"follow me!"

Qian Renxue pulled Qian Shui and ran into the room.

This is the living room. It's a splendid hall. There are all kinds of food on the coffee table, including fruits and snacks, all of which Qian Shui has never seen before. They should all be what Qian Renxue likes to eat.

There were servants standing inside and outside the living room, probably taking care of Qian Renxue.

Qian Shui was a little cautious. He had some social fears in his previous life and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

He pulled Qian Shui and sat down.

"tell a story!"

Qian Renxue is very purposeful and speaks out her demands directly.

Qian Shui wiped away the non-existent cold sweat and was speechless. Can he do whatever he wants just because he is cute?

"Can I have a drink of water?"

Qian Shui pointed to the pot on the coffee table. Qian Renxue had no objection and nodded.

Before his parents were home, Qian Shui relaxed a little and poured a cup of tea, and the old god drank it comfortably.

‘O evil feudal lord! ’

The taste of the tea is very strange. It is different from Blue Star anyway, but it is clean enough and has no strange smell. It seems to have improved the soul power somewhat. Even this set of cups is exquisitely made.

In short, this kind of thing, in the feudal era that lacked industrial products, was a good thing that ordinary people had no access to. At least it was much better than the well water that Qiansheng drank.

He also drank the tea, but Qian Shui didn't want to tell a story, so he decided to tease Qian Renxue.

"Speaking of which, we already know each other. My name is Qianshui, the tea water." He pointed to the cup he had just put down.

"My name is Qian Renxue. Grandpa said that I am the Ren of Qianren standing on the wall, and the snow of Lingshuang is proud of the snow."

Qian Renxue tilted her head. The little girl was as simple as listening to a story. She didn't quite understand what the name had to do with the story. But I introduced myself out of politeness.

"Who is your grandfather?"

"Qian Daoliu."

"Who is Qian Daoliu?"

"Big offering."

"What is the big offering?"

"It's a big offering!"

‘Quack quack! The eldest lady doesn’t look very smart! ’

"Then where is this place?"

"Elder's Hall."

"I mean here!"

"Um...living room?"

"Okay~ Then why did you call me over?"

"Because the story is so good!"

"Well, speaking of which, you were crying at that time. Why were you crying?"

Qian Guo is indeed a straight man! He really wants to know why Qian Renxue cries. People in society say that a three-year-old girl is really yours!

Obviously hit the mine accurately!

"Because, because mom..."

Qian Renxue was obviously depressed.

"Oh? Your Pope is your father, who is your mother?"

"Bibi Dong..."

Qian Renxue answered the question obediently, but her eyes were already filled with tears!

At least Qian Shui could tell this and didn't ask any more questions. He didn't want to comfort a crying little girl again!

Chapter 5: Cannibals with short mouths

"Oh my, I'm so envious that you have parents, unlike me, who only grew up as an orphan!"

Self-destruction flow works! Great teacher!

"Don't you have a parent?"

Qian Renxue's emotions were aroused, and she was a little surprised. She always felt that she only had her father and grandfather, because she had never seen Bibi Dong since she could remember.

Qian Xunji often tells her that she has a mother, so she has always been eager to see her mother and get her mother's care.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. At the beginning of the new year, Bibi Dong returned to Wuhun Hall. Qian Renxue excitedly went to see her, but all she got was Bibi Dong's disgusted eyes and a sentence of "Go away!".

By coincidence, Bibi Dong came back from the City of Killing. She had become crazy after receiving the Killing God Domain and the Rakshasa God Test. As the mother's last sanity, she resisted the urge to kill Qian Renxue and drove her away.

With fear and sadness, Qian Renxue fled the Pope's Palace and stayed away from that terrible mother! A person secretly hid and cried, and at the same time met Qian Shui who was exercising daily.

Although there is no Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue still has a father and grandfather. It is hard for her to imagine that Qian Shui has no parents, because in her small world view, everyone has parents.

"Yes, I am an orphan, I have no parents, Angel Court is an orphanage~ It's great that your father is the Pope, the house is so big, the tea is so delicious, the entire Wuhun City belongs to your family!"

"Unlike me, those little brats at Angel Court are making trouble every day and can't sleep well! They can't even eat a few pieces of meat all year round!

Qian Renxue's small eyes were greatly shocked. She ate meat every day!

Hearing this, the little angel ran out again.

"Hey, let's drink tea~his~ha~, it's really good!" Not knowing what Qian Renxue was doing, Qian Shui had no choice but to continue drinking tea.

Qian Renxue came back after a while: "Here!"

Looking at the meat in his hands, Qian Shui's face was complicated. He looked at Qian Renxue and couldn't help but think of her ending.

'As a villain, all his relatives died, his mother was personally killed by the one he loved, his angel status was shattered, his cultivation was stagnant at level 89 for life, and he could not make any progress, and finally ended up with a man named Ye. This remaining life. ’

Not caring about Qian Shui's strange eyes, Qian Renxue tilted her head and smiled.

‘She is such an angel! ’

Qian Shui knows how much a person's situation can change a person, and how few people have a firm will. This world is already an established fact, and fate will never pity anyone. If there is no external interference, what is happening in front of him The innocent little girl will eventually meet her end.

Qian Shui picked up the meat and took a bite, then smiled at Qian Renxue, "After all, he is a cannibal with a short mouth. He is also a time traveler. Tang San, now I am on the side!" I hope you won’t play tricks with me on how to get yourself killed! ’

"Xiaoxue, I can call you that. Your father also calls you that."

"Well, grandpa's name is Xiaoxue too."

"Xiaoxue, how old are you this year?"

"Three years old."

"It's true, the three-year-old children in Angel Home are not as smart as you!"

"Thank you~ How old are you?"

"Oh, everyone is so familiar with each other. They call me Xiaoshui~ We are all three years old, the same age!"

"Oh, okay Xiao Shui, are you three years old too?"


"Then when is your birthday?"

"I don't know. I was picked up. Who knows when I was born? How about you? When is your birthday?"

"My birthday..."

Children are very innocent, but Qian Renxue is not stupid, especially when it comes to age! Also three years old, she thinks she should be the older sister!

The focus of the debate all night was on who was bigger! Anyway, the story is not finished.

Back at Angel Academy, Dean Qianxing received the news that Qian Shui was taken away.

"This kid Xiaoshui..."

The dean had no reason to disagree. If Qian Shui existed as the playmate of the young master of the Qian family, there would be no problem in his future life.

In short, Qian Shui stayed in Qian Renxue's side hall that night, and he became Qian Renxue's playmate and reading companion. From then on, Qian Shui had a room there.

Another year passed in the blink of an eye. During this year, except for sleeping, Qian Shui and Qian Renxue were inseparable.

Qian Shui finished talking about "Shading the Sky" and talked about "Perfection". There was nothing he could do about it because of kidney deficiency. He didn't read it. It was said that the old red-haired monster was cheating, so it was boring. In short, it’s not just the red-haired old man who can talk about it, and all the great gods are not vegetarians either.

Qian Shui has also read more books. With Qian Renxue's relationship, the library of Wuhun Palace is fully open to him.

In addition to having to deal with Qian Renxue, Qian Shui still follows the steps. Apart from eating, drinking and having diarrhea, he also reads, runs and practices.

He just ran further, and he had already started running around Wuhun City!

Qian Renxue didn't have the heart to run. After running with Qian Shui for a few days, her little feet were worn out. The old straight man Qian Shui looked distressed and didn't let her follow him anymore.

Qian Shui's qi training journey has also progressed rapidly this year. Perhaps because he eats and drinks well with Qian Renxue, his soul power continues to exert force on his body, and his physical fitness is getting better and better.

At the same time, the entire Qi Sea is also steadily increasing, and I can perceive more things without relying on my eyes. Perhaps my mental power is also improving. The large amount of soul power was enough for Qian Shui to squander.

He can use his soul power to do some things, such as pushing some objects; hitting things on the surface of his body without pain, etc. Because he didn't dare to express this ability recklessly, he also didn't dare to over-exploit the application of soul power.

The only difference was that Qian Shui felt the existence of some kind of shackles.

He guessed that this was a level restriction, a sign of level ten soul power! This feeling was quite uncomfortable, so there was a question he couldn't figure out - why does one have to be six years old to awaken the martial spirit? Not at other ages?

He couldn't find the answer, not even in the library of Wuhun Palace, and it was useless to ask anyone. The answer was almost always the same: It's always been like this!

However, Mr. Lu Xun once said: Is this always the case?

Perhaps only Qian Shui would ask such a question, because it is the accumulation of thoughts from another world!

Qian Renxue also had a question mark on her face regarding such an idea. It was a matter of course, why would Qian Shui be so serious? Is it always like this? Qian Shui also responded to Qian Renxue's question.

But the little girl's brows furrowed even more tightly. Qian Shui would always come up with some weird truths. Qian Renxue didn't understand the stories he told, but only found them interesting.

This year, a new batch of orphans came to the Angel Home, and Qian Shui knew two of them - brother and sister Xieyue and Hu Liena.

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