"The game begins!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill - Netherworld White Tiger!"

Ruoyou's eyes were sharp, and he shouted: "Clear the field!"

Chapter 80 Netherworld White Tiger

The moment the Xingluo team chose to start the martial soul fusion skill at the beginning, they were defeated.

There was actually nothing wrong with the tactics of the Tianshui team. If they didn't consider Qianshui, they only lacked the high attack range damage. If Shui Bing'er appeared on the field ten years later, it was very likely that only Qianshui would be left in the first game.

The conditions of the Xingluo team were basically the same. Even if the Wuhun team was prepared, they could not judge the time when the Netherworld White Tiger appeared.

They only needed the cat and tiger to keep attacking together and clear the Wuhun team from weak to strong one by one.

It's a pity that Ning Fengzhi didn't know to tell them about Qianshui's own strength, so they chose the stupidest tactic.

Transforming into the Netherworld White Tiger means losing the control of a single person in a small range, and the team's attacks will be greatly ignored because of the huge body, so there is no time to rescue.

The result was that one of their own quick attackers and one of their controllers were instantly eliminated by a two-on-one fight.

The most surprising thing was that the two assistants of the Wuhun team moved.

"Hehe, little sister, goodbye~" Yin Jin's speed was not slow, but he had unloaded the burden in advance and came to the back of the opposite assistant soul master in an instant, and surrounded her together with Chen Sha at the same time.

Although they were assistants, they had at least the combat ability of a strong attack master, almost reaching the limit that ordinary people could achieve.

"Feng Zhi!"

Jian Douluo's face turned green. Looking at Ning Fengzhi who stood up, held the railing, and stared at the arena, he was really afraid that this world's number one assistant who was usually calm and composed could not control himself to attack.

"Master Ning, why are you so excited? Although this is the first time I have seen an assistant soul master with combat ability, this is probably not beyond the scope of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect~"

Ignore the ridicule of the platinum bishop, because the changes on the field are too fast.

The Nether White Tiger made another fatal mistake at this time. If he went to protect his teammates, the Spirit Hall would lose at least two assistants, but he chose to attack Qianshui.

The evil beast pounces on its prey, and the characteristics of the tiger's agility and high attack are also perfectly engraved into the Nether White Tiger, and there are even some hidden attributes of the Nether Spirit Cat, which is very difficult to deal with.

However, they encountered Qianshui, who dodged very showily and jumped on the head of the Nether White Tiger.

The situation behind them came to 6 to 2, and the outcome was determined in an instant.

When the field was cleared, Qianshui turned over and came to the opposite side of the fighting spirit stage. The two sides exchanged venues, and the situation at this time was 7 to 2.

"Little cat, are you still fighting?" Yin Jin taunted the opponent, and the opponent responded with a grab...

'It's really a turn-based system...'

Qianshui maintained the posture of spreading his hands to assist, speechless.

The four people took the bonus of the food-based assistance and instantly surrounded the Nether White Tiger.

"Fourth Soul Skill, Frost Descent!" "Third Soul Skill, Wind Blade and Frost Sword!" "Fourth Soul Skill, Lightning Storm!"

The three launched a range attack to contain the big guy, while Yu Zhou charged forward as a tank.

"First Soul Skill, Pig-style Rush! Third Soul Skill, Pig-style Roaring Vibration!"

The Nether White Tiger lived up to its reputation and could not be defeated after a long attack. If it had not practiced speed on weekdays, it would have been cleared out before the Nether White Tiger's soul power was exhausted.

"Leader, this is a rare opportunity. I apply to unload the load."

Ling Yunzhi retreated to Qianshui with the aftermath of the battle.

"Want to show off the fifth soul skill?"

"Don't be so blunt..."

"Go and fight. This is a rare opportunity."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

After receiving a positive response, Ling Yunzhi also started his personal show.

He originally had blue hair and blue eyes, and a well-proportioned figure. Once he took off his coat and unloaded the load, his perfectly muscled muscles were all exposed.

The women present all looked at him sideways, and many of them even screamed and cheered.

And this guy, on the other hand, was waving hello to the audience, full of the feeling of a winner in life and a destined protagonist.

"I probably know why Sister Feng doesn't like you..."

"Oh? Please tell me, I'll change!"

"Come on, unless you reincarnate." Qianshui waved his hand, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and fight, my soul power is almost exhausted."


Turning around, Ling Yunzhi started his personal show.

"Second soul skill, ice transformation! Third soul skill, stacked frost!"

At the same time, Qianshui's attack speed bonus and Chensha's popsicle arrived.

"Fourth soul skill, frost!" When the large-scale attack skill was launched, the teammates in front also retreated. Ling Yunzhi, like his teammates in the Wuhun team, had no shortage of speed!

The reason why he is so good is that he has a strong ability to calculate. His fighting style is like a gymnast, turning and moving, so as to better display his skills that can only be achieved by close-range attacks: "First soul skill, freeze!"

The huge body of the Nether White Tiger can't focus on details at all, so Ling Yunzhi seized these gaps and froze his abdomen and upper limbs.

The hail brought by the "Frost Descent" didn't hurt the Nether White Tiger, but it piled up a thick layer of hail.

When Ling Yunzhi stabilized his body and appeared behind the Nether White Tiger, his killer move was launched!

"Fifth soul skill, ice explosion!"

'What? It's going to kill people, right? '

When Qian Shui heard that Ling Yunzhi's fifth soul skill was the Ice Explosion Technique, he was so frightened that he directly gave the Netherworld White Tiger several bonuses, and even some healing techniques that were not yet fully developed in Yinjin.

After all, Huo Gua's Ice Explosion Technique is so terrifying. It is similar to a Corpse Explosion. It is the innate skill of the Ice Jade Scorpion, inducing the soul power to trigger the special reaction of ice.

It is a real killing move that starts from the inside out. The stronger the person being cast, the more powerful the ice blast. After all, the energy is huge, and at this time, the Netherworld White Tiger is a collection of energy!

"Be careful to dodge!"

Before Qian Shui could finish speaking, a bang-bang explosion sounded!

As the saying goes, explosions are art. Real men never look back at explosions. This is what Ling Yunzhi did at this time. It can be said that he filled his pen to the bottom...

The moment it exploded, Qian Shui felt relieved. This thing was literally making the ice explode...

Although it is not as perverted as the Huo Gua version, the explosion is powerful enough.

"Quickly, give him some treatment!" Qian Shui commanded Yinjin to save people quickly, otherwise the big cat would probably become two dead people.

"Oh, the moonlight is like water..."

At critical moments, silver and gold still know the importance.

Fortunately, Xingluo's two stupid cats were just fainted, otherwise they would have said goodbye in advance.

Yue Guan also appeared at the right time, forming a deterrent to prevent some people from acting rashly.

"Brother Zhi, have you pretended enough?" Yinjin slapped Ling Yunzhi on the shoulder, "Are you going to hit them or us with this move? Look! Look! The clothes are all torn!"

Ling Yunzhi looked at his teammates, a little embarrassed. His last pursuit of power was too wide-ranging. Except for Qian Shui, who completely avoided it, everyone basically suffered varying degrees of battle damage.

"Oh, after the game starts, the treatment I give you is not as good as the two... It's a huge loss!"

The victory ended the semi-finals without any suspense. When they walked off the field, the Tiandou team was already waiting for the start of their game. The meeting between the two sides was full of excitement.

"Stop looking, let's go, why, you still want to say harsh words? Isn't it embarrassing? Let's go!"

Qian Shui spoke to him with a look of fighting desire, but the listener understood what he said.

Chapter 81 The Eve of the Finals

The finals were approaching, so the Tiandou team naturally didn't stop. After playing the semi-finals, the whole team gathered together.

In the Great Soul Fighting Arena, Ning Fengzhi, Tang Yuehua, Xue Qinghe, and the three educational committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy were all present.

"Tang Meng, Tang Hu, do you have a chance of winning tomorrow's match?" Ning Fengzhi asked first.

"Uncle Ning, if the Wuhun team is just like what they have shown so far, we two brothers are still confident that we can win the game."

"Xiao Meng, don't underestimate the enemy. Their captain hasn't taken action yet, and no one knows how strong he is."

Tang Yuehua had met Qian Shui, and no matter how much Wuhun rejected Wuhun Hall in her heart, objectively speaking, the feeling Qianshui gave her was a bit unfathomable. Her brother, who was the proud man before, was not as good as Qian Shui at his age.

"Uncle Jian, please tell me."

"Yes." Chen Xin nodded, looked around, and said to everyone, "You must not underestimate him. I have tested him before, and with two swords, his true strength is at least at the level of a high-level soul emperor."

"Sword? Isn't he a humanoid martial spirit? What is his name? Is it true?" Ning Yunfei grabbed the key word of the sword, "Grandpa Jian, is he a twin martial spirit?"

Chen Xin shook his head and said, "No, he has a pretty good sword, not a martial spirit."

The speculation about twin martial souls was also mentioned in everyone's mind, but Chen Xin's denial also eliminated this possibility.

"That's good. You can only use martial arts to fight in the elite competition. If you hold a sword and have the soul emperor's combat power, you can only use martial arts. Maybe it's not that strong. After all, that 'primordial spirit' doesn't seem to have much attack power. "Tang Meng breathed a sigh of relief. He had absolute confidence in the Clear Sky Hammer, the world's best martial spirit. In terms of actual combat power, he could also defeat the high-level Soul Emperor.

Qian Renxue is just funny and has no fighting ability? If you really use your soul to attack directly, you don't even know how these people died. The direct attack of soul and mental power was so weird that even she didn't dare to take it head-on.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. The nature of his martial spirit should be similar to that of Ghost Douluo, but Ghost Douluo didn't have his fighting power when he was young."

Ning Fengzhi did not have such intention of underestimating the enemy. He learned more information.

"Judging from the information we have received, whether it is the Wuhun Team members' super-level combat power or the assistant's strength that is not weaker than that of the Great Soul Master, this is abnormal.

And the root of all this probably comes from their captain, Qian Shui.

What's more, the laissez-faire attitude of Ju Gui Douluo and Salas is unusual. Taken together, it seems that this Qian Shui is not only a disciple of the Pope with a high enough status, but also because of his ability and strength. The top management of Wuhun Palace has absolute trust! "

Ning Fengzhi received enough attention after what he said, and the whole audience could hear it. Silence is golden, no one has the absolute confidence to defeat Qian Shui with just a word.

"Okay, I haven't beaten anyone before and I don't know the outcome. Just go all out." Ning Fengzhi also reassured everyone.

The outcome of this game is no longer important. Qian Shui and his team are already destined to die. If the Tiandou team can win, that will naturally be the icing on the cake. If not, it doesn't matter. It just loses some face.

"Then according to what Sect Master Ning said, and at the same time, I would like to thank Sect Master Ning for the information. Meng Shenji would like to express my gratitude on behalf of Tiandou Royal Academy."

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