
The co-authors, mother and daughter, want to have a big one by themselves, which is like Bibi Dongfei wanting to lead the team by herself. But it's not that he has nothing to do, his full field of vision is open and he can just ask his teammates to change their tactics, but it's more troublesome.

"Come on~"

"Is it interesting? Even if one of them is level 57 and the other is level 55, it won't take much trouble to fight."

"Doesn't this give you a chance to become famous in the mainland~"

Qian Shui looked disgusted: "I don't want to be famous at all. Wouldn't it be nice to just sit here and be comfortable? When the time comes, I will be challenged when I have nothing to do, and all kinds of people will just give me compliments when I meet them. I will be annoyed to death."

"Don't be like this... At least you can still compete..." Qian Renxue felt a little lonely, after all, these were things she couldn't possibly do.

"Oh, okay, okay, I can't beat you... Then I'll fight one against two, so you can see my brother's strength!"


"By the way, why are you so frowning? Are you still in trouble, Prince?"

"Of course there is." Qian Renxue's trouble was Qian Shui's team, and he pulled out another document and handed it to Qian Shui, "Read it for yourself~"

"Qian Shui, male..." Qian Shui flipped over and read a few words, "Isn't this information about our team?"

"Yes, you are the ones I'm worried about..."

"What do we have to worry about? This information is incomplete, so you don't have it, right? Don't I submit a report on cultivation results every year? Isn't this ready-made?"

"This is collected by Ning Fengzhi, he is interested..."

"Why is he interested? The man named Ning Yunfei is his son?"

"There may be such a reason, but most of it is fear of you."

"Afraid of me? Did I eat his rice?"

"Xiao Shui, put aside your prejudice against the Qibao Glazed Sect and think about it from Ning Fengzhi's point of view. You are a 14-year-old Level 49 Soul Sect and a disciple of the Pope of the Spirit Hall.

The news of your defeat against Soul Saint has also been reported. If it were him, how could you not be afraid? "

"I don't have any prejudice against the Qibao Glazed Sect..." Qian Shui thought about it objectively, and it was indeed the case, "The problem is that he is worried about his own, what are you worried about?"

"Please, on the surface I am the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, a disciple of Ning Fengzhi, and someone on the same boat as him. Why do you think I am worried?"

"What? It's clear that Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi want to mess with me, but you, yourself, can't possibly do that?"


"What's there to worry about? Just let nature take its course. The development of the Prince's Mansion that I was brought back to you is pretty good."

"The titles of Wuhun Palace are all around your teammates. They have not arrived yet because of the long distance. Can you alone stop the assassination of Chen Xin or Gu Rong?"

"Isn't that true? I should be famous for what I did yesterday. If I die in Tiandou City openly, can the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect bear the price?"

"You are famous. Tang Yuehua came to visit you at home early in the morning and wanted to consult with you on music theory. It is impossible for the Qibao Glazed Sect to withstand the wrath of Wuhun Palace, but what if?" Qian Shuiruo died in the sword and bone fight. Among Luo's subordinates, Qian Renxue alone cannot be kind, let alone that crazy woman Bibi Dong.

"It's not a big problem. At worst, shining the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda can save your life."

Qian Renxue became serious, "Don't make fun of me here, okay!"

Whether there will be a chance to show it off by then is a question.

"Okay, okay, don't worry! Didn't Tang Yuehua come to see me? Then go and have fun and spread the word to everyone. I will stay here with you every day and won't go anywhere.

The Qibao Glazed Sect dares to make a desperate move, but if they drag the Tiandou Empire with you, they still have to think carefully.

But if Chen Xin hadn’t come here, I think you would still be sure to keep me, right~"

"Hmph, don't take it lightly! It's a good idea. Fortunately, the news won't spread so fast. Let's go to Yuexuan tonight for a walk. It's also a good choice for you to show your skills by then."

"Okay, but all my inventory was given out yesterday, so there are no new songs~"

"How dare you drink in the future? I don't know who I learned this from at such a young age!"

"Speaking of which, why didn't you take action against Tang Yuehua? She is Tang Hao's sister."

On the way to Yuexuan, Qian Shui still asked questions about his past life, although some people did not explain them at all, which seemed very unreasonable. But he is already involved, so it is better to ask the person involved.

"Hmph, how can an ordinary woman with only Level 9 in her life make waves?"

‘Yes, it’s true that this kind of interruption continues again. ’

"Why don't you just chop her into pieces and look down on ordinary people? With her business being so big, she will definitely bring benefits to Haotian Sect. Do you think this is good?" Qian Shui analyzed Yuexuan from the perspective of Wuhun Palace. The presence.

Qian Renxue, who was not that old, really didn't take this into consideration. She pondered for a moment and said, "You're right. Originally, I thought she was a weak woman and her interests with the Tiandou nobles were very involved, so I didn't do anything. she.

Now that I think about it, I really didn’t think twice about it, Uncle She…”

"Alas!" Qian Shui was speechless and interrupted Qian Renxue, "Either let go or kill, you can't use your brain!"

He poked Qian Renxue's forehead with his finger and ignored the confused look on her Xue Qinghe face. Qian Shui continued: "Now that we have let him go, it is indeed good to make up for it, but it is not necessarily necessary."

"As you said, she is not a threat in terms of force, so there is really no need to take action. Although she can convey benefits to Haotian Sect, it is not completely useless to us."

"You know, the Haotian Sect is a bunch of hammer-playing soul master sects. They are very powerful, especially for ordinary people. Just imagine, what will happen to them if we push them too hard?"

"A dog jumping over the wall in a hurry?"

"That's right, since the Great Enshrinement has not annihilated them all, we can't let it go. I think you would also like to better suppress the Haotian Sect, right?"

"That's right, so the forces under the Haotian Sect's jurisdiction have been completely disintegrated by the Wuhun Palace."

"Because of this, the Haotian Sect at this time is more like a dog that has been forced to cower in a corner. Even though you are crushing him and he can't breathe, he will still want to bite you."

"Isn't this wrong?"

"Yes, but it's too much. Although it's nice to suppress people with force, it's also faster and more direct. It's naturally best to eradicate the weeds, but there's no problem..."

"But that's just Tang Hao alone..."

Qian Shui interrupted Qian Renxue with a wave of his hand, "Listen to me, since you don't want to do Jue, the remaining choice must be to suppress it, otherwise you will allow the enemy to grow, which will be detrimental to you!"

"And your suppression in the early stage was not good. It was more like you were aiming to destroy the clan, but in the end you let go...treating guests, eating, and accepting them as dogs? Killing without finishing the job, half-finishing the work, and trapping you. The trap is here.

As for Tang Yuehua, it is actually a good redeeming point. Since her existence is very special, then work hard on her specialness. You must know that soft knives kill the most.

Monitor her, fully understand Yuexuan's accounts, find out her contact channels with Haotian Sect, and how much interest is transferred. You can also have a good relationship with her. In this case, Haotian Sect will be transparent to you. I think How to handle it.

And she may be the one who knows what happened back then. Don’t you want to know something about that Blue Silver Emperor? "

"I don't want to." Qian Renxue was a little frustrated again. Regarding this, the gap between her and Qian Shui was too big. Although this guy usually looked like a shy person, he was actually a smart person. Sometimes she was afraid One day he would be deceived by Qian Shui and become lame.

"Alas, you people are capable of fighting and killing people apart from martial arts. Apart from these, you can do too much. If you really want to kill people, you don't even need to do it yourself.

Look at the current Wuhun Palace. If the Pope Palace and the Elder Palace are not dealt with, how much power is restricted. Can't this situation be repeated for other forces?

You must know that causing internal strife is the biggest blow to a force.

What you are doing now seems to be suppressing, but in fact it gives Haotian Sect an external force, allowing them to integrate all the core forces of Haotian Sect, and also makes their sect more united.

So is this a good thing or a bad thing for them? "

The peaceful evolution routine killed Big Brother indirectly or directly, which shows how powerful it is.

Chapter 71 Yuexuan and his party

Speaking of the internal problems of Wuhun Palace, Qian Shui also remembered the end of the original timeline in which Wuhun Palace's crushing strength was still defeated, and he couldn't help but want to persuade Qian Renxue to go back and practice hard. After more than ten or twenty years, wouldn’t that mean he would be invincible?

"Xiaoxue, why did you come to the troubled waters of the Tiandou Empire back then? Even if Bibi Dong doesn't tolerate you, there won't be any problem if you stay with the great worshipper, right?"

When mentioning this matter, Qian Renxue felt sad, "My father just passed away and she immediately proposed this plan as soon as she became the pope. Although grandpa objected at the time, I agreed..."

"Why? Is this necessary?"

"Yes! It's not just because of her coolness! I also need this to prove myself! Prove that I'm better than her! I can do better than her! Only in this way can I justifiably obey her and take back the throne of the Pope. !”

Qian Renxue was obviously a little emotional when she mentioned Bibi Dong and what happened back then. Although she had to lower her voice to disguise herself, she still gritted her teeth.

'It's this naive and childish idea again...'

"I think you are just out of anger...Her inheritance would not be possible without your grandfather's support. Why bother to make such a meaningless proof?"

"It makes sense. Even though she is like this, I don't want to borrow external help!"

"Hey, listen to my advice and go back. You won't have these worries when you go back. You don't like these people in front of you, right?" Qian Shui has never thought that there is anything good about Tiandou's plan. For Qian Renxue, it is a waste. time.

"Do you think it's possible? Can you turn back now? Years of hard work cannot be abandoned halfway!"

As the saying goes, she has come, and if her behavioral inertia is not destroyed by a big external force, it will be difficult to change her mind, so Qian Shui is not going to persuade her. Anyway, with him, it will be difficult to lose.


Yuexuan is a five-story building, which is quite good in Douluo. The exterior design is also good, slightly simple and elegant. Some are like modern styles that combine Chinese and Western elements.

When the two got off the carriage, Tang Yuehua, the master of Yuexuanxuan, was already greeting them at the door.

"You are so proud, I don't even get such treatment~"

Tang Yuehua saluted Xue Qinghe, showing his elegance, "His Royal Highness was joking, but it seems that Yuehua doesn't understand etiquette~"

"Master Xuan, there is no need to be formal. Qinghe is just here with his friends. It is not a formal occasion."

"Then thank you, His Highness Qinghe."

Tang Yuehua was about in her early thirties at this time. She was wearing a silver palace dress and had a smooth and noble temperament. Although she looked young, her mature aura was beyond the reach of ordinary girls.

"Presumably this is the young man that day?"

Qianshui was forced to dress up at this time, and there was no trace of slovenliness. Under Qian Renxue's design, he wore a platinum long gown, a high ponytail and a platinum gold ribbon, and looked like a high-spirited aristocratic boy.

"I am Qianshui, and I meet Master Tang Xuan."

"So your name is Qianshui, and you composed those songs?"

Qianshui does not look like a 14-year-old at all now. This is generally the case in Douluo Continent, but because of his realm, he looks more mature.

"Master Xuan, don't you want us to come in and sit down? You don't have to respect him too much. Don't look at him like this, this guy is only 14 years old."

"So he is a young genius, Yuehua is rude, please!"

Their conversation naturally attracted the attention of the onlookers, but Qianshui's image was too different from yesterday, which shocked everyone.

After passing through Yuexuan's hall, Tang Yuehua led them to a secluded room.

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