"Recent progress has been good."

No matter what, Qian Shui was a little selfish towards Feng Jingyi. After all, she was a girl who played swordsmanship. He often gave her tricks, but because of the characteristics of the martial soul, Qian Shui couldn't intuitively tell Qian Shui how to fly with the sword.

"Thank you." Feng Jingyi wiped her sweat and put away the wind sword spirit.

Although Qian Shui's training was tiring, it was effective, and his soul power cultivation basically didn't fall behind. On this basis, his combat effectiveness has improved by more than one level. Anyone who is not a fool will understand the key.

The boy in front of him has changed a lot, whether it is his personality, appearance, or identity. The abilities he displayed were beyond the reach of his peers, so how could he not be in awe of her.

She didn't know what happened to make someone do this, but she thought it couldn't be a good thing. She heard that he even attacked the Pope in public. Although he ended up being beaten up, Feng Jingyi had never experienced such rebellion. thing.

"Squad leader, you are very talented. After all, the martial spirit is a sword. Don't limit yourself to soul skills. You must understand the essence of the sword." In the past, Feng Jingyi was like a mage holding a sword, and the martial spirit of the wind sword itself was like a fire stick. Occasionally responsible for killing people.

It is known that mages are most afraid of close combat. It is simply embarrassing for a swordsman to act like this. Feng Jingyi is actually very talented. If there is a systematic kendo training system, her achievements should be very high.

However, Qian Shui said that he couldn’t test it and didn’t know, after all, he was still developing it.

Are you considering becoming a disciple of Sword Douluo? In addition to being able to take advantage of Sword Intent, Chen Xin is also thinking like a mage. If Seven Kills Sword plays as an assassin, how many of them can withstand high-level suppression?

This is precisely why Qian Daoliu, the owner of the angel martial soul, is the world's number one swordsman, not the Qisha Jian Chen family.

There should be no possibility of frontal defense with sword martial spirit, but Chen Jianjun didn't hurt Sendo Liu at all back then, which shows that this method of playing is abnormal.

A frontal attack? Who can defeat the comprehensive and almighty angel spirit in a head-on attack? Or else it would be like Bo Saixi using the power of the sea to overwhelm people. Either Tang Chen used his strength skillfully and defeated the others with his skills.

"I see!"

"Actually, we are on the same road in this regard. I can't help you much, but it's okay to share my experience." Qian Shui said straightforwardly that he would guide her.


Looking around, everyone has various problems. For example, Ling Yunzhi, what he actually needs is an understanding of the so-called "ice".

From a physics point of view, Qian Shui can naturally explain that this is the intensity of the thermal motion of molecules, and it is what controls the process of 'temperature reduction'.

But no, there is no way to explain the molecules and atoms. We can only explain the essence of manipulating ‘temperature reduction’. This kind of ability is actually very abnormal. Regardless of the microscopic level, just the transformation of 'ice' into an entity can already be ever-changing. Ice magic does not like to be unrestricted, and there are many possibilities for development.

Fortunately, the other party was a smart person, and Qian Shui only needed a little reminder of his ideas.

Ruoyou lacked control over extreme speed, which Qian Shui was most familiar with. As long as he practiced body training and developed the same skills as Qian Shui, that was actually enough.

The two assistants are the same, that is, the tempering of body and soul power. As for the rest, it is your own choice.

It's already good to do this. After all, Douluo Continent doesn't even have such things as martial arts secrets, so we can't ask for too much.

The rest is left to time. After all, if you want to achieve something, the cornerstone must be boring and hard work day after day.

Chapter 52: Hair knot and immortality

This year, the situation in Douluo Continent was turned upside down.

With the Tang Hao incident, the youngest titled Douluo was born, and Tang Hao took over the title of Haotian.

With the death of Qian Xunji, the power structure of Wuhun Palace ushered in a change. This era also ushered in the Iron-blooded Pope Bibi Dong. No one knows the cultivation level of this female pope. They only think that she inherited the position of pope as the saint of Wuhun Temple.

Qian Daoliu, a level 99 peerless Douluo, reappeared and hunted down Tang Hao himself, leaving Tang Hao, the youngest, to disappear. But the previous generation Haotian Douluo Tang Chen did not appear, and then the Haotian Sect, the first sect in the world, escaped from the world, and the fate of many people changed as a result.

The power vacuum created by the rapid death of the old era was replaced by new forces. Qibao Glazed Sect, Bibi Dong's new power structure has made its debut.

For these little people who cannot control their destiny, changes are like a mountain. This is the case for Qian Renxue who went to the Tiandou Empire.

This day is her 10th birthday, but she no longer has the smile of the past, and has lost all the people and things around her.

"Miss, a letter from Wuhun City."


It was late at night, and she finally took off her disguise, silently arranging her clothes, stroking the corners of her eyes to relieve her mental fatigue.

When she picked up the message from her hometown, she didn't have the usual frown, because it wasn't an order or a new plan that needed to be implemented.

She read the "Analysis and Forecast of Current Mainland Situation" with a smile, and the familiar handwriting filled her with peace of mind.

"I want to reply a little bit~"

She leaned in front of the desk and carefully put away the note with familiar thoughts. This was the happiest day for her these days. After all, this was a letter from Qian Shui.

Although Qian Shui had no way to send the message, and no reason, his birthday was a good excuse.

I collected some information, summarized it, and analyzed it from the perspective of a time traveler. There is no other words. After all, he should not know where Qian Renxue is and what she is doing. Although such analysis is strange, it does not exceed the limit of what he can say.

Qianshui just sent it to the Elder Hall in advance and told it that it was a birthday gift for Qian Renxue. The people under his command gave it to Qian Daoliu, and the great priest just said "unromantic" and sent it out, treating it as Qianshui's new, news-style story.

And this day Qianshui also deliberately gave himself an answer sheet that reached his personal silver fighting spirit, and it was a record of the full soul sect level challenge.

"Lao Wang! Lao Wang! Lao Wang!"

Ignoring the audience shouting Qianshui's hidden nickname, Qianshui smiled at his teammates who came with him off the court for the first time in a long time.

"Brother Shui! You are really amazing!" Yin Jin greeted him excitedly, as if he had won this honor.

"It's your turn next."

Waving his hand, he walked out of the big fighting arena, because Ghost Douluo showed up after a long absence.

"What happened to Uncle Ghost?"

"Dean Qian Xin will probably be here in the next few days..."

Ghost Douluo understood the importance of this to Qianshui, and had long since told his subordinates to pay attention to this matter. The news arrived roughly around the time when Qianshui's fighting began.

Qianshui didn't have too many emotions, as he had long been mentally prepared for this day. He said "I know," and set off back to Wuhun City. When he arrived, the dean was already bedridden.

The dean was alone, and most of her peers had passed away, leaving only the old people in the hospital with her. Qianshui had already made an appointment with the dean to see her off, which was why he had stayed in the hospital.

Perhaps because of her cultivation at the Soul Saint level, the old man was still conscious even though he was already bedridden.

"Xiaoshui, you're here..." The dean's eyes were tired and turbid, and a hint of joy emerged with Qianshui's arrival.

"I'm back." Qianshui was not sad. He didn't want to let the dean take away his grief.

"Xiaoshui, you are still the best. Unlike others, you still quarrel with me, an old woman, at this time..."

Qianshui didn't speak, but just smiled at the dean.

"You have always been so special. You didn't cry when you were brought back. You also know that there are too many children and it is difficult to name them. Since you don't cry, I can only name you "Shui". It would be better if it sounds better..."

"You have been smart since you were young. You don't cry or make trouble. You can learn everything at once. From then on, I felt that you were extraordinary. So later, even if I knew that you were thrown into the Xingdou Great Forest by Xiaodong, I firmly believed that you could survive..."

"Miss Xue seemed to have changed after she left. This is very similar to Dong'er at that time, but she is your teacher after all..."

"Dong'er Don't blame her for what happened. That child actually went out from here. She was kind-hearted since she was young. When she became capable, she would often come back to help the hospital... But I don't know why she married Xiaoji, and then Xiaoxue was born..."

"I don't know the inside story, but maybe this is the beginning of her change. After all, she seemed to have a boyfriend she loved before..."

"Nothing in the world goes as planned, but you are different. You have talent and wisdom, and you have the power to choose, unlike me... I can only live like this in this life~"


The dean said a lot, and Qianshui just listened quietly.

The dean was not a child of destiny. She was just an ordinary soul master who could only reach the level of soul saint in her lifetime. The sun in the sky was so far away that ordinary people were destined to have only ordinary lives.

The next night, the dean passed away, and the funeral was peacefully completed according to her wishes.

All the capable children she had taught came here to send her off for the last time.

Hu Liena's brother and sister also came, and the little girl cried very sadly, just like other children in the hospital.

Bibi Dong may have been here, but he probably didn't show up.

Everything was done, Qianshui was ready to leave the place he saw the first time he came to this world.

After tidying up everything in the room, Qianshui also began to tidy himself up for the first time in a long time.

The boy in the mirror had long hair again, and his soul left his body to help him dress himself up.

He combed his messy hair and tied a Taoist bun according to his memory, which was also a reasonable correspondence to the immortal cultivation method. The soul floated in front of him and inserted the wooden hairpin he made, "It's just like the immortal touching my head, tying my hair to receive immortality..."

Looking at himself like a little Taoist priest, he always sighed. The Taoist method he cultivated was natural, but he was greedy. People's hearts were hard to understand, let alone life and death!

Qianshui left, and when he looked back before leaving, he felt that there was one less place to return to in this world.

Chapter 53: Work and Rest

Perhaps it was because Qianshui overreacted when Qian Renxue left without saying goodbye, so his calmness this time seemed a little abnormal. People who are familiar with him have been watching him closely recently, fearing that he will train himself to death again.

And they are sure that this kid can really train himself to death.

"I say, you don't have to come every day~" Qianshui looked at Hu Liena helplessly, who came to stare at him every day after school.

Hu Liena was tired of Qianshui's excessive training. The death of the dean made her and her brother very sad, but it was this senior brother again. Not only did she calmly handle the funeral, but what was even more terrifying was that she had almost no emotional fluctuations.

Although Qianshui acted very cold, the child's young age did not mean he was a fool. She knew that Qianshui just looked a little cold, after all, he had never even put on the airs of a senior brother.

Such a senior brother dared to attack the teacher directly when he was emotional. The pain in his heart would make him unrecognizable. He finally had something to do to distract his attention and get better. Once the dean left, he didn't know what would happen.

"Senior brother, you are too worrying, and you are not sad at all about the dean's matter?" Hu Liena's face was tense. Since Qianshui started asking, she also wanted to ask clearly.

"How could I not be sad..."


Qianshui interrupted her: "Okay, I know what you are thinking. I am not that fragile. The dean has lived her life and died of old age. If so, why should we who are alive be obsessed with it?"

Touching Hu Liena's head, Qianshui still knew that there was no need to explain these issues to a child: "Go back, or go to the Pope's Palace. It's not that you are not welcome to come, but you will make those guys laugh at you."


Finally, Hu Liena left the base of the competition's regular players, and Qianshui continued to direct the training of these friends.

Qianshui is now officially the base of the selected team members. Qianshui, who is now free of distractions, began a super mechanical life rhythm. Apart from eating, he practiced, and the other six people finally saw the full picture of Qianshui's practice.

"Has the team leader been practicing like this?" Yin Jin's original impression of Qianshui was that he was a child of destiny and had unparalleled talent, but talent alone was useless, not to mention Qianshui, who seemed to be beyond the reach of others... volume? .

At this time, Qianshui was fighting against a Soul Emperor-level battle soul master, while the others were running around the field and watching the battle.

"With terrible concentration and execution, is that why he can survive in the Xingdou Great Forest?" Ling Yunzhi's evaluation of Qianshui was even higher.

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