When everything was on fire, Qianshui said loudly: "These two types of flames are not ordinary fires. To maintain special properties, soul power is needed. Do you know why I rushed up while cutting trees?"

"To be honest, I don't like to use soul skills. I'm a little tired after using them so frequently. Using soul power like this is my normal state. It's time to recover!

Feng Jingyi's method! Wind Demon Chaos!"

Human language translation, blower.

Qianshui knelt on one knee and pressed the ground with one hand, and a large amount of air flow flowed out from his body.

At this moment, he was in the center of a large chimney formed by a large number of tree trunks. This behavior instantly became a catalyst.

The wind helped the fire, and a large amount of flames burst out!

Chapter 99 Rabbit's Self-cultivation

The rabbit outside the circle was already shocked to the extreme. No matter what, she was once a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and she still had a basic understanding of the power of skills.

Originally, the level of Qianshui Soul Sect, the attack power of his gestures was far beyond that of a soul master of his level.

But no matter how strong he is, the power of all his skills basically does not exceed a limit, at least not the level of high-age soul beasts, or soul douluo level.

But in this action that lasted almost all night, the final destructive power was incomparable to the 100,000-year soul beasts of the beast king level like her two younger brothers!

Because as Qianshui left the central range and rushed towards her at a high speed, a huge fire tornado column appeared behind him!

The strong airflow rushed madly from behind the rabbit to the central area. She was in the direction of the wind, and the flames would only burn in front of her!

At this time, the heaven and earth were in harmony, the sun was rising, the fox fire was yin, and the holy fire was yang, which was originally somewhat restrained.

But now the integration of terrain, wind direction, and heaven and earth attributes are all complementing each other to help combustion! The terrible explosion and combustion appeared alternately, but were firmly controlled in the blank area formed by the felling, and did not spread.

Qianshui looked at the rabbit hanging on the tree swinging, did not look back at the scene of violent catalytic combustion, but walked slowly in the direction where the rabbit was hung.

He was making the final bait.

Perhaps because it was a plant, there was no wailing, only circles of white, yellow, purple, and various colors of soul rings kept emerging.

The Blue Silver King went crazy, and his people had no room to escape, and could only die wailing in a way that he could hear. He finally understood what Qianshui said, why he would continue to attack while cutting trees.

Release the soul power! Keep releasing his soul power!

These soul powers will not dissipate immediately, but will be attached to the grass and trees, waiting for Qianshui to ignite them!

In this situation, the Blue Silver King's reason disappeared, and his body finally rushed out of the ground, and the huge vines with flames kept rushing towards Qianshui like waves.

"Human! You have to pay the price for your actions!"

"Finally came out?!" 'I really can't do anything if I stay underground! '

The huge soul power group rushed towards Qianshui with a huge vine wave like a tidal wave, and he also silently launched his Yuanshen.

Head-on attack, no matter how weak the Blue Silver Grass was, Qianshui could not defeat it. But he doesn't need to defeat, he just needs to kill!

And the Yuanshen directly attacks the soul. Under the stranglehold of his multiple soul skills, if there is no means of soul defense or forced avoidance, then there is no doubt that he will die!

If this Blue Silver King keeps hiding, Qianshui really has no way to deal with the Blue Silver Army.

After all, there is only one chance. Once it is used once, the attack of "First Sight Kill" will not kill instantly, it will be noticed, and the opponent will deliberately dodge it.

Even if the Yuanshen can pass through walls and escape underground, there is no absolute guarantee of killing at that time, so completely destroying this place is Qianshui's only choice under his current strength. He is not strong enough to take the head of a general in the army.

Rabbit faced the attack head-on, and his fear reached the limit. No matter what, the unknown soul beast is also a high-year soul beast of ten thousand years.

Although Qianshui has created this terrible destructive ability, Rabbit still doesn't think he can confront or kill this plant-type soul beast head-on.

Qianshui was dead, and she, who was with him, was doomed too. The key point was that she wanted to escape but was hung up and swung, which was a dead end!

Just as she closed her eyes in despair and waited for death, in an instant, a huge energy wave rushed to the distance in the direction of Qianshui, and then there was no movement except the sound of burning flames in the distance.

Driven by curiosity, she slowly opened her eyes and saw a scene she would never forget in her life-

The sun in the sky had passed through the gap between the mountains and raised its head. What came into view was not only the huge fire tornado, but also Qianshui, who was leaning on the ground with a sword, half-kneeling on the ground, panting, and wearing a tattered green dress.

The strong wind behind her blew Qianshui, and the sound of the hem of her clothes fluttering was covered by the explosion, and the huge black soul ring surrounded Qianshui and shone brightly.

Rabbit was stunned. She didn't know what happened, but she had a sense of absurdity rising in her heart: 'Maybe what he said before that he wouldn't kill my soul hunter was true...'

There was no other reason, but she understood a simple problem.

The man in front of her was so strong that it was hard to understand. The fourth ring was so strong, what about the future?

Maybe in the not-too-distant future, the entire Douluo Continent will crawl at his feet. She, an ordinary transformed soul beast, may not have the ability and destructive power like him after cultivating for a hundred thousand years. In his eyes, her What do soul rings and soul bones mean?

It seems like Qianshui himself said that he is just a stupid rabbit who can easily manipulate him casually. It is really dispensable to him. He just wants to get answers to certain questions from himself.

It seems that I am like a pet, and its value does not lie in the soul rings or soul bones that will explode after death.

Because he can definitely get better! Stronger! More suitable! Rather than clinging to a soft-bone rabbit like himself that is almost meaningless to him.

Ignoring Rabbit's mental journey, Qian Shui raised his five hearts to the sky, and his soul power circulated around the sky, recovering rapidly.

The consumption in all aspects tonight was very high. Facing the 80,000-year-old soul ring, he did not dare to take it lightly at all. He must maintain the best condition as much as possible.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries, his soul power had indeed bottomed out.

First, cutting the firebreak, fighting non-stop, and adding soul-releasing accelerants. Even Qian Shui, who had tortured his own practice in such a perverted way over the years, couldn't stand it. With the final all-out blow, his mental strength was at the bottom.

Fortunately, Qian Shui is a third-level soul master, otherwise a normal soul master would have been drained of his soul power many times.

By the time he was almost back in Lanhui, the sun was already high in the sky and a certain rabbit was about to become a dried fish.

Glancing at the dangling rabbit, Qian Shui said: "Wait a little longer."


After saying that, he ignored the rabbit and finally pulled the soul ring into his body.

Just when Qian Shui was preparing to receive the impact, the soul ring was easily absorbed.

‘Could it be that the soul attack killed him and caused his soul to fly away? Damn it, I'm so screwed! ’

He stood up as usual, patted his butt, and immediately activated his new soul skill, "The fifth soul skill, endless life!"

"Oh, area treatment is even cheaper!" Qian Shui said it was good, and even the rabbit hanging on the tree also benefited a lot.

Twisting his stiff waist, Qian Shui still muttered to himself: "As long as it's not an inexplicable Overlord Spear! Is it different if I use a strong physical object with added soul power to throw it? It is said that it is still the most suitable soul ring for me. I still have it." You can destroy one of your own soul skills, that’s awesome!”

He jumped up the tree and put down the dying rabbit, lest she really died and he would only get a soul bone.

"Hey! Don't tell me, you transformed soul beasts look quite pitiful~"

At this time, Rabbit could no longer complain. He just rolled his eyes at Qianshui and sat down on the ground.

Seeing her chapped lips, Qian Shui felt a little sorry. Although she was a hundred thousand year old rabbit, at least her body still looked like a child's, which was really unbearable.

"Here, drink slowly, eat slowly, be careful of choking..."

"Cough cough cough!"


Originally, I just wanted to remind you to pay attention to your body's endurance, but unexpectedly, the rabbit actually choked.

The speechless Qian Shui turned around and looked at the masterpiece that was still smoldering and emitting white smoke from a distance. Qian Shui sighed:

"Set the mountain on fire and sit through the jail! You would never dare to do this in Blue Star."

Chapter 100 Conjecture about the Origin

After the two rested, they were ready to hit the road, but just as Qian Shui picked up the rope, Rabbit couldn't help but said: "Can you not tie me up? I promise I won't run away! I'll just follow you..."

After being hung all night and all morning, she almost had a stress disorder, and now she murmured when she saw the rope.

Qian Shui was not angry, "Auntie, what do you think happened to you? You were kidnapped!"

Hearing this, Rabbit shrank her head and almost accepted her fate. That was all she mentioned just now.

"Let's go, why are you standing there?"

Qian Shui, who took a step forward, surprised her again.

‘Maybe he’s not a bad person, right? ’ Rabbit thought as he looked at Qianshui’s tattered back.

She quickly followed, and when she was half a step away from Qian Shui, she said, "My name is Xiao Wu, Dancing Wu."

Qian Shui glanced at her. He didn't have any knowledge about how to deal with sex after kidnapping, but the request was not too much, so he agreed. As for what he was thinking, he didn't know how to read minds. He just introduced himself and he was unambiguous, but he couldn't use his real name.

Thinking of the fire that was set behind his back, he thought of Xiao Huohuo who was playing with fire. He also thought of a pseudonym at that moment: "My name is Ning Huohuo, the fire who set fire."

"Why are you so careless? You told me your name?" Qian Shui was a little puzzled. Logically speaking, he hasn't calmed down much since he caught this guy.

To be honest, this guy looks like a human being, a six-year-old girl, but he is just a humanoid beast that can communicate.

Looking back, the reason why Qian Shui's attack on her was not serious was because he subconsciously did not regard her as an equal.

For no apparent reason, Qian Shui thought of a question and asked, "Your name is Xiao Wu, do you have a last name?"

Names, in modern Blue Star, would hardly have received that much attention. The children might have the same surname as their mother or father, and there would be some weird names like "Glory of the King".

But this is not unusual in the fantasy world. It is like the ancients were particularly concerned about their surnames. The simplest meaning is that it represents their own clan. In a deeper sense, it represents where a person comes from, pointing directly to the original ancestors.

This is very important for humans, because to put it bluntly, most people without surnames are as lowly as ants, without roots or duckweed, and are products of the slavery era that can be sold as goods.

In the distant past, such existence was not regarded as human existence.

And this can be understood in the transformed soul beast, but it is strange.

Because of this, Qianshui asked such a seemingly meaningless question with the doubts of his previous life.

"What is a surname?" Xiaowu tilted her head, obviously not even understanding what this meant.

"For example, my name is Ning Huohuo, my surname is Ning, and my name is Huohuo."

"Xiaowu is Xiaowu!"

Hearing this answer, Qianshui also remembered this guy's daily behavior.

He didn't eat or sit properly, and even jumped when he walked.

"I really don't know why you transformed into a human. Do you really understand why people are called humans?"

The most primate of all things is a human. Qianshui is absolutely proud of being a human, because this is the ultimate result brought to the world by natural evolution!

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