"Xiaoshui, you must be well!"

Qian Renxue didn't know if Qianshui knew something, and tried hard to instill political struggles in her. She hated these great principles and didn't listen to most of them, but they were still useful. Just as Qianshui told her seriously, 'Politics is cruel and can kill people! '

So she at least understood that what she was going to do was extremely dangerous, and even if the Titled Douluo secretly protected her, it could not prevent all crises. And she herself was like this, if Qianshui was with her, it would be even more insecure.

She couldn't face that important friend, because he would definitely accompany her, and saying goodbye would only reveal unnecessary information. What teacher Bibi Dong, what spirit hall, couldn't stop him at that time, as long as he wanted, he would definitely come to find her, as always.

So there was only one way, that is to stop everything, not even say goodbye, don't tell him anything, block everything, then nothing will happen.

“Today is the day when the spirits of the six-year-old children in the Angel Academy awaken. Xiaoshui, you should also join us!”

Qianshui did not pay attention to the situation. There was no such thing as hot searches in the feudal era, but she still knew something about Bibi Dong becoming the Pope.

Qianshui did not refuse the dean’s request, but she did not expect Bibi Dong to come in person. In previous years, Bibi Dong would also come, but Qianshui never paid attention to these. And her current identity is the Pope, and Qianshui is the Pope’s disciple.

‘As the new Pope, win the hearts of the people? ’Looking at the people kneeling on the ground, Qianshui thought. The change in identity did not mean anything to Qianshui. He did not kneel either. Everyone seemed to ignore him, and Bibi Dong just glanced at him.

Bibi Dong was satisfied with this genius disciple, but he was too willful. Although everyone did not think there was anything wrong, he was worthy of his willfulness.

Bibi Dong did not think so. The consequences of willfulness were disastrous. At least she had experienced it personally, and she saw Qianshui’s shortcomings.

Humans are social animals. If they stay away from the group for too long, they will lose something. This cannot be exchanged for a little improvement in strength, so he was forced to go to school.

The people below arranged everything, and the martial soul awakening began.

Although some of them were children of soul masters who died in battle for the Wuhun Hall, most of them were descendants abandoned by ordinary people. There was not so much shocking in the awakening, but more disappointment.

Chapter 44 Hu Liena and Qianshui's rebellion

The martial soul awakening was very novel at first, but it was just like that after watching it too much, because it was really the same.

Most of the children in the Angel Courtyard were adopted orphans, and many of them were ordinary people without soul power. The fate of these people will be to send them out of Wuhun City after today and go to the surrounding towns to live as ordinary people for the rest of their lives.

In these years, except for Qianshui and two talented children last year, Angel Courtyard actually has not produced a genius child, and this world is so cruel, this is the cold reality.

Bibi Dong sat in the first seat. She was not tall, and her golden long dress was very fitting from head to toe. The dazzling dress was shining with precious light, and there were more than a hundred red, blue and gold gems on it.

The nine-curve purple gold crown on her head was even more brilliant, and she held a scepter about two meters long inlaid with countless gems. Her fair skin and nearly perfect face made her look so different.

Especially the invisible nobleness and holiness exuded from her body, which made people feel like worshipping her.

I don’t know if it was in the previous life, that deep-rooted shackles had never been rooted in my heart, Qianshui didn’t have a trace of such emotions, even if he ignored Bibi Dong’s crazy nature, he even felt a little disgusting in the face of such a scene, even though Bibi Dong with a faint smile was so beautiful!


This time it was a girl with an ordinary appearance. Qianshui had some impression of her. She was the girl who asked him who he was that day.

As the golden light flashed, a fox appeared!

"Demon Fox?"

"Nana's brother also awakened the innate 8th level soul power last year. It seems that both of them should become soul masters!" The dean couldn't help but speak.

'Nana? Demon Fox? Is she Hu Liena? ' Qianshui glanced at Bibi Dong subconsciously.

As expected: "9th level innate soul power!"

Bibi Dong, who seemed to be smiling a little stiffly, finally moved. She seemed to be slow, but in fact she walked quickly in front of Hu Liena.

"Child, tell me, what is your name." Bibi Dong was surprisingly gentle, as if she had become a different person.

"My name is Hu Liena."

"Okay, Nana, are you willing to be my disciple?"

Hu Liena was unsure. She looked at the dean, and the dean nodded to her.

"I do!" The little girl smiled sweetly.

Bibi Dong nodded in satisfaction, and then announced in public: "I, as the Pope, declare that Hu Liena is my disciple from now on!"

"Congratulations, Your Holiness!" Everyone congratulated in unison.

Then Bibi Dong took Hu Liena back to the main seat.

The meaning of this move was somewhat different in the eyes of those who were interested. Those who knew the inside story looked at Qianshui more or less, and Qianshui was expressionless from beginning to end.

Qianshui's behavior was a bit abnormal recently, and Bibi Dong wanted to take this opportunity to teach him a lesson. After all, she didn't have time normally.

Qian Daoliu went to do superficial work and personally hunted down Tang Hao. This was a short period of power vacuum in the Spirit Hall, and she needed to seek more benefits for herself.

She understood why Qianshui was abnormal, just like Qian Renxue in the past, but this child had nothing, knew nothing, and could do nothing.

But he was very smart. He returned to the Angel Courtyard and it was clear that he probably understood Qian Renxue's situation. Bibi Dong just wanted to push away that daughter, not Qianshui, the millennium genius. She had no ill feelings towards Qianshui. Even some of Qianshui's rebellious actions made her feel like she was training her own child.

Not long after, the martial soul awakening ceremony ended, and the fate of the children was determined.

Bibi Dong was about to leave with Hu Liena. When passing by Qianshui, Bibi Dong deliberately stopped and said to him: "I know what you are thinking!" Then she left again, which made Hu Liena confused.

Smart people always like to play dumb, but Qianshui is the kind of person who can understand. Looking at Bibi Dong who was walking away slowly, he responded to Bibi Dong with action.

Before anyone could react, Qianshui took out the Heart of Heart, and the three soul rings of yellow, purple and purple shone brightly, attacking Bibi Dong!

A puff of smoke and dust dissipated, and as expected, Bibi Dong blocked Qianshui's attack.

"Your Holiness!" The guards around him surrounded him dutifully.

Bibi Dong signaled them to retreat, and after everyone retreated to a safe distance, Qianshui began his seemingly endless attack!

Bibi Dong didn't even have a martial spirit attached to her, and summoned two spider legs to block all attacks. After absorbing Qianxunji, Bibi Dong's overall strength has surpassed that of a Level 90 Titled Douluo, but she has not yet attached a soul ring, and in the end, Qianshui was knocked away by a palm.

Looking at Qianshui who was spitting blood but looking at her with a frown, Bibi Dong grabbed his neck and lifted him up and said to him: "Only level 32 soul power!" Then she threw him to the door, "What do you want to do?!" Then she slowly walked towards the stubborn child who fell to the ground, "What can you do?!"

"You don't even know where she is, so what can you do?"

Qianshui raised his head, looked to the north, and said calmly: "I know."

Then he looked at Bibi Dong again: "I am indeed only level 32, so I am not stupid! Not stupid enough to follow, or do other stupid things!" Qianshui climbed up and picked up the sword to lean on, limping to the door, "So teacher, I will follow your arrangements."

Everyone was shocked and watched Qianshui walk away.


"Old ghost, do you think this kid is crazy? He actually attacked the Pope in public!"

"If one day I suddenly disappeared and you know the culprit, what will you do?"

"Uh... okay..."

People who know the inside story probably guessed this way.

"Teacher, who is he?"

"He is your senior brother."

"Senior brother?"

"Yes, he is also your disciple."

"But why did he hit you?"

"Maybe because he was angry."

After settling Hu Liena, Bibi Dong also felt powerless. Others did not understand Qianshui's words, but she did. And no one in the world understands more deeply than her, because she is the stupid one!

Back then, she rashly asked for Qianxunji's approval without absolute resistance, and the ending was tragic.

Qianshui's words touched her. His implication was: "I know where Qian Renxue is, but I'm not stupid. I won't go to her now. I will listen to you until I have absolute strength to control my destiny! So you either kill me in public now, otherwise no one can stop me. I have such ability!"

The listener has a heart, Qianshui is angry, and needs to vent, and such venting can be fair and aboveboard! Because everyone understands the reason for doing so, it is reasonable, but it can't just be for venting! Similarly, this is his naked mockery of Bibi Dong!

The same thing happened again today. As a mother and a teacher, Bibi Dong, what choice will you make? Do you want to repeat Qianxunji's path and completely block the possibility of the two children?

"Xiaogang, Xiaogang, if you and I had half the intelligence of this child, we would not have come to this point today..." Bibi Dong lamented the tragedy of the past, but it was too late, and the beauty of the past had long left her.

Qianshui in her eyes was like her former self, and in comparison, how stupid she was at that time, she actually proposed to Qianxunji that either she agreed to be with Yu Xiaogang, or she would leave the Wuhun Hall.

All these stupid things were like catalysts, prompting Qianxunji's demonic nature to appear in advance, pulling her into the terrifying abyss.

After these things, Qianshui woke him up with a slap. On Blue Star, as a spectator, he could mock the fantasy sewer, but now he was in it, and his low strength made him unable to do anything. Everything is like quicksand in the hand, no matter how you control it, you can't stop it from flowing.

So what he has to do is to face the dangerous, strength-oriented, cruel world with caution and calmness.

He used the way of attacking Bibi Dong to tell her that he is not only the strength of Soul Master, he can be stronger, but he will not run away again, he will obey Bibi Dong's will and gain stronger power from it.

He clearly said that he knew where Qian Renxue was, proving that it was not difficult for him to guess, and he would not be stupid enough to follow her. This means that he made a decision on the premise of knowing everything, proving that he has the wisdom and ability to control this strength!

"At least for her, you must be impeccably strong!"

Chapter 45 After the change

Qian Shui recovered from his injuries and continued to go to school, but he practiced even more crazily, as if he was tireless.

Bibi Dong's complete takeover of power has also changed the atmosphere of Wuhun Academy from a little loose to extremely tense. The style of the Iron-Blooded Pope has become increasingly prominent, with fewer theoretical classes and more practical classes.

Although it was in line with Qian Shui's wishes, students at the same level were not Qian Shui's enemies at all, so he still traveled between Silvis Grand Soul Arena and Wuhun City.

In daily practical classes, he usually asked the teacher to fight with him. Just like today, he had just been beaten to death by a soul emperor-level teacher.

Qian Shui wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth and walked off the soul fighting stage.

"Xiao Shui, are you okay?" Chen Sha quickly walked over and helped Qian Shui, who was unsteady.

"No...it's okay. Thank you, Sister Shasha..." "Oh, I fainted again. I need some treatment!"

This kind of thing has almost become the norm. Everyone has noticed Qian Shui's problem, but he just can't get over it, even if he despises himself for being pretentious every time.

"Yinjin, come and help!"

"Sasha, this is the first time. Leave him alone and leave it to the therapist."

"No, he didn't take my healing ice this time, his teeth are clenched to death, and he's seriously exhausted. He won't be able to attend the afternoon class!"

"This kid must have done this on purpose! How many times has this happened?"

"Stop talking, you take him to the school gate, and I'll call Nana."


Hu Liena entered school as soon as she awakened her martial soul. Outside of school, she was studying at the Junior Soul Master Academy. Since the little girl has level 9 innate soul power, she quickly obtained her first soul ring.

She found it hard to understand her senior brother, who always seemed to be aloof from others. It was said that he was actually not like this, but he just changed without knowing why.

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