"Why the hell do I still need to read books after I've graduated! At least read some novels!"

Aren’t novels books? (No!——Qian Shui Douluo)

Qian Shui was not willing to learn foreign languages ​​at first, and there was no personal teaching! Anyway, after learning to speak, he finally knew where he was.

He came to Douluo Continent and was an orphan adopted by Wuhun Palace.

Qian Shui only got very little useful information. He only knew that the current Pope of Wuhun Palace was Qian Xunji, and that the orphanage he was in was built by Qianjia.

"In other words, I'm at least in front of the plot now!"

Over one year old, his daily life was just babbling. Unfortunately, this was very painful for Qian Shui, who had a complete world view.

He is an adult and does not have the active language learning consciousness of a real baby at all, and there is no perfect education system!

Fortunately, the aunt who taught him was more patient, and since he had nothing else to do, and he was very energetic, Qian Shui learned the entire Douluo language and writing early on.

Qian Shui said: "With this kind of spirit in Blue Star, I have already reached the pinnacle of the human world! Alas, technology has mistaken me!"

However, it is impossible to quit electronics, not even in the previous life!

Perhaps because of the fantasy world, Qian Shui grew bigger and bigger, became more and more energetic, and couldn't sleep at night. I had no choice but to go for a run before going to bed!

Qian Shui was filled with grief and anger. He used to be a salty fish, but he was forced to follow the path of self-discipline because he was too bored! It is simply abandoning what you have wanted in your life!

"Hey Qianshui, are you going for a run again? This child is really well-behaved and sensible!"

"Yes, yes, if you become a soul master in the future, you will definitely be less of a soul emperor!"

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe if you have high innate soul power, you can become a titled Douluo!"

Qian Shui had long been tired of hearing these words, so he ignored them and ran away. He had heard these words from the neighbors around the orphanage many times, and he could only sigh: "Isn't this just planting flags in vain! ? When I wait for my plug-in to reach my account, it will penetrate the entire Douluo Continent and become a god."

‘You are so smart and sensible! Your whole family is well-behaved and sensible! I don’t know what I hate other people’s children the most! ’

Qian Shui ran and ran, thinking and thinking in his heart, and the sky gradually became dark. The days without accurate time are very difficult, and it is very difficult to judge the time.

Therefore, Qian Shui could only run on a fixed route. It was simply unrealistic to wait until he was exhausted. After all, children are growing up every day.

Qian Shui's troubled day passed by running to consume his energy and learning hypnosis.

The director of the orphanage, whose surname is also Qian, is now in his seventies or eighties. I heard he is a soul saint. She seems to have a high status. In a place like Wuhun City, a soul saint old lady can also talk.

It is said that she was brought back by the previous pope. Even though she could only inherit the position of the director of Qianjia's orphanage because of her poor talent, the director was respected because she was one generation older than the pope. .

Qian Shui's excessive learning ability due to boredom, and the unique stupidity of the time traveler keyboard warrior (that is, he is not afraid of his elders), made the dean prefer him. Many times she proposed to adopt Qian Shui, but Qian Shui rejected her with confusion: "Didn't you already adopt me?"

Qian Shui is indeed confused. After all, he was not an orphan before, and the meaning of Douluo language is not as clear as Chinese, so there is nothing he can do.

The director himself also lives in an orphanage. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he adopts or not, so there is nothing more to say at a loss for words.

But this love also brought some privileges to Qian Shui. He could read the dean's books at will. Although he himself only thinks that this is a relatively boring entertainment project that just broadens the track.

Qian Shui quickly finished reading the dean's book, which even included some research on soul beasts and martial arts, as well as meditation methods. Logically speaking, these were all useful to Qian Shui.

As he grew older, Qian Shui ran faster and faster, and his endurance and distance also improved. As he approached the third year of time travel, he could already run around the three main halls of Wuhun Palace.

Qian Shui practiced the meditation method, but it seemed to be completely useless.

"At the beginning of Douluo Continent, Tang San could practice Xuantian Kung Fu, so why can't I do it?

All scientific problems have a scientific method to solve them. If not, then it must be from the wrong angle! "

Scientific methodology is good, but in this fantasy world, the scientific perspective should also be put from the perspective of fantasy! Fans of the Qianshui authorities, now Blue Star people look at the problem from a demonic standpoint, and there must be a fixed solution of 1+1=2.

Fortunately, Qian Shui had given up on Dafa and went directly to ask the dean!

"Soul power needs to be absorbed through martial arts and deep meditation. You need to wait until the martial soul is six years old to awaken before you can cultivate soul power." This is the dean's answer.

If you are a local, you may give up, because Wuhun is the main theme of this world and an inherent way of thinking. However, Qian Shui is the one who knows the other answer. The matter is actually simple. The dean’s words are not completely meaningless. At least it reminds him of something——

Soul power needs a medium to cultivate! What's more important is absorbing soul power!

"Every fantasy problem has a fantasy method to solve it! This is also scientific!"

Referring to Tang San, he practiced Xuantian Gong. Maybe everyone in this world has a martial spirit. Even if they are not awakened, the martial spirit exists objectively. And Tang San might have passed the martial spirit during training, but it was definitely not just the martial spirit!

Because Xuantian Gong is a product of another world without martial arts!

Then the answer is obvious - through the body, or something more mysterious, such as spirit, or soul!

It is true that Qianshui is a materialist, but he is not a dogmatic materialist. The mysterious is in front of us, so this is the fact! It is something that really exists!

It is very important to be sure that something really exists, because there is no need to pay a huge trial and error price.

After understanding this, Qianshui's imagination is unrestrained. Cultivating immortals, cultivating oneself, martial arts, and what the gods said in the past may all be true! The essence is to absorb external energy to strengthen oneself!

The important thing is that no matter it is called aura, fighting spirit, essence, magic, or ether, there is such an energy that can be absorbed! And in this world, this energy is called soul power!

"Except for the martial soul cultivation system in this world, which must awaken the martial soul and have innate soul power to cultivate, the absorption of energy in many other cultivation systems is actually not necessary to be so complicated. The first step is actually to feel this energy, and then complete the qualitative change from zero to one - Qi sense!"

In fact, the starting point of people in Douluo Continent may be a little higher than that of other systems, because there are martial souls and innate soul power!

Everyone here has a martial soul, it's just the amount of innate soul power, otherwise the non-physical fantasy product of martial soul should not exist.

And judging from the situation of Tang San and the disciple he accepted overseas in the original work, innate soul power should also be able to be cultivated, at least the Xuantian Gong can do it.

I don't care about the arguments of the water friends in the previous life, anyway, practice it first!

In order to avoid being disturbed, Qianshui chose a night with a moon as bright as water, and secretly ran to the roof under the cover of night and started his practice plan.

"Five hearts facing the sky, qi sinking into the dantian, emptying the mind, feeling the energy, feeling the energy..." Qianshui muttered while posing the five hearts facing the sky~

Fortunately, he was bored enough and found a new way to kill time, and Qianshui really calmed down.

As time went by, Qianshui had some vague feelings, but unfortunately he was excited for a while, and then it was gone.

Grass is a plant! After despising himself, he continued to act.

The Wuhun City was silent at night, and the medieval background made the entire Wuhun City almost dark. Only the stars and the moon above the sky were emitting faint light.

Qianshui tried for several days before he mastered a little trick.

He felt the energy at first, but couldn't absorb it. After summarizing his experience, he thought that the part of cultivating immortals should be pulled by the energy of Dantian.

But Qianshui didn't know what Dantian energy was, so he could only experiment violently. In theory, he felt the position below the belly button and tossed it back and forth, and finally found the right position and method to absorb some.

Unfortunately, it dispersed in an instant, because Qianshui didn't know what to do after absorbing it!

So he could only break it violently and tried all the possibilities he could think of.

"It should be a cycle, walking the big and small Zhoutian! But how to do that thing! I haven't learned meridians!"

Qianshui rubbed his temples to relieve his anxious mood.

"Temples? Damn!"

"It seems that there is a saying that the skin is the largest organ in the human body!"

Qianshui saw this kind of video when watching the video in the knowledge area. It said that there was a woman abroad who suddenly lost all the senses of her skin one day, and her biggest feeling was that it seemed as if the whole person was out of the body and floating outside!

So some people speculated that the skin is one of the media for people to store souls?

The idea was clear, so I tried it.

After Qianshui absorbed the soul power into the Dantian, he tried to pull it everywhere. Following the feeling on the skin, he roughly felt something like a channel, so he tried to pull it in.

At first, he didn't dare to pull while absorbing, or absorb a lot. If the experiment failed, he would explode!

After finding a complete circulation channel and storing it in the Dantian, Qianshui probably got started. Absorbing the heaven and earth for his own use, if it is based on the standards of the immortal cultivation system, it should belong to the initial stage of Qi training, which is the first level of Qi training.

After finding the way, Qianshui was relieved and absorbed along the inherent path.

"I have to say, I really want to keep practicing. No wonder people say that practicing is fun. This feeling of slowly getting stronger is really good, and my body feels comfortable. It's like soaring up to 90,000 miles!"

However, it is not very realistic to keep practicing. After all, the environment is noisy during the day, and on the other hand, he doesn't want others to find out the little secret that he can practice before his martial soul awakens!

In short, Qianshui still maintains his previous habits, but he runs faster and has better endurance. The whole person is more and more energetic because of practicing.

Chapter 3 Blond Loli

"I have to say that a world like Douluo Continent is simply a greenhouse for fantasy!"-Qianshui Douluo

Yes, Qianshui said it was very strange, because his way of playing caused his body to grow very fast, but what puzzled him was that the little friends in the orphanage were the same. Although Qianshui couldn't call a name, it didn't prevent him from observing his little friends.

Just like Mr. Ma was not interested in money and Boss Liu was face-blind, Qianshui also had a strange style in his previous life, which has always remained unchanged-he is not sensitive to names.

Maybe it's troublesome to cry and make a fuss when he thinks his little friends are very understanding, and this problem is more severe. For example, he seemed to have heard the name of the director, but he just couldn't remember it. He didn't even remember the last name of the aunt in the orphanage.

He had analyzed it in his previous life. Maybe it was because his ability of image thinking was too outstanding. He had a good memory. Objects, maps, in short, he had a strong sense of space and could remember all these things.

Perhaps it is because of this that after quickly memorizing the shape, the name is ignored~unless it is something very important.

Just like the symptom of puberty that is deliberately silent to be cool, Qianshui usually behaves very silently to cover up the embarrassment of not being able to remember the name, and even becomes a little transparent.

Although he is actually very verbose and likes to argue, Qianshui, a keyboard man, has strong combat power.

The problem of his friends and his own abnormally fast growth is put aside, and it is attributed to the innate soul power. Qianshui guessed that in fact everyone in this world is passively cultivating martial souls, but they don’t know, and this is the reason for the emergence of innate soul power.

As for the more essential problem, that is, what is this passive method, is it the martial soul automatically sucking, or something else, Qianshui has no answer yet.

This probably needs to wait until I awaken my martial soul and formally cultivate in the way of this world before there will be a solution.

Thinking of this, Qianshui actually wanted to lie down. After all, this thing can suck by itself, so why am I so diligent? Isn’t it good to be in the protagonist group.

However, the pleasure of cultivation is too fragrant, just like chewing Xuanmai! I can't stop at all! "It's better than sucking xx!" Coupled with the passive bonus of habit, Qianshui can't help wanting to feel good!

"It's the end of the year, and it's almost four years in the blink of an eye!" After eating the "New Year's Eve dinner" at the orphanage, Qianshui ran out and continued his cultivation career.

It has to be said that the environment of Douluo is actually too good, because his cultivation progress is too good, and he is more and more happy every day. The air mass in Dantian is getting bigger and bigger, and his own perception is getting stronger and stronger. He can't believe that he is just a little kid who is almost four years old now!

Due to habit, coupled with the enhancement of perception, he can already run with his eyes closed. Recently, Qianshui is studying whether he can practice while running, because he remembers that Huo Gua in Douluo II has achieved this achievement, but he doesn't remember the specific method.

It's about breaking the limit, but Qianshui's cautious character makes him not do it easily. After all, he is not a rich family's young master, or practicing in a college, and there are no high-level healing spirit masters around him.

Moreover, he didn't want to be discovered that he could practice before awakening his martial soul. He might be sliced ​​and studied. After all, he was an orphan from an ordinary background.

Maybe he could awaken some innate hundred-level soul power and be fearless after he died, but that would have to wait until his martial soul awakened and it was good. It was not worth taking the risk at this stage.

While running, Qianshui circulated his soul power and tried to absorb external soul power, but it was useless. He was a little stumbling when circulating his soul power, not to mention absorbing and circulating at the same time.

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