"It's our fault?" Feng Jingyi looked at him at a loss after listening to Qianshui's explanation. She trusted the man in front of her, and she could only trust him in this situation.

"Wrong? Don't go from one extreme to another. The perspective is broad enough. This is just a common natural selection. Who is wrong? It's just that the victims are human beings, and so are we. Our position is consistent with theirs. Don't fall into single-line thinking.

However, if there is a fast communication channel, it won't cause such a situation!"

"Team leader, isn't it too cold to think like this..." Ling Yunzhi wiped his sweat and looked at the two people arguing.

"If I am cold, why should I do this? I will just watch coldly and give the instructions directly." Qianshui smiled self-deprecatingly, "But it's not right to say that I am not cold. I knew it originally. Shouldn't I have suggested to the teacher to establish a perfect communication channel early?"

Although this era is not as convenient as the information age to transmit information, things like beacon towers can still do it.

Feng Jingyi also calmed down a little, shook her head and said: "No, Xiaoshui, you have done the limit of what you can do. Although you are a disciple of the Pope, you are still insignificant. Maybe the Spirit Hall itself can do it, but what about the other sects of the two empires?"

"You can't speak because you are insignificant, and you can't get the attention of the leaders? That can only prove that those people in important positions are insects! With that bunch of insects, how can you make a good Douluo Continent?"

Listening to Qianshui's words, Ling Yunzhi also remembered some past events, and said in a heavy tone: "It goes without saying that the nobles are just sitting there eating and drinking, and these are just beasts. Some people are even beasts in human skin! Not to mention the evil soul masters, those people have done a lot of massacres on the mainland, and I have seen such things..."

"No wonder you were drunk and thought I was your enemy..."

Ling Yunzhi looked at the two people holding hands and felt a little uncomfortable, but the parties involved had not reacted yet. At this time, Ghost Douluo also came back with the half-dead Gale Wolf, and Feng Jingyi finally reacted.

She was a little happy, and hugged Qianshui directly, buried in the boy's thick chest, surprisingly at ease, and regardless of Qianshui's confusion, she hugged him tighter and tighter.

Ling Yunzhi smiled at Qianshui and gave her a thumbs up.

"Xiaoshui, thank you~" Feng Jingyi buried her head in Qianshui's chest and said in a muffled voice.

"Uh... squad leader, can you let me go? You smell bloody..."

Ghost Douluo gave a thumbs up to the straight man's speech, and Feng Jingyi pushed Qianshui away, and then split the Gale Wolf in half with a sword, sitting cross-legged with hatred, and absorbing the soul ring.

"She didn't ask about the specific age, isn't she afraid of exceeding the limit of endurance and exploding to death?" Qianshui was confused, but analyzed seriously.

Ling Yunzhi gave him a thumbs up again.

Look at these people, they can't get what they want, but they don't know how to appreciate it...

After enduring a period of soul shock, Feng Jingyi successfully obtained her fifth ring that she will never forget.

"How is it, are you okay, squad leader?" The age of this wind wolf is almost stuck at the limit of Feng Jingyi's endurance. If it weren't for the day and night training in these years, I'm afraid it would have exploded and died long ago. "What skills did you get?"

"Do you want to try it?" Feng Jingyi replied indifferently.

"Okay, okay!"

Ling Yunzhi held his forehead. Qianshui, who was usually cautious and prudent, was completely a novice in this regard and didn't understand the meaning behind it at all.

"Fifth soul skill, Wind Demon Break!" Feng Jingyi directly activated the new skill, which was a bit like Qianshui's posture of fighting when he disagreed with her.

And because of the excessive consumption and the close proximity, Qianshui, who didn't react, was directly beaten hundreds of meters away.

"Fuck, it's just Crazy Duck Sword!"

Chapter 66 Ning Fengzhi and the Prince

Tiandou City is close to the Far North. If it is based on the standards of Blue Star, it is roughly between the Imperial Capital and Moscow.

Perhaps because the All-Continental High-Level Soul Master Elite Competition is about to begin, the imperial city of the Tiandou Empire has become particularly lively.

The Prince's Mansion, as the residence of the crown prince of the empire, is also equally lively. On a sunny day, he welcomed distinguished guests.

"Teacher, you are here?" Xue Qinghe received the notification and personally led his guests.

The visitor had a face as beautiful as a crown, a straight nose and a square mouth, a gentle and gentle appearance, and a white robe that was spotless. He looked about forty years old, with a gentle look, and suddenly looked like an ordinary noble person.

Behind this person was a man in a blue robe, with long silver hair and a handsome face, like an otherworldly master.

Such a combination has clearly told the covetous people the unusual identities of the two.

"Okay Qinghe, you are a good kid in every way, but you are too serious. Look at Rongrong~"

The people who came were the current leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the world's number one auxiliary spirit master - Ning Fengzhi, and the sect elder Jian Douluo Chenxin.

A small head suddenly popped up behind Jian Douluo, with a pair of big eyes that looked very clever.

This little cutie hid behind Jian Douluo's calf, holding the trouser leg of the adult in front of him with one hand, and waving to Xue Qinghe with the other hand, and greeted crisply: "Hello, Brother Xue~"

"Hello~ Little Rongrong~"'No matter how many times I see them, I still think they look alike~'

Xue Qinghe, who usually behaves in a proper and strict manner, couldn't help but play when he saw this little girl. Suddenly, he realized something and bowed to the visitor respectfully, saying, "Etiquette cannot be abolished. Teacher, I am so embarrassed..."

"You kid..."

Ning Fengzhi was satisfied with his apprentice, the prince, not only because he was steady and humble, and did not fight with others, but also because he was slightly inferior in cultivation talent. However, as the eldest son of the Tiandou Empire, he had the natural right to inherit the throne.

The Qibao Liuli Sect is not only the world's number one auxiliary sect, but also the sect that is best at doing business in the entire continent. It is naturally familiar with investing in the future, and accepting Xue Qinghe as a disciple is just a casual move that anyone with a discerning eye can see.

Originally, Xue Qinghe's childish and uncompetitive character was not a bad thing, especially for Ning Fengzhi and the Qibao Liuli Sect behind him.

But the development of things is far from simple as imagined, especially since the eldest prince came back from the sunset forest hunting souls at the age of 10, his temperament has changed greatly.

While doing things with caution, he also has some unspeakable wisdom, some methods are more sophisticated, and his style of doing things is developing more and more in the direction of impeccable.

Originally, as a teacher, he should be happy, but this is not in the interests of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

If a person has no shortcomings that can be caught and has intelligence, it is extremely terrible, especially such a person is the first heir of a huge empire.

A scattered Tiandou Empire is good for all forces. The Xue family of the Tiandou royal family should have been the first family of this country, but it has declined to this point.

Ning Fengzhi has little combat power as an auxiliary, but at least it can be seen that if Xue Qinghe appears like this, if nothing changes, he may truly control this huge empire.

"Brother Xue, what happened to the monkey later?"

"Oh~ It's like this..."

Seeing his only precious daughter getting close to Xue Qinghe, Ning Fengzhi was both unhappy and happy. This was almost one of the few times he saw Xue Qinghe so 'full of flaws', how could he not be happy?

If he could make good use of this relationship, the future of Xue Qinghe, who was too impeccable, would not be a big problem, and he could truly assist the future heir of the empire with all his strength, and the future of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect would be just around the corner!

"Okay, Rongrong, Daddy is going to talk about serious matters with your brother Xue, can you play with Grandpa Jian for a while?" Ning Fengzhi praised this little daughter to the sky, who would have thought that the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect was actually a daughter slave?

"Okay~ Brother Xue will tell Rongrong the story of the monkey next time~"

"Okay, okay~ Rongrong, be good~" Xue Qinghe touched Ning Rongrong's little head, and the latter returned a big smile.

"Rongrong, come with Grandpa Jian, let's go play the flying game again!" Jian Douluo smiled and put the little girl on his shoulder. It was obvious that he loved Ning Rongrong very much.

"Great~ Fly high"

Watching his daughter and Jian Douluo leave, Ning Fengzhi also got to the point. He took out a piece of information from the soul guide and handed it to Xue Qinghe?

"Qinghe, look."

Xue Qinghe did not open it immediately, but asked Ning Fengzhi what he meant, "Teacher, what is this?"

Ning Fengzhi pointed to the information handed out and said, "The Wuhun Hall team set out from Wuhun City and has now arrived in the Silves Kingdom, and this is their information."

"Although Tiandou Royal Academy has those two Haotianzong disciples, the strength of this year's regular players is far greater than in previous years. In theory, there is nothing to worry about. Tiandou Royal Academy will definitely win the championship at home this time."

"Teacher, what do you mean?" Looking at this incomplete information, Xue Qinghe asked.

"This year's Wuhun team is the most mysterious team in history. There is almost no information exposed to the public, and it seems that they appeared out of thin air.

The more secret it is, the more the truth behind it is what the Wuhun Hall wants to conceal.

Even if the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect mobilized all the secret lines of the Wuhun Hall, it still couldn't find any useful information.

But fortunately, it is not completely impossible, and when the list of participants for this year is released, it is an opportunity.

Resources were mobilized to check the backgrounds of all their team members. One is a direct disciple of the Fengjian Sect, one is the young master of the Yinhuang Trading Company, and the rest are geniuses among the common people.

And the most noteworthy is this young man named Qian."

Although Ning Fengzhi didn't finish speaking, referring to the information, she also felt a little unbelievable, because she didn't know some of the information.

"Oh? What's special about him?"

"This person is very likely a descendant of the angel clan!"

A certain little angel almost spit out a mouthful of tea when he heard this.

"Angel Clan?"

Some things are really secrets to Xue Qinghe, so Ning Fengzhi patiently explained to him:

"Except for the current Pope Bibi Dong, all the Popes of the Spirit Hall are from the Angel Clan Qian Family. Their inherited martial spirit is the Angel Martial Spirit, and the title of each generation of Popes is Angel! So people call them the Angel Clan.

And the captain of the Spirit Team is named Qian?"

"Teacher, do you mean that the Spirit Hall will send a new generation of Qian family heirs this time?"

Ning Fengzhi looked at Xue Qinghe's unconcerned look, but he also pretended that he did not know the key: "The inheritors of angel martial arts have always dominated the mainland soul master world, and they are always those with outstanding talents. If we talk about the striker of the Haotian Sect back then, It would be too narrow-minded to despise them by killing the former pope.

The reason why Wuhun Palace has its current status and strength is inseparable from the strong strength of the popes in the past.

After that incident happened that year, Qian Daoliu, the adjudicator elder of the Wuhun Palace, came out after many years, forcing the Haotian Sect to escape from the world. The forces behind him fell apart. Well, the reason why this kind of scene where one person dominates the whole world occurs is because the previous generation of Angel Douluo was a level 99 titled Douluo! "

"Level 99 Titled Douluo?!" Xue Qinghe exclaimed at the right time.

"If that's the case, it would be simple. No matter how strong the angel spirit is, there should be a limit. But this young man named Qian Shui... Qinghe, look at the information of these team members, can you detect anything wrong?"

Except for Qian Shui, the information given by Ning Fengzhi to other team members was quite detailed.

"These people are all 22 years old, and their innate soul power is level 7. Their soul power levels are unknown, but they look a bit mediocre. I'm afraid the Spirit Hall can produce a stronger team, right?" Very average. Numbers, of course, can give you clues at a glance.

"Yes, I was a little surprised when I found this. The age limit for the competition is 25 years old. Normally this shouldn't be the case.

Although these people seem to have disappeared since they formed the team four years ago, it is not difficult to check the past of these team members. Most of these team members became soul sects at the age of 18 and can be considered excellent.

And before they disappeared, the biggest connected person appeared. "

"This Qianshui?"

"As you can see, this Qian Shui didn't seem to exist in the Spirit Hall before he was 9 years old, and the information about this person seems to have appeared from that year."

"9-year-old yellow, purple and purple three-ring soul master! Terrible talent!"

"That's right, Huang Zizi's soul ring configuration is probably unique among the younger generation, and this unique example also appears in the records of Silvis Grand Soul Fighting Arena.

A young soul master named 'Old Wang' received his personal Silver Soul Fighting Medal in just a few years. What's even more frightening is that this man achieved this result by competing with the Soul Master against the Soul Sect!

As a result, this man became famous and the whole continent was shocked!

Following this line of research, sure enough, the information about the Wuhundian team appeared in the Silvis Great Soul Fighting Arena. It can be said that they have the same record.

They all have the same characteristic, that is, they were a little mediocre at the beginning, but as time went by, their results became stronger, until they were interrupted two years ago, and the Wuhundian team completely disappeared. "

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