cultivation method is out of touch with reality, not suitable for competitions, and he will kill people if he can't control himself.

And the maximum age limit is 25 years old. He will only be 14 in five years. Why should he join in the fun? Is he going to learn from Shrek?

However, Qianshui guessed wrong this time. This time, Bibi Dong not only did not mess around, but sincerely trained him as a disciple. She needed to lay a foundation for Qianshui in the Spirit Hall, just like what she is doing now!

Although the age limit of the competition is 25 years old, there are very few Soul King-level contestants in history. Qianshui may have broken through the Soul Sect in five years. With his comprehensive qualities, it may not be a problem for the fourth ring to absorb the ten thousand year soul ring!

Who among his peers can suppress Qianshui in terms of cultivation except Qian Renxue? Rather than letting Qianshui participate in the competition, it is better to say that it is gilding!

Qianshui is even qualified to participate in this session of the All-Continental High-level Soul Master Elite Competition, but it is close to the competition, and it is not appropriate to temporarily fill in the team members.

And as a traverser, Qianshui himself forgot that humans, as social animals, originally need such a process. Just because he is used to being alone, it doesn't mean that elders or other people will think this is right!

As a person who has been through it, Bibi Dong can see it clearly, so she will force Qianshui to lay a foundation for connections!

It is said that Tang Hao has dominated a generation, but this generation does not include Bibi Dong! People like her have walked out of their own way without foresight! And Bibi Dong is not a reckless man like Tang Hao. She knows how to be patient and hide her shortcomings, and she also knows how to manage her own circle. It is undeniable that there is a mentality of revenge against Qianxunji, but it does not hinder her all-round strength.

This is why Bibi Dong can be called the most powerful leader in the history of the Spirit Hall and the best pope in history!

So in Bibi Dong's eyes, Qianshui must go to school! The Star Dou Great Forest has brought not only the improvement of cultivation over the years, but also path dependence. Even he himself can't remember when he last calmed down and summarized it well.

His body was gradually reaching puberty, so the rebellious period was not far away. I don’t know what will happen during Douluo’s puberty~

Chapter 27: Family Fun

When Qianshui returned to his room, it was already close to lunch time on the third day.

Bibi Dong semi-forced Qianshui to go to school the next day. Maybe because she was pretty, she would speak nicely, so Qianshui reluctantly agreed.

When Qianshui came back, Qian Renxue was taking a music class in the study. After a speechless look, Qianshui went into the room and fell asleep.

Mr. Lu Xun said that works without figurative thinking can never touch people's souls.

Art is like this. Maybe everyone has a Hamlet in their hearts, and their preferences are different, but some works can touch people's souls and resonate with everyone!

And the music of Douluo is simply noise to Qianshui, and it is not as good as playing it on a certain audio! Although it is a waste of good things, the background music is very tricky, and basically all the masterpieces are chosen!

Qianshui's mind popped up many songs he loved to listen to, and he used his mental power to block the noise from the outside world. He was like wearing headphones and fell asleep in great comfort.

Qian Renxue would not let him go so easily. Although the two had a fight on the first day after returning, they had a quarrel, but the child forgot about it.

But Qianshui was taken away by Bibi Dong the next day, and said to go hunting souls! This makes people angry!

She was taken away at the age of six and almost didn't come back, which separated her from Qianshui for three years! Three years! Do you know how Qian Renxue spent three years? Not to mention the fear and worry, that's really boring!

Just like drinking happy water after getting used to it, drinking boiled water again can only quench your thirst.

So actually she had a lot to say to Qianshui, such as the second soul ring of the thousand-year level that Qianshui revealed during the fight!

The ups and downs she had felt about Bibi Dong taking Qianshui out to hunt souls again also dissipated with Qianshui's listless return.

After the music class, Qian Renxue muttered "That woman is so annoying!", opened Qianshui's room with a snap, and dragged him out of bed.

Qianshui was humming and looked sleepy. He rubbed his eyes, saw the golden color, and lay down again.

"Xiaoshui? Xiaoshui? What's wrong with you?" Qian Renxue didn't know what morning grumpiness was, because she had never made a fuss in bed, let alone seen Qianshui make a fuss in bed.

However, this time Qianshui was tossed around by Bibi Dong, and was really sleepy and tired. The morning grumpiness of the Blue Star people is terrible!

"What are you doing~! Please stop bothering me! I'm so tired!" Qianshui was extremely impatient. If it weren't for the body size difference, this scene would be like a poor son losing his temper with his biological mother~

Qian Renxue was obviously not Qianshui's real mother. Seeing his ugly bald head, she was furious!

"First soul skill! Angel Assault!"

Feeling the soul power fluctuations at the first time, the desire to survive made Qianshui sober up at once. The martial arts in the world are indestructible! Only speed can't be broken! If you run fast, it won't be broken!

Seeing that the bed that had accompanied him for many years was gone, Qianshui didn't feel much distress, after all, it was someone else's property~

"Hey, what are you doing~"

Qian Renxue's cute little face sank, her eyes glared, and she was about to attack again!

"Okay, okay! I'm awake, I'm awake! Miss, you have something to say!" Qianshui waved his hands and begged for mercy.

"Hmph! Tell me! Where did you go!"

"Soul hunting~ Where else could I go~ I wanted to go the day I came back, but your mom, my teacher, I don't know what's wrong with her, she insisted on making me go to school!

Then the next day, she took me away without saying hello! I was led by the belt to fly in the sky all the time, and I kept coming back after getting the soul ring! I'm going to be numb!"

When he mentioned this, he was no longer sleepy, and he started to complain with his hands and feet dancing and spitting.

As the saying goes, the complaint meeting is the most popular, Qian Renxue expressed her agreement!

"She is really annoying!"

"Uh..." Qianshui was not talking about the problem of Bibi Dong being annoying, he just resented Bibi Dong for insisting on making him go to school, and by the way, he complained about the bad experience of the past few days!

"Alas, I have to go to school tomorrow~ Let's not talk about this first. Xiaoxue, do you have anything to eat? I'm starving!"

"Hmph! All you do is eat and sleep! I was calling you to get up and eat, but you're still lying in bed!"

"Okay, okay, I'm getting up now, let's go for a walk, let's eat!" Qianshui changed the subject by eating.

"By the way, Xiaoshui, congratulations on your advancement to Soul Master!" Qian Renxue and Qianshui chatted while eating.

"Okay, okay~" Qianshui swallowed the meat in his mouth, "I tell you, Bibi Dong is really strong! A 9,000-year soul beast was killed in a snap! You know, I fought with that guy for several months, and I didn't even break his skin!"

"9,000 years? Do you mean you hunted a 9,000-year soul beast this time!?" Qian Renxue instantly caught the blind spot.

According to the general rules of Douluo Continent, the third ring will generally absorb soul rings of about 1,000 years. And even the fourth ring will not exceed 5,000 years! This is the experience gained from the lessons of blood and tears.

"What's the big deal~ My second ring is still 6,000 years old." Qianshui didn't care, he had seen the records a long time ago.

In his previous life, he and his group friends had criticized this kind of empirical logic, especially the one who was Master Yu and was accurate to the single digit!

"Qianshui! Have you ever seen the theoretical upper limit of the spirit ring?!" Qian Renxue slapped the table and stood up, the little girl's eyes were red! She herself had absorbed a spirit ring and was taught the absorption period of the spirit ring.

When Qianshui saw that Qian Renxue's eyes were not right, he immediately waved his hand to signal her to be patient, he was most afraid of children crying!

"Don't be anxious, listen to me explain to you! Of course there is a reason for doing this! Generally speaking, what you said is right, but I am in Class 2!"

Seeing Qianshui was talking nonsense again, Qian Renxue pretended to clench her fists.

"Hey, don't get excited, you must know that the problem of empiricism should not be committed. I knew those theories when I was three years old, okay..."

In addition to explaining the immortal cultivation method, Qianshui systematically explained to Qian Renxue the problem of soul ring absorption, and also told her how to absorb it beyond her level!

Qian Renxue muttered that Qianshui was talking about big principles again, and listened to it without understanding it. After all, Qianshui's speech was full of words unique to Blue Star.

But she also understood it-

First: The soul ring absorption period is not necessarily fixed, and everyone has different situations.

Second: Don't be preconceived and take it for granted! Thinking in reverse, Titled Douluo can absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring, there must be special conditions, and low-level soul masters cannot meet such conditions, so it is naturally impossible to absorb it. This is the key, not the level!

Third: Since the gap with Titled Douluo is too big and cannot be made up, what about other levels? There is no difference between the top five levels of soul masters.

Fourth: The so-called condition is the comprehensive quality of the soul master! The soul ring is just an unlocker with a skill, and it has no complete correlation with soul power. As long as the comprehensive quality meets the standard, it can be absorbed regardless of the age!

"Look, the effect of my physical exercise when I was a child has come out. Read more books ~ knowledge is power!" Qianshui said, and he had the idea of ​​showing off and summoned three soul rings.

"So I can also absorb soul rings beyond my level?" Qian Renxue touched her chin. What Qianshui said was indeed reasonable, and the facts were also laid out before the New Year.

She was already close to level 40, wondering if the next ring could be absorbed beyond the level like Qianshui

"Uh..." Qianshui boasted, but there was a more relevant point he didn't say! That is the special nature of the immortal cultivation method and the Yuanshen martial soul!

The trinity of spirit, energy and spirit has made his comprehensive quality catch up with the general soul king, but there is a difference in the level of soul power.

These were still a little uneasy when the second ring was in progress, and I took advantage of the recklessness to do it! I felt that I could beat it, so what's wrong with absorbing it?

But when considering the third ring, he had confirmed his comprehensive quality with the soul saint of the wolf martial soul. At that time, he had confirmed that he was at least stronger than the auxiliary soul king.

Without these, he simply couldn't, and he didn't have the energy to absorb such a large level! It would be great if he could absorb it for one or two thousand years at most.

But this was something he couldn't say! The cultivation method of another system was too shocking! It wasn't that he didn't want to teach Qian Renxue this cultivation method, but he couldn't, because he was also crossing the river by feeling the stones. If Qian Renxue made a mistake in her practice, wouldn't it be the end of her?

With the mature system of martial soul cultivation, people can practice better, so why should he do this?

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