"Tsk, why are they all so bad? I understand why Brother Shui can't get interested." Yin Jin looked at a bunch of Soul Lords and a few Soul Sects fighting each other, and he really couldn't get excited.

"How about sending you alone during the game?" Ruo You sat next to Yin Jin and watched the game carefully, and at the same time did not forget to mock his own support.

"Don't~ Boss You, I'm just a support, how can I play alone?!"

"You still know that you are a support? You are so arrogant even though you are a support?"

Just as they were joking, a handsome guy in gorgeous clothes came over, sat down next to Yin Jin, raised his head and looked at the stadium, and then collapsed on the table in an instant, closing his eyes.

"Hey! I say, buddy, who are you?" Yin Jin was directly angry. Their area was a special seat, and this young man, who didn't know where he came from, dared to act wildly in their place.

When Yin Jin shouted, everyone turned their heads to look at him. Feng Jingyi, who was sitting in the back row with Chen Sha, stood up suddenly, frightening the queen next to her.

This person was Qian Shui, who had changed his style. He was speechless and turned his head to look at Yin Jin with a roll of his eyes.

"I tell you, we are the Wuhun Hall team. Don't make a scene here, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!" Yin Jin didn't recognize him anyway, so he stood up and pointed at Qian Shui's nose and started to output.

"Brother Jin, are you itching? How about going out to practice? I'll help you loosen your muscles?" Qian Shui smiled and moved Yin Jin's fingers away.

Chen Sha behind him also recognized Qian Shui at this time and laughed out loud. After all, she got along well with him when Qian Shui was still relatively normal in the early years.

"Hey, kid, since you know your brother Jin, how dare you be so arrogant? Oh... You see, what are you doing?" Ruo You's head exploded.

Feng Jingyi was in a complicated mood, but still asked: "Xiaoshui, are you back?"

"No problem." Qianshui gave everyone a reassuring look and collapsed again.

Yinjin was shocked, "He he he, he is Brother Shui?!!!"

He rubbed his eyes and confirmed again, then sat down directly, and said earnestly: "Brother Shui~ I just didn't recognize the great man, please forgive me~ You see, I usually have the problem of face blindness, who knew you changed your style and looked so handsome! You simply fascinated thousands of girls!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking, I will beat you if you keep talking!"

After saying that, Qianshui closed his eyes, blocked his hearing and squinted.

"He he he..." Yinjin still couldn't hold back his surprise, turned his head and looked at his friends, trying to get an answer.

Unfortunately, the only answers he got were the collective ridicule of his male compatriots and the indifferent shaking of his female compatriots.

Chen Sha poked Feng Jingyi, and said excitedly, "Xiao Feng, what should I do? Xiao Shui is so handsome now~"

But Feng Jingyi was still indifferent. Even though her eyes were full of Qian Shui, she seemed like the person in the song, but like an echo thousands of miles away, so far away that it was untouchable.

"Come back to your senses!" Chen Sha saw that Feng Jingyi did not reply, but just stared at Qian Shui blankly, and waved her palm in front of Feng Jingyi.

And she just smiled reluctantly.

Chen Sha did not notice that Qian Shui's appearance made her think about it, "Xiao Feng, have you taken Xiao Shui down? Is there anything I don't know during your soul hunting?"

Although women dress up to please themselves, but for whom does the peacock spread its tail? If a man has no desires and is dedicated to cultivation, he will most likely be like Qian Shui before, but isn't Qian Shui now the peacock with its tail spread?

And what Chen Sha could think of was that Feng Jingyi had confirmed the relationship with Qian Shui, and it was normal for Qian Shui, as a boyfriend, to dress herself up.

Chen Sha understood this truth, and Feng Jingyi naturally understood it too, as she was even more observant.

Qianshui's dress, appearance, and bored temper of falling asleep as soon as he lay down, she had seen it before, just before the great change that year.

If there was no special power, how could he return to the past?

"Shasha, I won't pursue Xiaoshui anymore."

"I understand~ I don't need to pursue her if I've got her~"

"No, I gave up."


No matter how Chen Sha asked, Feng Jingyi remained silent.

Because she understood that maybe there was no possibility for the two of them from the beginning, and no matter how much she forced it, it would be useless.


"Brother Shui? Brother Shui! Today's preliminaries are over!" Yin Jin pushed Qianshui who was sleeping soundly.

"Ah, oh, okay, let's go~"

"What do you mean, Brother Shui? What's the good thing about dressing up so nicely?"

"Go away, do you think I want to, but I've dressed up, and I'm really handsome!"

Qianshui touched her little face and became conceited.

"Eh~ Although I have to admit that you look really handsome when you clean up, why does it sound so disgusting when you say it yourself~"

"Any opinions? If you have any opinions, I will increase your attack speed?"

"No, no, no... No! Don't you always say not to fight and kill at every turn~"

"That's true."

"Well, what should we do next? Everyone is waiting for your orders!"

Looking around, Qianshui finally realized that all his teammates were staring at him with wide eyes.

"What orders? What orders? The game is about to start, do whatever you want, just don't have too much fun, and stay back to practice soul power if you have nothing to do!" Who would sprint when there is an exam, it's so comfortable to lie down?

"By the way, don't run around. Tiandou City is not Wuhun City. There is no such peace between the major forces." He also reminded him casually, which was a rare serious moment for him recently, "Then, disband."

Chapter 75 The opening of the finals

"Hey, where are you going, Brother Shui?" Yin Jin still followed him. Qianshui and him are now quite compatible, and it feels like they can get closer.

"Let's go eat, what else can we do?"

"I heard that you have been here for a long time, you must know a lot of good places, take us with you~"


He can't say that he has all three meals included. Although he is idle all day, he never leaves the house and doesn't know any good places, right?

"I don't know. You don't know what I am like. I practice every day."

"Really?" Yin Jin expressed a little doubt, and then thought of Qian Shui's daily life, and chose to believe it, "Okay, since you have nowhere to go, then come with me to go shopping~ I'll treat you!"

"You have a good place to go?" Qian Shui didn't doubt it, just thought it was to eat. The nobles' rich fish and meat have been eating a lot of food lately, and although it's not very good, it's not bad to change the taste and try something new, "Okay, try the characteristics of Tiandou."

"Yes, it tastes good, the songs are sweet, and the people are beautiful~" Yin Jin instantly hooked up with Qian Shui, winked and deliberately lowered his voice, and said to Qian Shui, "How about it, brother Shui, are you interested!"

'Listen to music in a brothel? '

Men always have a complicated attitude towards brothels. On the one hand, they feel that it is not a good thing and know it in their hearts. On the other hand, they are always a little curious and always have an incompatible relationship with gambling and drugs.

'Just take a look? ’

“Is the song really sweet?”

“Of course!”

“Listening to a little song is nice~”

“Let’s go?” “Let’s go!”

The happiness between men is sometimes very simple, sometimes it’s drinking a cup, sometimes it’s fighting, and sometimes they go to a brothel to listen to music together~

“I said you don’t care?” Chen Sha whispered to Feng Jingyi.

Ruoyou is a cultivation maniac, Yu Zhou is managed by himself, and Ling Yunzhi’s image is also pure and innocent. These people can’t go. Originally, Yin Jin couldn’t play alone, and I don’t know why Qian Shui has become so... what…

Feng Jingyi also smiled bitterly and walked out of the arena with Chen Sha: “How can I care? Don’t worry, nothing will happen, someone will catch him.”

“Alas, I wonder why you always like to say some anticlimactic words recently, which makes people unpredictable~”

The little song was heard, but Qian Shui didn’t get any good results. He was pulled out halfway through.

At this time, hundreds of kilometers outside Tiandou City, Qian Shui felt a chill on his back when he looked at Yin Jin who fainted on the ground. Qian Renxue in front of him had returned to her original appearance, with golden soul power gushing out of her body, staring straight at him.

"Xiaoxue, don't get excited! Listen to my explanation!"

"Explain? It was you who suggested that I beat Xue Luochuan, have you forgotten?"

"This, this, this... these are two different things!"

Qianshui waved his hands and shook his head desperately. He saw Xue Luochuan's miserable state with his own eyes, and it was a bloody mess!

"Qian Renxue! Martial Soul - Six-winged Angel! Level 58 Strong Attack War Soul King!"



It was impossible to fight. Qian Renxue had fallen behind in actual combat experience in recent years. If Qianshui really wanted to go all out, he could still easily defeat her.

However, he was in the wrong first, and he had no intention of fighting at all. He was beaten unilaterally and had no room for resistance.

(Men don't hit women! - Qianshui Douluo)

And after the teammates gathered the next day, some things could not be concealed.

"Haha, Xiaoshui, did you fall down by yourself? Hahahaha..."

A familiar scene played out, but the difference was that it was Chensha who laughed out loud this time.

Looking at Qianshui's bruised face and twisted expression, Feng Jingyi couldn't help laughing, "Xiaoshui, I believe you can't be beaten by the Pope now~"

"What do you care about me!" Qianshui didn't want to discuss this topic at all. He took out the mask and put it on his face. His hands were shaking and almost fell off.

The day before, he fought with Chenxin for a few swords, and his hands were shaking a little. He was beaten up at night. How could he be better~

At this time, Yinjin also came out with his head covered and a painful face, "Brother Shui, what happened last night? Why does my head feel like it's going to split? It hurts so much!"

"Don't ask, if you ask, it's water in it!"


"What? Hurry up and put some treatment!"


After the preliminaries, there will be the promotion match, a one-on-one battle.

The promotion match is an individual match. Although the participating teams still send out seven students, they compete one by one. The winner will continue to stay on the field, and the loser will continue to send students until all the students on one side fail. This match is only beneficial to the empire's selection of talents. The promotion match will rank the 15 participating teams to facilitate the byes in the finals, without elimination.

So such a match is even more boring for Qianshui. He has no interest in going to the arena, and goes directly to the Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena to fight.

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